blob: 3dcde74880d59b5c59c2ae1deafba9f78f0785a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
* Mixin for wizard controller for showing command progress on wizard pages
* This should
* @type {Ember.Mixin}
App.wizardProgressPageControllerMixin = Em.Mixin.create(App.InstallComponent, {
controllerName: '',
clusterDeployState: 'WIZARD_DEPLOY',
status: 'IN_PROGRESS',
tasks: [],
commands: [],
currentRequestIds: [], //todo: replace with using requestIds from tasks
logs: [],
currentTaskId: null,
isSubmitDisabled: true,
isBackButtonDisabled: true,
stages: [],
* List of statuses that inform about the end of request progress.
* @type {String[]}
completedStatuses: ['COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'TIMEDOUT', 'ABORTED'],
currentPageRequestId: null,
isSingleRequestPage: false,
isCommandLevelRetry: Em.computed.not('isSingleRequestPage'),
showRetry: false,
* Show whether tasks data was loaded
* @type {Boolean}
isLoading: false,
k: Em.K,
* tasksMessagesPrefix should be overloaded by any controller including the mixin
tasksMessagesPrefix: '',
loadStep: function () {
var self = this;
if (!self.isSingleRequestPage) {
} else {
var requestIds = this.get('content.tasksRequestIds');
var currentRequestId = requestIds && requestIds[0][0];
if (!currentRequestId) {
this.set('isLoaded', false);
} else {
self.set('currentPageRequestId', currentRequestId);
initStep: function () {
if (!this.isSingleRequestPage) {
this.addObserver('tasks.@each.status', this, 'onTaskStatusChange');
if (this.isSingleRequestPage) {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
var dfdObject = {
deferred: dfd,
isJqueryPromise: true
return dfd.promise();
} else {
clearStep: function () {
this.removeObserver('tasks.@each.status', this, 'onTaskStatusChange');
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', true);
this.set('isBackButtonDisabled', true);
this.set('tasks', []);
this.set('currentRequestIds', []);
this.set('isLoaded', false);
* Clear stages info for single page request.
clearStage: function() {
tasksRequestIds: null,
tasksStatuses: null
this.set('showRetry', false);
this.set('content.tasksRequestIds', null);
this.set('content.tasksStatuses', null);
this.set('content.currentTaskId', null);
retry: function () {
this.set('showRetry', false);
submitRequest: function () {
var self = this;
return App.ajax.send({
name: this.get('request.ajaxName'),
data: this.get('request.ajaxData'),
sender: this,
error: 'onSingleRequestError',
success: 'submitRequestSuccess',
kdcCancelHandler: function() {
self.set('status', 'FAILED');
self.set('isLoaded', true);
self.set('showRetry', true);
submitRequestSuccess: function(data, result, request) {
if (data) {
} else {
//Step has been successfully completed
if (request.status === 200) {
this.set('status', 'COMPLETED');
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', false);
this.set('isLoaded', true);
doPollingForPageRequest: function () {
name: 'admin.poll.kerberize.cluster.request',
sender: this,
data: {
requestId: this.get('currentPageRequestId')
success: 'initializeStages'
initializeStages: function (data) {
var self = this;
var stages = [];
this.set('logs', []);
data.stages.forEach(function (_stage) {
}, this);
if (!this.get('stages').length) {
} else {
updatePageWithPolledData: function(data) {
// If all tasks completed no need to update each task status.
// Preferable to skip polling of data for completed tasks after page refresh.
if (this.get('status') === 'COMPLETED') return;
var self = this;
var tasks = [];
var currentPageRequestId = this.get('currentPageRequestId');
var currentTaskId = this.get('currentTaskId');
var currentTask = this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', currentTaskId);
var currentStage = data.stages.findProperty('Stage.stage_id', currentTask.get('stageId'));
var tasksInCurrentStage = currentStage.tasks;
this.setRequestIds(this.get('currentTaskId'), [this.get('currentPageRequestId')]);
if (!tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'PENDING') && !tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'QUEUED') && !tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'IN_PROGRESS')) {
this.set('currentRequestIds', []);
if (tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'FAILED') || tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'TIMEDOUT') || tasksInCurrentStage.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'ABORTED')) {
this.setTaskStatus(currentTaskId, 'FAILED');
} else {
this.setTaskStatus(currentTaskId, 'COMPLETED');
} else {
var completedActions = tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'COMPLETED').length
+ tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'FAILED').length
+ tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'ABORTED').length
+ tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'TIMEDOUT').length;
var queuedActions = tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'QUEUED').length;
var inProgressActions = tasksInCurrentStage.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'IN_PROGRESS').length;
var progress = Math.floor(((queuedActions * 0.09) + (inProgressActions * 0.35) + completedActions ) / tasksInCurrentStage.length * 100);
this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', currentTaskId).set('progress', progress);
// start polling if current request not completed
if (!(this.get('completedStatuses').contains(this.get('status')))) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
initializeTasks: function () {
var self = this;
var commands = this.isSingleRequestPage ? this.get('stages') : this.get('commands');
var currentStep = App.router.get(this.get('content.controllerName') + '.currentStep');
var tasksMessagesPrefix = this.get('tasksMessagesPrefix');
// check that all stages have been completed for single request type
var allStagesCompleted = commands.everyProperty('status', 'COMPLETED');
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
title: self.isSingleRequestPage ? commands[i].get('context') : Em.I18n.t(tasksMessagesPrefix + currentStep + '.task' + i + '.title'),
// set COMPLETED status for task if all stages completed successfully
status: allStagesCompleted ? 'COMPLETED' : 'PENDING',
id: i,
stageId: self.isSingleRequestPage ? commands[i].get('stage_id') : null,
command: self.isSingleRequestPage ? 'k' : commands[i],
showRetry: false,
showRollback: false,
name: self.isSingleRequestPage ? commands[i].get('context') : Em.I18n.t(tasksMessagesPrefix + currentStep + '.task' + i + '.title'),
displayName: self.isSingleRequestPage ? commands[i].get('context') : Em.I18n.t(tasksMessagesPrefix + currentStep + '.task' + i + '.title'),
progress: 0,
isRunning: false,
requestIds: self.isSingleRequestPage ? [this.get('stages')[0].request_id] : []
this.set('isLoaded', true);
loadTasks: function () {
var self = this;
var loadedStatuses = this.get('content.tasksStatuses');
var loadedRequestIds = this.get('content.tasksRequestIds');
if (loadedStatuses && loadedStatuses.length === this.get('tasks').length) {
this.get('tasks').forEach(function (task, i) {
self.setTaskStatus(task.get('id'), loadedStatuses[i]);
self.setRequestIds(task.get('id'), loadedRequestIds[i]);
if (loadedStatuses.contains('IN_PROGRESS')) {
var curTaskId = this.get('tasks')[loadedStatuses.indexOf('IN_PROGRESS')].get('id');
this.set('currentRequestIds', this.get('content.requestIds'));
this.set('currentTaskId', curTaskId);
} else if (loadedStatuses.contains('QUEUED')) {
var curTaskId = this.get('tasks')[loadedStatuses.indexOf('QUEUED')].get('id');
this.set('currentTaskId', curTaskId);
* remove tasks by command name
removeTasks: function(commands) {
var tasks = this.get('tasks');
commands.forEach(function(command) {
var cmd = tasks.filterProperty('command', command);
var index = null;
if (cmd.length === 0) {
return false;
} else {
index = tasks.indexOf( cmd[0] );
tasks.splice( index, 1 );
setTaskStatus: function (taskId, status) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', taskId).set('status', status);
setTaskCanSkip: function (taskId, canSkip) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', taskId).set('canSkip', true);
setRequestIds: function (taskId, requestIds) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', taskId).set('requestIds', requestIds);
retryTask: function () {
var task = this.get('tasks').findProperty('status', 'FAILED');
task.set('showRetry', false);
task.set('showRollback', false);
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', true);
this.set('isBackButtonDisabled', true);
task.set('status', 'PENDING');
onTaskStatusChange: function (dfdObject) {
var statuses = this.get('tasks').mapProperty('status');
var tasksRequestIds = this.get('tasks').mapProperty('requestIds');
var requestIds = this.get('currentRequestIds');
// save task info
// call saving of cluster status asynchronous
// synchronous executing cause problems in Firefox
var successCallbackData;
if (dfdObject && dfdObject.isJqueryPromise) {
successCallbackData = {deferred: dfdObject.deferred};
clusterName: App.router.getClusterName(),
clusterState: this.get('clusterDeployState'),
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
}, {successCallback: this.statusChangeCallback, sender: this, successCallbackData: successCallbackData});
* Method that called after saving persist data to server.
* Switch task according its status.
statusChangeCallback: function (data) {
if (!this.get('tasks').someProperty('status', 'IN_PROGRESS') && !this.get('tasks').someProperty('status', 'QUEUED') && !this.get('tasks').someProperty('status', 'FAILED')) {
var nextTask = this.get('tasks').findProperty('status', 'PENDING');
if (nextTask) {
this.set('status', 'IN_PROGRESS');
var taskStatus = this.isSingleRequestPage ? 'IN_PROGRESS' : 'QUEUED';
this.setTaskStatus(nextTask.get('id'), taskStatus);
this.set('currentTaskId', nextTask.get('id'));
} else {
this.set('status', 'COMPLETED');
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', false);
this.set('isBackButtonDisabled', false);
} else if (this.get('tasks').someProperty('status', 'FAILED')) {
this.set('status', 'FAILED');
this.set('isBackButtonDisabled', false);
if (this.get('isCommandLevelRetry')) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('status', 'FAILED').set('showRetry', true);
} else {
this.set('showRetry', true);
if (this.get('tasks').someProperty('canSkip', true)) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('canSkip', true).set('showSkip', true);
if (App.supports.autoRollbackHA) {
this.get('tasks').findProperty('status', 'FAILED').set('showRollback', true);
this.get('tasks').filterProperty('status', 'COMPLETED').setEach('showRetry', false);
this.get('tasks').filterProperty('status', 'COMPLETED').setEach('showRollback', false);
this.get('tasks').filterProperty('status', 'COMPLETED').setEach('showSkip', false);
this.get('tasks').filterProperty('status', 'IN_PROGRESS').setEach('showSkip', false);
if (data && data.deferred) {
* Run command of appropriate task
runTask: function (taskId) {
this[this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', taskId).get('command')]();
onTaskError: function () {
this.setTaskStatus(this.get('currentTaskId'), 'FAILED');
onTaskErrorWithSkip: function () {
this.setTaskCanSkip(this.get('currentTaskId'), true);
onSingleRequestError: function (jqXHR, ajaxOptions, error, opt) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, opt.url, opt.type, jqXHR.status);
this.set('status', 'FAILED');
this.set('isLoaded', true);
this.set('showRetry', true);
onTaskCompleted: function () {
this.setTaskStatus(this.get('currentTaskId'), 'COMPLETED');
* check whether component installed on specified hosts
* @param {string} componentName
* @param {string[]} hostNames
* @return {$.ajax}
checkInstalledComponents: function (componentName, hostNames) {
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'host_component.installed.on_hosts',
sender: this,
data: {
componentName: componentName,
hostNames: hostNames.join(',')
* make server call to stop services
* if stopListedServicesFlag == false; stop all services excluding the services passed as parameters
* if stopListedServicesFlag == true; stop only services passed as parameters
* if namenode or secondary namenode then stop all services
* @param services, stopListedServicesFlag, stopAllServices
* @returns {$.ajax}
stopServices: function (services, stopListedServicesFlag, stopAllServices) {
var stopAllServices = stopAllServices || false;
var stopListedServicesFlag = stopListedServicesFlag || false;
var data = {
'ServiceInfo': {
'state': 'INSTALLED'
if (stopAllServices) {
data.context = "Stop all services";
} else {
if(!services || !services.length) {
services = App.Service.find().mapProperty('serviceName').filter(function (service) {
return service != 'HDFS';
var servicesList;
if (stopListedServicesFlag) {
servicesList = services.join(',');
} else {
servicesList = App.Service.find().mapProperty("serviceName").filter(function (s) {
return !services.contains(s)
data.context = "Stop required services";
data.urlParams = "ServiceInfo/" + servicesList + ")";
return App.ajax.send({
name: '',
sender: this,
data: data,
success: 'startPolling',
error: 'onTaskError'
* make server call to start services
* if startListedServicesFlag == false; start all services excluding the services passed as parameters
* if startListedServicesFlag == true; start only services passed as parameters
* if no parameters are passed; start all services
* and run smoke tests if runSmokeTest is true
* @param runSmokeTest
* @param services
* @param startListedServicesFlag
* @returns {$.ajax}
startServices: function (runSmokeTest, services, startListedServicesFlag) {
var startListedServicesFlag = startListedServicesFlag || false;
var skipServiceCheck = App.router.get('clusterController.ambariProperties')['skip.service.checks'] === "true";
var data = {
'ServiceInfo': {
'state': 'STARTED'
var servicesList;
if (services && services.length) {
if (startListedServicesFlag) {
servicesList = services.join(',');
} else {
servicesList = App.Service.find().mapProperty("serviceName").filter(function (s) {
return !services.contains(s)
data.context = "Start required services";
data.urlParams = "ServiceInfo/" + servicesList + ")";
} else {
data.context = "Start all services";
if (runSmokeTest) {
data.urlParams = data.urlParams ? data.urlParams + '&' : '';
data.urlParams += 'params/run_smoke_test=' + !skipServiceCheck;
return App.ajax.send({
name: '',
sender: this,
data: data,
success: 'startPolling',
error: 'startServicesErrorCallback'
startServicesErrorCallback: function (jqXHR, ajaxOptions, error, opt) {
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(jqXHR, opt.url, opt.type, jqXHR.status);
this.onTaskError(jqXHR, ajaxOptions, error, opt);
* Create component on single or multiple hosts.
* @method createComponent
* @param {string} componentName - name of the component
* @param {(string|string[])} hostName - host/hosts where components should be installed
* @param {string} serviceName - name of the services
createComponent: function (componentName, hostName, serviceName) {
var hostNames = (Array.isArray(hostName)) ? hostName : [hostName];
var self = this;
this.set('showRetry', false);
this.checkInstalledComponents(componentName, hostNames).then(function (data) {
var hostsWithComponents = data.items.mapProperty('HostRoles.host_name');
var result = {
return {
componentName: componentName,
hostName: item,
hasComponent: hostsWithComponents.contains(item)
var hostsWithoutComponents = result.filterProperty('hasComponent', false).mapProperty('hostName');
var taskNum = 1;
var requestData = {
"RequestInfo": {
"query": {
return 'Hosts/host_name=' + item;
"Body": {
"host_components": [
"HostRoles": {
"component_name": componentName
if (!!hostsWithoutComponents.length) {
self.updateAndCreateServiceComponent(componentName).done(function () {
name: 'wizard.step8.register_host_to_component',
sender: self,
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
hostName: result.mapProperty('hostName'),
componentName: componentName,
serviceName: serviceName,
taskNum: taskNum,
cluster: App.get('clusterName')
success: 'onCreateComponent',
error: 'onCreateComponent'
} else {
self.onCreateComponent(null, null, {
hostName: result.mapProperty('hostName'),
componentName: componentName,
serviceName: serviceName,
taskNum: taskNum
}, self);
onCreateComponent: function () {
var hostName = arguments[2].hostName;
var componentName = arguments[2].componentName;
var taskNum = arguments[2].taskNum;
var serviceName = arguments[2].serviceName;
this.updateComponent(componentName, hostName, serviceName, "Install", taskNum);
onCreateComponentError: function (error) {
if (error.responseText.indexOf('org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.ResourceAlreadyExistsException') !== -1) {
} else {
* Update component status on selected hosts.
* @param {string} componentName
* @param {(string|string[]|null)} hostName - use null to update components on all hosts
* @param {string} serviceName
* @param {string} context
* @param {number} taskNum
* @returns {$.ajax}
updateComponent: function (componentName, hostName, serviceName, context, taskNum) {
if (hostName && !(hostName instanceof Array)) {
hostName = [hostName];
var state = context.toLowerCase() == "start" ? "STARTED" : "INSTALLED";
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'common.host_components.update',
sender: this,
data: {
HostRoles: {
state: state
query: 'HostRoles/component_name=' + componentName + (hostName ? '&HostRoles/' + hostName.join(',') + ')' : '') + '&HostRoles/maintenance_state=OFF',
context: context + " " + App.format.role(componentName, false),
hostName: hostName,
taskNum: taskNum || 1,
componentName: componentName,
serviceName: serviceName
success: 'startPolling',
error: 'onTaskError'
* Update state for array of components of different services and on different hosts
* @param {Array} components - array of components object with fields serviceName, hostName and componentName
* @param {String} state - new state to update
updateComponentsState: function (components, state) {
components.forEach(function (component) {
name: '',
sender: this,
data: {
hostName: component.hostName,
serviceName: component.serviceName,
componentName: component.componentName,
HostRoles: {
state: state
taskNum: components.length
success: 'startPolling',
error: 'onTaskError'
}, this)
startPolling: function (data) {
if (data) {
var tasksCount = arguments[2].taskNum || 1;
if (tasksCount === this.get('currentRequestIds').length) {
this.setRequestIds(this.get('currentTaskId'), this.get('currentRequestIds'));
} else {
doPolling: function () {
this.setTaskStatus(this.get('currentTaskId'), 'IN_PROGRESS');
var requestIds = this.get('currentRequestIds');
this.set('logs', []);
for (var i = 0; i < requestIds.length; i++) {
name: 'background_operations.get_by_request',
sender: this,
data: {
requestId: requestIds[i]
success: 'parseLogs',
error: 'onTaskError'
parseLogs: function (logs) {
if (this.get('currentRequestIds').length === this.get('logs').length) {
var tasks = [];
this.get('logs').forEach(function (logs) {
}, this);
var self = this;
var currentTaskId = this.get('currentTaskId');
if (!tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'PENDING') && !tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'QUEUED') && !tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'IN_PROGRESS')) {
this.set('currentRequestIds', []);
if (tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'FAILED') || tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'TIMEDOUT') || tasks.someProperty('Tasks.status', 'ABORTED')) {
this.setTaskStatus(currentTaskId, 'FAILED');
} else {
this.setTaskStatus(currentTaskId, 'COMPLETED');
} else {
var actionsPerHost = tasks.length;
var completedActions = tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'COMPLETED').length
+ tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'FAILED').length
+ tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'ABORTED').length
+ tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'TIMEDOUT').length;
var queuedActions = tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'QUEUED').length;
var inProgressActions = tasks.filterProperty('Tasks.status', 'IN_PROGRESS').length;
var progress = Math.floor(((queuedActions * 0.09) + (inProgressActions * 0.35) + completedActions ) / actionsPerHost * 100);
this.get('tasks').findProperty('id', currentTaskId).set('progress', progress);
window.setTimeout(function () {
showHostProgressPopup: function (event) {
if (!['IN_PROGRESS', 'FAILED', 'COMPLETED'].contains(Em.get(event.context, 'status')) || !event.contexts[0].requestIds.length) {
var popupTitle = event.contexts[0].title,
requestIds = event.contexts[0].requestIds,
stageId = event.contexts[0].stageId,
hostProgressPopupController = App.router.get('highAvailabilityProgressPopupController');
hostProgressPopupController.initPopup(popupTitle, requestIds, this, true, stageId);
done: function () {
if (!this.get('isSubmitDisabled')) {
this.set('isSubmitDisabled', true);
this.removeObserver('tasks.@each.status', this, 'onTaskStatusChange');
back: function () {
if (!this.get('isBackButtonDisabled')) {
this.set('isBackButtonDisabled', true);
this.removeObserver('tasks.@each.status', this, 'onTaskStatusChange');
* Delete component on single hosts.
* @method deleteComponent
* @param {string} componentName - name of the component
* @param {string} hostName - host from where components should be deleted
deleteComponent: function (componentName, hostName) {
name: 'common.delete.host_component',
sender: this,
data: {
componentName: componentName,
hostName: hostName
success: 'onTaskCompleted',
error: 'onDeleteHostComponentsError'
onDeleteHostComponentsError: function (error) {
// If the component does not exist on the host, NoSuchResourceException is thrown.
// If NoSuchResourceException is thrown, there is no action required and operation should continue.
if (error.responseText.indexOf('org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.NoSuchResourceException') !== -1) {
} else {
* Same as <code>createComponent</code> but with kdc session check and status changes
* when KDC auth dialog dissmised.
* @see createComponent
createInstallComponentTask: function(componentName, hostName, serviceName, options) {
var self = this;
App.get('router.mainAdminKerberosController').getKDCSessionState(function() {
self.createComponent(componentName, hostName, serviceName);
}, function() {