blob: aaad310aa8cfdf14da8c439f60aab7978bc256c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
var bowerLibsDir = 'libs/';
var vendorDir = "../libs/";
var sourceBowerLibsDir = '../../src/main/webapp/libs/bower';
var sourceCustomLibsDir = '../../src/main/webapp/libs/custom';
clean: {
vendors: [ vendorDir ]
copy: {
main: {
files: [
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir, src:
'backbone/backbone.js', 'backbone/LICENSE',
'backgrid-filter/backgrid-filter.min.js', 'backgrid-filter/backgrid-filter.min.css',
'backgrid-paginator/backgrid-paginator.min.js', 'backgrid-paginator/backgrid-paginator.min.css',
'backgrid-select-all/backgrid-select-all.min.js', 'backgrid-select-all/backgrid-select-all.min.css',
'backgrid-sizeable-columns/backgrid-sizeable-columns.js', 'backgrid-sizeable-columns/backgrid-sizeable-columns.css',
'backgrid-orderable-columns/backgrid-orderable-columns.js', 'backgrid-orderable-columns/backgrid-orderable-columns.css',
'bootstrap-notify/js/bootstrap-notify.js', 'bootstrap-notify/css/bootstrap-notify.css',
'jquery-toggles/toggles.min.js', 'jquery-toggles/toggles.css',
'select2/select2.css', 'select2/select2.min.js', 'select2/select2.png', 'select2/select2-spinner.gif',
], dest: vendorDir, filter: 'isFile'
// Merge source files to vendor
expand: true, cwd: sourceBowerLibsDir, src: ['**'], dest: vendorDir, filter: 'isFile'
// Merge custom source files to vendor
expand: true, cwd: sourceCustomLibsDir, src: ['**'], dest: vendorDir, filter: 'isFile'
// Custom mappings
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'backbone.babysitter/lib/', src: ['backbone.babysitter.min.js', ''], dest: vendorDir + 'backbone.babysitter', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'backbone.marionette/lib/', src: ['backbone.marionette.min.js', ''], dest: vendorDir + 'backbone.marionette', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'backbone.wreqr/lib/', src: ['backbone.wreqr.min.js', ''], dest: vendorDir + 'backbone.wreqr', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'backbone-forms/distribution/', src: ['**'], dest: vendorDir + 'backbone-forms', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'backgrid/lib/', src: ['backgrid.min.js', 'backgrid.min.css'], dest: vendorDir + 'backgrid', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir, src: ['backgrid-sizeable-columns/backgrid-sizeable-columns.js', 'backgrid-sizeable-columns/backgrid-sizeable-columns.css'], dest: vendorDir, filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir, src: ['backgrid-orderable-columns/backgrid-orderable-columns.js', 'backgrid-orderable-columns/backgrid-orderable-columns.css'], dest: vendorDir, filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'bootstrap/dist/js', src: ['bootstrap.min.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'bootstrap', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'bootstrap/dist/css', src: ['bootstrap.min.css', 'bootstrap-theme.min.css', '', ''], dest: vendorDir + 'bootstrap', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'globalize/lib', src: ['**'], dest: vendorDir + 'globalize', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'moment/min/', src: ['moment.min.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'moment', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'moment-timezone/builds/', src: ['moment-timezone-with-data.min.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'moment', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'require-handlebars-plugin/hbs', src: ['i18nprecompile.js', 'json2.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'require-handlebars-plugin', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir, src: ['i18nprecompile.js', 'json2.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'require-handlebars-plugin', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'nvd3/build/', src: ['nv.d3.min.js', 'nv.d3.min.css'], dest: vendorDir + 'nvd3', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'noty/js/noty/packaged', src: ['jquery.noty.packaged.min.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'noty', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'gridster.js/dist/', src: ['jquery.gridster.min.js', 'jquery.gridster.min.css'], dest: vendorDir + 'gridster', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'bootstrap-tour/build/js/', src: ['bootstrap-tour.min.js'], dest: vendorDir + 'bootstrap-tour', filter: 'isFile'
expand: true, cwd: bowerLibsDir + 'bootstrap-tour/build/css/', src: ['bootstrap-tour.min.css'], dest: vendorDir + 'bootstrap-tour', filter: 'isFile'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['copy']);
grunt.registerTask('build', 'Copy necessary files (js/css) from third party libraries.', function() {
if (!grunt.file.isDir(vendorDir)) {
grunt.log.oklns(grunt.template.process('Directory "<%= directory %>" was created successfully.',
data: { directory: vendorDir }