tree: 654b72a92e6246da4b111ed17e11b942178291ac [path history] [tgz]
  1. ambari-logsearch-appender/
  2. ambari-logsearch-assembly/
  3. ambari-logsearch-config-api/
  4. ambari-logsearch-config-zookeeper/
  5. ambari-logsearch-it/
  6. ambari-logsearch-logfeeder/
  7. ambari-logsearch-server/
  8. ambari-logsearch-web/
  9. docker/
  10. pom.xml

Log Search

Setup local environment with docker


Install [docker] ( For Mac OS X use [Docker Machine] (

Build and start Log Search in docker container

# to see available commands: run start-logsearch without arguments
cd docker
./logsearch-docker build-and-run

If you run the script at first time, it will generate you a new Profile file inside docker directory, in that file you should set AMBARI_LOCATION (point to the local ambari root folder) and MAVEN_REPOSITORY_LOCATION (point to local maven repository location). These will be used as volumes for the docker container. If Profile is generated for first time use ./logsearch-docker start command to start container without rebuild the project/container again.

After the logsearch container is started you can enter to it with following command:

docker exec -it logsearch bash

Package build process

  1. Check out the code from GIT repository

  2. On the logsearch root folder (ambari/ambari-logsearch), please execute the following Maven command to build RPM/DPKG:

mvn -Dbuild-rpm clean package


mvn -Dbuild-deb clean package
  1. Generated RPM/DPKG files will be found in ambari-logsearch-assembly/target folder

Running Integration Tests

By default integration tests are not a part of the build process, you need to set -Dbackend-tests or -Dselenium-tests (or you can use -Dall-tests to run both). To running the tests you will need docker here as well (right now docker-for-mac and unix are supported by default, for boot2docker you need to pass parameter to the build).

# from ambari-logsearch folder
mvn clean integration-test -Dbackend-tests failsafe:verify
# or run selenium tests with docker for mac, but before that you nedd to start xquartz
# then in an another window you can start ui tests
mvn clean integration-test -Dselenium-tests failsafe:verify
# you can specify story file folde location with -Dbackend.stories.location and -Dui.stories.location (absolute file path) in the commands

Also you can run from the IDE, but make sure all of the ambari logsearch modules are built.