fix property name
diff --git a/ReleaseInstructions b/ReleaseInstructions
index eb8eb37..b21ce7c 100644
--- a/ReleaseInstructions
+++ b/ReleaseInstructions
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@
 5.  Create a file in the projects root dir or
     edit it if it already exists.  Change the value of property
-    artefact.version to 1.0Beta1.
+    artifact.version to 1.4.
     [[ TODO: Check if the documentation files also need to be updated to point
     to the right areas of Ant's website. ]]
 6.  Before a build :
-    the artefact.version property in governs the naming of
+    the artifact.version property in governs the naming of
     the distribution files.
     Update the following files for version number:
             * docs/index.html
-            * (artefact.version property)
+            * (artifact.version property)
     Fix the release date inside changes.xml.