blob: f0948510f9e91dd13ca5c42a0f10ec2c3910d146 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.WizardController = Em.Controller.extend(App.LocalStorage, App.ThemesMappingMixin, {
isStepDisabled: null,
previousStep: 0,
* map of actions which load data required by which step
* used by <code>loadAllPriorSteps</code>
loadMap: {},
* Wizard properties in local storage, which should be cleaned right after wizard has been finished
dbPropertiesToClean: [
sensibleConfigs: [
{ name: 'admin_principal', filename: 'krb5-conf.xml'},
{ name: 'admin_password', filename: 'krb5-conf.xml' }
init: function () {
this.clusters = App.Cluster.find();
connectOutlet:function(name) {
if (name !== 'loading') this.set('isStepDisabled.isLocked', false);
backBtnClickInProgress: false,
nextBtnClickInProgress: false
return this._super.apply(this,arguments);
* Set <code>isStepDisabled</code> with list of available steps (basing on <code>totalSteps</code>)
* @method setIsStepDisabled
setIsStepDisabled: function () {
this.set('isStepDisabled', Ember.ArrayProxy.create({
objectAtContent: function(idx) {
var obj = this.get('content').objectAt(idx);
if (obj && !obj.hasOwnProperty('isLocked')) {
get:function (key) {
return key === 'value' && this.get('isLocked') || this._super.apply(this,arguments);
notifyValues:function () {
return obj;
toggleLock:function () {
const steps = this.get('steps');
if (steps) {
for (let i = 0, length = steps.length; i < length; i++) {
step: this.getStepIndex(steps[i]),
value: true
} else {
step: 1,
value: false
for (var i = 2; i <= this.get('totalSteps'); i++) {
step: i,
value: true
slaveComponents: function () {
return App.StackServiceComponent.find().filterProperty('isSlave', true);
allHosts: function () {
var dbHosts = this.get('content.hosts');
var hosts = [];
for (var hostName in dbHosts) {
var hostComponents = [];
dbHosts[hostName].hostComponents.forEach(function (componentName) {
componentName: componentName,
displayName: App.format.role(componentName, false)
id: hostName,
hostName: hostName,
hostComponents: hostComponents
return hosts;
setStepsEnable: function () {
for (var i = 1; i <= this.get('totalSteps'); i++) {
var step = this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', i);
if (i <= this.get('currentStep')) {
step.set('value', false);
} else {
step.set('value', true);
}.observes('currentStep', 'totalSteps'),
* Enable step link in left nav menu
* @param step - step number
enableStep: function (step) {
this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', step).set('value', false);
setLowerStepsDisable: function (stepNo) {
for (var i = 0; i < stepNo; i++) {
var step = this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', i);
if (step) {
step.set('value', true);
* Set current step to new value.
* Method moved from App.router.setInstallerCurrentStep
* @param currentStep
* @param completed
currentStep: function () {
return App.get('router').getWizardCurrentStep(this.get('name').substr(0, this.get('name').length - 10));
* Get the wizard type based on the wizard name set in the specific controller.
* For example, "installerController" will return "installer".
* @return {string}
wizardType: function () {
return this.get('name').substr(0, this.get('name').length - 10);
* Get the name of the current step.
* @return {string}
currentStepName: function () {
const index = this.get('currentStep');
const steps = this.get('steps');
if (steps) {
return steps[index];
//legacy support
return 'step' + index;
}.property('steps', 'currentStep'),
* Set current step to new value.
* If no new value is provided, it sets current step to same value.
* Method moved from App.router.setInstallerCurrentStep
* @param currentStep
* @param completed
setCurrentStep: function (stepName, completed) {
let index = this.get('currentStep');
if (typeof stepName === "number" || (typeof stepName === "string" && stepName !== "")) {
index = this.getStepIndex(stepName);
this.set('previousStep', this.get('currentStep'));
App.db.setWizardCurrentStep(this.get('wizardType'), index, completed);
this.set('currentStep', index);
getPreviousStepName: function () {
const index = this.get('currentStep');
if (index > 0) {
const steps = this.get('steps');
if (steps) {
return steps[index - 1];
} else {
//legacy support
return 'step' + (index - 1);
} else {
return null;
getNextStepName: function () {
const index = this.get('currentStep');
const steps = this.get('steps');
if (steps) {
if (index < steps.length - 1) {
return steps[index + 1];
} else {
return null
//legacy support
const totalSteps = this.get('totalSteps');
if (index < totalSteps - 1) {
return 'step' + (index + 1);
} else {
return null;
clusters: null,
isStep0: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(0);
isStep1: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(1);
isStep2: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(2);
isStep3: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(3);
isStep4: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(4);
isStep5: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(5);
isStep6: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(6);
isStep7: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(7);
isStep8: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(8);
isStep9: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(9);
isStep10: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == this.getStepIndex(10);
* Get the index of the step named <code>name</code> in the current wizard
* by looking up <code>name</code> in the specific wizard controller's <code>steps</code> array.
* For backwards compatibility, if name parses to an integer, it simply returns name.
* @param name
* @return {number} index of step or -1 if not found
getStepIndex: function (name) {
if (typeof name === "number" || (typeof name === "string" && name !== "")) {
const steps = this.get('steps');
const isInt = value => !isNaN(value) && parseInt(value, 10) == value;
if (isInt(name)) {
return parseInt(name, 10);
if (steps) {
return steps.indexOf(name);
name = name.toString();
var matches = name.match(/\d+$/);
if (matches) {
return parseInt(matches[0], 10);
return name;
* Move user to the selected step
* @param {number} step number of the step, where user is moved
* @param {boolean} disableNaviWarning true - don't show warning about moving more than 1 step back
* @returns {boolean}
gotoStep: function (stepName, disableNaviWarning) {
const step = this.getStepIndex(stepName);
if (step === -1 || this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', step).get('value') !== false) {
return false;
if ((this.get('currentStep') - step) > 0 && !disableNaviWarning) {{
header: Em.I18n.t('installer.navigation.warning.header'),
onPrimary: function () {
App.router.send('goto' + stepName.capitalize());
body: Em.I18n.t('installer.navigation.warning')
} else {
App.router.send('goto' + stepName.capitalize());
return true;
gotoStep0: function () {
gotoStep1: function () {
gotoStep2: function () {
gotoStep3: function () {
gotoStep4: function () {
gotoStep5: function () {
gotoStep6: function () {
gotoStep7: function () {
gotoStep8: function () {
gotoStep9: function () {
gotoStep10: function () {
* Initialize host status info for step9
setInfoForStep9: function () {
var hostInfo = this.getDBProperty('hosts');
for (var index in hostInfo) {
if (hostInfo.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
hostInfo[index].status = "pending";
hostInfo[index].message = 'Waiting';
hostInfo[index].logTasks = [];
hostInfo[index].tasks = [];
hostInfo[index].progress = '0';
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hostInfo);
* Remove all data for installOptions step
clearInstallOptions: function () {
var installOptions = this.getInstallOptions();
this.set('content.installOptions', installOptions);
this.set('content.hosts', {});
installOptions: installOptions,
hosts: {}
toObject: function (object) {
var result = {};
for (var i in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
result[i] = object[i];
return result;
* Convert any object or array to pure JS instance without inherit properties
* It is used to convert Ember.Object to pure JS Object and Ember.Array to pure JS Array
* @param originalInstance
* @returns {*}
toJSInstance: function (originalInstance) {
var convertedInstance = originalInstance;
if (Em.isArray(originalInstance)) {
convertedInstance = [];
originalInstance.forEach(function (element) {
}, this)
} else if (originalInstance && typeof originalInstance === 'object') {
convertedInstance = {};
for (var property in originalInstance) {
if (originalInstance.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
convertedInstance[property] = this.toJSInstance(originalInstance[property]);
return convertedInstance
* save status of the cluster. This is called from step8 and step9 to persist install and start requestId
* @param clusterStatus object with status, isCompleted, requestId, isInstallError and isStartError field.
saveClusterStatus: function (clusterStatus) {
var oldStatus = this.toObject(this.get('content.cluster'));
clusterStatus = jQuery.extend(oldStatus, clusterStatus);
if (clusterStatus.requestId &&
clusterStatus.oldRequestsId.indexOf(clusterStatus.requestId) === -1) {
this.set('content.cluster', clusterStatus);
this.setDBProperty('cluster', clusterStatus);
* Invoke installation of selected services to the server and saves the request id returned by the server.
* @param isRetry
installServices: function (isRetry, callback) {
// clear requests since we are installing services
// and we don't want to get tasks for previous install attempts
this.set('content.cluster.oldRequestsId', []);
var data;
callback = callback || Em.K;
if (isRetry) {
data = {
context: Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.installComponents'),
HostRoles: {"state": "INSTALLED"},
urlParams: "HostRoles/desired_state=INSTALLED&HostRoles/state!=INSTALLED"
} else {
data = {
context: Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.installServices'),
ServiceInfo: {"state": "INSTALLED"},
urlParams: "ServiceInfo/state=INIT"
var clusterStatus = {
status: 'PENDING'
name: isRetry ? 'common.host_components.update' : '',
sender: this,
data: data,
success: 'installServicesSuccessCallback',
error: 'installServicesErrorCallback'
}).then(callback, callback);
installServicesSuccessCallback: function (jsonData) {
var installStartTime = App.dateTime();
if (jsonData) {
var requestId =;
var clusterStatus = {
status: 'PENDING',
requestId: requestId,
isInstallError: false,
isCompleted: false,
installStartTime: installStartTime
installServicesErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
var clusterStatus = {
status: 'PENDING',
requestId: this.get('content.cluster.requestId'),
isInstallError: true,
isCompleted: false
App.showAlertPopup(Em.I18n.t('common.errorPopup.header'), request.responseText);
* show popup, that display status of bootstrap launching
* @param callback
* @return {Object}
showLaunchBootstrapPopup: function (callback) {
header: Em.I18n.t('installer.step2.bootStrap.header'),
isError: false,
serverError: null,
bodyClass: Em.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/wizard/bootstrap_call_popup')
showFooter: false,
showCloseButton: false,
secondary: null,
* handle requestId when call is completed,
* if it's correct call callback and hide popup
* otherwise notify error and enable buttons to close popup
* @param requestId
* @param serverError
* @param status
* @param log
finishLoading: function (requestId, serverError, status, log) {
if (Em.isNone(requestId) || status === 'ERROR') {
var stepController = App.get('router.wizardStep3Controller');
isError: true,
showFooter: true,
showCloseButton: true,
serverError: status === 'ERROR' ? log : serverError
isRegistrationInProgress: false,
isBootstrapFailed: true
stepController.get('hosts').setEach('bootStatus', 'FAILED');
} else {
* Bootstrap selected hosts.
* @param bootStrapData
* @param callback
* @return {Object}
launchBootstrap: function (bootStrapData, callback) {
var popup = this.showLaunchBootstrapPopup(callback);
name: 'wizard.launch_bootstrap',
sender: this,
data: {
bootStrapData: bootStrapData,
popup: popup
success: 'launchBootstrapSuccessCallback',
error: 'launchBootstrapErrorCallback'
return popup;
launchBootstrapSuccessCallback: function (data, opt, params) {
params.popup.finishLoading(data.requestId, null, data.status, data.log);
launchBootstrapErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error, opt, params) {
params.popup.finishLoading(null, error);
* Load <code>content.<name></code> variable from localStorage, if wasn't loaded before.
* If you specify <code>reload</code> to true - it will reload it.
* @param name
* @param reload
* @return {Boolean}
load: function (name, reload) {
if (this.get('content.' + name) && !reload) {
return false;
var result = this.getDBProperty(name);
if (!result) {
if (this['get' + name.capitalize()]) {
result = this['get' + name.capitalize()]();
this.setDBProperty(name, result);
else {
console.debug('get' + name.capitalize(), ' not defined in the ' + this.get('name'));
this.set('content.' + name, result);
* Save value from content to database. Converts Ember objects to plain objects first.
* @param {type} name
save: function (name) {
var convertedValue = this.toJSInstance(this.get('content.' + name));
this.setDBProperty(name, convertedValue);
clear: function () {
this.set('content', Ember.Object.create({
'controllerName': this.get('content.controllerName')
this.set('currentStep', 0);
clusterStatusTemplate: {
name: "",
status: "PENDING",
isCompleted: false,
requestId: null,
installStartTime: null,
installTime: null,
isInstallError: false,
isStartError: false,
oldRequestsId: []
clearStorageData: function () {
var hash = {};
this.get('dbPropertiesToClean').forEach(function (key) {
hash[key] = undefined;
}, this);
getInstallOptions: function() {
return jQuery.extend({}, App.get('isHadoopWindowsStack') ? this.get('installWindowsOptionsTemplate') : this.get('installOptionsTemplate'));
installOptionsTemplate: {
hostNames: "", //string
manualInstall: true, //true, false
useSsh: false, //bool
javaHome: App.defaultJavaHome, //string
localRepo: false, //true, false
sshKey: "", //string
bootRequestId: null, //string
sshUser: "root", //string
sshPort: "22",
agentUser: "root" //string
installWindowsOptionsTemplate: {
hostNames: "", //string
manualInstall: true, //true, false
useSsh: false, //bool
javaHome: App.defaultJavaHome, //string
localRepo: false, //true, false
sshKey: "", //string
bootRequestId: null, //string
sshUser: "", //string
sshPort: "22",
agentUser: "" //string
loadedServiceComponents: null,
* Generate serviceComponents as pr the stack definition and save it to localdata
* called form stepController step4WizardController
loadServiceComponents: function () {
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'wizard.service_components',
sender: this,
data: {
stackUrl: App.get('stackVersionURL'),
stackVersion: App.get('currentStackVersionNumber')
success: 'loadServiceComponentsSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadServiceComponentsErrorCallback'
loadServiceComponentsSuccessCallback: function (jsonData) {
var props = this.getDBProperties(['selectedServiceNames', 'installedServiceNames']);
var savedSelectedServices = props.selectedServiceNames;
var savedInstalledServices = props.installedServiceNames;
this.set('content.selectedServiceNames', savedSelectedServices);
this.set('content.installedServiceNames', savedInstalledServices);
if (!savedSelectedServices) {
jsonData.items.forEach(function (service) {
service.StackServices.is_selected = !(service.StackServices.selection === "TECH_PREVIEW");
}, this);
} else {
jsonData.items.forEach(function (service) {
service.StackServices.is_selected = savedSelectedServices.contains(service.StackServices.service_name);
}, this);
if (!savedInstalledServices) {
jsonData.items.forEach(function (service) {
service.StackServices.is_installed = false;
}, this);
} else {
jsonData.items.forEach(function (service) {
service.StackServices.is_installed = savedInstalledServices.contains(service.StackServices.service_name);
}, this);
loadServiceComponentsErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
* load version for services to display on Choose Servoces page
* should load from VersionDefinition endpoint
loadServiceVersionFromVersionDefinitions: function () {
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'cluster.load_current_repo_stack_services',
sender: this,
data: {
clusterName: App.clusterName
success: 'loadServiceVersionFromVersionDefinitionsSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadServiceVersionFromVersionDefinitionsErrorCallback'
serviceVersionsMap: {},
loadServiceVersionFromVersionDefinitionsSuccessCallback: function (jsonData) {
var rv = Em.getWithDefault(jsonData, 'items', []).filter(function(i) {
return Em.getWithDefault(i, 'ClusterStackVersions.stack', null) === App.get('currentStackName') &&
Em.getWithDefault(i, 'ClusterStackVersions.version', null) === App.get('currentStackVersionNumber');
var map = this.get('serviceVersionsMap');
var stackServices = Em.getWithDefault(rv || {}, 'repository_versions.0.RepositoryVersions.stack_services', false);
if (stackServices) {
stackServices.forEach(function (item) {
map[] = item.versions[0];
loadServiceVersionFromVersionDefinitionsErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
* Load config groups from local DB
loadServiceConfigGroups: function () {
var props = this.getDBProperties(['serviceConfigGroups', 'hosts']);
var serviceConfigGroups = props.serviceConfigGroups,
hosts = props.hosts || {},
host_names = Em.keys(hosts);
if (Em.isNone(serviceConfigGroups)) {
serviceConfigGroups = [];
else {
serviceConfigGroups.forEach(function(group) {
var hostNames = {
for (var i = 0; i < host_names.length; i++) {
if (hosts[host_names[i]].id === host_id) {
return host_names[i];
Em.assert('host is missing!!!!', false);
Em.set(group, 'hosts', hostNames);
this.set('content.configGroups', serviceConfigGroups);
registerErrPopup: function (header, message) {{
header: header,
secondary: false,
bodyClass: Ember.View.extend({
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<p>{{view.message}}</p>'),
message: message
* Save hosts that the user confirmed to proceed with from step 3
* @param stepController App.WizardStep3Controller
saveConfirmedHosts: function (stepController) {
var hosts = this.get('content.hosts'),
indx = 1;
//add previously installed hosts
for (var hostName in hosts) {
if (!hosts[hostName].isInstalled) {
delete hosts[hostName];
stepController.get('confirmedHosts').forEach(function (_host) {
if (_host.bootStatus === 'REGISTERED') {
hosts[] = {
bootStatus: _host.bootStatus,
isInstalled: false,
id: indx++
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hosts);
this.set('content.hosts', hosts);
* Save data after installation to main controller
* @param stepController App.WizardStep9Controller
saveInstalledHosts: function (stepController) {
var hosts = stepController.get('hosts');
var hostInfo = this.getDBProperty('hosts');
for (var index in hostInfo) {
hostInfo[index].status = "pending";
var host = hosts.findProperty('name', hostInfo[index].name);
if (host) {
hostInfo[index].status = host.status;
hostInfo[index].message = host.message;
hostInfo[index].progress = host.progress;
this.set('content.hosts', hostInfo);
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hostInfo);
* Save slaveHostComponents to main controller
* @param stepController
saveSlaveComponentHosts: function (stepController) {
var hosts = stepController.get('hosts'),
dbHosts = this.getDBProperty('hosts'),
headers = stepController.get('headers');
var formattedHosts = Ember.Object.create();
headers.forEach(function (header) {
formattedHosts.set(header.get('name'), []);
hosts.forEach(function (host) {
var checkboxes = host.checkboxes;
headers.forEach(function (header) {
var cb = checkboxes.findProperty('title', header.get('label'));
if (cb.checked) {
group: 'Default',
isInstalled: cb.isInstalled,
host_id: dbHosts[host.hostName].id
var slaveComponentHosts = [];
headers.forEach(function (header) {
componentName: header.get('name'),
displayName: header.get('label').replace(/\s/g, ''),
hosts: formattedHosts.get(header.get('name'))
this.setDBProperty('slaveComponentHosts', slaveComponentHosts);
this.set('content.slaveComponentHosts', slaveComponentHosts);
* Return true if cluster data is loaded and false otherwise.
* This is used for all wizard controllers except for installer wizard.
dataLoading: function () {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
if (App.router.get('clusterController.isLoaded')) {
} else {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (App.router.get('clusterController.isLoaded')) {
}, 50);
return dfd.promise();
* Return true if user data is loaded via App.MainServiceInfoConfigsController
* This function is used in reassign master wizard right now.
usersLoading: function () {
var self = this;
var dfd = $.Deferred();
var miscController = App.MainAdminServiceAccountsController.create({content: self.get('content')});
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (miscController.get('dataIsLoaded')) {
if (self.get("content.hdfsUser")) {
self.set('content.hdfsUser', miscController.get('content.hdfsUser'));
}, 10);
return dfd.promise();
* Save cluster status before going to deploy step
* @param name cluster state. Unique for every wizard
* @param callbackObj can have additional params for ajax callBacks and sender
saveClusterState: function (name, callbackObj) {
clusterName: this.get(''),
clusterState: name,
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
}, callbackObj);
* Load serviceConfigProperties from localStorage
loadServiceConfigProperties: function () {
var stackConfigs = App.configsCollection.getAll();
var serviceConfigProperties = this.getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties');
this.set('content.serviceConfigProperties', this.applyStoredConfigs(stackConfigs, serviceConfigProperties));
* @param {array} configs
* @param {?array} storedConfigs
* @returns {?array}
applyStoredConfigs: function(configs, storedConfigs) {
if (storedConfigs && storedConfigs.length) {
let result = [];
let configsMap = configs.toMapByProperty('id');
storedConfigs.forEach(function(stored) {
var config = configsMap[];
if (config) {
result.push(Object.assign({}, config, stored, {savedValue: null}));
} else if (stored.isUserProperty) {
result.push(Object.assign({}, stored));
return result;
return storedConfigs;
* Save config properties
* @param stepController Step7WizardController
saveServiceConfigProperties: function (stepController) {
var serviceConfigProperties = [];
// properties in db should contain only mutable info to avoid localStorage overflow
var dbConfigProperties = [];
var fileNamesToUpdate = this.getDBProperty('fileNamesToUpdate') || [];
var installedServiceNames = stepController.get('installedServiceNames') || [];
var installedServiceNamesMap = installedServiceNames.toWickMap();
stepController.get('stepConfigs').forEach(function (_content) {
if (_content.serviceName === 'YARN') {
_content.set('configs', App.config.textareaIntoFileConfigs(_content.get('configs'), 'capacity-scheduler.xml'));
_content.get('configs').forEach(function (_configProperties) {
if (!Em.isNone(_configProperties.get('group'))) {
return false;
var configProperty = App.config.createDefaultConfig(
// need to invert boolean because this argument will be inverted in method body
_configProperties.getProperties('value', 'isRequired', 'errorMessage', 'warnMessage')
configProperty = App.config.mergeStaticProperties(configProperty, _configProperties, [], ['name', 'filename', 'isUserProperty', 'value']);
var dbConfigProperty = {
id: _configProperties.get('id'),
value: _configProperties.get('value'),
isFinal: _configProperties.get('isFinal')
if (_configProperties.get('isUserProperty') || _configProperties.get('filename') === 'capacity-scheduler.xml') {
dbConfigProperty = configProperty;
if (this.isExcludedConfig(configProperty)) {
configProperty.value = '';
dbConfigProperty.value = '';
}, this);
// check for configs that need to update for installed services
if (installedServiceNamesMap[_content.get('serviceName')]) {
// get only modified configs
var configs = _content.get('configs').filter(function (config) {
if (config.get('isNotDefaultValue') || config.get('savedValue') === null) {
return config.isRequiredByAgent!== false;
return false;
// if modified configs detected push all service's configs for update
if (configs.length) {
fileNamesToUpdate = fileNamesToUpdate.concat(configs.mapProperty('filename').uniq());
}, this);
this.set('content.serviceConfigProperties', serviceConfigProperties);
fileNamesToUpdate: fileNamesToUpdate,
serviceConfigProperties: dbConfigProperties
isExcludedConfig: function (configProperty) {
return this.get('sensibleConfigs').mapProperty('name').indexOf( > -1
&& this.get('sensibleConfigs').mapProperty('filename').indexOf(configProperty.filename) > -1;
* save Config groups
* @param stepController
* @param isAddService
saveServiceConfigGroups: function (stepController, isAddService) {
var serviceConfigGroups = [],
hosts = isAddService ? App.router.get('addServiceController').getDBProperty('hosts') : this.getDBProperty('hosts');
stepController.get('stepConfigs').forEach(function (service) {
// mark group of installed service
var isForInstalledService = service.get('selected') === false;
service.get('configGroups').forEach(function (configGroup) {
var properties = [];
configGroup.get('properties').forEach(function (property) {
name: property.get('name'),
value: property.get('value'),
isFinal: property.get('isFinal'),
filename: property.get('filename')
//configGroup copied into plain JS object to avoid Converting circular structure to JSON
var hostIds = configGroup.get('hosts').map(function(host_name) {return hosts[host_name].id;});
id: configGroup.get('id'),
name: configGroup.get('name'),
description: configGroup.get('description'),
hosts: hostIds.slice(),
properties: properties.slice(),
is_default: configGroup.get('isDefault'),
is_for_installed_service: isForInstalledService,
is_for_update: configGroup.get('isForUpdate') || configGroup.get('hash') !== this.getConfigGroupHash(configGroup, configGroup.get('hosts')),
service_name: configGroup.get('serviceName'),
service_id: configGroup.get('serviceName'),
desired_configs: configGroup.get('desiredConfigs'),
child_config_groups: configGroup.get('childConfigGroups') ? configGroup.get('childConfigGroups').mapProperty('id') : [],
parent_config_group_id: configGroup.get(''),
is_temporary: configGroup.get('isTemporary')
}, this)
}, this);
this.setDBProperty('serviceConfigGroups', serviceConfigGroups);
this.set('content.configGroups', serviceConfigGroups);
* generate string hash for config group
* @param {Object} configGroup
* @param {Array|undefined} hosts
* @returns {String|null}
* @method getConfigGroupHash
getConfigGroupHash: function(configGroup, hosts) {
if (!Em.get(configGroup, 'properties.length') && !Em.get(configGroup, 'hosts.length') && !hosts) {
return null;
var hash = {};
Em.get(configGroup, 'properties').forEach(function (config) {
hash[Em.get(config, 'name')] = {value: Em.get(config, 'value'), isFinal: Em.get(config, 'isFinal')};
hash.hosts = hosts || Em.get(configGroup, 'hosts');
return JSON.stringify(hash);
* return slaveComponents bound to hosts
* @return {Array}
getSlaveComponentHosts: function () {
var components = this.get('slaveComponents');
var result = [];
var installedServices = App.Service.find().mapProperty('serviceName');
var selectedServices = App.StackService.find().filterProperty('isSelected', true).mapProperty('serviceName');
var installedComponentsMap = {};
var uninstalledComponents = [];
components.forEach(function (component) {
if (installedServices.contains(component.get('serviceName'))) {
installedComponentsMap[component.get('componentName')] = [];
} else if (selectedServices.contains(component.get('serviceName'))) {
}, this);
installedComponentsMap.HDFS_CLIENT = [];
App.HostComponent.find().forEach(function (hostComponent) {
if (installedComponentsMap[hostComponent.get('componentName')]) {
}, this);
for (var componentName in installedComponentsMap) {
var name = componentName === 'HDFS_CLIENT' ? 'CLIENT' : componentName;
var component = {
componentName: name,
displayName: App.format.role(name, false),
hosts: [],
isInstalled: true
installedComponentsMap[componentName].forEach(function (hostName) {
group: "Default",
hostName: hostName,
isInstalled: true
}, this);
uninstalledComponents.forEach(function (component) {
var hosts = jQuery.extend(true, [], result.findProperty('componentName', 'DATANODE').hosts);
hosts.setEach('isInstalled', false);
componentName: component.get('componentName'),
displayName: App.format.role(component.get('componentName'), false),
hosts: hosts,
isInstalled: false
return result;
* Load master component hosts data for using in required step controllers
loadMasterComponentHosts: function () {
var masterComponentHosts = this.getDBProperty('masterComponentHosts'),
self = this,
observerContext = {
setMasterComponentHosts: function () {
if (App.get('router.clusterController.isServiceMetricsLoaded')) {
var stackMasterComponents = App.get('components.masters').uniq();
App.HostComponent.find().filter(function(component) {
return stackMasterComponents.contains(component.get('componentName'));
}).forEach(function (item) {
component: item.get('componentName'),
hostName: item.get('hostName'),
isInstalled: true,
serviceId: item.get(''),
display_name: item.get('displayName')
self.setDBProperty('masterComponentHosts', masterComponentHosts);
self.set('content.masterComponentHosts', masterComponentHosts);
self.removeObserver('App.router.clusterController.isServiceMetricsLoaded', this, 'setMasterComponentHosts');
dfd = $.Deferred();
if (Em.isNone(masterComponentHosts)) {
masterComponentHosts = [];
if (App.get('router.clusterController.isServiceMetricsLoaded')) {
} else {
this.addObserver('App.router.clusterController.isServiceMetricsLoaded', observerContext, 'setMasterComponentHosts');
} else {
this.set('content.masterComponentHosts', masterComponentHosts);
return dfd.promise();
* Save Master Component Hosts data to Main Controller
* @param stepController App.WizardStep5Controller
saveMasterComponentHosts: function (stepController) {
var obj = stepController.get('selectedServicesMasters');
var masterComponentHosts = [];
obj.forEach(function (_component) {
display_name: _component.get('display_name'),
component: _component.get('component_name'),
hostName: _component.get('selectedHost'),
serviceId: _component.get('serviceId'),
isInstalled: _component.get('isInstalled')
this.setDBProperty('masterComponentHosts', masterComponentHosts);
this.set('content.masterComponentHosts', masterComponentHosts);
clearMasterComponentHosts: function() {
this.set('content.masterComponentHosts', null);
this.setDBProperty('masterComponentHosts', null);
* Load information about hosts with clients components
loadClients: function () {
var clients = this.getDBProperty('clients');
this.set('content.clients', clients);
* load methods assigned to each step
* methods executed in exact order as they described in map
* @return {object}
loadAllPriorSteps: function () {
var currentStep = this.get('currentStep');
var loadMap = this.get('loadMap');
var operationStack = [];
var dfd = $.Deferred();
for (var stepName in loadMap) {
var stepIndex = this.getStepIndex(stepName);
if (stepIndex <= parseInt(currentStep, 10)) {
var sequence = App.actionSequence.create({context: this});
sequence.setSequence(operationStack).onFinish(function () {
return dfd.promise();
* return new object extended from clusterStatusTemplate
* @return Object
getCluster: function () {
return jQuery.extend({}, this.get('clusterStatusTemplate'), {name: App.router.getClusterName()});
* Load services data from server.
loadServicesFromServer: function () {
var services = this.getDBProperty('services');
if (!services) {
services = {
selectedServices: [],
installedServices: []
var isInstalled = App.Service.find().someProperty('id', item.get('serviceName'));
item.set('isSelected', isInstalled);
item.set('isInstalled', isInstalled);
if (isInstalled) {
} else {
App.StackService.find().forEach(function(item) {
var isSelected = services.selectedServices.contains(item.get('serviceName'));
var isInstalled = services.installedServices.contains(item.get('serviceName'));
item.set('isSelected', isSelected);
item.set('isInstalled', isInstalled);
this.set('', App.StackService.find());
* Load confirmed hosts.
* Will be used at <code>Assign Masters(step5)</code> step
loadConfirmedHosts: function () {
this.set('content.hosts', this.getDBProperty('hosts') || {});
loadHosts: function () {
var dfd;
var hostsInDb = this.getDBProperty('hosts');
if (hostsInDb) {
this.set('content.hosts', hostsInDb);
dfd = $.Deferred();
} else {
dfd = App.ajax.send({
name: 'hosts.confirmed',
sender: this,
data: {},
success: 'loadHostsSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadHostsErrorCallback'
return dfd.promise();
loadHostsSuccessCallback: function (response) {
var installedHosts = {};
response.items.forEach(function (item, indx) {
installedHosts[item.Hosts.host_name] = {
name: item.Hosts.host_name,
bootStatus: "REGISTERED",
isInstalled: true,
hostComponents: item.host_components,
id: indx++
this.setDBProperty('hosts', installedHosts);
this.set('content.hosts', installedHosts);
loadHostsErrorCallback: function (jqXHR, ajaxOptions, error, opt) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, opt.url, opt.type, jqXHR.status);
* Determine if <code>Assign Slaves and Clients</code> step ("step7") should be skipped
* @method setSkipSlavesStep
* @param services
* @param step
setSkipSlavesStep: function (services, step) {
var hasServicesWithSlave = services.someProperty('hasSlave');
var hasServicesWithClient = services.someProperty('hasClient');
var hasServicesWithCustomAssignedNonMasters = services.someProperty('hasNonMastersWithCustomAssignment');
var hasDependentSlaveComponent = this.get('name') === 'addServiceController' ? this.hasDependentSlaveComponent(services) : false;
this.set('content.skipSlavesStep', (!hasServicesWithSlave && !hasServicesWithClient || !hasServicesWithCustomAssignedNonMasters) && !hasDependentSlaveComponent);
if (this.get('content.skipSlavesStep')) {
this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', step).set('value', this.get('content.skipSlavesStep'));
* Determine if there is some service with some component, that has dependent slave component already installed in cluster, but not on all hosts
* @param services
* @returns {boolean}
hasDependentSlaveComponent: function (services) {
var result = false;
var dependentSlaves = [];
var hosts = this.get('content.hosts');
if (hosts) {
services.forEach(function (service) {
service.get('serviceComponents').forEach(function (component) {
component.get('dependencies').forEach(function (dependency) {
var dependentService = App.StackService.find().findProperty('serviceName', dependency.serviceName);
var dependentComponent = dependentService && dependentService.get('serviceComponents').findProperty('componentName', dependency.componentName);
if (dependentComponent && dependentComponent.get('isSlave') && dependentService.get('isInstalled')) {
dependentSlaves.push({component: dependentComponent.get('componentName'), count: 0});
var hostNames = Em.keys(hosts);
for (var i = 0; i < dependentSlaves.length; i++) {
var maxToInstall = App.StackServiceComponent.find().findProperty('componentName', dependentSlaves[i].component).get('maxToInstall');
maxToInstall = maxToInstall === Infinity ? hostNames.length : maxToInstall;
hostNames.forEach(function (hostName) {
var hostComponents = hosts[hostName].hostComponents.mapProperty('HostRoles.component_name');
dependentSlaves[i].count += hostComponents.contains(dependentSlaves[i].component);
if (dependentSlaves[i].count < maxToInstall) {
result = true;
return result;
* Load config themes for enhanced config layout.
* @method loadConfigThemes
* @return {$.Deferred}
loadConfigThemes: function () {
var self = this;
var dfd = $.Deferred();
if (!this.get('stackConfigsLoaded')) {
var serviceNames = App.StackService.find().filter(function (s) {
return s.get('isSelected') || s.get('isInstalled');
// Load stack configs before loading themes
App.config.loadClusterConfigsFromStack().always(function() {
App.config.loadConfigsFromStack(serviceNames).done(function () {
self.loadConfigThemeForServices(serviceNames).always(function () {
self.set('stackConfigsLoaded', true);
} else {
return dfd.promise();
* Clear all config static data
* and theme info
* @method clearEnhancedConfigs
clearEnhancedConfigs: function() {
this.set('stackConfigsLoaded', false);
* Cache "stepConfigs" to local storage in name value pairs
* @param stepController
cacheStepConfigValues: function(stepController) {
var self = this;
var stepConfigs = [];
stepController.get("stepConfigs").forEach(function (category) {
var configs = {
if (self.isExcludedConfig(config)) {
config.set('value', '');
return {
filename: config.filename,
value: config.value
stepConfigs = stepConfigs.concat(configs);
if (stepConfigs.length > 0 ) {
this.setDBProperty( + "-sc", stepConfigs);
loadCachedStepConfigValues: function(stepController) {
return this.getDBProperty( + "-sc");
clearCachedStepConfigValues: function(stepController) {
this.setDBProperty( + "-sc", null);
clearServiceConfigProperties: function() {
this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties', null);
return this.setDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties', null);
saveTasksStatuses: function (tasksStatuses) {
this.set('content.tasksStatuses', tasksStatuses);
this.setDBProperty('tasksStatuses', tasksStatuses);
loadTasksStatuses: function() {
var tasksStatuses = this.getDBProperty('tasksStatuses');
this.set('content.tasksStatuses', tasksStatuses);
saveTasksRequestIds: function (tasksRequestIds) {
this.set('content.tasksRequestIds', tasksRequestIds);
this.setDBProperty('tasksRequestIds', tasksRequestIds);
loadTasksRequestIds: function() {
var tasksRequestIds = this.getDBProperty('tasksRequestIds');
this.set('content.tasksRequestIds', tasksRequestIds);
saveRequestIds: function (requestIds) {
this.set('content.requestIds', requestIds);
this.setDBProperty('requestIds', requestIds);
loadRequestIds: function() {
var requestIds = this.getDBProperty('requestIds');
this.set('content.requestIds', requestIds);
saveComponentsFromConfigs: function (componentsFromConfigs) {
this.set('content.componentsFromConfigs', componentsFromConfigs);
this.setDBProperty('componentsFromConfigs', componentsFromConfigs);
loadComponentsFromConfigs: function() {
var componentsFromConfigs = this.getDBProperty('componentsFromConfigs');
this.set('content.componentsFromConfigs', componentsFromConfigs);
loadRecommendations: function () {
this.set("content.recommendations", this.getDBProperty('recommendations'));
loadHdfsUserFromServer: function () {
return App.get('router.configurationController').loadFromServer([{'siteName': 'hadoop-env'}]);
loadKerberosDescriptorConfigs: function () {
var kerberosDescriptorConfigs = this.getDBProperty('kerberosDescriptorConfigs');
this.set('kerberosDescriptorConfigs', kerberosDescriptorConfigs);
saveKerberosDescriptorConfigs: function (kerberosDescriptorConfigs) {
this.setDBProperty('kerberosDescriptorConfigs', kerberosDescriptorConfigs);
this.set('kerberosDescriptorConfigs', kerberosDescriptorConfigs);
getStack: function (name, version) {
const stacks = App.Stack.find();
for (let i = 0, length = stacks.get('length'); i < length; i++) {
const stack = stacks.objectAt(i);
if (stack.get('stackName') === name && stack.get('stackVersion') === version) {
return stack;
return null;
* reset stored wizard data and reload App
* @param {App.WizardController} controller - wizard controller
* @param {string} route - preferable path to go after wizard finished
resetOnClose: function(controller, route, router) {
clusterName: App.get('clusterName'),
clusterState: 'DEFAULT',
alwaysCallback: function () {
router && router.set('nextBtnClickInProgress', false);
App.router.transitionTo(route); {