blob: 3ae9e4383dd25818c6e54d1005dbdef9aead7642 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
module.exports = {
* Refreshes the latest information for a given job
* @param {App.AbstractJob}
* job
* @param {Function}
* successCallback
* @param {Funtion}
* errorCallback(errorId) Called in error cases where there is no
* data from server. 'errorId' can be one of
* <ul>
* <li>job.dag.noId</li>
* <li>job.dag.noname</li>
* <li></li>
* <li></li>
* <li></li>
* </ul>
refreshJobDetails : function(job, successCallback, errorCallback) {
this.refreshHiveJobDetails(job, successCallback, errorCallback);
* Refreshes latest information of a Hive Job.
* @param {App.HiveJob}
* hiveJob
* @param {Function}
* successCallback
* @param {Function}
* errorCallback @see #refreshJobDetails()
refreshHiveJobDetails : function(hiveJob, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var self = this;
// TODO - to be changed to history server when implemented in stack.
var yarnService = App.YARNService.find().objectAt(0);
var historyServerHostName = yarnService.get('appTimelineServerNode.hostName');
var ahsWebPort = yarnService.get('ahsWebPort');
var hiveJobId = hiveJob.get('id');
// First refresh query
var hiveQueriesUrl = App.testMode ? "/data/jobs/hive-query-2.json" : "/proxy?url=http://" + historyServerHostName
+ ":" + ahsWebPort + "/ws/v1/timeline/HIVE_QUERY_ID/" + hiveJob.get('id') + "?fields=otherinfo";
App.HttpClient.get(hiveQueriesUrl, App.hiveJobMapper, {
complete : function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
// Now get the Tez DAG ID from the DAG name
var hiveRecord = App.HiveJob.find(hiveJobId);
App.router.get('mainHiveJobDetailsController').set('job', hiveRecord);
var tezDagName = hiveRecord.get('');
if (tezDagName != null) {
var sender = {
dagNameToIdSuccess : function(data) {
if (data && data.entities && data.entities.length > 0) {
var dagId = data.entities[0].entity;
App.TezDag.find(tezDagName).set('instanceId', dagId);
self.refreshTezDagDetails(tezDagName, successCallback, errorCallback);
console.log('No Tez DAG was found for DAG name of ' + tezDagName);
dagNameToIdError : function(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus);
name : 'jobs.tezDag.NametoID',
sender : sender,
data : {
historyServerHostName : historyServerHostName,
tezDagName : tezDagName,
ahsWebPort: ahsWebPort
success : 'dagNameToIdSuccess',
error : 'dagNameToIdError'
} else {
console.log('No Tez DAG name to ask ID for. Job ID: ' + hiveJobId);
* Refreshes runtime information of a Tez DAG based on events generated. The
* instance ID of the Tez DAG should be set.
* @param {string}
* tezDagId ID of the Tez DAG. Example: 'HIVE-Q2:1'
* @param {Function}
* successCallback
* @param {Function}
* errorCallback @see #refreshJobDetails()
refreshTezDagDetails : function(tezDagId, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var self = this;
var yarnService = App.YARNService.find().objectAt(0);
var ahsWebPort = yarnService.get('ahsWebPort');
var historyServerHostName = yarnService.get('appTimelineServerNode.hostName');
var tezDag = App.TezDag.find(tezDagId);
if (tezDag) {
var tezDagInstanceId = tezDag.get('instanceId');
var sender = {
loadTezDagSuccess : function(data) {
if (data) {
if (data.otherinfo && data.otherinfo.applicationId) {
tezDag.set('yarnApplicationId', data.otherinfo.applicationId);
if (data.relatedentities && data.relatedentities.TEZ_VERTEX_ID != null) {
var count = data.relatedentities.TEZ_VERTEX_ID.length;
data.relatedentities.TEZ_VERTEX_ID.forEach(function(v) {
self.refreshTezDagVertex(tezDagId, v, function() {
if (--count <= 0) {
// all vertices succeeded
loadTezDagError : function(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus);
name : 'jobs.tezDag.tezDagId',
sender : sender,
data : {
historyServerHostName : historyServerHostName,
tezDagId : tezDagInstanceId,
ahsWebPort: ahsWebPort
success : 'loadTezDagSuccess',
error : 'loadTezDagError'
} else {
console.log('Unable to find DAG for ID: ' + tezDagId);
* Refreshes runtime information of the given vertex.
* @param {string}
* tezDagId ID of the Tez DAG. Exmaple: 'HIVE-Q2:1'
* @param {string}
* tezVertexInstanceID Instance ID of the vertex to refresh. Example
* 'vertex_1390516007863_0001_1_00'
* @param {Function}
* successCallback
refreshTezDagVertex : function(tezDagId, tezVertexInstanceId, successCallback) {
var yarnService = App.YARNService.find().objectAt(0);
var ahsWebPort = yarnService.get('ahsWebPort');
var historyServerHostName = yarnService.get('appTimelineServerNode.hostName');
var sender = {
loadTezDagVertexSuccess : function(data) {
if (data && data.otherinfo) {
var vertexRecord = App.TezDagVertex.find(tezDagId + "/" + data.otherinfo.vertexName);
if (vertexRecord != null) {
vertexRecord.set('startTime', data.otherinfo.startTime);
vertexRecord.set('endTime', data.otherinfo.endTime);
vertexRecord.set('tasksCount', data.otherinfo.numTasks);
vertexRecord.set('state', data.otherinfo.status);
if (data.otherinfo.counters && data.otherinfo.counters.counterGroups) {
data.otherinfo.counters.counterGroups.forEach(function(cGroup) {
var cNameToPropetyMap = {};
switch (cGroup.counterGroupName) {
case 'org.apache.tez.common.counters.FileSystemCounter':
cNameToPropetyMap = {
'FILE_BYTES_READ' : 'fileReadBytes',
'FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN' : 'fileWriteBytes',
'FILE_READ_OPS' : 'fileReadOps',
'FILE_WRITE_OPS' : 'fileWriteOps',
'HDFS_BYTES_READ' : 'hdfsReadBytes',
'HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN' : 'hdfsWriteBytes',
'HDFS_READ_OPS' : 'hdfsReadOps',
'HDFS_WRITE_OPS' : 'hdfsWriteOps'
case 'org.apache.tez.common.counters.TaskCounter':
cNameToPropetyMap = {
'SPILLED_RECORDS' : 'spilledRecords'
case 'HIVE':
cNameToPropetyMap = {
'RECORDS_READ' : 'recordReadCount',
'RECORDS_WRITE' : 'recordWriteCount'
if (cGroup.counters) {
cGroup.counters.forEach(function(counter) {
var prop = cNameToPropetyMap[counter.counterName];
if (prop != null) {
vertexRecord.set(prop, counter.counterValue);
loadTezDagVertexError : function(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, url, method, showStatus);
name : 'jobs.tezDag.tezDagVertexId',
sender : sender,
data : {
historyServerHostName : historyServerHostName,
tezDagVertexId : tezVertexInstanceId,
ahsWebPort: ahsWebPort
success : 'loadTezDagVertexSuccess',
error : 'loadTezDagVertexError'