blob: f32854b99f24d39566b44e252d614f059e103bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.SubSection = DS.Model.extend({
id: DS.attr('string'),
* @type {string}
name: DS.attr('string'),
* theme from which this is coming from , eg: default, database, credentials, etc.
themeName: DS.attr('string'),
* @type {string}
displayName: DS.attr('string'),
* @type {boolean}
border: DS.attr('boolean', {defaultValue: false}),
* @type {number}
rowIndex: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 1}),
* @type {number}
columnIndex: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 1}),
* @type {number}
rowSpan: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 1}),
* @type {number}
columnSpan: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 1}),
* @type {App.Section}
section: DS.belongsTo('App.Section'),
* @type {String[]}
configProperties: DS.attr('array', {defaultValue: []}),
* @type {App.SubSectionTab[]}
subSectionTabs: DS.hasMany('App.SubSectionTab'),
dependsOn: DS.attr('array', {defaultValue: []}),
* @type {boolean}
leftVerticalSplitter: DS.attr('boolean', {defaultValue: true}),
* @type {App.ServiceConfigProperty[]}
configs: [],
* @type {boolean}
hasTabs: Em.computed.bool('subSectionTabs.length'),
someSubSectionTabIsVisible: Em.computed.someBy('subSectionTabs', 'isVisible', true),
showTabs: Em.computed.and('hasTabs', 'someSubSectionTabIsVisible'),
visibleProperties: function() {
return this.get('configs').filter(function(c) {
return c.get('isVisible') && !c.get('hiddenBySection');
}.property('configs.@each.isVisible', 'configs.@each.hiddenBySection'),
visibleTabs: Em.computed.filterBy('subSectionTabs', 'isVisible', true),
* Number of the errors in all configs
* @type {number}
errorsCount: function () {
var propertiesWithErrors = this.get('visibleProperties').filter(function(c) {
return !c.get('isValid') || !c.get('isValidOverride');
var tabsWithErrors = this.get('visibleTabs').mapProperty('errorsCount').reduce(Em.sum, 0);
return propertiesWithErrors + tabsWithErrors;
}.property('visibleProperties.@each.isValid', 'visibleProperties.@each.isValidOverride', 'visibleTabs.@each.errorsCount'),
* @type {boolean}
addLeftVerticalSplitter: Em.computed.and('!isFirstColumn', 'leftVerticalSplitter'),
* @type {boolean}
addRightVerticalSplitter: Em.computed.not('isLastColumn'),
* @type {boolean}
showTopSplitter: Em.computed.and('!isFirstRow', '!border'),
* @type {boolean}
isFirstRow: Em.computed.equal('rowIndex', 0),
* @type {boolean}
isMiddleRow: function () {
return this.get('rowIndex') != 0 && (this.get('rowIndex') + this.get('rowSpan') < this.get('section.sectionRows'));
}.property('rowIndex', 'rowSpan', 'section.sectionRows'),
* @type {boolean}
isLastRow: function () {
return this.get('rowIndex') + this.get('rowSpan') == this.get('section.sectionRows');
}.property('rowIndex', 'rowSpan', 'section.sectionRows'),
* @type {boolean}
isFirstColumn: Em.computed.equal('columnIndex', 0),
* @type {boolean}
isMiddleColumn: function () {
return this.get('columnIndex') != 0 && (this.get('columnIndex') + this.get('columnSpan') < this.get('section.sectionColumns'));
}.property('columnIndex', 'columnSpan', 'section.sectionColumns'),
* @type {boolean}
isLastColumn: function () {
return this.get('columnIndex') + this.get('columnSpan') == this.get('section.sectionColumns');
}.property('columnIndex', 'columnSpan', 'section.sectionColumns'),
* If the visibility of subsection is dependent on a value of some config
isHiddenByConfig: false,
* Determines if subsection is filtered by checking it own configs
* If there is no configs, subsection can't be hidden
* @type {boolean}
isHiddenByFilter: function () {
var configs = this.get('configs').filter(function(c) {
return !c.get('hiddenBySection') && c.get('isVisible');
return configs.length ? configs.everyProperty('isHiddenByFilter', true) && !this.get('someSubSectionTabIsVisible'): false;
* @type {boolean}
someConfigIsVisible: Em.computed.someBy('configs', 'isVisible', true),
* Determines if subsection is visible
* @type {boolean}
isSectionVisible: Em.computed.and('!isHiddenByFilter', '!isHiddenByConfig', 'someConfigIsVisible')
App.SubSection.FIXTURES = [];