blob: b7f97cb568bd55cece71cf824a071b90f29c7456 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
App.HDFSService = App.Service.extend({
version: DS.attr('string'),
nameNode: DS.belongsTo('App.HostComponent'),
snameNode: DS.belongsTo('App.HostComponent'),
activeNameNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent', {
defaultValue: []
standbyNameNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent', {
defaultValue: []
isNnHaEnabled: function() {
return !this.get('snameNode') && this.get('hostComponents').filterProperty('componentName', 'NAMENODE').length > 1;
dataNodesStarted: DS.attr('number'),
dataNodesInstalled: DS.attr('number'),
dataNodesTotal: DS.attr('number'),
nfsGatewaysStarted: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 0}),
nfsGatewaysInstalled: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 0}),
nfsGatewaysTotal: DS.attr('number', {defaultValue: 0}),
journalNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent'),
nameNodeStartTimeValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
jvmMemoryHeapUsedValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
jvmMemoryHeapMaxValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
decommissionDataNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent'),
liveDataNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent'),
deadDataNodes: DS.hasMany('App.HostComponent'),
capacityUsed: DS.attr('number'),
capacityTotal: DS.attr('number'),
capacityRemaining: DS.attr('number'),
capacityNonDfsUsed: DS.attr('number'),
dfsTotalBlocksValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
dfsCorruptBlocksValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
dfsMissingBlocksValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
dfsUnderReplicatedBlocksValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
dfsTotalFilesValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
workStatusValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
healthStatusValues: function () {
const workStatusValues = Object.keys(this.get('workStatusValues'));
return workStatusValues.reduce((acc, key) => Object.assign({}, acc, {
[key]: this.get('healthStatusMap')[workStatusValues[key]] || 'yellow'
}), {});
upgradeStatusValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
safeModeStatusValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
nameNodeRpcValues: DS.attr('object', {
defaultValue: {}
metricsNotAvailable: DS.attr('boolean'),
masterComponentGroups: function () {
let result = [];
this.get('hostComponents').forEach(component => {
if (component.get('componentName') === 'NAMENODE') {
const nameSpace = component.get('haNameSpace') || 'default',
hostName = component.get('hostName'),
clusterId = component.get('clusterIdValue') || 'default',
existingNameSpace = result.findProperty('name', nameSpace),
currentNameSpace = existingNameSpace || {
name: nameSpace,
title: nameSpace,
hosts: [],
components: ['NAMENODE', 'ZKFC'],
if (!existingNameSpace) {
if (!currentNameSpace.hosts.contains(hostName)) {
return result.sortProperty('name');
}.property('hostComponents.length', 'App.router.clusterController.isHDFSNameSpacesLoaded')
App.HDFSService.FIXTURES = [];