blob: b951f1cb1aeca7f8a684c459dd257f24a3680811 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var date = require('utils/date/date');
App.WizardStep9HostLogPopupBodyView = Em.View.extend({
classNames: ['col-sm-12'],
templateName: require('templates/wizard/step9/step9HostTasksLogPopup'),
* Does host lost heartbeat
* @type {bool}
isHeartbeatLost: Em.computed.equal('', 'heartbeat_lost'),
* Does host doesn't have scheduled tasks for install
* @type {bool}
isNoTasksScheduled: Em.computed.alias(''),
* Is log-box hidden
* @type {bool}
isLogWrapHidden: true,
* Is log-textarea visible
* @type {bool}
showTextArea: false,
* No tasks shown
* @type {bool}
isEmptyList: true,
* Is task logs loaded
* @type {Boolean}
isTaskLoaded: true,
* Checks if no visible tasks are in popup
* @method visibleTasks
visibleTasks: function () {
this.set("isEmptyList", true);
if (this.get('category.value')) {
var filter = this.get('category.value');
var tasks = this.get('tasks');
tasks.setEach("isVisible", false);
if (filter == "all") {
tasks.setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "pending") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "pending").setEach("isVisible", true);
tasks.filterProperty("status", "queued").setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "in_progress") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "in_progress").setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "failed") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "failed").setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "completed") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "completed").setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "aborted") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "aborted").setEach("isVisible", true);
else if (filter == "timedout") {
tasks.filterProperty("status", "timedout").setEach("isVisible", true);
if (tasks.filterProperty("isVisible", true).length > 0) {
this.set("isEmptyList", false);
}.observes('category', 'tasks'),
* List categories (implements possible values for task status)
* @type {Em.Object[]}
categories: [
Em.Object.create({value: 'all', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.all') }),
Em.Object.create({value: 'pending', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.pending')}),
Em.Object.create({value: 'in_progress', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.in_progress')}),
Em.Object.create({value: 'failed', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.failed') }),
Em.Object.create({value: 'completed', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.completed') }),
Em.Object.create({value: 'aborted', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.aborted') }),
Em.Object.create({value: 'timedout', label: Em.I18n.t('installer.step9.hostLog.popup.categories.timedout') })
* Current category
* @type {Em.Object}
category: null,
* List of tasks
* @type {Em.Object[]}
tasks: function () {
var tasksArr = [];
var host = this.get('');
var tasks = this.getStartedTasks(host);
tasks = tasks.sortProperty('');
if (tasks.length) {
tasks.forEach(function (_task) {
var taskInfo = Em.Object.create({});
taskInfo.set('requestId', _task.Tasks.request_id);
taskInfo.set('command', _task.Tasks.command.toLowerCase() === 'service_check' ? '' : _task.Tasks.command.toLowerCase());
taskInfo.set('commandDetail', App.format.commandDetail(_task.Tasks.command_detail, _task.Tasks.request_inputs, _task.Tasks.ops_display_name));
taskInfo.set('status', App.format.taskStatus(_task.Tasks.status));
taskInfo.set('role', App.format.role(_task.Tasks.role, false));
taskInfo.set('stderr', _task.Tasks.stderr);
taskInfo.set('stdout', _task.Tasks.stdout);
taskInfo.set('outputLog', _task.Tasks.output_log);
taskInfo.set('errorLog', _task.Tasks.error_log);
taskInfo.set('startTime', date.startTime(_task.Tasks.start_time));
taskInfo.set('duration', date.durationSummary(_task.Tasks.start_time, _task.Tasks.end_time));
taskInfo.set('isVisible', true);
taskInfo.set('icon', '');
taskInfo.set('hostName', _task.Tasks.host_name);
if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'pending' || taskInfo.get('status') == 'queued') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog');
} else if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'in_progress') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'icon-cogs');
} else if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'completed') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok');
} else if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'failed') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign');
} else if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'aborted') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus');
} else if (taskInfo.get('status') == 'timedout') {
taskInfo.set('icon', 'glyphicon glyphicon-time');
}, this);
this.set('isTaskLoaded', true);
return tasksArr;
* Navigate to task list from task view
* @method backToTaskList
backToTaskList: function () {
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", true);
* Get list of host's started tasks
* @param {object} host
* @returns {object[]}
* @method getStartedTasks
getStartedTasks: function (host) {
return host.logTasks.filter(function (task) {
return task.Tasks.status;
* Open new window with task's log
* @method openTaskLogInDialog
openTaskLogInDialog: function () {
var newWindow =;
var newDocument = newWindow.document;
newDocument.write('<pre>' + this.get('formattedLogsForOpenedTask') + '<pre>');
* Currently open task
* @type {Em.Object}
openedTask: function () {
return this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', this.get('parentView.c.currentOpenTaskId'))
}.property('parentView.c.currentOpenTaskId', 'tasks.[]'),
* @type {string}
formattedLogsForOpenedTask: function () {
var stderr = this.get('openedTask.stderr');
var stdout = this.get('openedTask.stdout');
return 'stderr: \n' + stderr + '\n stdout:\n' + stdout;
}.property('openedTask.stderr', 'openedTask.stdout'),
* Click-handler for toggle task's log view (textarea to box and back)
* @param {object} event
* @method toggleTaskLog
toggleTaskLog: function (event) {
if (this.get('isLogWrapHidden')) {
var taskInfo = event.context;
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", false);
this.set('parentView.c.currentOpenTaskRequestId', taskInfo.requestId);
this.set('isTaskLoaded', false);
else {
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", true);
this.set('parentView.c.currentOpenTaskId', 0);
this.set('parentView.c.currentOpenTaskRequestId', 0);
* Create (if doesn't exist) or destroy (if exists) clipboard textarea
* @method textTrigger
textTrigger: function () {
if (this.get('showClipBoard')) {
else {
* @type {boolean}
showClipBoard: false,
* Create clipboard with task's log
* @method createClipBoard
createClipBoard: function () {
this.set('showClipBoard', true);
$('.task-detail-log-maintext').css('display', 'none');
* Destroy clipboard with task's log
* @method destroyClipBoard
destroyClipBoard: function () {
this.set('showClipBoard', false);
$('.task-detail-log-maintext').css('display', 'block');