blob: 64b8610f97d29eb112ec981823f612f2d7776912 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
var numberUtils = require('utils/number_utils');
* View content of the rolling restart dialog.
* Callers provide the context in which this dialog is invoked.
App.RollingRestartView = Em.View.extend({
templateName : require('templates/common/rolling_restart_view'),
* Component name for components that should be restarted
* @type {String}
hostComponentName : null,
* Service name for components that should be restarted
* @type {String}
serviceName : null,
* If service is in Maintenance Mode
* @type {bool}
isServiceInMM: false,
* If true service will be put in Maintenance mode before rolling restart
* @type {bool}
turnOnMm: false,
* Restart only components with <code>staleConfigs</code>
* @type {bool}
staleConfigsOnly : false,
* We should do rolling restart for components if we run
* restart for service and service is in Maintenance mode
* @type {bool}
skipMaintenance: false,
* Count of host components in one batch
* @type {Number}
batchSize : -1,
* Delay between batches
* @type {Number}
interBatchWaitTimeSeconds : -1,
* @type {Number}
tolerateSize : -1,
* Shows if all needed info is loaded and initialized
* @type {Bool}
isLoaded: false,
* List of error in batch-request properties
* @type {Array}
errors : [],
* List of warnings in batch-request properties, do not disable submit button
* @type {Array}
warnings : [],
* Set initial values for batch-request properties
initialize : function() {
if (this.get('batchSize') == -1 && this.get('interBatchWaitTimeSeconds') == -1 && this.get('tolerateSize') == -1) {
var restartCount = this.get('restartHostComponents.length');
var batchSize = 1;
if (restartCount > 10 && this.get('hostComponentName') !== 'DATANODE') {
batchSize = Math.ceil(restartCount / 10);
var tolerateCount = batchSize;
this.set('batchSize', batchSize);
this.set('tolerateSize', tolerateCount);
this.set('interBatchWaitTimeSeconds', 120);
this.set('isLoaded', true);
* Validate batch-request properties
* List of errors is saved to <code>errors</code>
validate : function() {
var displayName = pluralize(this.get('hostComponentDisplayName'));
var componentName = this.get('hostComponentName');
var totalCount = this.get('restartHostComponents.length');
var bs = this.get('batchSize');
var ts = this.get('tolerateSize');
var wait = this.get('interBatchWaitTimeSeconds');
var errors = [];
var warnings = [];
var bsError, tsError, waitError;
if (totalCount < 1) {
} else {
if (componentName === 'DATANODE') {
// specific case for DataNodes batch size is more than 1
if (bs > 1) {
bsError = numberUtils.validateInteger(bs, 1, NaN);
} else {
bsError = numberUtils.validateInteger(bs, 1, totalCount);
tsError = numberUtils.validateInteger(ts, 0, totalCount);
if (bsError != null) {
if (tsError != null) {
waitError = numberUtils.validateInteger(wait, 0, NaN);
if (waitError != null) {
this.set('errors', errors);
this.set('warnings', warnings);
}.observes('batchSize', 'interBatchWaitTimeSeconds', 'tolerateSize', 'restartHostComponents', 'hostComponentDisplayName'),
* Formatted <code>hostComponentName</code>
* @type {String}
hostComponentDisplayName: Em.computed.formatRole('hostComponentName', false),
* List of all host components
* @type {Array}
allHostComponents : [],
* List of host components without components in out-of-service state
* @type {Array}
nonMaintainanceHostComponents : Em.computed.filterBy('allHostComponents', 'passiveState', 'OFF'),
* List of host components with host in Maintenance mode
* @type {Array}
componentsWithMaintenanceHost: Em.computed.filterBy('allHostComponents', 'hostPassiveState', 'ON'),
* List of host components without components in out-of-service state
* If <code>staleConfigsOnly</code> is true, components with <code>staleConfigs</code> = false are also filtered
* @type {Array}
restartHostComponents: function () {
var hostComponents = (this.get('skipMaintenance')) ? this.get('allHostComponents') : this.get('nonMaintainanceHostComponents');
if (this.get('staleConfigsOnly')) {
hostComponents = hostComponents.filterProperty('staleConfigs');
return hostComponents;
}.property('nonMaintainanceHostComponents', 'staleConfigsOnly'),
* @type {String}
suggestTurnOnMaintenanceMsg : function() {
if (!this.get('isServiceInMM')) {
return Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.msg.serviceNotInMM').format(this.get('serviceName'));
} else {
return null;
* @type {String}
restartMessage : function() {
return Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.msg.restart').format(pluralize(this.get('hostComponentDisplayName')));
* @type {String}
maintainanceMessage : function() {
var count = this.get('componentsWithMaintenanceHost.length');
if (count > 0) {
var name = this.get('hostComponentDisplayName');
return Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.msg.maintainance').format(count, pluralize(name));
return null;
}.property('componentsWithMaintenanceHost', 'hostComponentDisplayName'),
* @type {String}
batchSizeMessage : function() {
return Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.msg.componentsAtATime').format(pluralize(this.get('hostComponentDisplayName')));
* @type {String}
staleConfigsOnlyMessage : function() {
return Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.msg.staleConfigsOnly').format(pluralize(this.get('hostComponentDisplayName')));