blob: 63dca3811a45fcc03457787043453825adc0bdd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var date = require('utils/date/date');
App.WizardStep9View = App.TableView.extend({
templateName: require('templates/wizard/step9'),
* Overall progress-bar color
* @type {string}
barColor: '',
* Overall result message
* @type {string}
resultMsg: '',
* Overall message color
* @type {string}
resultMsgColor: '',
* When progress is 100, step is completed
* @type {bool}
isStepCompleted: Em.computed.equal('controller.progress', '100'),
* Number of visible hosts
* @type {string}
displayLength: "25",
* Same to <code>controller.hosts</code>
* @type {object[]}
content: function () {
return this.get('controller.hosts');
* Active category
* @type {Ember.Object}
selectedCategory: Em.computed.findBy('categories', 'isActive', true),
* Ember Object category. This object also contains
* <code>
* hostStatus: {String} A valid status of a host.
* Used to filter hosts in that status.
* hostsCount: {Int} Dynamic count of hosts displayed in the category label
* label : {String} status and hosts in that status displayed which consists as a category on the page
* isActive: {boolean} Gets set when the category is selected/clicked by the user
* itemClass: {computed property} Binds the category link to active class when user clicks on the link
* </code>
categoryObject: Em.Object.extend({
hostsCount: 0,
label: Em.computed.format('{0} ({1})', 'value', 'hostsCount'),
isActive: false,
itemClass: Em.computed.ifThenElse('isActive', 'active', '')
* Domputed property creates the category objects on the load of the page and sets 'All' as the active category
* @Returns {Em.Object[]} All created categories which are binded and iterated in the template
categories: function () {
return [
this.categoryObject.create({value: Em.I18n.t('common.all'), hostStatus: 'all', isActive: true}),
this.categoryObject.create({value: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hosts.status.label.inProgress'), hostStatus: 'inProgress'}),
this.categoryObject.create({value: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hosts.status.label.warning'), hostStatus: 'warning'}),
this.categoryObject.create({value: Em.I18n.t('common.success'), hostStatus: 'success'}),
this.categoryObject.create({value: Em.I18n.t(''), hostStatus: 'failed', last: true })
* True if <code>controller.hostsWithHeartbeatLost</code> contains some values
* @type {bool}
isHostHeartbeatLost: Em.computed.bool('controller.hostsWithHeartbeatLost.length'),
* Css-string to overall progress-bar width-property
* @type {string}
barWidth: Em.computed.format('width: {0}%;', 'controller.progress'),
* Filter hosts info shown up on bottom of the box. Set by filter function, when 'seletedCategory' changed
* @type {string}
filteredHostsInfo: '',
* Message for overall progress
* @type {string}
progressMessage: Em.computed.i18nFormat('installer.step9.overallProgress', 'controller.progress'),
* Run <code>countCategoryHosts</code>, <code>filter</code> only once
* @method hostStatusObserver
hostStatusObserver: function(){, 'countCategoryHosts');, 'filter');
* Count each category hosts to update label
* @method countCategoryHosts
countCategoryHosts: function () {
var counters = {
"info": 0,
"pending": 0,
"in_progress": 0,
"heartbeat_lost": 0,
"warning": 0,
"success": 0,
"failed": 0
this.get('content').forEach(function (host) {
if (counters[host.get('status')] !== undefined) {
}, this);
counters["all"] = this.get('content.length');
counters["inProgress"] = counters["info"] + counters["pending"] + counters["in_progress"];
counters["failed"] += counters["heartbeat_lost"];
this.get('categories').forEach(function(category) {
category.set('hostsCount', counters[category.get('hostStatus')]);
}, this);
* Filter hosts by category
* @method filter
filter: function () {
var self = this; () {
* Real filter-method
* Called from <code>filter</code> in
* @method doFilter
doFilter: function() {
var result = [];
var content = this.get('content');
var selectedCategory = this.get('selectedCategory');
if (!selectedCategory || selectedCategory.get('hostStatus') === 'all') {
result = content;
} else if (selectedCategory.get('hostStatus') == 'inProgress') {
result = content.filter(function (_host) {
return (_host.get('status') == 'info' || _host.get('status') == 'pending' || _host.get('status') == 'in_progress');
} else if (selectedCategory.get('hostStatus') == 'failed') {
result = content.filter(function (_host) {
return (_host.get('status') == 'failed' || _host.get('status') == 'heartbeat_lost');
} else {
result = content.filterProperty('status', selectedCategory.get('hostStatus'));
this.set('filteredContent', result);
this.set('filteredHostsInfo', Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hosts.filteredHostsInfo').format(result.get('length'), content.get('length')));
* On click handler for 'show all' link
* @method showAllHosts
showAllHosts: function () {
this.get('categories').forEach(function (category) {
category.set('isActive', (category.get('hostStatus') === 'all'));
* Trigger on Category click
* @param {Object} event
* @method selectCategory
selectCategory: function (event) {
var categoryStatus = event.context.get('hostStatus');
this.get('categories').forEach(function (category) {
category.set('isActive', (category.get('hostStatus') === categoryStatus));
didInsertElement: function () {
* Set <code>resultMsg</code>, <code>resultMsg</code>, <code>resultMsgColor</code> according to
* <code>controller.status</code>, <code>controller.startCallFailed</code>, <code>isHostHeartbeatLost</code>
* @method onStatus
onStatus: function () {
if (this.get('controller.status') === 'info') {
this.set('resultMsg', '');
this.set('barColor', 'progress-info');
} else if (this.get('controller.status') === 'warning') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-warning');
this.set('resultMsg', Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.status.warning'));
this.set('resultMsgColor', 'alert-warning');
} else if (this.get('controller.status') === 'failed') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-danger');
this.set('resultMsgColor', 'alert-error');
if (this.get('isHostHeartbeatLost')) {
// When present requests succeeds but some host components are in UNKNOWN or INSTALL_FAILED state and
// hosts are in HEARTBEAT_LOST state
this.set('resultMsg', Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.status.hosts.heartbeat_lost').format(this.get('controller.hostsWithHeartbeatLost').length));
} else if (this.get('controller.startCallFailed')) {
this.set('resultMsg', Em.I18n.t(''));
} else {
this.set('resultMsg', Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.status.failed'));
} else if (this.get('controller.status') === 'success') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-success');
this.set('resultMsg', this.get('controller.content.cluster.status') === 'START_SKIPPED' ? Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.status.skipStartSuccess') : Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.status.success'));
this.set('resultMsgColor', 'alert-success');
}.observes('controller.status', 'controller.content.cluster.status', 'controller.startCallFailed','isHostHeartbeatLost'),
* Show popup with info about failed hosts
* @return {App.ModalPopup}
* @method hostWithInstallFailed
hostWithInstallFailed: function () {
var controller = this.get('controller');
header: Em.I18n.t(''),
classNames: ['sixty-percent-width-modal'],
autoHeight: false,
secondary: null,
bodyClass: Em.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/wizard/step9/step9_install_host_popup'),
c: controller,
failedHosts: function () {
return controller.get('hostsWithHeartbeatLost');
function hostStatus(statuses) {
return Em.computed('isHostCompleted', 'obj.status', function () {
statuses = Em.makeArray(statuses);
return this.get('isHostCompleted') && statuses.contains(this.get('obj.status'));
App.HostStatusView = Em.View.extend({
tagName: 'tr',
* Current host
* @type {Em.Object}
obj: null,
* wizardStep9Controller
* @type {App.WizardStep9Controller}
controller: null,
* Progress-bar color for current host
* @type {string}
barColor: '',
* Css-string to progress-bar width-property
* @type {string}
barWidth: Em.computed.format('width: {0}%;','obj.progress'),
* Is current host failed
* @type {bool}
isFailed: hostStatus(['failed', 'heartbeat_lost']),
* Is current host successfully installed
* @type {bool}
isSuccess: hostStatus('success'),
* Current host has warnings
* @type {bool}
isWarning: hostStatus('warning'),
* Current host completed all its tasks
* @type {bool}
isHostCompleted: function () {
return this.get('obj.progress') == 100;
didInsertElement: function () {
* Set <code>barColor</code>, <code>obj.progress</code>, <code>obj.message</code> according to
* <code>obj.status</code>, <code>obj.progress</code>, <code>controller.progress</code>
* @method onStatus
onStatus: function () {
if (this.get('obj.status') === 'info') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-info');
} else if (this.get('obj.status') === 'warning') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-warning');
if (this.get('obj.progress') === '100') {
this.set('obj.message', Em.I18n.t(''));
} else if (this.get('obj.status') === 'failed') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-danger');
if (this.get('obj.progress') === '100') {
this.set('obj.message', Em.I18n.t(''));
} else if (this.get('obj.status') === 'heartbeat_lost') {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-danger');
if (this.get('obj.progress') === '100') {
this.set('obj.message', Em.I18n.t(''));
} else if (this.get('obj.status') === 'success' && this.get('isHostCompleted') && parseInt(this.get('controller.progress')) > 34) {
this.set('barColor', 'progress-success');
this.set('obj.message', Em.I18n.t(''));
}.observes('obj.status', 'obj.progress', 'controller.progress'),
* Show popup with host logs
* @return {App.ModalPopup}
* @method hostLogPopup
hostLogPopup: function () {
var controller = this.get('controller');
var host = this.get('obj');
header: host.get('name'),
classNames: ['sixty-percent-width-modal'],
autoHeight: false,
secondary: null,
* Current host
* @type {Em.Object}
host: host,
* wizardStep9Controller
* @type {App.WizardStep9Controller}
c: controller,
onClose: function () {
this.set('c.currentOpenTaskId', 0);
bodyClass: App.WizardStep9HostLogPopupBodyView