blob: 3bb1385c318537839de468f1b7892f6e7d03e577 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
App.WizardCustomProductReposController = App.WizardStepController.extend({
name: 'wizardCustomProductReposController',
stepName: 'customProductRepos',
stacks: [],
mpacks: [],
repos: [],
operatingSystems: [],
isOsSelected: function (type) {
const operatingSystems = this.get('operatingSystems');
if (operatingSystems && operatingSystems.length > 0) {
const os = operatingSystems.findProperty('type', type);
if (os && os.get('selected')) {
return true;
return false;
* Pulls os and repo info from App.Stack and matches it up with selected mpacks.
* Adds the built up object to the mpacks array.
* Populates repos array.
* Populates operatingSystems array.
loadStep: function () {
const selectedMpacks = this.get('content.selectedMpacks');
const stacks = [];
App.Stack.find().forEach(stack => {
const mpack = selectedMpacks.find(mpack => === stack.get('stackName') && mpack.version === stack.get('stackVersion'));
if (mpack) {
id: stack.get('id'),
version: mpack.version,
operatingSystems: stack.get('operatingSystems').get('content').map((item, index) => {
const os = stack.get('operatingSystems').objectAtContent(index);
let selectedOs;
if (mpack.operatingSystems) {
selectedOs = mpack.operatingSystems.find(mpackOs => mpackOs.type === os.get('osType'));
return Em.Object.create({
type: os.get('osType'),
selected: selectedOs ? true : false,
isFirstSelected: false,
isLastSelected: false,
repos: os.get('repositories').get('content').map((item, index, repos) => {
const repo = os.get('repositories').objectAtContent(index);
let downloadUrl;
if (selectedOs) {
const selectedRepo = selectedOs.repos.find(mpackRepo => === repo.get('repoId'));
if (selectedRepo) {
downloadUrl = selectedRepo.downloadUrl;
return Em.Object.create({
id: `${}-${mpack.version}-${os.get('osType')}-${repo.get('repoId')}`, //this is a unique ID used in client logic
repoId: repo.get('repoId'), //this is the repo ID used by the server and displayed in the UI
name: repo.get('repoName'),
publicUrl: repo.get('baseUrlInit'),
downloadUrl: downloadUrl || repo.get('baseUrl'),
unique: repo.get('unique'), //this is a value that is only used by the server, but we need to preserve it
isFirst: index === 0,
isLast: index === repos.length - 1
this.set('stacks', stacks);
const mpacks = [];
selectedMpacks.forEach(mpack => {
const stack = stacks.find(stack => stack.get('name') === && stack.get('version') === mpack.version);
id: stack.get('id'), //this is actually the stack id from App.Stack, which is actually the repository_version id in the database, which is an integer
displayName: mpack.displayName,
publicUrl: mpack.publicUrl,
downloadUrl: mpack.downloadUrl,
version: mpack.version,
operatingSystems: stack ? stack.operatingSystems : []
this.set('mpacks', mpacks);
const repos = this.get('mpacks').reduce(
(repos, mpack) => repos.concat(
(repos, os) => repos.concat(
this.set('repos', repos);
const uniqueOperatingSystems = {};
mpacks.forEach(mpack => {
mpack.get('operatingSystems').forEach(os => {
const osType = os.get('type');
? uniqueOperatingSystems[osType].mpacks.pushObject(mpack)
: uniqueOperatingSystems[osType] = {
selected: os.get('selected'),
mpacks: [mpack]
const operatingSystems = [];
for (let osType in uniqueOperatingSystems) {
type: osType,
selected: uniqueOperatingSystems[osType].selected,
mpacks: uniqueOperatingSystems[osType].mpacks
operatingSystems.sort((a, b) => a.get('type').localeCompare(b.get('type')));
this.set('operatingSystems', operatingSystems);
* Returns the repo matching the given id.
* @param {string} repoId consisting of mpackName-mpackVersion-osType-repoId
findRepoById: function (repoId) {
const mpacks = this.get('mpacks');
for (let mpack of mpacks) {
for (let os of mpack.operatingSystems) {
for (let repo of os.get('repos')) {
if (repo.get('id') === repoId) {
return repo;
toggleOs: function (osType) {
const os = this.get('operatingSystems').findProperty('type', osType);
if (os) {
const mpacks = os.get('mpacks');
const selected = os.get('selected');
mpacks.forEach(mpack => {
const os = mpack.operatingSystems.findProperty('type', osType);
if (os) {
os.set('selected', selected);
isStepDisabled: function (stepIndex, currentIndex) {
const normallyDisabled = this._super(stepIndex, currentIndex);
const useCustomRepo = this.get('wizardController.content.downloadConfig.useCustomRepo');
return normallyDisabled || !useCustomRepo;
anySelectedOs: function () {
const selectedOperatingSystems = this.get('operatingSystems').filterProperty('selected');
return selectedOperatingSystems.length > 0;
isSubmitDisabled: function () {
if (this.get('anySelectedOs')) {
const repos = this.get('repos');
return App.get('router.btnClickInProgress')
|| (this.get('wizardController.errors') && this.get('wizardController.errors').length > 0)
|| repos.filterProperty('downloadUrl', '').length > 0;
return true;
}.property('anySelectedOs', 'repos.@each.downloadUrl', 'App.router.btnClickInProgress', 'wizardController.errors'),
submit: function () {
if (App.get('router.nextBtnClickInProgress')) {
const mpacks = this.get('mpacks');
const selectedMpacks = =>
displayName: selectedMpack.displayName,
publicUrl: selectedMpack.publicUrl,
downloadUrl: selectedMpack.downloadUrl,
version: selectedMpack.version,
operatingSystems: selectedMpack.get('operatingSystems').filterProperty('selected').map(os =>
type: os.get('type'),
selected: os.get('selected'),
isFirstSelected: os.get('isFirstSelected'),
isLastSelected: os.get('isLastSelected'),
repos: os.get('repos').map(repo =>
id: repo.get('id'),
repoId: repo.get('repoId'),
downloadUrl: repo.get('downloadUrl'),
isFirst: repo.get('isFirst'),
isLast: repo.get('isLast')
this.set('content.selectedMpacks', selectedMpacks);
const useRedHatSatellite = this.get('content.downloadConfig.useRedHatSatellite')
const updateRepoPromises = => {
const repoToUpdate = {
id:, //this is actually the stack id from App.Stack, which is actually the repository_version id in the database, which is an integer
stackVersion: mpack.version
const repo = Em.Object.create({
useRedhatSatellite: useRedHatSatellite,
operatingSystems: mpack.get('operatingSystems').map(os =>
osType: os.type,
repositories: os.get('repos').map(repo =>
baseUrlInit: repo.get('publicUrl'),
baseUrl: repo.get('downloadUrl'),
repoId: repo.get('repoId'),
repoName: repo.get('name'),
unique: repo.get('unique') //this is a value that is only used by the server, but we need to preserve it
this.get('wizardController').updateRepoOSInfo(repoToUpdate, repo)
$.when(...updateRepoPromises).then(() => {