blob: a9ffaa93961ad1603211a46833654374bccb6277 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
* Default success callback for ajax-requests in this module
* @type {Function}
var defaultSuccessCallback = function(data, ajaxOptions, params) {
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function(initValue) {
params.query && params.query.set('status', 'SUCCESS');
if (initValue) {
* Default error callback for ajax-requests in this module
* @param {Object} xhr
* @param {String} textStatus
* @param {String} error
* @param {Object} opt
* @param {Object} params
* @type {Function}
var defaultErrorCallback = function(xhr, textStatus, error, opt, params) {
params.query && params.query.set('status', 'FAIL');
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(xhr, opt.url, 'POST', xhr.status);
* Contains helpful utilities for handling batch and scheduled requests.
module.exports = {
* Some services have components which have a need for rolling restarts. This
* method returns the name of the host-component which supports rolling
* restarts for a service.
* @param {String} serviceName
getRollingRestartComponentName: function(serviceName) {
var rollingRestartComponents = {
return rollingRestartComponents[serviceName] ? rollingRestartComponents[serviceName] : null;
* Facade-function for restarting host components of specific service
* @param {String} serviceDisplayName for which service hostComponents should be restarted
* @param {String} serviceName for which service hostComponents should be restarted
* @param {bool} staleConfigsOnly restart only hostComponents with <code>staleConfig</code> true
* @param {Object} query
* @param {bool} runMmOperation
restartAllServiceHostComponents: function(serviceDisplayName, serviceName, staleConfigsOnly, query, runMmOperation) {
const context = staleConfigsOnly ?
Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.context.allWithStaleConfigsForSelectedService').format(serviceDisplayName) :
if (runMmOperation) {
this.turnOnOffPassiveRequest('ON', Em.I18n.t('passiveState.turnOnFor').format(serviceName), serviceName);
services: [serviceName],
staleConfigs: staleConfigsOnly ? staleConfigsOnly : null,
passiveState: 'OFF',
displayParams: ['host_components/HostRoles/component_name']
}, data => {
const hostComponents = this.getRestartComponentsArray(data);
this.restartHostComponents(hostComponents, context, 'SERVICE', query);
restartCertainServiceHostComponents: function (serviceName, components, hosts, label, query, runMmOperation) {
const context = Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.context.allForSelectedService').format(label);
if (runMmOperation) {
this.turnOnOffPassiveRequest('ON', Em.I18n.t('passiveState.turnOnFor').format(serviceName), serviceName);
services: serviceName && [serviceName],
passiveState: 'OFF',
displayParams: ['host_components/HostRoles/component_name']
}, data => {
const hostComponents = this.getRestartComponentsArray(data);
this.restartHostComponents(hostComponents, context, 'SERVICE', query);
getRestartComponentsArray: function (data) {
let hostComponents = [];
data.items.forEach(host => {
host.host_components.forEach(hostComponent => {
componentName: hostComponent.HostRoles.component_name,
hostName: host.Hosts.host_name
return hostComponents;
* construct URL from parameters for request in <code>getComponentsFromServer()</code>
* @param {object} options
* @return {{fields: string, params: string}}
constructComponentsCallUrl: function (options) {
var multipleValueParams = {
'services': 'host_components/HostRoles/<entity-names>)',
'hosts': 'Hosts/<entity-names>)',
'components': 'host_components/HostRoles/<entity-names>)'
singleValueParams = {
staleConfigs: 'host_components/HostRoles/stale_configs=',
passiveState: 'Hosts/maintenance_state=',
workStatus: 'host_components/HostRoles/state='
displayParams = options.displayParams || [],
urlParams = '',
addAmpersand = false;
for (var i in multipleValueParams) {
var arrayParams = options[i];
if (Array.isArray(arrayParams) && arrayParams.length > 0) {
if (addAmpersand) {
urlParams += '&';
addAmpersand = false;
urlParams += multipleValueParams[i].replace('<entity-names>', arrayParams.join(','));
addAmpersand = true;
for (var j in singleValueParams) {
var param = options[j];
if (!Em.isNone(param)) {
urlParams += (addAmpersand) ? '&' : '';
urlParams += singleValueParams[j] + param.toString();
addAmpersand = true;
var params = urlParams,
fields = '';
displayParams.forEach(function (displayParam, index, array) {
if (index === 0) {
fields += (addAmpersand) ? '&' : '';
fields += 'fields=';
fields += displayParam;
fields += (array.length === (index + 1)) ? '' : ",";
fields += '&minimal_response=true';
return {fields: fields.substring(1, fields.length), params: params};
* make GET call to server in order to obtain host-components
* which correspond to filter params from <code>options</code>
* @param options
* @param callback
getComponentsFromServer: function (options, callback) {
var request_parameters = this.constructComponentsCallUrl(options);
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'host.host_components.filtered',
sender: this,
data: {
parameters: request_parameters.params,
fields: request_parameters.fields,
callback: callback
success: 'getComponentsFromServerSuccessCallback'
* pass request outcome to <code>callback()<code>
* @param data
* @param opt
* @param params
getComponentsFromServerSuccessCallback: function (data, opt, params) {
* Restart list of host components
* @param {Ember.Enumerable} hostComponentsList list of host components should be restarted
* @param {String} context message to show in BG popup
* @param {String} level - operation level, can be ("CLUSTER", "SERVICE", "HOST", "HOSTCOMPONENT")
* @param {String} query
restartHostComponents: function (hostComponentsList, context, level, query) {
context = context || Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.context.default');
* Format: {
* 'DATANODE': ['host1', 'host2'],
* 'NAMENODE': ['host1', 'host3']
* ...
* }
var componentToHostsMap = {};
var hosts = [];
hostComponentsList.forEach(function(hc) {
var hostName = hc.get('hostName');
var componentName = hc.get('componentName');
if (!componentToHostsMap[componentName]) {
componentToHostsMap[componentName] = [];
var resource_filters = [];
for (var componentName in componentToHostsMap) {
if (componentToHostsMap.hasOwnProperty(componentName)) {
service_name: App.StackServiceComponent.find(componentName).get('serviceName'),
component_name: componentName,
hosts: componentToHostsMap[componentName].join(",")
if (hostComponentsList.length > 0) {
var serviceComponentName = hostComponentsList[0].get("componentName");
var serviceName = App.StackServiceComponent.find(serviceComponentName).get('serviceName');
var operation_level = this.getOperationLevelObject(level, serviceName,
if (resource_filters.length) {
name: 'restart.hostComponents',
sender: {
successCallback: defaultSuccessCallback,
errorCallback: defaultErrorCallback
data: {
context: context,
resource_filters: resource_filters,
query: query,
operation_level: operation_level
success: 'successCallback',
error: 'errorCallback',
showLoadingPopup: true
* @param {String} level - operation level name, can be ("CLUSTER", "SERVICE", "HOST", "HOSTCOMPONENT")
* @param {String} serviceName
* @param {String} componentName
* @returns {Object} {{level: *, cluster_name: *}} - operation level object
* @method getOperationLevelObject - create operation level object to be included into ajax query
getOperationLevelObject: function(level, serviceName, componentName) {
var operationLevel = {
"level": level,
"cluster_name": App.get("clusterName")
if (level === "SERVICE") {
operationLevel["service_name"] = serviceName;
else {
if (level !== "HOST") {
operationLevel["service_name"] = serviceName;
operationLevel["hostcomponent_name"] = componentName;
return operationLevel;
turnOnOffPassiveRequest: function(state, message, serviceName, callback) {
return App.ajax.send({
'name': 'common.service.passive',
'sender': {
'successCallback': callback || defaultSuccessCallback,
'errorCallback': defaultErrorCallback
'data': {
'requestInfo': message,
'serviceName': serviceName,
'passive_state': state
'success': 'successCallback'
* Makes a REST call to the server requesting the rolling restart of the
* provided host components.
* @param {Array} restartHostComponents list of host components should be restarted
* @param {Number} batchSize size of each batch
* @param {Number} intervalTimeSeconds delay between two batches
* @param {Number} tolerateSize task failure tolerance
* @param {callback} [successCallback]
* @param {callback} [errorCallback]
_doPostBatchRollingRestartRequest: function(restartHostComponents, batchSize, intervalTimeSeconds, tolerateSize, successCallback, errorCallback) {
successCallback = successCallback || defaultSuccessCallback;
errorCallback = errorCallback || defaultErrorCallback;
if (!restartHostComponents.length) {
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'common.batch.request_schedules',
sender: {
successCallback: successCallback,
errorCallback: errorCallback
data: {
intervalTimeSeconds: intervalTimeSeconds,
tolerateSize: tolerateSize,
batches: this.getBatchesForRollingRestartRequest(restartHostComponents, batchSize)
success: 'successCallback',
error: 'errorCallback',
showLoadingPopup: true
* Create list of batches for rolling restart request
* @param {Array} restartHostComponents list host components should be restarted
* @param {Number} batchSize size of each batch
* @returns {Array} list of batches
getBatchesForRollingRestartRequest: function(restartHostComponents, batchSize, previousOrderId) {
var hostIndex = 0,
batches = [],
batchCount = Math.ceil(restartHostComponents.length / batchSize),
sampleHostComponent = restartHostComponents.objectAt(0),
componentName = sampleHostComponent.get('componentName'),
serviceName = sampleHostComponent.get('serviceName') || sampleHostComponent.get('service.serviceName');
previousOrderId = previousOrderId || 0;
for ( var count = 0; count < batchCount; count++) {
var hostNames = [];
for ( var hc = 0; hc < batchSize && hostIndex < restartHostComponents.length; hc++) {
if (hostNames.length) {
"order_id" : previousOrderId + count + 1,
"type" : "POST",
"uri" : "/clusters/" + App.get('clusterName') + "/requests",
"RequestBodyInfo" : {
"RequestInfo" : {
"context" : "_PARSE_.ROLLING-RESTART." + componentName + "." + (count + 1) + "." + batchCount,
"command" : "RESTART"
"Requests/resource_filters": [{
"service_name" : serviceName,
"component_name" : componentName,
"hosts" : hostNames.join(",")
return batches;
* Launches dialog to handle rolling restarts of host components.
* Rolling restart is supported only for components listed in <code>getRollingRestartComponentName</code>
* @see getRollingRestartComponentName
* @param {String} hostComponentName
* Type of host-component to restart across cluster
* (ex: DATANODE)
* @param {bool} staleConfigsOnly
* Pre-select host-components which have stale
* configurations
launchHostComponentRollingRestart: function(hostComponentName, serviceName, isMaintenanceModeOn, staleConfigsOnly, skipMaintenance) {
if (App.get('components.rollinRestartAllowed').contains(hostComponentName)) {
return this.showRollingRestartPopup(hostComponentName, serviceName, isMaintenanceModeOn, staleConfigsOnly, null, skipMaintenance);
return this.showWarningRollingRestartPopup(hostComponentName);
* Show popup with rolling restart dialog
* @param {String} hostComponentName name of the host components that should be restarted
* @param {String} serviceName
* @param {boolean} isMaintenanceModeOn
* @param {bool} staleConfigsOnly restart only components with <code>staleConfigs</code> = true
* @param {App.hostComponent[]} [hostComponents] list of hostComponents that should be restarted
* @param {boolean} [skipMaintenance]
* Using this parameter will reset hostComponentName
showRollingRestartPopup: function(hostComponentName, serviceName, isMaintenanceModeOn, staleConfigsOnly, hostComponents, skipMaintenance) {
hostComponents = hostComponents || [];
var componentDisplayName = App.format.role(hostComponentName, false);
var self = this;
if (!componentDisplayName) {
componentDisplayName = hostComponentName;
var title = Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.title').format(componentDisplayName);
var viewExtend = {
turnOnMmMsg: Em.I18n.t('passiveState.turnOnFor').format(serviceName),
turnOnMm: false,
staleConfigsOnly : staleConfigsOnly,
hostComponentName : hostComponentName,
skipMaintenance: skipMaintenance,
serviceName: serviceName,
isServiceInMM: isMaintenanceModeOn,
didInsertElement: function () {
var view = this;
this.set('parentView.innerView', this);
if (hostComponents.length) {
components: [hostComponentName],
displayParams: ['host_components/HostRoles/stale_configs', 'Hosts/maintenance_state', 'host_components/HostRoles/maintenance_state'],
staleConfigs: staleConfigsOnly ? staleConfigsOnly : null
}, function (data) {
var wrappedHostComponents = [];
data.items.forEach(function (host) {
host.host_components.forEach(function(hostComponent) {
componentName: hostComponent.HostRoles.component_name,
serviceName: App.StackServiceComponent.find(hostComponent.HostRoles.component_name).get('serviceName'),
hostName: host.Hosts.host_name,
staleConfigs: hostComponent.HostRoles.stale_configs,
hostPassiveState: host.Hosts.maintenance_state,
passiveState: hostComponent.HostRoles.maintenance_state
view.set('allHostComponents', wrappedHostComponents);
if (hostComponents.length) {
viewExtend.allHostComponents = hostComponents;
header : title,
hostComponentName : hostComponentName,
serviceName: serviceName,
isServiceInMM: isMaintenanceModeOn,
staleConfigsOnly : staleConfigsOnly,
skipMaintenance: skipMaintenance,
innerView : null,
bodyClass : App.RollingRestartView.extend(viewExtend),
classNames : [ 'rolling-restart-popup' ],
primary : Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.primary'),
onPrimary : function() {
var dialog = this;
var restartComponents = this.get('innerView.restartHostComponents');
var batchSize = this.get('innerView.batchSize');
var waitTime = this.get('innerView.interBatchWaitTimeSeconds');
var tolerateSize = this.get('innerView.tolerateSize');
if (this.get('innerView.turnOnMm')) {
self.turnOnOffPassiveRequest('ON', Em.I18n.t('passiveState.turnOnFor').format(serviceName), serviceName.toUpperCase());
self._doPostBatchRollingRestartRequest(restartComponents, batchSize, waitTime, tolerateSize, function(data, ajaxOptions, params) {
defaultSuccessCallback(data, ajaxOptions, params);
updateButtons : function() {
var errors = this.get('innerView.errors');
this.set('disablePrimary', (errors != null && errors.length > 0))
* Service rolling restart popup
* @param {String} serviceName: name of the service that should be restarted
* @param {function} mastersForRestart: Callback function to retrieve master components for restart
* @param {function} workersForRestart: Callback function to retrieve worker components for restart
showServiceRestartPopup: function (serviceName, mastersForRestart, workersForRestart) {
let self = this;
let viewExtend = {
masterComponents: undefined,
slaveComponents: undefined,
didInsertElement: function() {
this.set('parentView.innerView', this);
if (mastersForRestart) this.set('masterComponents', mastersForRestart(serviceName));
if (workersForRestart) {
this.set('slaveComponents', workersForRestart(serviceName));
this.set('componentHostRackInfoMap', this.componentHostRackInfo());
componentHostRackInfo: function () {
const slaveComponents = this.get('slaveComponents');
const componentNames = slaveComponents.mapProperty('componentName').uniq();
const hostModel = App.Host.find();
let componentRackInfo = {};
componentNames.forEach((component) => {
let hostNames = slaveComponents.filterProperty('componentName', component).mapProperty('hostName');
let hostRackInfo = {};
hostNames.forEach((hostName) => {
hostRackInfo[hostName] = hostModel.findProperty('hostName', hostName).get('rack');
componentRackInfo[component] = hostRackInfo;
return componentRackInfo;
header: Em.I18n.t('common.configure.restart'),
bodyClass: App.ServiceRestartView.extend(viewExtend),
primary: Em.I18n.t('common.restart'),
primaryClass: 'btn-warning',
classNames: ['common-modal-wrapper'],
modalDialogClasses: ['modal-lg'],
onPrimary: function () {
const isRollingRestart = this.get('innerView.useRolling');
if (isRollingRestart) {
//let rollingRestartConfigs = this.get('innerView').getRestartConfigs();
//restart configs will be applied when we have the BE capability to override them in individual batches.
const masterComps = this.get('innerView.masterComponents');
let masterBatch = [];
let orderId = 0;
if (!!masterComps) {
let batchesForRestart = self.rollingRestartMastersBatches(masterComps, serviceName);
orderId += batchesForRestart.length;
const slaveComps = this.get('innerView.slaveComponents');
let workersBatch = [];
if (!!slaveComps) {
const componentNames = slaveComps.mapProperty('componentName').uniq();
componentNames.forEach((component) => {
let restartComponent = slaveComps.filterProperty('componentName', component);
let batchSize = this.get('innerView').getNoOfHosts(component);
let batchesForRestart = self.getBatchesForRollingRestartRequest(restartComponent, batchSize, orderId);
orderId += batchesForRestart.length;
self.sendRollingRestartRequest(masterBatch, workersBatch);
} else {
const query = Em.Object.create({status: 'INIT'});
const serviceDisplayName = App.Service.find().findProperty('serviceName', serviceName).get('displayName');
self.restartAllServiceHostComponents(serviceDisplayName, serviceName, false, query, false);
* Creates batches for masters to be used for rolling restart.
* @param {App.hostComponent[]} [hostComponents] list of hostComponents that should be restarted
* @param {String} serviceName: Name of the service to be restarted.
rollingRestartMastersBatches: function (hostComponents, serviceName) {
let batches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < hostComponents.length; i++) {
const hostName = hostComponents[i].get('hostName');
const component = hostComponents[i].get('componentName');
const context = "RESTART " + hostComponents[i].get('displayName');
"order_id": i + 1,
"type": 'POST',
"uri": "/clusters/" + App.get('clusterName') + "/requests/",
"RequestBodyInfo": {
"RequestInfo": {
"command": "RESTART",
"context": context,
"Requests/resource_filters": [{
"service_name": serviceName,
"component_name": component,
"hosts": hostName
return batches;
sendRollingRestartRequest: function (mastersBatch, workersBatch) {
let batches = [];
if (mastersBatch && mastersBatch.length > 0) batches.push(...mastersBatch);
if (workersBatch && workersBatch.length > 0) batches.push(...workersBatch);
if (batches.length > 0) {
name: 'common.batch.request_schedules',
sender: this,
data: {
intervalTimeSeconds: 1,
tolerateSize: 0,
batches: batches
success: 'serviceRestartSuccess',
showLoadingPopup: true
* Callback function for restartMastersBatchRequest that shows BG Modal if restart request sent successfully
* TODO replace it with a progress view that shows rolling restart tasks
serviceRestartSuccess: function (data) {
if (data && (data.Requests || data.resources[0].RequestSchedule)) {
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function (initValue) {
if (initValue) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Show warning popup about not supported host components
* @param {String} hostComponentName
showWarningRollingRestartPopup: function(hostComponentName) {
var componentDisplayName = App.format.role(hostComponentName, false) || hostComponentName;
var title = Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.dialog.title').format(componentDisplayName);
var msg = Em.I18n.t('rollingrestart.notsupported.hostComponent').format(componentDisplayName);
header : title,
secondary : false,
msg : msg,
bodyClass : Em.View.extend({
template : Em.Handlebars.compile('<div class="alert alert-warning">{{msg}}</div>')
* Warn user that alerts will be updated in few minutes
* @param {String} passiveState
infoPassiveState: function(passiveState) {
var enabled = passiveState == 'OFF' ? 'enabled' : 'suppressed';{
header: Em.I18n.t('common.information'),
secondary: null,
bodyClass: Em.View.extend({
template: Em.Handlebars.compile('<p>{{view.message}}</p>'),
message: Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.warning.alertsTimeOut').format(passiveState.toLowerCase(), enabled)
* Retrieves the latest information about a specific request schedule
* identified by 'requestScheduleId'
* @param {Number} requestScheduleId ID of the request schedule to get
* @param {Function} successCallback Called with request_schedule data from server. An
* empty object returned for invalid ID.
* @param {Function} errorCallback Optional error callback. Default behavior is to
* popup default error dialog.
getRequestSchedule: function(requestScheduleId, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (requestScheduleId != null && !isNaN(requestScheduleId) && requestScheduleId > -1) {
errorCallback = errorCallback || defaultErrorCallback;
name : 'request_schedule.get',
sender : {
successCallbackFunction: successCallback,
errorCallbackFunction: errorCallback
data : {
request_schedule_id : requestScheduleId
success : 'successCallbackFunction',
error : 'errorCallbackFunction'
} else {
* Attempts to abort a specific request schedule identified by 'requestScheduleId'
* @param {Number} requestScheduleId ID of the request schedule to get
* @param {Function} successCallback Called when request schedule successfully aborted
* @param {Function} errorCallback Optional error callback. Default behavior is to
* popup default error dialog.
doAbortRequestSchedule: function(requestScheduleId, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (requestScheduleId != null && !isNaN(requestScheduleId) && requestScheduleId > -1) {
errorCallback = errorCallback || defaultErrorCallback;
name : 'common.delete.request_schedule',
sender : {
successCallbackFunction: successCallback,
errorCallbackFunction: errorCallback
data : {
request_schedule_id : requestScheduleId
success : 'successCallbackFunction',
error : 'errorCallbackFunction'
} else {