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HAWQ View provides a Query Monitor for HAWQ which displays the current running queries.

The HAWQ View frontend is built based on EmberJS framework. The Java backend extends the framework provided by the ambari-views project.

The frontend polls the REST API periodically (5 seconds). The REST endpoint is responsible for querying the data from the pg_stat_activity table for every GET request on /queries resource.

Building and Deploying HAWQ View


The HAWQ View is dependent on the ambari-views artifact. As a pre-requisite, build the ambari-views project.

$AMBARI_DIR refers to the top-level directory for Ambari source code.

# Build ambari-views project
cd $AMBARI_DIR/ambari-views
mvn install [-DskipTests]
# Build HAWQ View
cd $AMBARI_DIR/contrib/views/hawq
mvn install [-DskipTests]


Copy the hawq-view jar to the ambari-server host and restart ambari-server.

scp $AMBARI_DIR/contrib/views/hawq/target/hawq-view-${version}.jar
ambari-server restart

Creating an Instance of HAWQ View

The HAWQ View instance connects to the HAWQ Master through JDBC. Ssh into the HAWQ Master host and update pg_hba.conf to allow connections from the ambari-server host for the user which has access to the pg_stat_activity table.

By default the gpadmin user has aceess to the pg_stat_activity table. Restart HAWQ Master from Ambari dashboard for changes to take effect.

Example of entry in pg_hba.conf, where is my ambari-server host:

host  all	gpadmin       trust

Navigate to the Views tab on Manage Ambari page. Click on Create Instance under HAWQ tab. Under Settings section, provide the HAWQ database username and password of the user who has access to the pg_stat_activity table. (The same user that was added to the pg_hba.conf for the ambari-server host entry)

Upon clicking Save, the view will be created.