blob: 6bded2c381f7c4217e2b9b060f1d85425ab83afb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.ServiceConfigView = Em.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/common/configs/service_config'),
isRestartMessageCollapsed: false,
* Bound from parent view in the template
* @type {string}
filter: '',
* Determines that active tab is set during view initialize.
* @type {boolean}
initialActiveTabIsSet: false,
* Bound from parent view in the template
* @type {object[]}
columns: [],
propertyFilterPopover: [Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.propertyFilterPopover.title'), Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.propertyFilterPopover.content')],
canEdit: true, // View is editable or read-only?
supportsHostOverrides: function () {
switch (this.get('')) {
case 'wizardStep7Controller':
return this.get('controller.selectedService.serviceName') !== 'MISC';
case 'mainServiceInfoConfigsController':
case 'mainHostServiceConfigsController':
return true;
return false;
}.property('', 'controller.selectedService'),
* Determines if user is on the service configs page
* @type {boolean}
isOnTheServicePage: Em.computed.equal('', 'mainServiceInfoConfigsController'),
classNameBindings: ['isOnTheServicePage:serviceConfigs'],
* flag defines if any config match filter
* true if all configs should be hidden
* @type {boolean}
isAllConfigsHidden: false,
* method that runs <code>updateFilterCounters<code> to
* update filter counters for advanced tab
* @method showHideAdvancedByFilter
showHideAdvancedByFilter: function () {, 'updateFilterCounters');
* updates filter counters for advanced tab
* @method updateFilterCounters
updateFilterCounters: function() {
if (this.get('controller.selectedService.configs') && this.get('state') !== 'destroyed') {
var categories = this.get('controller.selectedService.configCategories').mapProperty('name');
var configsToShow = this.get('controller.selectedService.configs').filter(function(config) {
return config.get('isHiddenByFilter') == false && categories.contains(config.get('category')) && config.get('isVisible');
var isAllConfigsHidden = configsToShow.get('length') == 0;
var isAdvancedHidden = isAllConfigsHidden || configsToShow.filter(function (config) {
return Em.isNone(config.get('widget'));
}).get('length') == 0;
this.set('isAllConfigsHidden', isAllConfigsHidden);
var advancedTab = App.Tab.find().filterProperty('serviceName', this.get('controller.selectedService.serviceName')).findProperty('isAdvanced');
advancedTab && advancedTab.set('isAdvancedHidden', isAdvancedHidden);
* Check for layout config supports.
* @returns {Boolean}
supportsConfigLayout: function() {
var supportedControllers = ['wizardStep7Controller', 'mainServiceInfoConfigsController', 'mainHostServiceConfigsController'];
if (App.Tab.find().someProperty('serviceName', this.get('controller.selectedService.serviceName')) && supportedControllers.contains(this.get(''))) {
return !Em.isEmpty(App.Tab.find().filterProperty('serviceName', this.get('controller.selectedService.serviceName')).filterProperty('isAdvanced', false));
} else {
return false;
}.property('', 'controller.selectedService'),
toggleRestartMessageView: function () {
this.$('.service-body').toggle('blind', 200);
this.set('isRestartMessageCollapsed', !this.get('isRestartMessageCollapsed'));
didInsertElement: function () {
if (this.get('isNotEditable') === true) {
this.set('canEdit', false);
if (this.$('.service-body')) {
App.tooltip($(".restart-required-property"), {html: true});
App.tooltip($(".icon-lock"), {placement: 'right'});
willDestroyElement: function() {
//Force configs remove in order to speed up rendering
* Check if we should show Custom Property category
* @method checkCanEdit
checkCanEdit: function () {
var controller = this.get('controller');
if (!controller.get('selectedService.configCategories')) {
if (controller.get('selectedConfigGroup')) {
controller.get('selectedService.configCategories').filterProperty('siteFileName').forEach(function (config) {
var supportsAddingForbidden = App.config.shouldSupportAddingForbidden(controller.get('selectedService').serviceName, config.siteFileName); //true if the UI should not display the Custom ... section
config.set('customCanAddProperty', !supportsAddingForbidden);
setActiveTab: function (event) {
if (event.context.get('isHiddenByFilter')) return false;
this.set('initialActiveTabIsSet', true);
this.get('tabs').forEach(function (tab) {
tab.set('isActive', false);
var currentTab = event.context;
currentTab.set('isActive', true);
currentTab.set('isRendered', true);
* Object that used for Twitter Bootstrap tabs markup.
* @returns {Ember.A}
tabs: function() {
var tabs = App.Tab.find().filterProperty('serviceName', this.get('controller.selectedService.serviceName'));
var advancedTab = tabs.findProperty('isAdvanced', true);
if (advancedTab) {
advancedTab.set('isRendered', advancedTab.get('isActive'));
return tabs;
* Set active tab when view attached and configs are linked to tabs.
initialActiveTabObserver: function() {
var tabs = this.get('tabs').filterProperty('isAdvanced', false);
if (tabs.everyProperty('isConfigsPrepared', true) && !this.get('initialActiveTabIsSet')) {
this.set('initialActiveTabIsSet', true);
* Pick the first non hidden tab and make it active when there is no active tab
* @method pickActiveTab
pickActiveTab: function (tabs) {
if (!tabs) return;
var activeTab = tabs.findProperty('isActive', true);
if (activeTab) {
if (activeTab.get('isHiddenByFilter')) {
activeTab.set('isActive', false);
else {
var firstHotHiddenTab = tabs.filterProperty('isHiddenByFilter', false).get('firstObject');
if(firstHotHiddenTab) {
firstHotHiddenTab.set('isActive', true);
if (firstHotHiddenTab.get('isAdvanced') && !firstHotHiddenTab.get('isRendered')) {
firstHotHiddenTab.set('isRendered', true);
* Data reordering before rendering.
* Reorder all sections/subsections into rows based on their rowIndex
* @param tabs
processTabs: function (tabs) {
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
var tab = tabs[i];
// process sections
var sectionRows = [];
var sections = tab.get('sections');
for (var j = 0; j < sections.get('length'); j++) {
var section = sections.objectAt(j);
var sectionRow = sectionRows[section.get('rowIndex')];
if (!sectionRow) { sectionRow = sectionRows[section.get('rowIndex')] = []; }
//process subsections
var subsections = section.get('subSections');
var subsectionRows = [];
for (var k = 0; k < subsections.get('length'); k++) {
var subsection = subsections.objectAt(k);
var subsectionRow = subsectionRows[subsection.get('rowIndex')];
if (!subsectionRow) { subsectionRow = subsectionRows[subsection.get('rowIndex')] = []; }
// leave a title gap if one of the subsection on the same row within the same section has title
if (subsection.get('displayName')) {subsectionRow.hasTitleGap = true;}
section.set('subsectionRows', subsectionRows);
tab.set('sectionRows', sectionRows);
* Mark isHiddenByFilter flag for configs, sub-sections, and tab
* @method filterEnhancedConfigs
filterEnhancedConfigs: function () {
if (!this.get('controller.selectedService') || this.get('state') === 'destroyed') return true;
var self = this;
var serviceConfigs = this.get('controller.selectedService.configs').filterProperty('isVisible', true);
var filter = (this.get('filter')|| '').toLowerCase();
var selectedFilters = (this.get('columns') || []).filterProperty('selected');
if (selectedFilters.length > 0 || filter.length > 0) {
serviceConfigs.forEach(function (config) {
var passesFilters = true;
selectedFilters.forEach(function (filter) {
if (config.get(filter.attributeName) !== filter.attributeValue &&
!(config.get('overrides') && config.get('overrides').someProperty(filter.attributeName, filter.attributeValue))) {
passesFilters = false;
if (!passesFilters) {
config.set('isHiddenByFilter', true);
return false;
var searchString = config.get('savedValue') + config.get('description') +
config.get('displayName') + config.get('name') + config.get('value') + config.getWithDefault('stackConfigProperty.displayName', '');
if (config.get('overrides')) {
config.get('overrides').forEach(function (overriddenConf) {
searchString += overriddenConf.get('value') + overriddenConf.get('');
if (filter != null && typeof searchString === "string") {
config.set('isHiddenByFilter', !(searchString.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1));
} else {
config.set('isHiddenByFilter', false);
else {
serviceConfigs.setEach('isHiddenByFilter', false);
} () {
}.observes('filter', 'columns.@each.selected', 'tabs.@each.isHiddenByFilter')