blob: 086ad4a57dc1f4ef9dfd9dc016cac65690c55977 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
* Regexp for host with port ('hostName:1234')
* @type {string}
var hostWithPort = "([\\w|\\.]*)(?=:)";
* Regexp for host with port and protocol ('://hostName:1234')
* @type {string}
var hostWithPrefix = ":\/\/" + hostWithPort;
* Mixin describes host name computations initializers and handlers.
* @mixin App.HostsBasedInitializerMixin
App.HostsBasedInitializerMixin = Em.Mixin.create({
initializerTypes: [
{name: 'host_with_component', method: '_initAsHostWithComponent'},
{name: 'hosts_with_components', method: '_initAsHostsWithComponents'},
{name: 'hosts_list_with_component', method: '_initAsHostsListWithComponent'}
* Initializer for configs with value equal to hostName with needed component
* Value example: 'hostName'
* @param {configProperty} configProperty
* @param {topologyLocalDB} localDB
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @returns {Object}
* @private
_initAsHostWithComponent: function (configProperty, localDB, dependencies, initializer) {
var component = localDB.masterComponentHosts.findProperty('component', initializer.component);
if (!component) {
return configProperty;
if (initializer.modifier) {
var replaceWith = Em.getWithDefault(initializer.modifier, 'prefix', '')
+ component.hostName
+ Em.getWithDefault(initializer.modifier, 'suffix', '');
this.setRecommendedValue(configProperty, initializer.modifier.regex, replaceWith);
else {
Em.setProperties(configProperty, {
recommendedValue: component.hostName,
value: component.hostName
return configProperty;
* Settings for <code>hosts_with_components</code>-initializer
* Used for configs with value equal to the hosts list
* May set value as array (if <code>asArray</code> is true) or as comma-sepratated string (if <code>asArray</code> is false)
* @see _initAsHostsWithComponents
* @param {string|string[]} components
* @param {boolean} [asArray=false]
* @param {boolean|undefined} [isInstalled=undefined]
* @returns {{type: string, components: string[], asArray: boolean}}
getComponentsHostsConfig: function(components, asArray, isInstalled) {
if (1 === arguments.length) {
asArray = false;
return {
type: 'hosts_with_components',
components: Em.makeArray(components),
asArray: asArray,
isInstalled: isInstalled
* Initializer for configs with value equal to hostNames with needed components
* May be array or comma-separated list
* Depends on <code>initializer.asArray</code> (true - array, false - string)
* Value example: 'hostName1,hostName2,hostName3' or ['hostName1', 'hostName2', 'hostName3']
* @param {configProperty} configProperty
* @param {topologyLocalDB} localDB
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @return {Object}
* @private
_initAsHostsWithComponents: function (configProperty, localDB, dependencies, initializer) {
var hostNames = localDB.masterComponentHosts.filter(function (masterComponent) {
var hasFound = initializer.components.contains(masterComponent.component);
if (Em.isNone(initializer.isInstalled)) {
return hasFound;
return hasFound && masterComponent.isInstalled === initializer.isInstalled;
if (!initializer.asArray) {
hostNames = hostNames.uniq().join(',');
Em.setProperties(configProperty, {
value: hostNames,
recommendedValue: hostNames
return configProperty;
* Settings for <code>host_with_component</code>-initializer
* Used for configs with value equal to hostName that has <code>component</code>
* Value may be modified with if <code>withModifier</code> is true (it is by default)
* <code>hostWithPort</code>-regexp will be used in this case
* @see _initAsHostWithComponent
* @param {string} component
* @param {boolean} [withModifier=true]
* @return {object}
getSimpleComponentConfig: function(component, withModifier) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
withModifier = true;
var config = {
type: 'host_with_component',
component: component
if (withModifier) {
config.modifier = {
type: 'regexp',
regex: hostWithPort
return config;
* Almost the same to <code>getSimpleComponentConfig</code>, but with possibility to modify <code>replaceWith</code>-value
* <code>prefix</code> is added before it
* <code>suffix</code> is added after it
* <code>hostWithPrefix</code>-regexp is used
* @see _initAsHostWithComponent
* @param {string} component
* @param {string} [prefix]
* @param {string} [suffix]
* @returns {object}
getComponentConfigWithAffixes: function(component, prefix, suffix) {
prefix = prefix || '';
suffix = suffix || '';
return {
type: 'host_with_component',
component: component,
modifier: {
type: 'regexp',
regex: hostWithPrefix,
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix
* Settings for <code>host_with_port</code>-initializer
* Used for configs with value equal to hostName where some component exists concatenated with port-value
* Port-value is calculated according to <code>port</code> and <code>portFromDependencies</code> values
* If <code>portFromDependencies</code> is <code>true</code>, <code>port</code>-value is used as key of the <code>dependencies</code> (where real port-value is)
* Otherwise - <code>port</code>-value used as is
* If calculated port-value is empty, it will be skipped (and ':' too)
* Value also may be customized with prefix and suffix
* @param {string} component needed component
* @param {boolean} componentExists component already exists or just going to be installed
* @param {string} prefix=''
* @param {string} suffix=''
* @param {string} port
* @param {boolean} [portFromDependencies=false]
* @returns {{type: string, component: string, componentExists: boolean, modifier: {prefix: (string), suffix: (string)}}}
* @method getHostWithPortConfig
* @static
getHostWithPortConfig: function (component, componentExists, prefix, suffix, port, portFromDependencies) {
if (arguments.length < 6) {
portFromDependencies = false;
prefix = prefix || '';
suffix = suffix || '';
var ret = {
type: 'host_with_port',
component: component,
componentExists: componentExists,
modifier: {
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix
if (portFromDependencies) {
ret.portKey = port;
else {
ret.port = port;
return ret;
* Initializer for configs with value equal to the hostName where some component exists
* Value may be customized with prefix and suffix (see <code>initializer.modifier</code>)
* Port-value is calculated according to <code>initializer.portKey</code> or <code>initializer.port</code> values
* If calculated port-value is empty, it will be skipped (and ':' too)
* Value-examples: 'SOME_COOL_PREFIXhost1:port1SOME_COOL_SUFFIX', 'host1:port2'
* @param {configProperty} configProperty
* @param {extendedTopologyLocalDB} localDB
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @returns {object}
* @private
* @method _initAsHostWithPort
_initAsHostWithPort: function (configProperty, localDB, dependencies, initializer) {
var hostName = localDB.masterComponentHosts.filterProperty('component', initializer.component).findProperty('isInstalled', initializer.componentExists).hostName;
var port = this.__getPort(dependencies, initializer);
var value = initializer.modifier.prefix + hostName + (port ? ':' + port : '') + initializer.modifier.suffix;
Em.setProperties(configProperty, {
value: value,
recommendedValue: value
return configProperty;
* Settings for <code>hosts_with_port</code>-initializer
* Used for configs with value equal to the list of hostNames with port
* Value also may be customized with prefix, suffix and delimiter between host:port elements
* Port-value is calculated according to <code>port</code> and <code>portFromDependencies</code> values
* If <code>portFromDependencies</code> is <code>true</code>, <code>port</code>-value is used as key of the <code>dependencies</code> (where real port-value is)
* Otherwise - <code>port</code>-value used as is
* If calculated port-value is empty, it will be skipped (and ':' too)
* @param {string|string[]} component hosts where this component(s) exists are used as config-value
* @param {string} prefix='' substring added before hosts-list
* @param {string} suffix='' substring added after hosts-list
* @param {string} delimiter=',' delimiter between hosts in the value
* @param {string} port if <code>portFromDependencies</code> is <code>false</code> this value is used as port for hosts
* if <code>portFromDependencies</code> is <code>true</code> `port` is used as key in the <code>dependencies</code> to get real port-value
* @param {boolean} portFromDependencies=false true - use <code>port</code> as key for <code>dependencies</code> to get real port-value,
* false - use <code>port</code> as port-value
* @returns {{type: string, component: string, modifier: {prefix: (string), suffix: (string), delimiter: (string)}}}
* @method getHostsWithPortConfig
* @static
getHostsWithPortConfig: function (component, prefix, suffix, delimiter, port, portFromDependencies) {
if (arguments.length < 6) {
portFromDependencies = false;
prefix = prefix || '';
suffix = suffix || '';
delimiter = delimiter || ',';
var ret = {
type: 'hosts_with_port',
component: component,
modifier: {
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix,
delimiter: delimiter
if (portFromDependencies) {
ret.portKey = port;
else {
ret.port = port;
return ret;
* Initializer for configs with value equal to the list of hosts where some component exists
* Value may be customized with prefix and suffix (see <code>initializer.modifier</code>)
* Delimiter between hostNames also may be customized in the <code>initializer.modifier</code>
* Port-value is calculated according to <code>initializer.portKey</code> or <code>initializer.port</code> values
* If calculated port-value is empty, it will be skipped (and ':' too)
* Value examples: 'SOME_COOL_PREFIXhost1:port,host2:port,host2:portSOME_COOL_SUFFIX', 'host1:port|||host2:port|||host2:port'
* @param {configProperty} configProperty
* @param {topologyLocalDB} localDB
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @returns {object}
* @private
* @method _initAsHostsWithPort
_initAsHostsWithPort: function (configProperty, localDB, dependencies, initializer) {
var hostNames, hosts;
if (Em.isArray(initializer.component)) {
hosts = localDB.masterComponentHosts.filter(function(masterComponent) {
return initializer.component.contains(masterComponent.component);
} else {
hosts = localDB.masterComponentHosts.filterProperty('component', initializer.component);
if (Em.isNone(initializer.componentExists)) {
hostNames = hosts.mapProperty('hostName');
} else {
hostNames = hosts.filterProperty('isInstalled', initializer.componentExists).mapProperty('hostName');
var port = this.__getPort(dependencies, initializer);
var value = initializer.modifier.prefix + hostNames.uniq().map(function (hostName) {
return hostName + (port ? ':' + port : '');
}).join(initializer.modifier.delimiter) + initializer.modifier.suffix;
Em.setProperties(configProperty, {
value: value,
recommendedValue: value
return configProperty;
* Returns port-value from <code>dependencies</code> accorfing to <code>initializer.portKey</code> or <code>initializer.port</code> values
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @returns {string|number}
* @private
* @method __getPort
__getPort: function (dependencies, initializer) {
var portKey = initializer.portKey;
if (portKey) {
return dependencies[portKey];
return initializer.port;
* @param {string} component component name
* @param {boolean} componentExists
* @returns {object}
getHostsListComponentConfig: function(component, componentExists, delimiter) {
return {
type: 'hosts_list_with_component',
component: component,
componentExists: componentExists,
modifier: {
delimiter: Em.isNone(delimiter) ? ',' : delimiter
* @param {configProperty} configProperty
* @param {topologyLocalDB} localDB
* @param {object} dependencies
* @param {object} initializer
* @returns {configProperty}
_initAsHostsListWithComponent: function(configProperty, localDB, dependencies, initializer) {
var hostNames = localDB.masterComponentHosts
.filterProperty('component', initializer.component)
.filterProperty('isInstalled', initializer.componentExists)
Em.setProperties(configProperty, {
value: hostNames,
recommendedValue: hostNames
return configProperty;