blob: a25a32698de62132def5763f931ab2d5eb6bd725 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var lazyloading = require('utils/lazy_loading');
module.exports = {
* Launches a dialog to select hosts from the provided available hosts.
* Once the user clicks OK or Cancel, the callback is called with the
* array of hosts (App.Host[]) selected. If the dialog was cancelled
* or closed, <code>null</code> is provided to the callback. Else
* an array (maybe empty) will be provided to the callback.
* @param availableHosts {App.Host[]} List of hosts to pick from
* @param selectedHosts {App.Host[]} List of hosts already selected from the available hosts
* @param selectAtleastOneHost {boolean} If true atleast one host has to be selected
* @param validComponents {App.HostComponent[]} List of host-component types to pick from.
* @param callback Callback function which is invoked when dialog
* @param popupDescription {Object} Consist header and message for popup
* Example: {header: 'header', dialogMessage: 'message'}
* is closed, cancelled or OK is pressed.
launchHostsSelectionDialog : function(initialHosts, selectedHosts,
selectAtleastOneHost, validComponents, callback, popupDescription) {
// set default popup description
var defaultPopupDescription = {
header: Em.I18n.t('hosts.selectHostsDialog.title'),
dialogMessage: Em.I18n.t('hosts.selectHostsDialog.message')
if (popupDescription !== null) {
popupDescription = $.extend(true, defaultPopupDescription, popupDescription);
classNames: [ 'sixty-percent-width-modal' ],
header: popupDescription.header,
dialogMessage: popupDescription.dialogMessage,
warningMessage: null,
availableHosts: [],
onPrimary: function () {
this.set('warningMessage', null);
var arrayOfSelectedHosts = this.get('availableHosts').filterProperty('selected', true).mapProperty('');
if (selectAtleastOneHost && arrayOfSelectedHosts.length < 1) {
this.set('warningMessage', Em.I18n.t('hosts.selectHostsDialog.message.warning'));
console.debug('(new-selectedHosts)=', arrayOfSelectedHosts);
disablePrimary: function () {
return !this.get('isLoaded');
onSecondary: function () {
bodyClass: Ember.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/common/configs/overrideWindow'),
controllerBinding: 'App.router.mainServiceInfoConfigsController',
filterText: '',
filterTextPlaceholder: Em.I18n.t('hosts.selectHostsDialog.filter.placeHolder'),
filterColumn: null,
filterColumns: Ember.A([
Ember.Object.create({id: 'ip', name: 'IP Address', selected: true}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'cpu', name: 'CPU', selected: false}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'memory', name: 'RAM', selected: false}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'osArch', name: 'OS Architecture', selected: false}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'osType', name: 'OS Type', selected: false}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'diskTotal', name: 'Total Disks Capacity', selected: false}),
Ember.Object.create({id: 'disksMounted', name: '# of Disk Mounts', selected: false})
showOnlySelectedHosts: false,
filterComponents: validComponents,
filterComponent: null,
isDisabled: function () {
return !this.get('parentView.isLoaded');
didInsertElement: function(){
var defaultFilterColumn = this.get('filterColumns').findProperty('selected');
this.set('filterColumn', defaultFilterColumn);
initContent: function () {
initialHosts.setEach('filtered', true);
if (initialHosts.length > 100) {{
destination: this.get('parentView.availableHosts'),
source: initialHosts,
context: this.get('parentView'),
initSize: 50,
chunkSize: 100,
delay: 50
} else {
this.set('parentView.availableHosts', initialHosts);
this.set('parentView.isLoaded', true);
filterHosts: function () {
var filterText = this.get('filterText');
var showOnlySelectedHosts = this.get('showOnlySelectedHosts');
var filterComponent = this.get('filterComponent');
var filterColumn = this.get('filterColumn');
this.get('parentView.availableHosts').forEach(function (host) {
var skip = showOnlySelectedHosts && !host.get('selected');
var value = host.get('host').get(;
var hostComponentNames = host.get('hostComponentNames');
host.set('filterColumnValue', value);
if (!skip && filterText) {
if ((value == null || !value.toString().match(filterText)) && !host.get('host.publicHostName').match(filterText)) {
skip = true;
if (!skip && filterComponent) {
if (hostComponentNames.length > 0) {
skip = !hostComponentNames.contains(filterComponent.get('componentName'));
host.set('filtered', !skip);
}, this);
}.observes('parentView.availableHosts', 'filterColumn', 'filterText', 'filterComponent', 'filterComponent.componentName', 'showOnlySelectedHosts'),
hostSelectMessage: function () {
var hosts = this.get('parentView.availableHosts');
var selectedHosts = hosts.filterProperty('selected', true);
return this.t('hosts.selectHostsDialog.selectedHostsLink').format(selectedHosts.get('length'), hosts.get('length'))
selectFilterColumn: function (event) {
if (event != null && event.context != null && != null) {
var filterColumn = this.get('filterColumn');
if (filterColumn != null) {
filterColumn.set('selected', false);
event.context.set('selected', true);
this.set('filterColumn', event.context);
selectFilterComponent: function (event) {
if (event != null && event.context != null && event.context.componentName != null) {
var currentFilter = this.get('filterComponent');
if (currentFilter != null) {
currentFilter.set('selected', false);
if (currentFilter != null && currentFilter.componentName === event.context.componentName) {
// selecting the same filter deselects it.
this.set('filterComponent', null);
} else {
this.set('filterComponent', event.context);
event.context.set('selected', true);
allHostsSelected: false,
toggleSelectAllHosts: function (event) {
this.get('parentView.availableHosts').filterProperty('filtered').setEach('selected', this.get('allHostsSelected'));
toggleShowSelectedHosts: function () {
var currentFilter = this.get('filterComponent');
if (currentFilter != null) {
currentFilter.set('selected', false);
this.set('filterComponent', null);
this.set('filterText', null);
this.set('showOnlySelectedHosts', !this.get('showOnlySelectedHosts'));