blob: c5eaafc6a9090162bd65fb084d3b57553267c16f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var filters = require('views/common/filter_view');
App.MainDashboardWidgetsView = Em.View.extend(App.UserPref, App.LocalStorage, App.TimeRangeMixin, {
name: 'mainDashboardWidgetsView',
templateName: require('templates/main/dashboard/widgets'),
didInsertElement: function () {
this.set('isDataLoaded', true);
App.loadTimer.finish('Dashboard Metrics Page');, 'makeSortable');
* List of services
* @type {Ember.Enumerable}
content: [],
* @type {boolean}
isDataLoaded: false,
* Define if some widget is currently moving
* @type {boolean}
isMoving: false,
timeRangeClassName: 'pull-left',
* Make widgets' list sortable on New Dashboard style
makeSortable: function () {
var self = this;
items: "> div",
//placeholder: "sortable-placeholder",
cursor: "move",
tolerance: "pointer",
scroll: false,
update: function (event, ui) {
if (!App.get('testMode')) {
// update persist then translate to real
var widgetsArray = $('div[viewid]'); // get all in DOM
self.getUserPref(self.get('persistKey')).complete(function () {
var oldValue = self.get('currentPrefObject') || self.getDBProperty(self.get('persistKey'));
var newValue = Em.Object.create({
dashboardVersion: oldValue.dashboardVersion,
visible: [],
hidden: oldValue.hidden,
threshold: oldValue.threshold
var size = oldValue.visible.length;
for (var j = 0; j <= size - 1; j++) {
var viewID = widgetsArray.get(j).getAttribute('viewid');
var id = viewID.split("-").get(1);
self.postUserPref(self.get('persistKey'), newValue);
self.setDBProperty(self.get('persistKey'), newValue);
activate: function (event, ui) {
self.set('isMoving', true);
deactivate: function (event, ui) {
self.set('isMoving', false);
* Set Service model values
setWidgetsDataModel: function () {
if (App.get('services.hostMetrics').length > 0) {
this.set('host_metrics_model', App.get('services.hostMetrics'));
App.Service.find().forEach(function (item) {
var extendedModel = App.Service.extendedModel[item.get('serviceName')];
var key = item.get('serviceName').toLowerCase() + '_model';
if (extendedModel && App[extendedModel].find(item.get('id'))) {
this.set(key, App[extendedModel].find(item.get('id')));
} else {
this.set(key, item);
}, this);
resolveConfigDependencies: function(visibleFull, hiddenFull) {
var clusterEnv = App.router.get('clusterController.clusterEnv').properties;
if (clusterEnv['hide_yarn_memory_widget'] === 'true') {
hiddenFull.push(['20', 'YARN Memory']);
} else {
visibleFull.splice(visibleFull.indexOf('19'), 0, '20');
* Load widget statuses to <code>initPrefObject</code>
setInitPrefObject: function () {
//in case of some service not installed
var visibleFull = [
'2', '4', '11', //hdfs
'6', '7', '8', '9', //host metrics
'1', '5', '3', '10', //hdfs
'13', '12', '14', '16', //hbase
'17', '18', '19', '23', // all yarn
'21', // storm
'22', // flume
'24', // hawq
'25' // pxf
]; // all in order
var hiddenFull = [
['15', 'Region In Transition']
this.resolveConfigDependencies(visibleFull, hiddenFull);
// Display widgets for host metrics if the stack definition has a host metrics service to display it.
if (this.get('host_metrics_model') == null) {
var hostMetrics = ['6', '7', '8', '9'];
hostMetrics.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('hdfs_model') == null) {
var hdfs = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '10', '11'];
hdfs.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('hbase_model') == null) {
var hbase = ['12', '13', '14', '16'];
hbase.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
hiddenFull = hiddenFull.filter(function(item) {
return item[0] !== '15';
if (this.get('yarn_model') == null) {
var yarn = ['17', '18', '19', '20', '23'];
yarn.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('storm_model') == null) {
var storm = ['21'];
storm.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('flume_model') == null) {
var flume = ['22'];
flume.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('hawq_model') == null) {
var hawq = ['24'];
hawq.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
if (this.get('pxf_model') == null) {
var pxf = ['25'];
pxf.forEach(function (item) {
visibleFull = visibleFull.without(item);
}, this);
var obj = this.get('initPrefObject');
obj.set('visible', visibleFull);
obj.set('hidden', hiddenFull);
host_metrics_model: null,
hdfs_model: null,
mapreduce2_model: null,
yarn_model: null,
hbase_model: null,
storm_model: null,
flume_model: null,
hawq_model: null,
pxf_model: null,
* List of visible widgets
* @type {Ember.Enumerable}
visibleWidgets: [],
* List of hidden widgets
* @type {Ember.Enumerable}
hiddenWidgets: [], // widget child view will push object in this array if deleted
* Submenu view for New Dashboard style
* @type {Ember.View}
* @class
plusButtonFilterView: Ember.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/main/dashboard/plus_button_filter'),
hiddenWidgetsBinding: 'parentView.hiddenWidgets',
visibleWidgetsBinding: 'parentView.visibleWidgets',
valueBinding: '',
widgetCheckbox: Em.Checkbox.extend({
didInsertElement: function () {
$('.checkbox').click(function (event) {
closeFilter: Em.K,
applyFilter: function () {
var self = this;
var parent = this.get('parentView');
var hiddenWidgets = this.get('hiddenWidgets');
var checkedWidgets = hiddenWidgets.filterProperty('checked', true);
if (App.get('testMode')) {
var visibleWidgets = this.get('visibleWidgets');
checkedWidgets.forEach(function (item) {
var newObj = parent.widgetsMapper(;
}, this);
} else {
//save in persist
applyFilterComplete: function () {
var parent = this.get('parentView'),
hiddenWidgets = this.get('hiddenWidgets'),
oldValue = parent.get('currentPrefObject'),
newValue = Em.Object.create({
dashboardVersion: oldValue.dashboardVersion,
visible: oldValue.visible,
hidden: [],
threshold: oldValue.threshold
hiddenWidgets.filterProperty('checked').forEach(function (item) {
}, this);
hiddenWidgets.forEach(function (item) {
newValue.hidden.push([, item.displayName]);
}, this);
parent.postUserPref(parent.get('persistKey'), newValue);
* Translate from Json value got from persist to real widgets view
translateToReal: function (value) {
var version = value.dashboardVersion;
var visible = value.visible;
var hidden = value.hidden;
var threshold = value.threshold;
if (version === 'new') {
var visibleWidgets = [];
var hiddenWidgets = [];
// re-construct visibleWidgets and hiddenWidgets
for (var i = 0; i < visible.length; i++) {
var id = visible[i];
var widgetClass = this.widgetsMapper(id);
//override with new threshold
if (threshold[id].length > 0) {
thresh1: threshold[id][0],
thresh2: threshold[id][1]
for (var j = 0; j < hidden.length; j++) {
var title = hidden[j][1];
hiddenWidgets.pushObject(Em.Object.create({displayName: title, id: hidden[j][0], checked: false}));
this.set('visibleWidgets', visibleWidgets);
this.set('hiddenWidgets', hiddenWidgets);
* Set visibility-status for widgets
setOnLoadVisibleWidgets: function () {
var self = this;
if (App.get('testMode')) {
} else {
// called when first load/refresh/jump back page
this.getUserPref(this.get('persistKey')).complete(function () {
if (self.get('state') === 'inDOM') {
* complete load of visible widgets
setOnLoadVisibleWidgetsComplete: function () {
var currentPrefObject = this.get('currentPrefObject') || this.getDBProperty(this.get('persistKey'));
if (currentPrefObject) { // fit for no dashboard version
if (!currentPrefObject.dashboardVersion) {
currentPrefObject.dashboardVersion = 'new';
this.postUserPref(this.get('persistKey'), currentPrefObject);
this.setDBProperty(this.get('persistKey'), currentPrefObject);
this.set('currentPrefObject', this.checkServicesChange(currentPrefObject));
else {
// post persist then translate init object
this.postUserPref(this.get('persistKey'), this.get('initPrefObject'));
this.setDBProperty(this.get('persistKey'), this.get('initPrefObject'));
* Remove widget from visible and hidden lists
* @param {Object} value
* @param {Object} widget
* @returns {*}
removeWidget: function (value, widget) {
value.visible = value.visible.without(widget);
for (var j = 0; j < value.hidden.length; j++) {
if (value.hidden[j][0] == widget) {
value.hidden.splice(j, 1);
return value;
* Check if widget is in visible or hidden list
* @param {Object} value
* @param {Object} widget
* @returns {bool}
containsWidget: function (value, widget) {
var flag = value.visible.contains(widget);
for (var j = 0; j < value.hidden.length; j++) {
if (!flag && value.hidden[j][0] == widget) {
flag = true;
return flag;
* check if stack has upgraded from HDP 1.0 to 2.0 OR add/delete services.
* Update the value on server if true.
* @param {Object} currentPrefObject
* @return {Object}
checkServicesChange: function (currentPrefObject) {
var toDelete = $.extend(true, {}, currentPrefObject);
var toAdd = [];
var serviceWidgetsMap = {
hdfs_model: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '10', '11'],
host_metrics_model: ['6', '7', '8', '9'],
hbase_model: ['12', '13', '14', '15', '16'],
yarn_model: ['17', '18', '19', '20', '23'],
storm_model: ['21'],
flume_model: ['22'],
hawq_model: ['24'],
pxf_model: ['25']
// check each service, find out the newly added service and already deleted service
Em.keys(serviceWidgetsMap).forEach(function (modelName) {
if (!Em.isNone(this.get(modelName))) {
var ids = serviceWidgetsMap[modelName];
var flag = this.containsWidget(toDelete, ids[0]);
if (flag) {
ids.forEach(function (item) {
toDelete = this.removeWidget(toDelete, item);
}, this);
} else {
toAdd = toAdd.concat(ids);
}, this);
var value = currentPrefObject;
if (toDelete.visible.length || toDelete.hidden.length) {
toDelete.visible.forEach(function (item) {
value = this.removeWidget(value, item);
}, this);
toDelete.hidden.forEach(function (item) {
value = this.removeWidget(value, item[0]);
}, this);
if (toAdd.length) {
value.visible = value.visible.concat(toAdd);
var allThreshold = this.get('initPrefObject').threshold;
// add new threshold OR override with default value
toAdd.forEach(function (item) {
value.threshold[item] = allThreshold[item];
}, this);
return value;
* Get view for widget by widget's id
* @param {string} id
* @returns {Ember.View}
widgetsMapper: function (id) {
return Em.get({
'1': App.NameNodeHeapPieChartView,
'2': App.NameNodeCapacityPieChartView,
'3': App.NameNodeCpuPieChartView,
'4': App.DataNodeUpView,
'5': App.NameNodeRpcView,
'6': App.ChartClusterMetricsMemoryWidgetView,
'7': App.ChartClusterMetricsNetworkWidgetView,
'8': App.ChartClusterMetricsCPUWidgetView,
'9': App.ChartClusterMetricsLoadWidgetView,
'10': App.NameNodeUptimeView,
'11': App.HDFSLinksView,
'12': App.HBaseLinksView,
'13': App.HBaseMasterHeapPieChartView,
'14': App.HBaseAverageLoadView,
'15': App.HBaseRegionsInTransitionView,
'16': App.HBaseMasterUptimeView,
'17': App.ResourceManagerHeapPieChartView,
'18': App.ResourceManagerUptimeView,
'19': App.NodeManagersLiveView,
'20': App.YARNMemoryPieChartView,
'21': App.SuperVisorUpView,
'22': App.FlumeAgentUpView,
'23': App.YARNLinksView,
'24': App.HawqSegmentUpView,
'25': App.PxfUpView
}, id);
* @type {Object|null}
currentPrefObject: null,
* @type {Ember.Object}
initPrefObject: Em.Object.create({
dashboardVersion: 'new',
visible: [],
hidden: [],
threshold: {1: [80, 90], 2: [85, 95], 3: [90, 95], 4: [80, 90], 5: [1000, 3000], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [], 12: [], 13: [70, 90], 14: [150, 250], 15: [3, 10], 16: [],
17: [70, 90], 18: [], 19: [50, 75], 20: [50, 75], 21: [85, 95], 22: [85, 95], 23: [], 24: [75, 90], 25: []} // id:[thresh1, thresh2]
* Key-name to store data in Local Storage and Persist
* @type {string}
persistKey: Em.computed.format('user-pref-{0}-dashboard', 'App.router.loginName'),
getUserPrefSuccessCallback: function (response, request, data) {
if (response) {
var initPrefObject = this.get('initPrefObject');
for(var k in response.threshold) {
if (response.threshold.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if (response.threshold[k].length === 0 && initPrefObject.get('threshold')[k] && initPrefObject.get('threshold')[k].length) {
response.threshold[k] = initPrefObject.get('threshold')[k];
this.set('currentPrefObject', response);
getUserPrefErrorCallback: function (request) {
* Reset widgets visibility-status
resetAllWidgets: function () {
var self = this;
App.showConfirmationPopup(function () {
if (!App.get('testMode')) {
self.postUserPref(self.get('persistKey'), self.get('initPrefObject'));
self.setDBProperty(self.get('persistKey'), self.get('initPrefObject'));
currentTimeRangeIndex: 0,
customStartTime: null,
customEndTime: null
showAlertsPopup: Em.K