blob: 6d93c2ad244ae8bf2252dc7750396c6b676cd725 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
module.exports = {
* object that shows property names for different kind of config properties
* - radio button property (db_selector) - main config on which can depend other core properties
* - properties used to generate connection url (host_name, db_name)
* - properties that should be updated on radio buttons change (connection_url, driver, db_type, sql_jar_connector)
* @see <code>setConnectionUrl<code> for details for connection_url
* - properties that should be hidden in special case (user_name, password)
* @see <code>handleSpecialUserPassProperties<code> method
* @type {object}
dpPropertiesByServiceMap: {
'HIVE': {
db_selector: 'hive_database',
db_name: '',
connection_url: 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL',
db_type: 'hive_database_type',
driver: 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName',
user_name: 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName',
password: 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword'
'OOZIE': {
db_selector: 'oozie_database',
db_name: '',
connection_url: 'oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url',
driver: 'oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.driver',
user_name: 'oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.username',
password: 'oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password'
* object that shows default(recommended) values for different db type;
* properties that should have default value ['connection_url', 'driver', 'sql_jar_connector', 'db_type']
* some properties can be skipped but be sure they are not used.
* @type {object}
dpPropertiesMap: {
'MYSQL': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:mysql://{0}/{1}',
/** in case property has different default value for specific service it can be overriden in such way **/
'HIVE': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:mysql://{0}/{1}?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true'
'driver': 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',
'sql_jar_connector': '/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar',
'db_type': 'mysql'
'connection_url': 'jdbc:postgresql://{0}:5432/{1}',
'driver': 'org.postgresql.Driver',
'sql_jar_connector': '/usr/share/java/postgresql.jar',
'db_type': 'postgres'
'connection_url': 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{0}:1521/{1}',
'driver': 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
'sql_jar_connector': '/usr/share/java/ojdbc6.jar',
'db_type': 'oracle'
'MSSQL': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:sqlserver://{0};databaseName={1}',
'driver': '',
'sql_jar_connector': '/usr/share/java/sqljdbc4.jar',
'db_type': 'mssql'
'MSSQL2': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:sqlserver://{0};databaseName={1};integratedSecurity=true',
'driver': '',
'sql_jar_connector': '/usr/share/java/sqljdbc4.jar',
'db_type': 'mssql'
/** TODO: Remove SQLA from the list of databases once Ranger DB_FLAVOR=SQLA is replaced with SQL Anywhere */
'SQLA': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:sqlanywhere:host={0};database={1}',
'driver': 'sap.jdbc4.sqlanywhere.IDriver',
'sql_jar_connector': '/path_to_driver/sqla-client-jdbc.tar.gz',
'db_type': 'sqlanywhere'
'connection_url': 'jdbc:sqlanywhere:host={0};database={1}',
'driver': 'sap.jdbc4.sqlanywhere.IDriver',
'sql_jar_connector': '/path_to_driver/sqla-client-jdbc.tar.gz',
'db_type': 'sqlanywhere'
'DERBY': {
'connection_url': 'jdbc:derby:${}/${}-db;create=true',
'driver': 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver'