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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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var numberUtils = require('utils/number_utils');
describe('utils/number_utils', function() {
describe('#bytesToSize', function() {
describe('check bytes', function() {
var tests = Em.A([
bytes: null,
precision: null,
parseType: null,
multiplyBy: null,
e: 'n/a',
m: '"n/a" if bytes is null'
bytes: undefined,
precision: null,
parseType: null,
multiplyBy: null,
e: 'n/a',
m: '"n/a" if bytes is undefined'
bytes: 200,
precision: null,
parseType: undefined,
multiplyBy: null,
e: '0 Bytes',
m: '0 if multiply is `null`'
bytes: 200,
precision: null,
parseType: undefined,
multiplyBy: undefined,
e: '200 Bytes',
m: '"200 Bytes" if `multiplyBy` and `parseType` are `undefined`'
bytes: 200,
precision: null,
parseType: undefined,
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '200 Bytes',
m: '`200 Bytes` if `parsetype` is `undefined`'
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it(test.m, function() {
expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy)).to.equal(test.e);
describe('check sizes', function() {
var tests = Em.A([
bytes: 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'Bytes',
m: 'Bytes'
bytes: 1024 + 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'KB',
m: 'KB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 + 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'MB',
m: 'MB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'GB',
m: 'GB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'TB',
m: 'TB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: 'PB',
m: 'PB'
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it(test.m, function() {
expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy).endsWith(test.e)).to.equal(true);
describe('check calculated result', function() {
var tests = Em.A([
bytes: 42,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '42',
m: 'Bytes'
bytes: 1024 * 12,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '12',
m: 'KB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 23,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '23',
m: 'MB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 34,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '34',
m: 'GB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 45,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '45',
m: 'TB'
bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 56,
precision: null,
parseType: 'parseInt',
multiplyBy: 1,
e: '56',
m: 'PB'
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it(test.m, function() {
expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy).startsWith(test.e)).to.equal(true);
describe('#validateInteger()', function() {
var tests = [
str: null,
min: null,
max: null,
m: 'all params null to' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty'),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty')
str: "string",
min: null,
max: null,
m: 'try to validate `string` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty'),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')
str: "string",
min: null,
max: null,
m: 'try to validate `string` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber'),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')
str: "1abc",
min: null,
max: null,
m: 'try to validate `1abc` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber'),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')
str: "1",
min: null,
max: null,
m: 'try to validate `1` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.moreThanMaximum').format(null),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.moreThanMaximum').format(null)
str: "1",
min: 2,
max: 0,
m: 'try to validate `1` with max = 0 and min = 2 should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.lessThanMinimum').format(2),
e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.lessThanMinimum').format(2)
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it(test.m, function(){
expect(numberUtils.validateInteger(test.str, test.min, test.max)).to.eql(test.e);
describe('#getCardinalityValue()', function() {
var generateTestObject = function(cardinality, isMax, expected) {
return {
cardinality: cardinality,
isMax: isMax,
e: expected
var tests = [
generateTestObject(null, true, 0),
generateTestObject(undefined, true, 0),
generateTestObject('1', true, 1),
generateTestObject('1', false, 1),
generateTestObject('0+', true, Infinity),
generateTestObject('0+', false, 0),
generateTestObject('1+', true, Infinity),
generateTestObject('1-2', false, 1),
generateTestObject('1-2', true, 2),
generateTestObject('ALL', true, Infinity),
generateTestObject('ALL', false, Infinity)
var message = 'cardinality `{0}`. {1} value should be {2}';
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it(message.format('' + test.cardinality, test.isMax ? 'maximum' : 'minimum', test.e), function() {
expect(numberUtils.getCardinalityValue(test.cardinality, test.isMax));