blob: dae832219375d3f412ac0dcb9dc336b901ee3d5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* build notes
* -The reference CD to listen to while editing this file is
* nap: Underworld - Everything, Everything
// ====================================================================
// place in the optional ant tasks package
// but in its own dotnet group
// ====================================================================
package org.apache.ant.dotnet.compile;
// ====================================================================
// imports
// ====================================================================
import org.apache.ant.dotnet.NetCommand;
// ====================================================================
* Compiles C# source into executables or modules.
* csc.exe on Windows or dmcs on other platforms must be on the execute
* path, unless another executable or the full path to that executable
* is specified in the <tt>executable</tt> parameter
* <p>
* All parameters are optional: &lt;csc/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
* build of all *.cs files. However, naming an <tt>destFile</tt>stops the
* csc compiler from choosing an output name from random, and
* allows the dependency checker to determine if the file is out of date.
* <p>
* The task is a directory based task, so attributes like <b>includes="*.cs"
* </b> and <b>excludes="broken.cs"</b> can be used to control the files pulled
* in. By default, all *.cs files from the project folder down are included in
* the command. When this happens the output file -if not specified- is taken
* as the first file in the list, which may be somewhat hard to control.
* Specifying the output file with <tt>destFile</tt> seems prudent. <p>
* <p>
* For more complex source trees, nested <tt>src</tt> elemements can be
* supplied. When such an element is present, the implicit fileset is ignored.
* This makes sense, when you think about it :)
* <p>For historical reasons the pattern
* <code>**</code><code>/*.cs</code> is preset as includes list and
* you can not override it with an explicit includes attribute. Use
* nested <code>&lt;src&gt;</code> elements instead of the basedir
* attribute if you need more control.</p>
* <p>
* References to external files can be made through the references attribute,
* or (since Ant1.6), via nested &lt;reference&gt; filesets. With the latter,
* the timestamps of the references are also used in the dependency
* checking algorithm.
* <p>
* Example
* <pre>&lt;csc
* optimize=&quot;true&quot;
* debug=&quot;false&quot;
* docFile=&quot;documentation.xml&quot;
* warnLevel=&quot;4&quot;
* unsafe=&quot;false&quot;
* targetType=&quot;exe&quot;
* incremental=&quot;false&quot;
* mainClass = &quot;MainApp&quot;
* destFile=&quot;NetApp.exe&quot;
* &gt;
* &lt;src dir="src" includes="*.cs" /&gt;
* &lt;reference file="${testCSC.dll}" /&gt;
* &lt;define name="RELEASE" /&gt;
* &lt;define name="DEBUG" if=""/&gt;
* &lt;define name="def3" unless=""/&gt;
* &lt;/csc&gt;
* </pre>
* @ant.task name="csc" category="dotnet"
* @since Ant 1.3
public class CSharp extends DotnetCompile {
private static final String MONO_CS_COMPILER = "dmcs";
String definitions;
* output XML documentation flag
private File docFile;
* file alignment; 0 means let the compiler decide
private int fileAlign = 0;
* use full paths to things
private boolean fullpaths = false;
* incremental build flag
private boolean incremental;
* enable unsafe code flag. Clearly set to false by default
protected boolean unsafe;
* A flag that tells the compiler not to read in the compiler
* settings files 'csc.rsp' in its bin directory and then the local directory
private boolean noconfig = false;
* constructor inits everything and set up the search pattern
public CSharp() {
* full cleanup
public void clear() {
docFile = null;
fileAlign = 0;
fullpaths = true;
incremental = false;
unsafe = false;
noconfig = false;
definitions = null;
setExecutable(isWindows ? "csc" : MONO_CS_COMPILER);
* file for generated XML documentation
*@param f output file
public void setDocFile(File f) {
docFile = f;
* get the argument or null for no argument needed
*@return The DocFile Parameter to CSC
protected String getDocFileParameter() {
if (docFile != null) {
return "/doc:" + docFile.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Set the file alignment.
* Valid values are 0,512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192,
* and 16384, 0 means 'leave to the compiler'
public void setFileAlign(int fileAlign) {
this.fileAlign = fileAlign;
* get the argument or null for no argument needed
*@return The OutputFile Parameter to CSC
protected String getFileAlignParameter() {
if (fileAlign != 0 && !MONO_CS_COMPILER.equals(getExecutable())) {
return "/filealign:" + fileAlign;
} else {
return null;
* If true, print the full path of files on errors.
*@param enabled The new fullPaths value
public void setFullPaths(boolean enabled) {
fullpaths = enabled;
* Gets the fullPathsParameter attribute of the CSharp object
*@return The fullPathsParameter value or null if unset
protected String getFullPathsParameter() {
return fullpaths ? "/fullpaths" : null;
* set the incremental compilation flag on or off.
*@param incremental on/off flag
public void setIncremental(boolean incremental) {
this.incremental = incremental;
* query the incrementalflag
*@return true if incremental compilation is turned on
public boolean getIncremental() {
return incremental;
* get the incremental build argument
*@return The Incremental Parameter to CSC
protected String getIncrementalParameter() {
return "/incremental" + (incremental ? "+" : "-");
* The output file. This is identical to the destFile attribute.
*@param params The new outputFile value
public void setOutputFile(File params) {
* If true, enables the unsafe keyword.
*@param unsafe The new Unsafe value
public void setUnsafe(boolean unsafe) {
this.unsafe = unsafe;
* query the Unsafe attribute
*@return The Unsafe value
public boolean getUnsafe() {
return this.unsafe;
* get the argument or null for no argument needed
*@return The Unsafe Parameter to CSC
protected String getUnsafeParameter() {
return unsafe ? "/unsafe" : null;
* A flag that tells the compiler not to read in the compiler
* settings files 'csc.rsp' in its bin directory and then the local directory
*@param enabled The new noConfig value
public void setNoConfig(boolean enabled) {
noconfig = enabled;
* Gets the noConfigParameter attribute of the CSharp object
*@return The noConfigParameter value
protected String getNoConfigParameter() {
return noconfig ? "/noconfig" : null;
* Semicolon separated list of defined constants.
*@param params The new definitions value
public void setDefinitions(String params) {
definitions = params;
* override the superclasses version of this method (which we call)
* with a check for a definitions attribute, the contents of which
* are appended to the list.
*@return The Definitions Parameter to CSC
protected String getDefinitionsParameter() {
String predecessors = super.getDefinitionsParameter();
if (notEmpty(definitions)) {
if (predecessors == null) {
predecessors = "/define:";
return predecessors + definitions;
} else {
return predecessors;
* add Commands unique to C#.
* @param command ongoing command
public void addCompilerSpecificOptions(NetCommand command) {
if (getIncremental()) {
command.addArgument(getNoConfigParameter(), false);
// end execute
* Returns the delimiter which C# uses to separate references, i.e., a semi colon.
public String getReferenceDelimiter() {
return ";";
* This method indicates the filename extension for C# files.
* @return the file extension for C#, i.e., "cs" (without the dot).
public String getFileExtension() {
return "cs";
protected void createResourceParameter(NetCommand command, DotnetResource resource) {
resource.getParameters(getProject(), command, true);