blob: 7ea1b3220624a373a59a99675700c10a16d2003f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
const {isValidFloat} = require('utils/validator');
* Thresholds manager for sliders with single value
* Usage:
* <pre>
* SingleHandler.create({
* thresholdMin: 12,
* minValue: 10,
* maxValue: 100
* });
* </pre>
* @class SingleHandler
const SingleHandler = Em.Object.extend({
* @type {number}
thresholdMin: null,
* @type {number}
* @default 0
minValue: 0,
* @type {number}
maxValue: null,
* Is <code>thresholdMin</code> invalid
* true - invalid
* false - valid
* @type {boolean}
thresholdMinError: Em.computed.bool('thresholdMinErrorMessage'),
* Alias for <code>thresholdMinError</code>
* @type {boolean}
hasErrors: Em.computed.alias('thresholdMinError'),
* Error message for <code>thresholdMin</code>
* <ul>
* <li>Value is not a number</li>
* <li>Value is out of range <code>(minValue - maxValue)</code></li>
* </ul>
* Empty message means that <code>thresholdMin</code> has valid value
* @type {string}
thresholdMinErrorMessage: function () {
var thresholdMin = this.get('thresholdMin');
var maxValue = this.get('maxValue');
var minValue = this.get('minValue');
if (!isValidFloat(thresholdMin) || thresholdMin > maxValue || thresholdMin < minValue) {
return Em.I18n.t('dashboard.widgets.error.invalid').format(minValue, maxValue);
return '';
}.property('thresholdMin', 'maxValue'),
* Formatted threshold value
* @type {number[]}
preparedThresholds: function () {
return [parseFloat(this.get('thresholdMin'))];
* Force set new values for threshold
* @param {number[]} newValues
updateThresholds(newValues) {
this.set('thresholdMin', newValues[0]);
* Thresholds manager for sliders with double values
* Usage:
* <pre>
* SingleHandler.create({
* thresholdMin: 12,
* thresholdMax: 40,
* minValue: 10,
* maxValue: 100
* });
* </pre>
* @class DoubleHandlers
const DoubleHandlers = SingleHandler.extend({
* @type {number}
thresholdMax: null,
* Is <code>thresholdMax</code> invalid
* true - invalid
* false - valid
* @type {boolean}
thresholdMaxError: Em.computed.bool('thresholdMaxErrorMessage'),
* Is some threshold invalid
* true - some one is invalid
* false - thresholds are valid
* @type {boolean}
hasErrors: Em.computed.or('thresholdMinError', 'thresholdMaxError'),
* Error message for <code>thresholdMin</code>
* <ul>
* <li>Value is not a number</li>
* <li>Value is out of range <code>(minValue - maxValue)</code></li>
* <li><code>thresholdMin</code>-value greater than <code>thresholdMax</code>-value</li>
* </ul>
* Empty message means that <code>thresholdMin</code> has valid value
* @type {string}
thresholdMinErrorMessage: function () {
var thresholdMin = this.get('thresholdMin');
var thresholdMax = this.get('thresholdMax');
var maxValue = this.get('maxValue');
var minValue = this.get('minValue');
if (!isValidFloat(thresholdMin) || thresholdMin > maxValue || thresholdMin < minValue) {
return Em.I18n.t('dashboard.widgets.error.invalid').format(minValue, maxValue);
if (this.get('thresholdMaxError') === false && thresholdMax <= thresholdMin) {
return Em.I18n.t('dashboard.widgets.error.smaller');
return '';
}.property('thresholdMin', 'thresholdMax'),
* Error message for <code>thresholdMax</code>
* <ul>
* <li>Value is not a number</li>
* <li>Value is out of range <code>(minValue - maxValue)</code></li>
* </ul>
* Empty message means that <code>thresholdMax</code> has valid value
* @type {string}
thresholdMaxErrorMessage: function () {
var thresholdMax = this.get('thresholdMax');
var maxValue = this.get('maxValue');
var minValue = this.get('minValue');
if (!isValidFloat(thresholdMax) || thresholdMax > maxValue || thresholdMax < minValue) {
return Em.I18n.t('dashboard.widgets.error.invalid').format(minValue, maxValue);
return '';
* Threshold values ready to save
* @type {number[]}
preparedThresholds: function () {
return [parseFloat(this.get('thresholdMin')), parseFloat(this.get('thresholdMax'))];
}.property('thresholdMin', 'thresholdMax'),
* Force set new values for threshold
* @param {number[]} newValues
updateThresholds(newValues) {
this.set('thresholdMin', newValues[0]);
this.set('thresholdMax', newValues[1]);
* Common body-view for popup with sliders
* @class EditDashboardWidgetPopupBody
const EditDashboardWidgetPopupBody = Em.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/main/dashboard/edit_widget_popup')
* Popup with slider to edit dashboard widget
* Usage:
* <pre>
* widgetView: this,
* sliderHandlersManager: App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup.DoubleHandlers.create({
* maxValue: 100,
* thresholdMin: this.get('thresholdMin'),
* thresholdMax: this.get('thresholdMax')
* })
* });
* </pre>
* <code>widgetView</code> should be set to view with widget.
* Usually you will use <code>App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup</code> inside of some <code>App.DashboardWidgetView</code> instance,
* so <code>widgetView</code> may be set to <code>this</code>
* <code>sliderHandlersManager</code> should be set to some of the <code>App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup.SingleHandler</code>
* or <code>App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup.DoubleHandler</code>
* You can't use <code>App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup</code> without setting this two properties!
* @class App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup
App.EditDashboardWidgetPopup = App.ModalPopup.extend({
header: Em.I18n.t('dashboard.widgets.popupHeader'),
classNames: ['modal-edit-widget'],
modalDialogClasses: ['modal-lg'],
primary: Em.I18n.t('common.apply'),
disablePrimary: Em.computed.alias('sliderHandlersManager.hasErrors'),
* Can't be null or undefined
* @type {SingleHandler|DoubleHandlers}
sliderHandlersManager: null,
* Widget view
* Can't be not a view. Used to save Thresholds. Normally it's an instance of <code>App.DashboardWidgetView</code>
* @type {Em.View}
widgetView: null,
* Determines if slider is enabled for slide
* true - don't enabled
* false - enabled
* Determines if slider handlers should be updated with Threshold values
* true - don't update
* false - update
* Used as option <code>disabled</code> for $.ui.slider
* @type {boolean}
sliderDisabled: false,
* Slider "ticks"
* Used as option <code>values</code> for $.ui.slider
* @type {number[]}
sliderHandlers: function () {
return this.get('sliderHandlersManager.preparedThresholds');
* Colors used for slider ranges
* @type {string[]}
sliderColors: [App.healthStatusRed, App.healthStatusOrange, App.healthStatusGreen],
* Maximum value for slider
* Used as option <code>max</code> for $.ui.slider
* @type {number}
sliderMaxValue: Em.computed.alias('sliderHandlersManager.maxValue'),
* Minimum value for slider
* Used as option <code>min</code> for $.ui.slider
* @type {number}
sliderMinValue: 0,
* Check how many handlers has slider
* true - 2 handlers
* false - 1 handler
* Used as option <code>range</code> for $.ui.slider
* @type {boolean}
sliderIsRange: true,
bodyClass: EditDashboardWidgetPopupBody,
init() {
Em.assert('`widgetView` should be valid view', this.get('widgetView.isView'));
Em.assert('`sliderHandlersManager` should be set', !!this.get('sliderHandlersManager'));
return this._super(...arguments);
* Save new threshold value on popup-close (means Primary click)
* Use <code>widgetView</code> to get <code>widgetsView</code> and save new values
* Current widget is updated too (without redrawing)
saveThreshold () {
let preparedThresholds = this.get('sliderHandlersManager.preparedThresholds');
* Update slider values when new threshold values are provided
* Don't do anything if some value is invalid or slider is disabled
* @private
_updateSliderValues: function() {
var sliderHandlersManager = this.get('sliderHandlersManager');
if (!sliderHandlersManager.get('hasErrors') && !this.get('sliderDisabled')) {
$('#slider-range').slider('values', sliderHandlersManager.get('preparedThresholds'));
}.observes('sliderDisabled', 'sliderHandlersManager.preparedThresholds.[]', 'sliderHandlersManager.hasErrors'),
onPrimary () {
let sliderHandlersManager = this.get('sliderHandlersManager');
if (!sliderHandlersManager.get('hasErrors')) {
* Create slider in the popup when it's opened
createSlider() {
var self = this;
let sliderHandlersManager = this.get('sliderHandlersManager');
var handlers = this.get('sliderHandlers');
range: this.get('sliderIsRange'),
min: this.get('sliderMinValue'),
max: this.get('sliderMaxValue'),
disabled: this.get('sliderDisabled'),
values: handlers,
create: function () {
slide: function (event, ui) {
change: function (event, ui) {
didInsertElement: function () {
* Update colors on slider using <code>sliderColors</code> theme when user interacts with it
* @param {number[]} handlers
updateSliderColors(handlers) {
let gradient = this._getGradientStr(handlers);
.css('background-image', '-webkit-' + gradient)
.css('background-image', '-ms-' + gradient)
.css('background-image', '-moz-' + gradient)
'background-color': App.healthStatusOrange,
'background-image': 'none'
* @param {number[]} handlers
* @returns {string}
* @private
_getGradientStr(handlers) {
let maxValue = this.get('sliderMaxValue');
let colors = this.get('sliderColors');
let gradient = colors[0] + ', ' +, i) => {
return `${colors[i]} ${handlers[i] * 100 / maxValue}%, ${colors[i + 1]} ${handlers[i] * 100 / maxValue}%,`;
}).join('') + colors[colors.length - 1];
return `linear-gradient(left,${gradient})`;