blob: 8eaf6f36b670caadca9233f8ae0c33c938847e3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
var string_utils = require('utils/string_utils');
var dateUtils = require('utils/date/date');
* @class
* This is a view which GETs data from a URL and shows it as a time based line
* graph. Time is shown on the X axis with data series shown on Y axis. It
* optionally also has the ability to auto refresh itself over a given time
* interval.
* This is an abstract class which is meant to be extended.
* Extending classes should override the following:
* <ul>
* <li>url - from where the data can be retrieved
* <li>title - Title to be displayed when showing the chart
* <li>id - which uniquely identifies this chart in any page
* <li>seriesTemplate - template used by getData method to process server data
* </ul>
* Extending classes could optionally override the following:
* <ul>
* <li>#getData(jsonData) - function to map server data into series format
* ready for export to graph and JSON formats
* <li>#colorForSeries(series) - function to get custom colors per series
* </ul>
* @extends Ember.Object
* @extends Ember.View
App.ChartLinearTimeView = Ember.View.extend(App.ExportMetricsMixin, {
templateName: require('templates/main/charts/linear_time'),
* The URL from which data can be retrieved.
* This property must be provided for the graph to show properly.
* @type String
* @default null
url: null,
* A unique ID for this chart.
* @type String
* @default null
id: null,
* Title to be shown under the chart.
* @type String
* @default null
title: null,
* @private
* @type Rickshaw.Graph
* @default null
_graph: null,
* Array of classnames for each series (in widget)
* @type Rickshaw.Graph
_popupGraph: null,
* Array of classnames for each series
* @type Array
_seriesProperties: null,
* Array of classnames for each series (in widget)
* @type Array
_seriesPropertiesWidget: null,
* Renderer type
* See <code>Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer</code> for more info
* @type String
renderer: 'area',
* Suffix used in DOM-elements selectors
* @type String
popupSuffix: '-popup',
* Is popup for current graph open
* @type Boolean
isPopup: false,
* Is graph ready
* @type Boolean
isReady: false,
* Is popup-graph ready
* @type Boolean
isPopupReady: false,
* Is data for graph available
* @type Boolean
hasData: true,
* chart height
* @type {number}
* @default 150
height: 150,
* @type {string}
* @default null
displayUnit: null,
* Object containing information to get metrics data from API response
* Supported properties:
* <ul>
* <li>path - exact path to metrics data in response JSON (required)
* <li>displayName(name, hostName) - returns display name for metrics
* depending on property name in response JSON and host name for Flume Agents
* <li>factor - number that metrics values should be multiplied by
* <li>flumePropertyName - property name to access certain Flume metrics
* </ul>
* @type {Object}
seriesTemplate: null,
* Incomplete metrics requests
* @type {array}
* @default []
runningRequests: [],
* Incomplete metrics requests for detailed view
* @type {array}
* @default []
runningPopupRequests: [],
_containerSelector: Em.computed.format('#{0}-container', 'id'),
_popupSelector: Em.computed.concat('', '_containerSelector', 'popupSuffix'),
* @type {boolean}
isRequestRunning: function() {
var requestsArrayName = this.get('isPopup') ? 'runningPopupRequests' : 'runningRequests';
return this.get(requestsArrayName).mapProperty('ajaxIndex').contains(this.get('ajaxIndex'));
}.property('runningPopupRequests', 'runningRequests'),
didInsertElement: function () {
var self = this;
this.$().parent().on('mouseleave', function () {
self.set('isExportMenuHidden', true);
App.tooltip(this.$("[rel='ZoomInTooltip']"), {
placement: 'left',
template: '<div class="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner graph-tooltip"></div></div>'
setCurrentTimeIndex: function () {
this.set('currentTimeIndex', this.get('parentView.currentTimeRangeIndex'));
* Maps server data into series format ready for export to graph and JSON formats
* @param jsonData
* @returns {Array}
getData: function (jsonData) {
var dataArray = [],
template = this.get('seriesTemplate'),
data = Em.get(jsonData, template.path);
if (data) {
for (var name in data) {
var currentData = data[name];
if (currentData) {
if (Array.isArray(currentData)) {
currentData = currentData.slice(0);
var factor = template.factor,
displayName = template.displayName ? template.displayName(name) : name;
if (!Em.isNone(factor)) {
var dataLength = currentData.length;
for (var i = dataLength; i--;) {
currentData[i] = [currentData[i][0] * factor, currentData[i][1]];
name: displayName,
data: currentData
return dataArray;
* Maps server data for certain Flume metrics into series format ready for export
* to graph and JSON formats
* @param jsonData
* @returns {Array}
getFlumeData: function (jsonData) {
var dataArray = [];
if (jsonData && jsonData.host_components) {
jsonData.host_components.forEach(function (hc) {
var hostName = hc.HostRoles.host_name,
host = App.Host.find(hostName),
template = this.get('template'),
data = Em.get(hc, template.path);
if (host && host.get('publicHostName')) {
hostName = host.get('publicHostName');
if (data) {
for (var cname in data) {
var seriesName = template.displayName ? template.displayName(cname, hostName) : cname,
seriesData = template.flumePropertyName ? data[cname][template.flumePropertyName] : data[cname];
if (seriesData) {
var factor = template.factor;
if (!Em.isNone(factor)) {
var dataLength = seriesData.length;
for (var i = dataLength; i--;) {
seriesData[i][0] *= factor;
name: seriesName,
data: seriesData
}, this);
return dataArray;
* Function to map data into graph series
* @param jsonData
* @returns {Array}
transformToSeries: function (jsonData) {
var seriesArray = [],
seriesData = this.getData(jsonData),
dataLength = seriesData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
seriesArray.push(this.transformData(seriesData[i].data, seriesData[i].name));
return seriesArray;
setExportTooltip: function () {
if (this.get('isReady')) {, function () {
var icon = this.$('.corner-icon');
if (icon) {
icon.on('mouseover', function () {
App.tooltip(icon.children('.icon-save'), {
title: Em.I18n.t('common.export')
willDestroyElement: function () {
$(this.get('_containerSelector') + ' li.line').off();
$(this.get('_popupSelector') + ' li.line').off();
registerGraph: function () {
var graph = {
name: this.get('title'),
id: this.get('elementId'),
popupId: this.get('id')
loadData: function () {
var self = this,
isPopup = this.get('isPopup');
if (this.get('loadGroup') && !isPopup) {
return App.ChartLinearTimeView.LoadAggregator.add(this, this.get('loadGroup'));
} else {
var requestsArrayName = isPopup ? 'runningPopupRequests' : 'runningRequests',
request = App.ajax.send({
name: this.get('ajaxIndex'),
sender: this,
data: this.getDataForAjaxRequest(),
success: 'loadDataSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadDataErrorCallback',
callback: function () {
self.set(requestsArrayName, self.get(requestsArrayName).reject(function (item) {
return item === request;
if (request) request.ajaxIndex = this.get('ajaxIndex');
return request;
getDataForAjaxRequest: function () {
var fromSeconds,
hostName = (this.get('content')) ? this.get('content.hostName') : "",
HDFSService = App.HDFSService.find().objectAt(0),
nameNodeName = "",
YARNService = App.YARNService.find().objectAt(0),
resourceManager = YARNService ? YARNService.get('resourceManager.hostName') : "";
if (HDFSService) {
nameNodeName = (HDFSService.get('activeNameNode')) ? HDFSService.get('activeNameNode.hostName') : HDFSService.get('nameNode.hostName');
if (this.get('currentTimeIndex') === 8 && !Em.isNone(this.get('customStartTime')) && !Em.isNone(this.get('customEndTime'))) {
// Custom start and end time is specified by user
toSeconds = this.get('customEndTime') / 1000;
fromSeconds = this.get('customStartTime') / 1000;
} else {
// Preset time range is specified by user
var timeUnit = this.get('timeUnitSeconds');
toSeconds = Math.round(App.dateTime() / 1000);
fromSeconds = toSeconds - timeUnit;
return {
toSeconds: toSeconds,
fromSeconds: fromSeconds,
stepSeconds: 15,
hostName: hostName,
nameNodeName: nameNodeName,
resourceManager: resourceManager
loadDataSuccessCallback: function (response) {
loadDataErrorCallback: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (!xhr.isForcedAbort) {
this.set('isReady', true);
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status) {
textStatus = xhr.status + " " + textStatus;
this._showMessage('warn', this.t('graphs.error.title'), this.t('graphs.error.message').format(textStatus, errorThrown));
hasData: false,
isExportButtonHidden: true
* Shows a yellow warning message in place of the chart.
* @param type Can be any of 'warn', 'error', 'info', 'success'
* @param title Bolded title for the message
* @param message String representing the message
* @param tooltip Tooltip content
* @type: Function
_showMessage: function (type, title, message, tooltip) {
var popupSuffix = this.get('isPopup') ? this.get('popupSuffix') : '';
var chartOverlay = '#' + this.get('id');
var chartOverlayId = chartOverlay + '-chart' + popupSuffix;
var chartOverlayY = chartOverlay + '-yaxis' + popupSuffix;
var chartOverlayX = chartOverlay + '-xaxis' + popupSuffix;
var chartOverlayLegend = chartOverlay + '-legend' + popupSuffix;
var chartOverlayTimeline = chartOverlay + '-timeline' + popupSuffix;
var tooltipTitle = tooltip ? tooltip : Em.I18n.t('graphs.tooltip.title');
var chartContent = '';
var typeClass;
switch (type) {
case 'error':
typeClass = 'alert-error';
case 'success':
typeClass = 'alert-success';
case 'info':
typeClass = 'alert-info';
typeClass = '';
$(chartOverlayId + ', ' + chartOverlayY + ', ' + chartOverlayX + ', ' + chartOverlayLegend + ', ' + chartOverlayTimeline).html('');
chartContent += '<div class=\"alert ' + typeClass + '\">';
if (title) {
chartContent += '<strong>' + title + '</strong> ';
chartContent += message + '</div>';
$(chartOverlayId).parent().attr('data-original-title', tooltipTitle);
* Transforms the JSON data retrieved from the server into the series
* format that Rickshaw.Graph understands.
* The series object is generally in the following format: [ { name :
* "Series 1", data : [ { x : 0, y : 0 }, { x : 1, y : 1 } ] } ]
* Extending classes should override this method.
* @param seriesData
* Data retrieved from the server
* @param displayName
* Graph title
* @type: Function
transformData: function (seriesData, displayName) {
if (!Em.isNone(seriesData)) {
// Is it a string?
if ("string" == typeof seriesData) {
seriesData = JSON.parse(seriesData);
// Is it a number?
if ("number" == typeof seriesData) {
// Same number applies to all time.
var number = seriesData;
seriesData = [];
seriesData.push([number, App.dateTime() - (60 * 60)]);
seriesData.push([number, App.dateTime()]);
// We have valid data
var series = {}; = displayName; = [];
var timeDiff = App.dateTimeWithTimeZone(seriesData[0][1] * 1000) / 1000 - seriesData[0][1];
for (var index = 0; index < seriesData.length; index++) {{
x: seriesData[index][1] + timeDiff,
y: seriesData[index][0]
return series;
return null;
* Provides the formatter to use in displaying Y axis.
* By default, uses the App.ChartLinearTimeView.DefaultFormatter which shows 10K,
* 300M etc.
* @type Function
yAxisFormatter: function (y) {
return App.ChartLinearTimeView.DefaultFormatter(y);
* Sets the formatter to use in displaying Y axis depending on graph unit.
* @type Function
setYAxisFormatter: function () {
var method,
formatterMap = {
'%': 'PercentageFormatter',
'/s': 'CreateRateFormatter',
'B': 'BytesFormatter',
'ms': 'TimeElapsedFormatter'
methodName = formatterMap[this.get('displayUnit')];
if (methodName) {
method = (methodName == 'CreateRateFormatter') ?
App.ChartLinearTimeView.CreateRateFormatter('', App.ChartLinearTimeView.DefaultFormatter) :
this.set('yAxisFormatter', method);
* Provides the color (in any HTML color format) to use for a particular
* series.
* May be redefined in child views
* @param series
* Series for which color is being requested
* @return color String. Returning null allows this chart to pick a color
* from palette.
* @default null
* @type Function
colorForSeries: function (series) {
return null;
* Check whether seriesData is correct data for chart drawing
* @param {Array} seriesData
* @return {Boolean}
checkSeries: function (seriesData) {
if (!seriesData || !seriesData.length) {
return false;
var result = true;
seriesData.forEach(function (item) {
if (Em.isNone(Em.get(item, 'data.0.x'))) {
result = false;
return result;
* @private
* Refreshes the graph with the latest JSON data.
* @type Function
_refreshGraph: function (jsonData, graphView) {
if (this.get('isDestroyed')) {
var seriesData = this.transformToSeries(jsonData);
//if graph opened as modal popup
var popup_path = $(this.get('_popupSelector'));
var graph_container = $(this.get('_containerSelector'));
var seconds = this.get('parentView.graphSeconds');
var container;
if (!Em.isNone(seconds)) {
this.set('timeUnitSeconds', seconds);
this.set('parentView.graphSeconds', null);
if (popup_path.length) {
popup_path.children().each(function () {
this.set('isPopup', true);
else {
graph_container.children().each(function () {
if (!($(this).is('.export-graph-list-container, .corner-icon'))) {
var hasData = this.checkSeries(seriesData);
var view = graphView || this;
view.set('isExportButtonHidden', !hasData);
if (hasData) {
// Check container exists (may be not, if we go to another page and wait while graphs loading)
if (graph_container.length) {
container = $(this.get('_containerSelector'));
this.set('hasData', true);
//move yAxis value lower to make them fully visible
container.find('.y_axis text').attr('y', 8);
container.attr('data-original-title', Em.I18n.t('graphs.tooltip.title'));
else {
this.set('isPopupReady', true);
this.set('isReady', true);
//if Axis X time interval is default(60 minutes)
if (this.get('timeUnitSeconds') === 3600) {
this._showMessage('info', null, this.t('graphs.noData.message'), this.t('graphs.noData.tooltip.title'));
this.set('hasData', false);
else {
this._showMessage('info', this.t('graphs.noData.title'), this.t('graphs.noDataAtTime.message'));
graph_container = null;
container = null;
popup_path = null;
* Returns a custom time unit, that depends on X axis interval length, for the graph's X axis.
* This is needed as Rickshaw's default time X axis uses UTC time, which can be confusing
* for users expecting locale specific time.
* If <code>null</code> is returned, Rickshaw's default time unit is used.
* @type Function
* @return Rickshaw.Fixtures.Time
localeTimeUnit: function (timeUnitSeconds) {
var timeUnit = new Rickshaw.Fixtures.Time(),
if (timeUnitSeconds < 172800) {
timeUnit = {
name: timeUnitSeconds / 240 + ' minute',
seconds: timeUnitSeconds / 4,
formatter: function (d) {
// format locale specific time
var minutes = dateUtils.dateFormatZeroFirst(d.getMinutes());
var hours = dateUtils.dateFormatZeroFirst(d.getHours());
return hours + ":" + minutes;
} else if (timeUnitSeconds < 1209600) {
timeUnit = timeUnit.unit('day');
} else if (timeUnitSeconds < 5184000) {
timeUnit = timeUnit.unit('week');
} else if (timeUnitSeconds < 62208000) {
timeUnit = timeUnit.unit('month');
} else {
timeUnit = timeUnit.unit('year');
return timeUnit;
* calculate statistic data for popup legend and set proper colors for series
* @param {Array} data
dataPreProcess: function (data) {
var self = this;
var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette({scheme: 'munin'});
// Format series for display
var series_min_length = 100000000;
data.forEach(function (series) {
var displayUnit = self.get('displayUnit');
var seriesColor = self.colorForSeries(series);
if (Em.isNone(seriesColor)) {
seriesColor = palette.color();
series.color = seriesColor;
series.stroke = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)';
// calculate statistic data for popup legend
var avg = 0;
var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var numberOfNotNullValues = 0;
series.isZero = true;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
avg +=[i]['y'];
if ([i]['y'] !== null) {
if (!Em.isNone([i]['y'])) {
if ([i]['y'] < min) {
min =[i]['y'];
if ([i]['y'] > max) {
max =[i]['y'];
if ([i]['y'] > 1) {
series.isZero = false;
if (self.get('isPopup')) { = string_utils.pad( > 36 ?, 36) + '...' :, 40, '&nbsp;', 2) + '|&nbsp;' +
string_utils.pad('min', 5, '&nbsp;', 3) +
string_utils.pad(self.get('yAxisFormatter')(min), 12, '&nbsp;', 3) +
string_utils.pad('avg', 5, '&nbsp;', 3) +
string_utils.pad(self.get('yAxisFormatter')(avg / numberOfNotNullValues), 12, '&nbsp;', 3) +
string_utils.pad('max', 12, '&nbsp;', 3) +
string_utils.pad(self.get('yAxisFormatter')(max), 5, '&nbsp;', 3);
if (series.isZero) {
series.stroke = series.color;
if ( < series_min_length) {
series_min_length =;
// All series should have equal length
data.forEach(function (series) {
if ( > series_min_length) { = series_min_length;
draw: function (seriesData) {
var self = this;
var isPopup = this.get('isPopup');
var p = isPopup ? this.get('popupSuffix') : '';
var chartElement = document.querySelector("#" + this.get('id') + "-chart" + p);
var overlayElement = document.querySelector(+this.get('id') + "-container" + p);
var xaxisElement = document.querySelector("#" + this.get('id') + "-xaxis" + p);
var yaxisElement = document.querySelector("#" + this.get('id') + "-yaxis" + p);
var legendElement = document.querySelector("#" + this.get('id') + "-legend" + p);
var graphSize = this._calculateGraphSize();
var _graph = new Rickshaw.GraphReopened({
height: graphSize.height,
width: graphSize.width,
element: chartElement,
series: seriesData,
interpolation: 'step-after',
stroke: true,
renderer: this.get('renderer'),
strokeWidth: 'area' === this.get('renderer') ? 1 : 2,
max: seriesData.everyProperty('isZero') ? 1 : null
if ('area' === this.get('renderer')) {
_graph.renderer.unstack = false;
new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time({
graph: _graph,
timeUnit: this.localeTimeUnit(this.get('timeUnitSeconds'))
new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y({
tickFormat: this.yAxisFormatter,
pixelsPerTick: isPopup ? 75 : 40,
element: yaxisElement,
orientation: isPopup ? 'left' : 'right',
graph: _graph
var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend({
graph: _graph,
element: legendElement,
description: self.get('description')
new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Toggle({
graph: _graph,
legend: legend
new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Order({
graph: _graph,
legend: legend
if (!isPopup) {
$(overlayElement).on('mousemove', function () {
$(overlayElement).on('mouseout', function () {
_graph.onUpdate(function () {
this.$().on('remove', function () {
//show the graph when it's loaded
_graph.onUpdate(function () {
self.set('isReady', true);
if (isPopup) {
new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail({
graph: _graph,
yFormatter: function (y) {
return self.yAxisFormatter(y);
xFormatter: function (x) {
return (new Date(x * 1000)).toLocaleTimeString();
formatter: function (series, x, y, formattedX, formattedY) {
return formattedY + '<br />' + formattedX;
_graph = this.updateSeriesInGraph(_graph);
if (isPopup) {
//show the graph when it's loaded
_graph.onUpdate(function () {
self.set('isPopupReady', true);
var popupSelector = this.get('_popupSelector');
$(popupSelector + ' li.line').click(function () {
var series = [];
$(popupSelector + ' a.action').each(function (index, v) {
series[index] = v.parentNode.classList;
self.set('_seriesProperties', series);
this.set('_popupGraph', _graph);
else {
var containerSelector = this.get('_containerSelector');
$(containerSelector + ' li.line').click(function () {
var series = [];
$(containerSelector + ' a.action').each(function (index, v) {
series[index] = v.parentNode.classList;
self.set('_seriesPropertiesWidget', series);
this.set('_graph', _graph);
* Calculate graph size
* @returns {{width: number, height: number}}
* @private
_calculateGraphSize: function () {
var isPopup = this.get('isPopup');
var height = this.get('height');
var width = 400;
var diff = 32;
if (this.get('inWidget')) {
height = 105; // for widgets view
diff = 22;
if (isPopup) {
height = 180;
width = 670;
else {
// If not in popup, the width could vary.
// We determine width based on div's size.
var thisElement = this.get('element');
if (!Em.isNone(thisElement)) {
var calculatedWidth = $(thisElement).width();
if (calculatedWidth > diff) {
width = calculatedWidth - diff;
return {
width: width,
height: height
* @param {Rickshaw.Graph} graph
* @returns {Rickshaw.Graph}
updateSeriesInGraph: function (graph) {
var id = this.get('id');
var isPopup = this.get('isPopup');
var popupSuffix = this.get('popupSuffix');
var _series = isPopup ? this.get('_seriesProperties') : this.get('_seriesPropertiesWidget');
graph.series.forEach(function (series, index) {
if (_series && !Em.isNone(_series[index])) {
if (_series[_series.length - index - 1].length > 1) {
var s = '#' + id + '-container' + (isPopup ? popupSuffix : '') + ' a.action:eq(' + (_series.length - index - 1) + ')';
return graph;
showGraphInPopup: function () {
if (!this.get('hasData') || this.get('isPreview')) {
this.set('isPopup', true);
if (this.get('inWidget') && !this.get('parentView.isClusterMetricsWidget')) {
currentTimeIndex: this.get('parentView.timeIndex'),
customStartTime: this.get('parentView.startTime'),
customEndTime: this.get('parentView.endTime'),
customDurationFormatted: this.get('parentView.durationFormatted')
var self = this;{
bodyClass: Em.View.extend(App.ExportMetricsMixin, App.TimeRangeMixin, {
containerId: null,
containerClass: null,
yAxisId: null,
yAxisClass: null,
xAxisId: null,
xAxisClass: null,
legendId: null,
legendClass: null,
chartId: null,
chartClass: null,
titleId: null,
titleClass: null,
timeRangeClassName: 'graph-details-time-range',
isReady: Em.computed.alias('parentView.graph.isPopupReady'),
currentTimeRangeIndex: self.get('currentTimeIndex'),
customStartTime: self.get('currentTimeIndex') === 8 ? self.get('customStartTime') : null,
customEndTime: self.get('currentTimeIndex') === 8 ? self.get('customEndTime') : null,
customDurationFormatted: self.get('currentTimeIndex') === 8 ? self.get('customDurationFormatted') : null,
didInsertElement: function () {
var popupBody = this;
App.tooltip(this.$('.corner-icon > .icon-save'), {
title: Em.I18n.t('common.export')
this.$().closest('.modal').on('click', function (event) {
if (!($('.corner-icon, .corner-icon span, .icon-save, .export-graph-list-container, .export-graph-list-container *'))) {
popupBody.set('isExportMenuHidden', true);
var popupSuffix = this.get('parentView.graph.popupSuffix');
var id = this.get('');
var idTemplate = id + '-{element}' + popupSuffix;
this.set('containerId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'container'));
this.set('containerClass', 'chart-container' + popupSuffix);
this.set('yAxisId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'yaxis'));
this.set('yAxisClass', this.get('yAxisId').replace(popupSuffix, ''));
this.set('xAxisId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'xaxis'));
this.set('xAxisClass', this.get('xAxisId').replace(popupSuffix, ''));
this.set('legendId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'legend'));
this.set('legendClass', this.get('legendId').replace(popupSuffix, ''));
this.set('chartId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'chart'));
this.set('chartClass', this.get('chartId').replace(popupSuffix, ''));
this.set('titleId', idTemplate.replace('{element}', 'title'));
this.set('titleClass', this.get('titleId').replace(popupSuffix, ''));
templateName: require('templates/common/chart/linear_time'),
* check is time paging feature is enable for graph
isTimePagingEnable: function () {
return !self.get('isTimePagingDisable');
rightArrowVisible: function () {
// Time range is neither custom nor the least possible preset
return (this.get('isReady') && this.get('parentView.currentTimeIndex') != 0 &&
this.get('parentView.currentTimeIndex') != 8);
}.property('isReady', 'parentView.currentTimeIndex'),
leftArrowVisible: function () {
// Time range is neither custom nor the largest possible preset
return (this.get('isReady') && this.get('parentView.currentTimeIndex') < 7);
}.property('isReady', 'parentView.currentTimeIndex'),
exportGraphData: function (event) {
this.set('isExportMenuHidden', true);
var ajaxIndex = this.get('parentView.graph.ajaxIndex'),
targetView = ajaxIndex ? this.get('parentView.graph') : self.get('parentView');
context: event.context
setTimeRange: function (event) {
var index = event.context.index,
callback = this.get('parentView').reloadGraphByTime.bind(this.get('parentView'), index);
this._super(event, callback, self);
// Preset time range is specified by user
if (index !== 8) {
header: this.get('title'),
* App.ChartLinearTimeView
graph: self,
secondary: null,
onPrimary: function () {
var targetView = Em.isNone(self.get('parentView.currentTimeRangeIndex')) ? self.get('parentView.parentView') : self.get('parentView');
currentTimeIndex: targetView.get('currentTimeRangeIndex'),
customStartTime: targetView.get('customStartTime'),
customEndTime: targetView.get('customEndTime'),
customDurationFormatted: targetView.get('customDurationFormatted'),
isPopup: false
onClose: function () {
* move graph back by time
* @param event
switchTimeBack: function (event) {
var index = this.get('currentTimeIndex');
// 7 - number of last preset time state
if (index < 7) {
* move graph forward by time
* @param event
switchTimeForward: function (event) {
var index = this.get('currentTimeIndex');
if (index) {
* reload graph depending on the time
* @param index
reloadGraphByTime: function (index) {
this.set('childViews.firstObject.currentTimeRangeIndex', index);
this.set('currentTimeIndex', index);
currentTimeIndex: index,
isPopupReady: false
currentTimeIndex: self.get('currentTimeIndex'),
currentTimeState: function () {
return self.get('timeStates').objectAt(this.get('currentTimeIndex'));
}); () {
self.set('isPopupReady', false);
reloadGraphByTime: function () {, function () {
}.observes('timeUnitSeconds', 'customStartTime', 'customEndTime'),
timeStates: [
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.hour'), seconds: 3600},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.twoHours'), seconds: 7200},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.fourHours'), seconds: 14400},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.twelveHours'), seconds: 43200},
{name: Em.I18n.t(''), seconds: 86400},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.week'), seconds: 604800},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.month'), seconds: 2592000},
{name: Em.I18n.t('graphs.timeRange.year'), seconds: 31104000},
{name: Em.I18n.t('common.custom'), seconds: 0}
// should be set by time range control dropdown list when create current graph
currentTimeIndex: 0,
customStartTime: null,
customEndTime: null,
customDurationFormatted: null,
setCurrentTimeIndexFromParent: function () {
// 8 index corresponds to custom start and end time selection
var targetView = !Em.isNone(this.get('parentView.currentTimeRangeIndex')) ? this.get('parentView') : this.get('parentView.parentView'),
index = targetView.get('currentTimeRangeIndex'),
customStartTime = (index === 8) ? targetView.get('customStartTime') : null,
customEndTime = (index === 8) ? targetView.get('customEndTime'): null,
customDurationFormatted = (index === 8) ? targetView.get('customDurationFormatted'): null;
currentTimeIndex: index,
customStartTime: customStartTime,
customEndTime: customEndTime,
customDurationFormatted: customDurationFormatted
if (index !== 8 || targetView.get('customStartTime') && targetView.get('customEndTime')) {
if (this.get('inWidget') && !this.get('parentView.isClusterMetricsWidget')) {
this.set('parentView.isLoaded', false);
} else {
this.set('isReady', false);
}.observes('parentView.parentView.currentTimeRangeIndex', 'parentView.currentTimeRangeIndex', 'parentView.parentView.customStartTime', 'parentView.customStartTime', 'parentView.parentView.customEndTime', 'parentView.customEndTime'),
timeUnitSeconds: 3600,
timeUnitSecondsSetter: function () {
var index = this.get('currentTimeIndex'),
startTime = this.get('customStartTime'),
endTime = this.get('customEndTime'),
durationFormatted = this.get('customDurationFormatted'),
if (index !== 8) {
// Preset time range is specified by user
seconds = this.get('timeStates').objectAt(this.get('currentTimeIndex')).seconds;
} else if (!Em.isNone(startTime) && !Em.isNone(endTime)) {
// Custom start and end time is specified by user
seconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
if (!Em.isNone(seconds)) {
this.set('timeUnitSeconds', seconds);
if (this.get('inWidget') && !this.get('parentView.isClusterMetricsWidget')) {
graphSeconds: seconds,
timeIndex: index,
startTime: startTime,
endTime: endTime,
durationFormatted: durationFormatted
}.observes('currentTimeIndex', 'customStartTime', 'customEndTime')
* A formatter which will turn a number into computer storage sizes of the
* format '23 GB' etc.
* @type {Function}
* @return {string}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.BytesFormatter = function (y) {
if (0 == y) {
return '0 B';
var value = Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatBase1024KMGTP(y);
if (!y) {
return '0 B';
if ("number" == typeof value) {
value = String(value);
if ("string" == typeof value) {
value = value.replace(/\.\d(\d+)/, function ($0, $1) { // Remove only 1-digit after decimal part
return $0.replace($1, '');
// Either it ends with digit or ends with character
value = value.replace(/(\d$)/, '$1 '); // Ends with digit like '120'
value = value.replace(/([a-zA-Z]$)/, ' $1'); // Ends with character like
// '120M'
value = value + 'B'; // Append B to make B, MB, GB etc.
return value;
* A formatter which will turn a number into percentage display like '42%'
* @type {Function}
* @param {number} percentage
* @return {string}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.PercentageFormatter = function (percentage) {
return percentage ?
percentage.toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '') + '%' :
'0 %';
* A formatter which will turn a number into percentage display like '42%'
* @type {Function}
* @param {number} value
* @param {string} displayUnit
* @return {string}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.DisplayUnitFormatter = function (value, displayUnit) {
return value ?
value.toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '') + " " + displayUnit :
'0 ' + displayUnit;
* A formatter which will turn elapsed time into display time like '50 ms',
* '5s', '10 m', '3 hr' etc. Time is expected to be provided in milliseconds.
* @type {Function}
* @return {string}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.TimeElapsedFormatter = function (millis) {
if (!millis) {
return '0 ms';
if ('number' == Em.typeOf(millis)) {
var seconds = millis > 1000 ? Math.round(millis / 1000) : 0;
var minutes = seconds > 60 ? Math.round(seconds / 60) : 0;
var hours = minutes > 60 ? Math.round(minutes / 60) : 0;
var days = hours > 24 ? Math.round(hours / 24) : 0;
if (days > 0) {
return days + ' d';
if (hours > 0) {
return hours + ' hr';
if (minutes > 0) {
return minutes + ' m';
if (seconds > 0) {
return seconds + ' s';
return millis.toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '') + ' ms';
return millis;
* The default formatter which uses Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT
* which shows 10K, 300M etc.
* @type {Function}
* @return {string|number}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.DefaultFormatter = function (y) {
if (!y) {
return 0;
var value = Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT(y);
if ('' == value) return '0';
value = String(value);
var c = value[value.length - 1];
return isNaN(parseInt(c)) ?
parseFloat(value.substr(0, value.length - 1)).toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '') + c :
parseFloat(value).toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '');
* Creates and returns a formatter that can convert a 'value'
* to 'value units/s'.
* @param unitsPrefix Prefix which will be used in 'unitsPrefix/s'
* @param valueFormatter Value itself will need further processing
* via provided formatter. Ex: '10M requests/s'. Generally
* should be App.ChartLinearTimeView.DefaultFormatter.
* @return {Function}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.CreateRateFormatter = function (unitsPrefix, valueFormatter) {
var suffix = " " + unitsPrefix + "/s";
return function (value) {
value = valueFormatter(value) + suffix;
return value;
Rickshaw.GraphReopened = function (a) {, a);
//reopened in order to exclude "null" value from validation
Rickshaw.GraphReopened.prototype = Object.create(Rickshaw.Graph.prototype, {
validateSeries: {
value: function (series) {
if (!(series instanceof Array) && !(series instanceof Rickshaw.Series)) {
var seriesSignature = Object.prototype.toString.apply(series);
throw "series is not an array: " + seriesSignature;
var pointsCount;
series.forEach(function (s) {
if (!(s instanceof Object)) {
throw "series element is not an object: " + s;
if (!( {
throw "series has no data: " + JSON.stringify(s);
if (!( instanceof Array)) {
throw "series data is not an array: " + JSON.stringify(;
pointsCount = pointsCount ||;
if (pointsCount && != pointsCount) {
throw "series cannot have differing numbers of points: " +
pointsCount + " vs " + + "; see Rickshaw.Series.zeroFill()";
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
writable: false
//show no line if point is "null"
Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer.Line.prototype.seriesPathFactory = function () {
var graph = this.graph;
return d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d) {
return graph.x(d.x)
.y(function (d) {
return graph.y(d.y)
.defined(function (d) {
return d.y != null;
//show no area if point is null
Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer.Stack.prototype.seriesPathFactory = function () {
var graph = this.graph;
return d3.svg.area()
.x(function (d) {
return graph.x(d.x)
.y0(function (d) {
return graph.y(d.y0)
.y1(function (d) {
return graph.y(d.y + d.y0)
.defined(function (d) {
return d.y != null;
* aggregate requests to load metrics by component name
* requests can be added via add method
* input example:
* {
* data: request,
* context: this,
* startCallName: this.getServiceComponentMetrics,
* successCallback: this.getMetricsSuccessCallback,
* completeCallback: function () {
* requestCounter--;
* if (requestCounter === 0) this.onMetricsLoaded();
* }
* }
* @type {Em.Object}
App.ChartLinearTimeView.LoadAggregator = Em.Object.create({
* @type {Array}
requests: [],
* @type {number|null}
timeoutId: null,
* time interval within which calls get collected
* @type {number}
* @const
* add request
* every {{BULK_INTERVAL}} requests get collected, aggregated and sent to server
* @param {object} context
* @param {object} requestData
add: function (context, requestData) {
var self = this;
requestData.context = context;
if (Em.isNone(this.get('timeoutId'))) {
this.set('timeoutId', window.setTimeout(function () {
self.set('timeoutId', null);
}, this.get('BULK_INTERVAL')));
* return requests which grouped into bulks
* @param {Array} requests
* @returns {object} bulks
groupRequests: function (requests) {
var bulks = {};
requests.forEach(function (request) {
var id =;
if (Em.isNone(bulks[id])) {
bulks[id] = {
fields: request.fields.slice(),
context: request.context
bulks[id].subRequests = [{
context: request.context
} else {
context: request.context
}, this);
return bulks;
* run aggregated requests
* @param {Array} requests
runRequests: function (requests) {
var bulks = this.groupRequests(requests);
var self = this;
for (var id in bulks) {
(function (_request) {
var fields = self.formatRequestData(_request);
var hostName = (_request.context.get('content')) ? _request.context.get('content.hostName') : "";
var xhr = App.ajax.send({
sender: _request.context,
data: {
fields: fields,
hostName: hostName
xhr.done(function (response) {
console.time('==== runRequestsDone');
_request.subRequests.forEach(function (subRequest) {, response);
}, this);
console.timeEnd('==== runRequestsDone');
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (!jqXHR.isForcedAbort) {
_request.subRequests.forEach(function (subRequest) {, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
}, this);
}).always(function () {
_request.context.set('runningRequests', _request.context.get('runningRequests').reject(function (item) {
return item === xhr;
* @param {object} request
* @returns {number[]}
formatRequestData: function (request) {
var fromSeconds, toSeconds;
if (request.context.get('currentTimeIndex') === 8 && !Em.isNone(request.context.get('customStartTime')) && !Em.isNone(request.context.get('customEndTime'))) {
// Custom start and end time is specified by user
toSeconds = request.context.get('customEndTime') / 1000;
fromSeconds = request.context.get('customStartTime') / 1000;
} else {
var timeUnit = request.context.get('timeUnitSeconds');
toSeconds = Math.round(App.dateTime() / 1000);
fromSeconds = toSeconds - timeUnit;
var fields = request.fields.uniq().map(function (field) {
return field + "[" + (fromSeconds) + "," + toSeconds + "," + 15 + "]";
return fields.join(",");