blob: 900e4f25493022fb0e448c02f2e06f0815842063 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var misc = require('utils/misc');
App.MainServiceController = Em.ArrayController.extend(App.SupportClientConfigsDownload, {
name: 'mainServiceController',
* @type {Ember.Object[]}
content: function () {
if (!App.router.get('clusterController.isLoaded')) {
return [];
return misc.sortByOrder(App.StackService.find().mapProperty('serviceName'), App.Service.find().toArray());
* Current cluster
* @type {Ember.Object}
cluster: function () {
if (!App.router.get('clusterController.isClusterDataLoaded')) {
return null;
return App.Cluster.find().objectAt(0);
* Check if all services are installed
* true - all installed, false - not all
* @type {bool}
isAllServicesInstalled: function () {
if (!this.get('content')) return false;
var notAvailableServices = App.ServiceSimple.find().filterProperty('doNotShowAndInstall').mapProperty('name');
var availableServices = App.ServiceSimple.find().filterProperty('doNotShowAndInstall', false);
var installedServices = this.get('content').filter(function (service) {
return !notAvailableServices.contains(service.get('serviceName'));
return installedServices.length == availableServices.length;
}.property('content.@each', 'content.length'),
* Should "Start All"-button be disabled
* @type {bool}
isStartAllDisabled: function () {
if (this.get('isStartStopAllClicked') == true) {
return true;
var stoppedServices = this.get('content').filter(function (_service) {
return (_service.get('healthStatus') === 'red' && !App.get('services.clientOnly').contains(_service.get('serviceName')));
return (stoppedServices.length === 0); // all green status
}.property('isStartStopAllClicked', 'content.@each.healthStatus'),
* Should "Stop All"-button be disabled
* @type {bool}
isStopAllDisabled: function () {
if (this.get('isStartStopAllClicked') == true) {
return true;
return !this.get('content').someProperty('healthStatus', 'green');
}.property('isStartStopAllClicked', 'content.@each.healthStatus'),
* Should "Refresh All"-button be disabled
* @type {bool}
isRestartAllRequiredDisabled: Em.computed.everyBy('content', 'isRestartRequired', false),
* @type {bool}
isStartStopAllClicked: Em.computed.notEqual('App.router.backgroundOperationsController.runningOperationsCount', 0),
* Callback for <code>start all service</code> button
* @return {App.ModalPopup|null}
* @method startAllService
startAllService: function (event) {
return this.startStopAllService(event, 'STARTED');
* Callback for <code>stop all service</code> button
* @return {App.ModalPopup|null}
* @method stopAllService
stopAllService: function (event) {
return this.startStopAllService(event, 'INSTALLED');
* Common method for "start-all", "stop-all" calls
* @param {object} event
* @param {string} state 'STARTED|INSTALLED'
* @returns {App.ModalPopup|null}
* @method startStopAllService
startStopAllService: function(event, state) {
if ($('disabled') || $('disabled')) {
return null;
var self = this;
var bodyMessage = Em.Object.create({
confirmMsg: state == 'INSTALLED' ? Em.I18n.t('services.service.stopAll.confirmMsg') : Em.I18n.t('services.service.startAll.confirmMsg'),
confirmButton: state == 'INSTALLED' ? Em.I18n.t('services.service.stop.confirmButton') : Em.I18n.t('services.service.start.confirmButton')
if (state == 'INSTALLED' && App.Service.find().filterProperty('serviceName', 'HDFS').someProperty('workStatus', App.HostComponentStatus.started)) {
App.router.get('mainServiceItemController').checkNnLastCheckpointTime(function () {
return App.showConfirmationFeedBackPopup(function (query) {
self.allServicesCall(state, query);
}, bodyMessage);
} else {
return App.showConfirmationFeedBackPopup(function (query) {
self.allServicesCall(state, query);
}, bodyMessage);
* Download client configs for all services
downloadAllClientConfigs: function() {
this.downloadClientConfigsCall({resourceType: this.resourceTypeEnum.CLUSTER});
* Do request to server for "start|stop" all services
* @param {string} state "STARTED|INSTALLED"
* @param {object} query
* @method allServicesCall
* @return {$.ajax}
allServicesCall: function (state, query) {
var context = (state == 'INSTALLED') ? App.BackgroundOperationsController.CommandContexts.STOP_ALL_SERVICES :
return App.ajax.send({
name: '',
sender: this,
data: {
context: context,
ServiceInfo: {
state: state
query: query
success: 'allServicesCallSuccessCallback',
error: 'allServicesCallErrorCallback',
showLoadingPopup: true
* Restart all services - restarts by sending one RESTART command
restartAllServices: function () {
name: 'restart.allServices',
sender: this,
showLoadingPopup: true
* Restart all services - stops all services, then starts them back
stopAndStartAllServices: function () {
* Silent stop all services - without user confirmation
* @returns {$.ajax}
silentStopAllServices: function () {
return App.ajax.send({
name: '',
sender: this,
data: {
context: App.BackgroundOperationsController.CommandContexts.STOP_ALL_SERVICES,
ServiceInfo: {
state: 'INSTALLED'
success: 'silentStopSuccess',
showLoadingPopup: true
isStopAllServicesFailed: function() {
var workStatuses = App.Service.find().mapProperty('workStatus');
for (var i = 0; i < workStatuses.length; i++) {
if (workStatuses[i] !== 'INSTALLED' && workStatuses[i] !== 'STOPPING') {
return true;
return false;
* Success callback for silent stop
silentStopSuccess: function () {
var self = this;
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function (initValue) {
if (initValue) {
} () {
self.set('shouldStart', true);
}, App.bgOperationsUpdateInterval);
* Silent start all services - without user confirmation
silentStartAllServices: function () {
if (
&& this.get('shouldStart')
&& !this.isStopAllServicesFailed()
) {
this.set('shouldStart', false);
return App.ajax.send({
name: '',
sender: this,
data: {
context: App.BackgroundOperationsController.CommandContexts.START_ALL_SERVICES,
ServiceInfo: {
state: 'STARTED'
success: 'silentCallSuccessCallback',
showLoadingPopup: true
}.observes('shouldStart', 'controllers.backgroundOperationsController.runningOperationsCount'),
* Success callback for silent start
silentCallSuccessCallback: function () {
// load data (if we need to show this background operations popup) from persist
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function (initValue) {
if (initValue) {
* Success-callback for all-services request
* @param {object} data
* @param {object} xhr
* @param {object} params
* @method allServicesCallSuccessCallback
allServicesCallSuccessCallback: function (data, xhr, params) {
params.query.set('status', 'SUCCESS');
// load data (if we need to show this background operations popup) from persist
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function (initValue) {
if (initValue) {
* Error-callback for all-services request
* @param {object} request
* @param {object} ajaxOptions
* @param {string} error
* @param {object} opt
* @param {object} params
* @method allServicesCallErrorCallback
allServicesCallErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error, opt, params) {
params.query.set('status', 'FAIL');
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(request, opt.url, opt.type, request.status);
* "Add-service"-click handler
* @method gotoAddService
gotoAddService: function () {
if (this.get('isAllServicesInstalled')) {
App.router.get('addServiceController').setDBProperty('onClosePath', '');
* Show confirmation popup and send request to restart all host components with stale_configs=true
restartAllRequired: function () {
var self = this;
if (!this.get('isRestartAllRequiredDisabled')) {
return App.showConfirmationPopup(function () {
}, Em.I18n.t('services.service.refreshAll.confirmMsg').format(
App.Service.find().filterProperty('isRestartRequired').mapProperty('displayName').uniq().join(', ')),
} else {
return null;
* Send request restart host components from hostComponentsToRestart
* @returns {$.ajax}
restartHostComponents: function () {
name: 'restart.staleConfigs',
sender: this,
success: 'restartAllRequiredSuccessCallback',
showLoadingPopup: true
* Success callback for restartAllRequired
restartAllRequiredSuccessCallback: function () {
// load data (if we need to show this background operations popup) from persist
App.router.get('userSettingsController').dataLoading('show_bg').done(function (initValue) {
if (initValue) {