blob: ff5e06f7ff0f688df6c3171a110244121124ce40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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var dataUtils = require('utils/data_manipulation');
* Transitional list of timezones (used to create list of shownTimezone @see shownTimezone)
* <code>utcOffset</code> - offset-value (0, 180, 240 etc)
* <code>formattedOffset</code> - formatted offset-value ('+00:00', '-02:00' etc)
* <code>value</code> - timezone's name (like 'Europe/Athens')
* <code>region</code> - timezone's region (for 'Europe/Athens' it will be 'Europe')
* <code>city</code> - timezone's city (for 'Europe/Athens' it will be 'Athens')
* @typedef {{utcOffset: number, formattedOffset: string, value: string, region: string, city: string}} formattedTimezone
* List of timezones used in the user's settings popup
* <code>utcOffset</code> - offset-value (0, 180, 240 etc)
* <code>value</code> - string like '120180|Europe'
* <code>label</code> - string like '(UTC+02:00) Europe / Athens, Kiev, Minsk'
* <code>zones</code> - list of zone-objects from <code></code> included to the <code>value</code>
* @typedef {{utcOffset: number, label: string, value: string, label: string, zones: object[]}} shownTimezone
module.exports = Em.Object.create({
* @type {shownTimezone[]}
* @readOnly
timezones: [],
* Map of <code>timezones</code>
* Key - timezone value (like '(UTC+01:00) Region / City1, City2')
* Value - zone-object
* @type {object}
* @readOnly
timezonesMappedByValue: function () {
var ret = {};
this.get('timezones').forEach(function (tz) {
ret[tz.value] = tz;
return ret;
init: function () {
this.set('timezones', this._parseTimezones());
return this._super();
* Load list of timezones from
* Zones "Etc/*" and abbreviations are excluded
* @returns {string[]}
getAllTimezoneNames: function () {
return (timeZoneName) {
return timeZoneName.indexOf('Etc/') !== 0 && timeZoneName !== timeZoneName.toUpperCase();
* Try detect user's timezone using timezoneOffset and
* Checking current year January and July offsets
* If <code>region</code> is provided, timezone for it is returned and not first valid
* @param {string} [region] preferred region (may be 'Europe', 'America', 'Africa', 'Asia' etc)
* @returns {string}
detectUserTimezone: function (region) {
region = (region || '').toLowerCase();
var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
var jan = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1);
var jul = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1);
var janOffset = jan.getTimezoneOffset();
var julOffset = jul.getTimezoneOffset();
var timezones = this.get('timezones');
var validZones = [];
for (var i = 0; i < timezones.length; i++) {
var zones = timezones[i].zones;
for (var j = 0; j < zones.length; j++) {
var zone =[j].value);
if ((zone.offset(jan) === janOffset) && (zone.offset(jul) === julOffset)) {
if (validZones.length) {
if (region) {
for (i = 0; i < validZones.length; i++) {
if (validZones[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(region) !== -1) {
return validZones[i];
// Timezone for `region` wasn't found
return validZones[0];
// `region` isn't provided, so return first valid timezone
return validZones[0];
// are you from Venus?
return '';
* Reformat timezones list and sort it by utcOffset and timeZoneName
* @private
* @method _parseTimezones
* @returns {shownTimezone[]}
_parseTimezones: function () {
var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
var jan = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1);
var jul = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1);
var zones = this.getAllTimezoneNames().map(function (timeZoneName) {
var zone = moment(new Date()).tz(timeZoneName);
var z =;
var offset = zone.format('Z');
var regionCity = timeZoneName.split('/');
var region = regionCity[0];
var city = regionCity.length === 2 ? regionCity[1] : '';
return {
groupByKey: z.offset(jan) + '' + z.offset(jul),
utcOffset: zone.utcOffset(),
formattedOffset: offset,
value: timeZoneName,
region: region,
city: city.replace(/_/g, ' ')
}).sort(function (zoneA, zoneB) {
if (zoneA.utcOffset === zoneB.utcOffset) {
if (zoneA.value === zoneB.value) {
return 0;
return zoneA.value < zoneB.value ? -1 : 1;
} else {
if(zoneA.utcOffset === zoneB.utcOffset) {
return 0;
return zoneA.utcOffset < zoneB.utcOffset ? -1 : 1;
return this._groupTimezones(zones);
* Group timezones by <code>groupByKey</code>
* Group timezones in the each group by <code>region</code>
* <code>city</code> for each regions are joined into string 'city1, city2, city3' (empty cities and abbreviations are ignored)
* Example:
* <pre>
* var zones = [
* {groupByKey: '1', formattedOffset: '+01:00', value: 'a/Aa', region: 'a', city: 'Aa'},
* {groupByKey: '1', formattedOffset: '+01:00', value: 'a/Bb', region: 'a', city: 'Bb'},
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'a/Cc', region: 'a', city: 'Cc'},
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'a/Dd', region: 'a', city: 'Dd'},
* {groupByKey: '1', formattedOffset: '+01:00', value: 'b/Ee', region: 'b', city: 'Ee'},
* {groupByKey: '1', formattedOffset: '+01:00', value: 'b/Ff', region: 'b', city: 'Ff'},
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'b/Gg', region: 'b', city: 'Gg'},
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'b/Hh', region: 'b', city: 'Hh'},
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'b/II', region: 'b', city: 'II'}, // will be ignored, because city is abbreviation
* {groupByKey: '2', formattedOffset: '+02:00', value: 'b', region: 'b', city: '' } // will be ignored, because city is empty
* ];
* var groupedZones = _groupTimezones(zones);
* // groupedZones is:
* [
* {utcOffset: 1, label: '(UTC+01:00) a / Aa, Bb', value: '1|a'},
* {utcOffset: 1, label: '(UTC+01:00) b / Ee, Ff', value: '1|b'},
* {utcOffset: 2, label: '(UTC+02:00) a / Cc, Dd', value: '2|a'},
* {utcOffset: 2, label: '(UTC+02:00) b / Gg, Hh', value: '2|b'}
* ]
* </pre>
* @param {formattedTimezone[]} zones
* @returns {shownTimezone[]}
* @method _groupTimezones
* @private
_groupTimezones: function (zones) {
var z = dataUtils.groupPropertyValues(zones, 'groupByKey');
var newZones = [];
Object.keys(z).forEach(function (offset) {
var groupedByRegionZones = dataUtils.groupPropertyValues(z[offset], 'region');
Object.keys(groupedByRegionZones).forEach(function (region) {
var cities = groupedByRegionZones[region].mapProperty('city').filter(function (city) {
return city !== '' && city !== city.toUpperCase();
}).uniq().join(', ');
var formattedOffset = Em.get(groupedByRegionZones[region], 'firstObject.formattedOffset');
var utcOffset = Em.get(groupedByRegionZones[region], 'firstObject.utcOffset');
var value = Em.get(groupedByRegionZones[region], 'firstObject.groupByKey') + '|' + region;
var abbr =[region], 'firstObject.value')).format('z');
utcOffset: utcOffset,
label: '(UTC' + formattedOffset + ' ' + abbr + ') ' + region + (cities ? ' / ' + cities : ''),
value: value,
zones: groupedByRegionZones[region]
return newZones.sortProperty('utcOffset');