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  3. src/
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  6. pom.xml

Ambari Infra Manager


Ambari Infra Manager is a REST based management application for Ambari Infra services (like Infra Solr). The API is built on top of Spring Batch



Job execution overview


Job workflow


Step workflow


(images originally from here)

API documentation

Infra Manager uses Swagger, generated yaml file can be downloaded from here

Development guide

Adding a new custom job

As Infra Manager is a Spring based application and using Java configurations, if it is needed to add a new custom Job, the Jobs/Steps/Configurations are need to be on the classpath. Spring beans are registered only in a specific package, so for writing a plugin, all the added Java classes needs to be added inside “org.apache.ambari.infra” package.

For the plugin it will be needed to add all Spring & Spring batch dependencies. For adding a new Job you will need to define a new Configuration object. There you can define your own jobs/steps/writers/readers/processors, as you can see in that example:

public class MyJobConfig {

  private StepBuilderFactory steps;

  private JobBuilderFactory jobs;
  @Bean(name = "dummyStep")
  protected Step dummyStep(ItemReader<DummyObject> reader,
                         ItemProcessor<DummyObject, String> processor,
                         ItemWriter<String> writer) {
    return steps.get("dummyStep").listener(new DummyStepListener()).<DummyObject, String> chunk(2)
  @Bean(name = "dummyJob")
  public Job job(@Qualifier("dummyStep") Step dummyStep) {
    return jobs.get("dummyJob").listener(new DummyJobListener()).start(dummyStep).build();


As you can see it will require to implement ItemWriter, ItemReader and ItemProcessor

Schedule custom jobs

It can be needed based on business requirements to schedule jobs (e.g. daily) instead of run manually through the REST API. It can be done with adding a custom bean to “org.apache.ambari.infra” package with using @Scheduled:

public class MySchedulerObject {

   private JobService jobService; // or JobOperator jobOperator if spring-batch-admin manager dependecy is not included
   private String myParamFromLogSearchProperties;
   @Scheduled(cron = "*/5 * * * * MON-FRI")
   public void doSomething() {
      // setup job params
      jobService.launch(jobName, jobParameters, TimeZone.getDefault());
   @Scheduled(cron = "${}")
   public void doSomethingBasedOnInfraProperty() {
      // do something ...

You can put your cron expression inside file just make it configuratble.

Build & Run Application

mvn clean package exec:java

Build & Run Application in docker container

cd docker