blob: 04c55a444374f33647c7a4c0a73ac483dcd68f2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var stringUtils = require('utils/string_utils');
App.WizardStep8Controller = Em.Controller.extend({
name: 'wizardStep8Controller',
* List of raw data about cluster that should be displayed
* @type {Array}
rawContent: require('data/review_configs'),
* List of data about cluster (based on formatted <code>rawContent</code>)
* @type {Object[]}
clusterInfo: [],
* List of services with components assigned to hosts
* @type {Object[]}
services: [],
* @type {Object[]}
configs: [],
* @type {Object[]}
globals: [],
* All configs
* @type {Array}
configMapping: function () {
return App.config.get('configMapping').all(true);
slaveComponentConfig: null,
* Should Submit button be disabled
* @type {bool}
isSubmitDisabled: false,
* Should Back button be disabled
* @type {bool}
isBackBtnDisabled: false,
* Is error appears while <code>ajaxQueue</code> executes
* @type {bool}
hasErrorOccurred: false,
* Are services installed
* Used to hide Deploy Progress Bar
* @type {bool}
servicesInstalled: false,
* List of service config tags
* @type {Object[]}
serviceConfigTags: [],
* Ajax-requests queue
* @type {App.ajaxQueue}
ajaxRequestsQueue: null,
* Is cluster security enabled
* @type {bool}
securityEnabled: function () {
return App.router.get('mainAdminSecurityController.securityEnabled');
* During page save time, we set the host overrides to the server.
* The new host -> site:tag map is stored below. This will be
* useful during save, to update the host's host components. Also,
* it will be useful in deletion of overrides.
* Example:
* {
* 'hostname1': {
* 'global': {
* 'tagName': 'tag3187261938_hostname1',
* 'map': {
* 'hadoop_heapsize': '2048m'
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @see loadedHostToOverrideSiteToTagMap
savedHostToOverrideSiteToTagMap: {},
* Selected config group
* @type {Object}
selectedConfigGroup: null,
* List of config groups
* @type {Object[]}
configGroups: [],
* List of selected but not installed services
* @type {Object[]}
selectedServices: function () {
return this.get('').filterProperty('isSelected', true).filterProperty('isInstalled', false);
* List of installed and selected services
* @type {Object[]}
installedServices: function () {
return this.get('').filterProperty('isSelected').filterProperty('isInstalled');
* Ajax-requests count
* @type {number}
ajaxQueueLength: 0,
* Current cluster name
* @type {string}
clusterName: function () {
return this.get('');
* List of existing cluster names
* @type {string[]}
clusterNames: [],
* Clear current step data
* @method clearStep
clearStep: function () {
this.set('servicesInstalled', false);
this.set('ajaxQueueLength', 0);
this.set('ajaxRequestsQueue', App.ajaxQueue.create());
this.set('ajaxRequestsQueue.finishedCallback', this.ajaxQueueFinished);
* Load current step data
* @method loadStep
loadStep: function () {
console.log("TRACE: Loading step8: Review Page");
if (this.get('content.controllerName') != 'installerController') {
if (this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties')) {
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', false);
this.set('isBackBtnDisabled', false);
* replace whitespace character with coma between directories
* @method formatProperties
formatProperties: function () {
this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').forEach(function (_configProperty) {
_configProperty.value = App.config.trimProperty(_configProperty, false);
* Load global configs and remove some of them:
* <ul>
* <li>Unused DB properties for Hive</li>
* <li>Unused DB properties for Oozie</li>
* <ul>
* @method loadGlobals
loadGlobals: function () {
var globals = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').filterProperty('id', 'puppet var');
if (globals.someProperty('name', 'hive_database')) {
globals = this.removeHiveConfigs(globals);
if (globals.someProperty('name', 'oozie_database')) {
globals = this.removeOozieConfigs(globals);
this.set('globals', globals);
* Remove unused Hive configs
* @param {Ember.Enumerable} globals
* @returns {Ember.Enumerable}
* @method removeHiveConfigs
removeHiveConfigs: function (globals) {
var hiveDb = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_database');
var hiveDbType = {name: 'hive_database_type', value: 'mysql'};
var hive_properties = Em.A([]);
if (hiveDb.value === 'New MySQL Database') {
if (globals.someProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_host')) {
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_host').value;
hiveDbType.value = 'mysql';
hive_properties = Em.A(['hive_existing_mysql_host', 'hive_existing_mysql_database', 'hive_existing_oracle_host',
'hive_existing_oracle_database', 'hive_existing_postgresql_host', 'hive_existing_postgresql_database']);
else {
if (hiveDb.value === 'Existing MySQL Database') {
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_mysql_host').value;
hiveDbType.value = 'mysql';
hive_properties = Em.A(['hive_ambari_host', 'hive_ambari_database', 'hive_existing_oracle_host',
'hive_existing_oracle_database', 'hive_existing_postgresql_host', 'hive_existing_postgresql_database']);
else {
if (hiveDb.value === Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.hive.oozie.postgresql')) {
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_postgresql_host').value;
hiveDbType.value = 'postgres';
hive_properties = Em.A(['hive_ambari_host', 'hive_ambari_database', 'hive_existing_oracle_host',
'hive_existing_oracle_database', 'hive_existing_mysql_host', 'hive_existing_mysql_database']);
else { //existing oracle database
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_oracle_host').value;
hiveDbType.value = 'oracle';
hive_properties = Em.A(['hive_ambari_host', 'hive_ambari_database', 'hive_existing_mysql_host',
'hive_existing_mysql_database', 'hive_existing_postgresql_host', 'hive_existing_postgresql_database']);
hive_properties.forEach(function (property) {
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', property));
return globals;
* Remove unused Oozie configs
* @param {Ember.Enumerable} globals
* @returns {Ember.Enumerable}
* @method removeOozieConfigs
removeOozieConfigs: function (globals) {
var oozieDb = globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_database');
var oozieDbType = {name: 'oozie_database_type'};
var oozie_properties = Em.A(['oozie_ambari_host', 'oozie_ambari_database']);
if (oozieDb.value === 'New Derby Database') {
globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_ambari_host').value;
oozieDbType.value = 'derby';
oozie_properties = Em.A(['oozie_ambari_host', 'oozie_ambari_database', 'oozie_existing_mysql_host',
'oozie_existing_mysql_database', 'oozie_existing_oracle_host', 'oozie_existing_oracle_database',
'oozie_existing_postgresql_host', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_database']);
else {
if (oozieDb.value === 'Existing MySQL Database') {
globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_mysql_host').value;
oozieDbType.value = 'mysql';
oozie_properties = Em.A(['oozie_ambari_host', 'oozie_ambari_database', 'oozie_existing_oracle_host',
'oozie_existing_oracle_database', 'oozie_derby_database', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_host', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_database']);
else {
if (oozieDb.value === Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.hive.oozie.postgresql')) {
globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_host').value;
oozieDbType.value = 'postgresql';
oozie_properties = Em.A(['oozie_ambari_host', 'oozie_ambari_database', 'oozie_existing_oracle_host',
'oozie_existing_oracle_database', 'oozie_existing_mysql_host', 'oozie_existing_mysql_database']);
else { // existing oracle database
globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_hostname').value = globals.findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_oracle_host').value;
oozieDbType.value = 'oracle';
oozie_properties = Em.A(['oozie_ambari_host', 'oozie_ambari_database', 'oozie_existing_mysql_host',
'oozie_existing_mysql_database', 'oozie_derby_database', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_host', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_database']);
oozie_properties.forEach(function (property) {
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', property));
return globals;
* Load all site properties
* @method loadConfigs
loadConfigs: function () {
//storedConfigs contains custom configs as well
var serviceConfigProperties = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').filterProperty('id', 'site property');
serviceConfigProperties.forEach(function (_config) {
_config.value = (typeof _config.value === "boolean") ? _config.value.toString() : _config.value;
var mappedConfigs = App.config.excludeUnsupportedConfigs(this.get('configMapping'), this.get('selectedServices').mapProperty('serviceName'));
var uiConfigs = this.loadUiSideConfigs(mappedConfigs);
this.set('configs', serviceConfigProperties.concat(uiConfigs));
* Load UI configs
* @param {Array} configMapping
* @return {Array}
* @method loadUiSideConfigs
loadUiSideConfigs: function (configMapping) {
var uiConfig = [];
var configs = configMapping.filterProperty('foreignKey', null);
configs.forEach(function (_config) {
var valueWithOverrides = this.getGlobConfigValueWithOverrides(_config.templateName, _config.value,;
"id": "site property",
"value": valueWithOverrides.value,
"filename": _config.filename,
"overrides": valueWithOverrides.overrides
}, this);
var dependentConfig = $.extend(true, [], configMapping.filterProperty('foreignKey'));
dependentConfig.forEach(function (_config) {
App.config.setConfigValue(uiConfig, this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties'), _config, this.get('globals'));
"id": "site property",
"name": _config._name ||,
"value": _config.value,
"filename": _config.filename
}, this);
return uiConfig;
* Add dynamic properties to configs
* @param {Array} configs
* @method addDynamicProperties
addDynamicProperties: function (configs) {
var templetonHiveProperty = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').someProperty('name', '');
if (!templetonHiveProperty) {
"name": "",
"templateName": ["hivemetastore_host"],
"foreignKey": null,
"value": "hive.metastore.local=false,hive.metastore.uris=thrift://<templateName[0]>:9083,hive.metastore.sasl.enabled=yes,hive.metastore.execute.setugi=true,hive.metastore.warehouse.dir=/apps/hive/warehouse",
"filename": "webhcat-site.xml"
* Format <code>content.hosts</code> from Object to Array
* @returns {Array}
* @method getRegisteredHosts
getRegisteredHosts: function () {
var allHosts = this.get('content.hosts');
var hosts = [];
for (var hostName in allHosts) {
if (allHosts.hasOwnProperty(hostName)) {
if (allHosts[hostName].bootStatus == 'REGISTERED') {
allHosts[hostName].hostName = allHosts[hostName].name;
return hosts;
* Set all site property that are derived from other puppet-variable
* @param {String} templateName
* @param {String} expression
* @param {String} name
* @return {Object}
* example: <code>{
* value: '...',
* overrides: [
* {
* value: 'v1',
* hosts: ['h1', 'h2']
* },
* {
* value: 'v2',
* hosts: ['h2', 'h3']
* },
* ....
* ]
* }</code>
* @method getGlobConfigValueWithOverrides
getGlobConfigValueWithOverrides: function (templateName, expression, name) {
var express = expression.match(/<(.*?)>/g);
var value = expression;
if (express == null) {
return { value: expression, overrides: []}; // if site property do not map any global property then return the value
var overrideHostToValue = {};
express.forEach(function (_express) {
//console.log("The value of template is: " + _express);
var index = parseInt(_express.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
if (this.get('globals').someProperty('name', templateName[index])) {
//console.log("The name of the variable is: " + this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', templateName[index]).name);
var globalObj = this.get('globals').findProperty('name', templateName[index]);
var globValue = globalObj.value;
// Hack for templeton.zookeeper.hosts
var preReplaceValue = null;
if (value !== null) { // if the property depends on more than one template name like <templateName[0]>/<templateName[1]> then don't proceed to the next if the prior is null or not found in the global configs
preReplaceValue = value;
value = this._replaceConfigValues(name, _express, value, globValue);
if (globalObj.overrides != null) {
globalObj.overrides.forEach(function (override) {
var ov = override.value;
var hostsArray = override.hosts;
hostsArray.forEach(function (host) {
if (!(host in overrideHostToValue)) {
overrideHostToValue[host] = this._replaceConfigValues(name, _express, preReplaceValue, ov);
} else {
overrideHostToValue[host] = this._replaceConfigValues(name, _express, overrideHostToValue[host], ov);
}, this);
}, this);
} else {
console.log("ERROR: The variable name is: " + templateName[index]);
console.log("ERROR: mapped config from configMapping file has no corresponding variable in " +
"content.serviceConfigProperties. Two possible reasons for the error could be: 1) The service is not selected. " +
"and/OR 2) The service_config metadata file has no corresponding global var for the site property variable");
value = null;
}, this);
var valueWithOverrides = {
value: value,
overrides: []
var overrideValueToHostMap = {};
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(overrideHostToValue)) {
for (var host in overrideHostToValue) {
var hostVal = overrideHostToValue[host];
if (!(hostVal in overrideValueToHostMap)) {
overrideValueToHostMap[hostVal] = [];
for (var val in overrideValueToHostMap) {
value: val,
hosts: overrideValueToHostMap[val]
return valueWithOverrides;
* replace some values in config property
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} express
* @param {string} value
* @param {string} globValue
* @return {string}
* @private
* @method _replaceConfigValues
_replaceConfigValues: function (name, express, value, globValue) {
return value.replace(express, globValue);
* Load all info about cluster to <code>clusterInfo</code> variable
* @method loadClusterInfo
loadClusterInfo: function () {
//Admin name
var admin = this.rawContent.findProperty('config_name', 'Admin');
admin.config_value = App.db.getLoginName();
console.log("STEP8: the value of content cluster name: " + App.db.getLoginName());
if (admin.config_value) {
// cluster name
var cluster = this.rawContent.findProperty('config_name', 'cluster');
cluster.config_value = this.get('');
console.log("STEP8: the value of content cluster name: " + this.get(''));
var newHostsCount = 0;
var totalHostsCount = 0;
var hosts = this.get('content.hosts');
for (var hostName in hosts) {
newHostsCount += ~~(!hosts[hostName].isInstalled);
var totalHostsObj = this.rawContent.findProperty('config_name', 'hosts');
totalHostsObj.config_value = totalHostsCount + ' (' + newHostsCount + ' new)';
if (['addHostController', 'addServiceController'].contains(this.get('content.controllerName'))) {
} else {
// from install wizard
var selectedStack = this.get('content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
var allRepos = [];
if (selectedStack && selectedStack.operatingSystems) {
selectedStack.operatingSystems.forEach(function (os) {
if (os.selected) {
base_url: os.baseUrl,
os_type: os.osType,
repo_id: os.repoId
}, this);
allRepos.set('display_name', Em.I18n.t("installer.step8.repoInfo.displayName"));
this.get('clusterInfo').set('repoInfo', allRepos);
* Load repo info for add Service/Host wizard review page
* @return {$.ajax|null}
* @method loadRepoInfo
loadRepoInfo: function () {
var nameVersionCombo = App.get('currentStackVersion').split('-');
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'cluster.load_repositories',
sender: this,
data: {
stackName: nameVersionCombo[0],
stackVersion: nameVersionCombo[1]
success: 'loadRepoInfoSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadRepoInfoErrorCallback'
* Save all repo base URL of all OS type to <code>repoInfo<code>
* @param {object} data
* @method loadRepoInfoSuccessCallback
loadRepoInfoSuccessCallback: function (data) {
var allRepos = [];
data.items.forEach(function (os) {
if (!App.supports.ubuntu && os.OperatingSystems.os_type == 'debian12') return; // @todo: remove after Ubuntu support confirmation
os.repositories.forEach(function (repository) {
base_url: repository.Repositories.base_url,
os_type: repository.Repositories.os_type,
repo_id: repository.Repositories.repo_id
}, this);
allRepos.set('display_name', Em.I18n.t("installer.step8.repoInfo.displayName"));
this.get('clusterInfo').set('repoInfo', allRepos);
* @param {object} request
* @method loadRepoInfoErrorCallback
loadRepoInfoErrorCallback: function (request) {
console.log('Error message is: ' + request.responseText);
var allRepos = [];
allRepos.set('display_name', Em.I18n.t("installer.step8.repoInfo.displayName"));
this.get('clusterInfo').set('repoInfo', allRepos);
* Load all info about services to <code>services</code> variable
* @method loadServices
loadServices: function () {
var reviewService = this.get('rawContent').findProperty('config_name', 'services');
if (Em.isNone(reviewService)) return;
var config_value = Em.get(reviewService, 'config_value');
if (Em.isNone(config_value)) return;
this.get('selectedServices').forEach(function (_service) {
var serviceObj = config_value.findProperty('service_name', _service.serviceName);
if (Em.isNone(serviceObj)) return;
serviceObj.get('service_components').forEach(function (_component) {
console.log(' ---INFO: step8: service component: ' + _service.serviceName);
}, this);
}, this);
* Set <code>component_value</code> property to <code>component</code>
* @param {Em.Object} component
* @method assignComponentHosts
assignComponentHosts: function (component) {
var componentValue;
if (component.get('customHandler')) {
this[component.get('customHandler')].call(this, component);
console.log(' --- ---INFO: step8: in customHandler');
else {
console.log(' --- ---INFO: step8: NOT in customHandler');
if (component.get('isMaster')) {
console.log(' --- ---INFO: step8: component isMaster');
componentValue = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts')
.findProperty('component', component.component_name).hostName;
else {
console.log(' --- ---INFO: step8: NOT component isMaster');
var hostsLength = this.get('content.slaveComponentHosts')
.findProperty('componentName', component.component_name)
componentValue = hostsLength + Em.I18n.t('' + ((hostsLength > 1) ? 's' : ''));
console.log(' --- --- --- INFO: step8: componentValue: ' + componentValue);
component.set('component_value', componentValue);
* Set dispalyed Hive DB value based on DB type
* @param {Ember.Object} dbComponent
* @method loadHiveDbValue
loadHiveDbValue: function (dbComponent) {
var db,
serviceConfigPreoprties = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties'),
hiveDb = serviceConfigPreoprties.findProperty('name', 'hive_database');
if (hiveDb.value === 'New MySQL Database') {
dbComponent.set('component_value', 'MySQL (New Database)');
else {
if (hiveDb.value === 'Existing MySQL Database') {
db = serviceConfigPreoprties.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_mysql_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + hiveDb.value + ')');
else {
if (hiveDb.value === Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.hive.oozie.postgresql')) {
db = serviceConfigPreoprties.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_postgresql_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + hiveDb.value + ')');
else { // existing oracle database
db = serviceConfigPreoprties.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_oracle_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + hiveDb.value + ')');
* Set displayed HBase master value
* @param {Object} hbaseMaster
* @method loadHbaseMasterValue
loadHbaseMasterValue: function (hbaseMaster) {
var hbaseHostName = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts').filterProperty('component', hbaseMaster.component_name);
if (hbaseHostName.length == 1) {
hbaseMaster.set('component_value', hbaseHostName[0].hostName);
} else {
hbaseMaster.set('component_value', hbaseHostName[0].hostName + " " + Em.I18n.t('installer.step8.other').format(hbaseHostName.length - 1));
* Set displayed ZooKeeper Server value
* @param {Object} serverComponent
* @method loadZkServerValue
loadZkServerValue: function (serverComponent) {
var zkHostNames = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts').filterProperty('component', serverComponent.component_name).length;
var hostSuffix;
if (zkHostNames === 1) {
hostSuffix = Em.I18n.t('');
} else {
hostSuffix = Em.I18n.t('installer.step8.hosts');
serverComponent.set('component_value', zkHostNames + hostSuffix);
* Set displayed Oozie DB value based on DB type
* @param {Object} dbComponent
* @method loadOozieDbValue
loadOozieDbValue: function (dbComponent) {
var db, oozieDb = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'oozie_database');
if (oozieDb.value === 'New Derby Database') {
db = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'oozie_derby_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + oozieDb.value + ')');
else {
if (oozieDb.value === 'Existing MySQL Database') {
db = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_mysql_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + oozieDb.value + ')');
else {
if (oozieDb.value === Em.I18n.t('services.service.config.hive.oozie.postgresql')) {
db = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_postgresql_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + oozieDb.value + ')');
else { // existing oracle database
db = this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'oozie_existing_oracle_database');
dbComponent.set('component_value', db.value + ' (' + oozieDb.value + ')');
* Set displayed Nagion Admin value
* @param {Object} nagiosAdmin
* @method loadNagiosAdminValue
loadNagiosAdminValue: function (nagiosAdmin) {
var config = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties');
var adminLoginName = config.findProperty('name', 'nagios_web_login');
var adminEmail = config.findProperty('name', 'nagios_contact');
nagiosAdmin.set('component_value', adminLoginName.value + ' / (' + adminEmail.value + ')');
* Onclick handler for <code>next</code> button
* @method submit
* @return {App.ModalPopup|null}
submit: function () {
if (this.get('isSubmitDisabled')) return null;
if ((this.get('content.controllerName') == 'addHostController') && this.get('securityEnabled')) {
var self = this;
return App.showConfirmationPopup(function () {
}, Em.I18n.t('installer.step8.securityConfirmationPopupBody'));
else {
return this.submitProceed();
* Update configurations for installed services.
* Do separated PUT-request for each siteName for each service
* @param {Array} configsToUpdate - configs need to update
* Format:
* <code>
* [
* {serviceName: 's1', id: 'site property', filename: 'f1.xml', name: 'n1', value: 'v1'},
* {serviceName: 's2', id: 'site property', filename: 'f1.xml', name: 'n2', value: 'v2'},
* {serviceName: 's2', id: '', filename: 'f2.xml', name: 'n3', value: 'v3'}
* ]
* </code>
* @method updateConfigurations
updateConfigurations: function (configsToUpdate) {
var configurationController = App.router.get('mainServiceInfoConfigsController');
var configs = configsToUpdate.filter(function(config) {
return !!config.filename && !/^(global|core)/.test(config.filename);
var serviceNames = configs.mapProperty('serviceName').uniq();
var configsMap = [];
serviceNames.forEach(function (serviceName) {
var serviceConfigs = configs.filterProperty('serviceName', serviceName);
var tagName = 'version' + (new Date).getTime();
serviceConfigs.forEach(function(config) {
config.value = App.config.trimProperty(config, false);
serviceConfigs.mapProperty('filename').uniq().forEach(function (siteName) {
configsMap.push(configurationController.createSiteObj(siteName.replace(".xml", ""), tagName, serviceConfigs.filterProperty('filename', siteName)));
if (!configsMap.length) return;
var configData = (_serviceConfig) {
return JSON.stringify({
Clusters: {
desired_config: {
type: _serviceConfig.type,
tag: _serviceConfig.tag,
}, this).toString();
name: 'wizard.step8.apply_configuration_to_cluster',
data: {
data: '[' + configData + ']'
* Prepare <code>ajaxQueue</code> and start to execute it
* @method submitProceed
submitProceed: function () {
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', true);
this.set('isBackBtnDisabled', true);
if (this.get('content.controllerName') == 'addHostController') {
// checkpoint the cluster status on the server so that the user can resume from where they left off
switch (this.get('content.controllerName')) {
case 'installerController':
clusterName: this.get('clusterName'),
clusterState: 'CLUSTER_DEPLOY_PREP_2',
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
case 'addHostController':
clusterName: this.get('clusterName'),
clusterState: 'ADD_HOSTS_DEPLOY_PREP_2',
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
case 'addServiceController':
clusterName: this.get('clusterName'),
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
// delete any existing clusters to start from a clean slate
// before creating a new cluster in install wizard
// TODO: modify for multi-cluster support
if (this.get('content.controllerName') == 'installerController' && (!App.get('testMode'))) {
if (this.get('content.controllerName') !== 'addHostController') {
if (this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('configsToUpdate') && this.get('wizardController').getDBProperty('configsToUpdate').length) {
if (App.get('supports.hostOverridesInstaller')) {
this.set('ajaxQueueLength', this.get('ajaxRequestsQueue.queue.length'));
* Get list of existing cluster names
* @returns {string[]}
* returns an array of existing cluster names.
* returns an empty array if there are no existing clusters.
* @method getExistingClusterNames
getExistingClusterNames: function () {
name: 'wizard.step8.existing_cluster_names',
sender: this,
success: 'getExistingClusterNamesSuccessCallBack',
error: 'getExistingClusterNamesErrorCallback'
return this.get('clusterNames');
* Save received list to <code>clusterNames</code>
* @param {Object} data
* @method getExistingClusterNamesSuccessCallBack
getExistingClusterNamesSuccessCallBack: function (data) {
var clusterNames = data.items.mapProperty('Clusters.cluster_name');
console.log("Got existing cluster names: " + clusterNames);
this.set('clusterNames', clusterNames);
* If error appears, set <code>clusterNames</code> to <code>[]</code>
* @method getExistingClusterNamesErrorCallback
getExistingClusterNamesErrorCallback: function () {
console.log("Failed to get existing cluster names");
this.set('clusterNames', []);
* Delete cluster by name
* One request for one cluster!
* @param {string[]} clusterNames
* @method deleteClusters
deleteClusters: function (clusterNames) {
clusterNames.forEach(function (clusterName) {
name: 'wizard.step8.delete_cluster',
sender: this,
data: {
name: clusterName
}, this);
* Updates local repositories for the Ambari server.
* @method setLocalRepositories
* @return {bool} true - requests are sent, false - requests not sent
setLocalRepositories: function () {
if (this.get('content.controllerName') !== 'installerController' || !App.get('supports.localRepositories')) return false;
var self = this,
stack = this.get('content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
stack.operatingSystems.forEach(function (os) {
if (os.baseUrl !== os.originalBaseUrl) {
console.log("Updating local repository URL from " + os.originalBaseUrl + " -> " + os.baseUrl + ". ", os);
name: 'wizard.step8.set_local_repos',
data: {
osType: os.osType,
repoId: os.repoId,
stackVersionURL: App.get('stackVersionURL'),
data: JSON.stringify({
"Repositories": {
"base_url": os.baseUrl,
"verify_base_url": false
return true;
* *******************************************************************
* The following create* functions are called upon submitting Step 8.
* *******************************************************************
* Create cluster using selected stack version
* Queued request
* @method createCluster
createCluster: function () {
if (this.get('content.controllerName') !== 'installerController') return;
var stackVersion = (this.get('content.installOptions.localRepo')) ? App.currentStackVersion.replace(/(-\d+(\.\d)*)/ig, "Local$&") : App.currentStackVersion;
name: 'wizard.step8.create_cluster',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify({ "Clusters": {"version": stackVersion }})
* Create selected to install services
* Queued request
* Skipped if no services where selected!
* @method createSelectedServices
createSelectedServices: function () {
var data = this.createSelectedServicesData();
if (!data.length) return;
name: 'wizard.step8.create_selected_services',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
* Format data for <code>createSelectedServices</code> request
* @returns {Object[]}
* @method createSelectedServicesData
createSelectedServicesData: function () {
return this.get('selectedServices').map(function (_service) {
return {"ServiceInfo": { "service_name": _service.get('serviceName') }};
* Create components for selected services
* Queued requests
* One request for each service!
* @method createComponents
createComponents: function () {
var serviceComponents = App.StackServiceComponent.find();
this.get('selectedServices').forEach(function (_service) {
var serviceName = _service.get('serviceName');
var componentsData = serviceComponents.filterProperty('serviceName', serviceName).map(function (_component) {
return { "ServiceComponentInfo": { "component_name": _component.get('componentName') } };
// Service must be specified in terms of a query for creating multiple components at the same time.
// See AMBARI-1018.
name: 'wizard.step8.create_components',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify({"components": componentsData}),
serviceName: serviceName
}, this);
* Error callback for new service component request
* So, if component doesn't exist we should create it
* @param {object} request
* @param {object} ajaxOptions
* @param {string} error
* @param {object} opt
* @param {object} params
* @method newServiceComponentErrorCallback
newServiceComponentErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error, opt, params) {
name: 'wizard.step8.create_components',
data: {
serviceName: params.serviceName,
data: JSON.stringify({
"components": [
"ServiceComponentInfo": {
"component_name": params.componentName
* Register hosts
* Queued request
* @method registerHostsToCluster
registerHostsToCluster: function () {
var data = this.createRegisterHostData();
if (!data.length) return;
name: 'wizard.step8.register_host_to_cluster',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
* Format request-data for <code>registerHostsToCluster</code>
* @returns {Object}
* @method createRegisterHostData
createRegisterHostData: function () {
return this.getRegisteredHosts().filterProperty('isInstalled', false).map(function (host) {
return {"Hosts": { "host_name": host.hostName}};
* Register new master components
* @uses registerHostsToComponent
* @method createMasterHostComponents
createMasterHostComponents: function () {
// create master components for only selected services.
var selectedMasterComponents = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts').filter(function (_component) {
return this.get('selectedServices').mapProperty('serviceName').contains(_component.serviceId)
}, this);
selectedMasterComponents.mapProperty('component').uniq().forEach(function (component) {
var hostNames = selectedMasterComponents.filterProperty('component', component).filterProperty('isInstalled', false).mapProperty('hostName');
this.registerHostsToComponent(hostNames, component);
}, this);
* Register slave components and clients
* @uses registerHostsToComponent
* @method createSlaveAndClientsHostComponents
createSlaveAndClientsHostComponents: function () {
var masterHosts = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts'),
slaveHosts = this.get('content.slaveComponentHosts'),
clients = this.get('content.clients');
* Determines on which hosts client should be installed (based on availability of master components on hosts)
* @type {Object}
* Format:
* <code>
* {
* CLIENT1: Em.A([MASTER1, MASTER2, ...]),
* CLIENT2: Em.A([MASTER3, MASTER1, ...])
* ...
* }
* </code>
var clientsToMasterMap = {
slaveHosts.forEach(function (_slave) {
if (_slave.componentName !== 'CLIENT') {
var hostNames = _slave.hosts.filterProperty('isInstalled', false).mapProperty('hostName');
this.registerHostsToComponent(hostNames, _slave.componentName);
else {
clients.forEach(function (_client) {
var hostNames = _slave.hosts.mapProperty('hostName');
if (clientsToMasterMap[_client.component_name]) {
clientsToMasterMap[_client.component_name].forEach(function (componentName) {
masterHosts.filterProperty('component', componentName).filterProperty('isInstalled', false).forEach(function (_masterHost) {
hostNames = hostNames.uniq();
if (_client.isInstalled) {
* check whether clients are already installed on selected master hosts!!!
var clientHosts = [];
var installedHosts = this.get('content.hosts');
for (var hostName in installedHosts) {
if (installedHosts[hostName].isInstalled &&
installedHosts[hostName].hostComponents.filterProperty('HostRoles.state', 'INSTALLED').mapProperty('HostRoles.component_name').contains(_client.component_name)) {
if (clientHosts.length > 0) {
clientHosts.forEach(function (hostName) {
if (hostNames.contains(hostName)) {
hostNames.splice(hostNames.indexOf(hostName), 1);
}, this);
* For Add Service Only
* if client is not added to host or is not installed add Object
* {
* componentName: {String},
* hostName: {String}
* }
* to content.additionalClients
* later it will be used to install client on host before installing new services
if (this.get('content.controllerName') === 'addServiceController' && hostNames.length > 0) {
hostNames.forEach(function (hostName) {
componentName: _client.component_name, hostName: hostName
}, this)
this.registerHostsToComponent(hostNames, _client.component_name);
}, this);
}, this);
* Register additional components
* Based on availability of some services
* @uses registerHostsToComponent
* @method createAdditionalHostComponents
createAdditionalHostComponents: function () {
var masterHosts = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts');
// add Ganglia Monitor (Slave) to all hosts if Ganglia service is selected
var gangliaService = this.get('').filterProperty('isSelected', true).findProperty('serviceName', 'GANGLIA');
if (gangliaService) {
var hosts = this.getRegisteredHosts();
if (gangliaService.get('isInstalled')) {
hosts = hosts.filterProperty('isInstalled', false);
if (hosts.length) {
this.registerHostsToComponent(hosts.mapProperty('hostName'), 'GANGLIA_MONITOR');
// add MySQL Server if Hive is selected
var hiveService = this.get('').filterProperty('isSelected', true).filterProperty('isInstalled', false).findProperty('serviceName', 'HIVE');
if (hiveService) {
var hiveDb = this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', 'hive_database');
if (hiveDb.value == "New MySQL Database") {
this.registerHostsToComponent(masterHosts.filterProperty('component', 'HIVE_SERVER').mapProperty('hostName'), 'MYSQL_SERVER');
* Register component to hosts
* Queued request
* @param {String[]} hostNames
* @param {String} componentName
* @method registerHostsToComponent
registerHostsToComponent: function (hostNames, componentName) {
if (!hostNames.length) return;
var queryStr = '';
hostNames.forEach(function (hostName) {
queryStr += 'Hosts/host_name=' + hostName + '|';
//slice off last symbol '|'
queryStr = queryStr.slice(0, -1);
var data = {
"RequestInfo": {
"query": queryStr
"Body": {
"host_components": [
"HostRoles": {
"component_name": componentName
name: 'wizard.step8.register_host_to_component',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
* Create config objects for cluster and services
* @method createConfigurations
createConfigurations: function () {
var self = this;
var selectedServices = this.get('selectedServices');
var coreSiteObject = this.createCoreSiteObj();
var tag = 'version1';
if (this.get('content.controllerName') == 'installerController') {
this.get('serviceConfigTags').pushObject(this.createSiteObj('hdfs-site', false, tag));
this.get('serviceConfigTags').pushObject(this.createLog4jObj('hdfs', tag));
var globalSiteObj = this.createGlobalSiteObj(tag);
if (this.get('content.controllerName') == 'addServiceController') {
tag = 'version' + (new Date).getTime();
globalSiteObj.tag = tag;
coreSiteObject.tag = tag;
var objMap = {
MAPREDUCE: {site: [
{filename: 'mapred-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['mapreduce']},
MAPREDUCE2: {site: [
{filename: 'mapred-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['mapreduce2']},
YARN: {site: [
{filename: 'yarn-site', isXmlFile: true},
{filename: 'capacity-scheduler', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['yarn']},
HBASE: {site: [
{filename: 'hbase-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['hbase']},
OOZIE: {site: [
{filename: 'oozie-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['oozie']},
HIVE: {site: [
{filename: 'hive-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: ['hive', 'hive-exec']},
WEBHCAT: {site: [
{filename: 'webhcat-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: []},
HUE: {site: [
{filename: 'hue-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: []},
PIG: {site: [
{filename: 'pig-properties', isXmlFile: false}
], log4j: ['pig']},
FALCON: {site: [
{filename: '', isXmlFile: false},
{filename: '', isXmlFile: false}
], log4j: []},
TEZ: {site: [
{filename: 'tez-site', isXmlFile: true}
], log4j: []},
ZOOKEEPER: {site: [], log4j: ['zookeeper']},
FLUME: {site: [
{filename: 'flume-conf', isXmlFile: false}
], log4j: []}
if (App.supports.capacitySchedulerUi) {
{filename: 'capacity-scheduler', isXmlFile: true},
{filename: 'mapred-queue-acls', isXmlFile: true}
for (var serviceName in objMap) {
if (objMap.hasOwnProperty(serviceName)) {
if (selectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', serviceName)) {
objMap[serviceName].site.forEach(function (site) {
self.get('serviceConfigTags').pushObject(self.createSiteObj(site.filename, !site.isXmlFile, tag));
objMap[serviceName].log4j.forEach(function (log4j) {
self.get('serviceConfigTags').pushObject(self.createLog4jObj(log4j, tag));
if (selectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'STORM')) {
if (selectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'ZOOKEEPER')) {
* Send <code>serviceConfigTags</code> to server
* Queued request
* One request for each service config tag
* @method applyConfigurationsToCluster
applyConfigurationsToCluster: function () {
var configData = this.get('serviceConfigTags').map(function (_serviceConfig) {
return JSON.stringify({
Clusters: {
desired_config: {
type: _serviceConfig.type,
tag: _serviceConfig.tag,
}, this).toString();
name: 'wizard.step8.apply_configuration_to_cluster',
data: {
data: '[' + configData + ']'
* Create and update config groups
* @method createConfigurationGroups
createConfigurationGroups: function () {
var configGroups = this.get('content.configGroups').filterProperty('isDefault', false);
var clusterName = this.get('clusterName');
var sendData = [];
var updateData = [];
var serviceConfigController = App.router.get('mainServiceInfoConfigsController');
var timeTag = (new Date).getTime();
var groupsToDelete = App.router.get(this.get('content.controllerName')).getDBProperty('groupsToDelete');
if (groupsToDelete && groupsToDelete.length > 0) {
configGroups.forEach(function (configGroup) {
var groupConfigs = [];
var groupData = {
"cluster_name": clusterName,
"description": configGroup.description,
"hosts": [],
"desired_configs": []
configGroup.hosts.forEach(function (hostName) {
groupData.hosts.push({"host_name": hostName});
//wrap properties into Em.Object to make them compatible with buildGroupDesiredConfigs method (property) {
groupData.desired_configs =, groupConfigs, timeTag);
// check for group from installed service
if (configGroup.isForUpdate === true) {
// if group is a new one, create it
if (! {
sendData.push({"ConfigGroup": groupData});
} else {
// update an existing group =;
updateData.push({"ConfigGroup": groupData});
} else {
sendData.push({"ConfigGroup": groupData});
//each group should have unique tag to prevent overriding configs from common sites
}, this);
if (sendData.length > 0) {
if (updateData.length > 0) {
* Create new config groups request
* Queued request
* @param {Object[]} sendData
* @method applyConfigurationGroups
applyConfigurationGroups: function (sendData) {
name: 'wizard.step8.apply_configuration_groups',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(sendData)
* Update existed config groups
* Separated request for each group
* @param {Object[]} updateData
* @method applyInstalledServicesConfigurationGroup
applyInstalledServicesConfigurationGroup: function (updateData) {
updateData.forEach(function (item) {
* Delete selected config groups
* @param {Object[]} groupsToDelete
* @method removeInstalledServicesConfigurationGroups
removeInstalledServicesConfigurationGroups: function (groupsToDelete) {
groupsToDelete.forEach(function (item) {
* Create Global Site object
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createGlobalSiteObj
createGlobalSiteObj: function (tag) {
var globalSiteProperties = {};
var globalSiteObj = this.get('globals');
var isGLUSTERFSSelected = this.get('selectedServices').someProperty('serviceName', 'GLUSTERFS');
// screen out the GLUSTERFS-specific global config entries when they are not required
if (!isGLUSTERFSSelected) {
globalSiteObj = globalSiteObj.filter(function (_config) {
return !"fs_glusterfs");
globalSiteObj.forEach(function (globalConfig) {
var heapsizeExceptions = ['hadoop_heapsize', 'yarn_heapsize', 'nodemanager_heapsize', 'resourcemanager_heapsize', 'apptimelineserver_heapsize', 'jobhistory_heapsize'];
// do not pass any globals whose name ends with _host or _hosts
if (globalConfig.isRequiredByAgent !== false) {
// append "m" to JVM memory options except for heapsizeExtensions
if (/_heapsize|_newsize|_maxnewsize$/.test( && !heapsizeExceptions.contains( {
globalSiteProperties[] = globalConfig.value + "m";
} else {
globalSiteProperties[] = App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(globalConfig.value);
}, this);
// we don't expose gmond_user to the user; it needs to be the same as gmetad_user
globalSiteProperties['gmond_user'] = globalSiteProperties['gmetad_user'];
return {"type": "global", "tag": tag, "properties": globalSiteProperties};
* Create Core Site object
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createCoreSiteObj
createCoreSiteObj: function () {
var installedAndSelectedServices = Em.A([]);
var coreSiteObj = this.get('configs').filterProperty('filename', 'core-site.xml'),
coreSiteProperties = {},
// some configs needs to be skipped if services are not selected
isOozieSelected = installedAndSelectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'OOZIE'),
oozieUser = this.get('globals').someProperty('name', 'oozie_user') ? this.get('globals').findProperty('name', 'oozie_user').value : null,
isHiveSelected = installedAndSelectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'HIVE'),
hiveUser = this.get('globals').someProperty('name', 'hive_user') ? this.get('globals').findProperty('name', 'hive_user').value : null,
isHcatSelected = installedAndSelectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'WEBHCAT'),
hcatUser = this.get('globals').someProperty('name', 'hcat_user') ? this.get('globals').findProperty('name', 'hcat_user').value : null,
isGLUSTERFSSelected = installedAndSelectedServices.someProperty('serviceName', 'GLUSTERFS');
// screen out the GLUSTERFS-specific core-site.xml entries when they are not needed
if (!isGLUSTERFSSelected) {
coreSiteObj = coreSiteObj.filter(function (_config) {
return !"fs.glusterfs");
coreSiteObj.forEach(function (_coreSiteObj) {
// exclude some configs if service wasn't selected
if (
(isOozieSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + oozieUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + oozieUser + '.groups')) &&
(isHiveSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hiveUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hiveUser + '.groups')) &&
(isHcatSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hcatUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hcatUser + '.groups'))) {
coreSiteProperties[] = App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(_coreSiteObj.value);
if (isGLUSTERFSSelected && == "") {
coreSiteProperties[] =
this.get('globals').someProperty('name', 'fs_glusterfs_default_name') ?
App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(this.get('globals').findProperty('name', 'fs_glusterfs_default_name').value) : null;
if (isGLUSTERFSSelected && == "fs.defaultFS") {
coreSiteProperties[] =
this.get('globals').someProperty('name', 'glusterfs_defaultFS_name') ?
App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(this.get('globals').findProperty('name', 'glusterfs_defaultFS_name').value) : null;
}, this);
return {"type": "core-site", "tag": "version1", "properties": coreSiteProperties};
* Create siteObj for custom service with it own configs
* @param {string} site
* @param {bool} isNonXmlFile
* @param tag
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createSiteObj
createSiteObj: function (site, isNonXmlFile, tag) {
var properties = {};
if (!!isNonXmlFile) {
this.get('configs').filterProperty('filename', site + '.xml').forEach(function (_configProperty) {
properties[] = _configProperty.value;
}, this);
} else {
this.get('configs').filterProperty('filename', site + '.xml').forEach(function (_configProperty) {
properties[] = App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(_configProperty.value);
}, this);
return {"type": site, "tag": tag, "properties": properties };
* Create log4j object for custom service with it own configs
* @param {string} site
* @param {string} tag
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createLog4jObj
createLog4jObj: function (site, tag) {
return this.createSiteObj(site + '-log4j', true, tag);
* Create ZooKeeper Cfg Object
* @param tag
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createZooCfgObj
createZooCfgObj: function (tag) {
var configs = this.get('configs').filterProperty('filename', 'zoo.cfg');
var csProperties = {};
configs.forEach(function (_configProperty) {
csProperties[] = App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(_configProperty.value);
}, this);
return {type: 'zoo.cfg', tag: tag, properties: csProperties};
* Create site obj for Storm
* Some config-properties should be modified in custom way
* @param tag
* @returns {{type: string, tag: string, properties: {}}}
* @method createStormSiteObj
createStormSiteObj: function (tag) {
var configs = this.get('configs').filterProperty('filename', 'storm-site.xml');
var stormProperties = {};
var specialProperties = ["storm.zookeeper.servers", "nimbus.childopts", "supervisor.childopts", "worker.childopts"];
configs.forEach(function (_configProperty) {
if (specialProperties.contains( {
if ( == "storm.zookeeper.servers") {
stormProperties[] = JSON.stringify(_configProperty.value).replace(/"/g, "'");
} else {
stormProperties[] = JSON.stringify(_configProperty.value).replace(/"/g, "");
} else {
stormProperties[] = App.config.escapeXMLCharacters(_configProperty.value);
}, this);
return {type: 'storm-site', tag: tag, properties: stormProperties};
* Navigate to next step after all requests are sent
* @method ajaxQueueFinished
ajaxQueueFinished: function () {
console.log('everything is loaded');
* We need to do a lot of ajax calls async in special order. To do this,
* generate array of ajax objects and then send requests step by step. All
* ajax objects are stored in <code>ajaxRequestsQueue</code>
* @param {Object} params object with ajax-request parameters like url, type, data etc
* @method addRequestToAjaxQueue
addRequestToAjaxQueue: function (params) {
if (App.get('testMode')) return;
params = jQuery.extend({
sender: this,
error: 'ajaxQueueRequestErrorCallback'
}, params);['cluster'] = this.get('clusterName');
* Error callback for each queued ajax-request
* @param {object} xhr
* @param {string} status
* @param {string} error
* @method ajaxQueueRequestErrorCallback
ajaxQueueRequestErrorCallback: function (xhr, status, error) {
var responseText = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var controller = App.router.get(App.clusterStatus.wizardControllerName);
controller.registerErrPopup(Em.I18n.t('common.error'), responseText.message);
this.set('hasErrorOccurred', true);
// an error will break the ajax call chain and allow submission again
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', false);
this.set('isBackBtnDisabled', false);