blob: fba3277e3d4f18284a81af91415e120fc0a06335 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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// SCP means ServiceConfigProperty
var App = require('app');
App.ServiceConfigView.SCPOverriddenRowsView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/common/configs/overriddenPropertyRow'),
classNames: ['overriden-value'],
serviceConfigProperty: null, // is passed dynamically at runtime where ever
// we are declaring this from configs.hbs ( we are initializing this from UI )
categoryConfigs: null, // just declared as viewClass need it
toggleFinalFlag: function (event) {
var override = event.contexts[0];
if (override.get('isNotEditable')) {
override.set('isFinal', !override.get('isFinal'));
removeOverride: function (event) {
// arg 1 SCP means ServiceConfigProperty
var scpToBeRemoved = event.contexts[0];
var scp = this.get('serviceConfigProperty');
var overrides = scp.get('overrides');
var controller = this.get('controller');
var group = controller.get('selectedService.configGroups').findProperty('name', controller.get(''));
// remove override property from selectedService on installer 7-th step
if (this.get('') === 'wizardStep7Controller') {
if (overrides) {
overrides = overrides.without(scpToBeRemoved);
this.set('serviceConfigProperty.overrides', overrides);
else {
if (scp.get('isUserProperty')) {
if (scp.get('isUndefinedLabel')) {
scp.set('isVisible', false);