blob: e0863cb7ac4e74dd2aeeb25be3fc51f17e409e98 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.version = ''; // filled out by script
App.testMode = (location.port == '3333'); // test mode is automatically enabled if running on brunch server
App.testModeDelayForActions = 10000;
App.skipBootstrap = false;
App.alwaysGoToInstaller = false;
App.testEnableSecurity = true; // By default enable security is tested; turning it false tests disable security
App.testNameNodeHA = true;
App.appURLRoot = '{proxy_root}/'.replace(/\{.+\}/g, ''); // determines application root path name, not related to hash route
App.apiPrefix = '/api/v1';
App.defaultStackVersion = 'HDP-2.3';
App.defaultWindowsStackVersion = 'HDPWIN-2.1';
App.defaultJavaHome = '/usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_31';
App.timeout = 180000; // default AJAX timeout
App.maxRetries = 3; // max number of retries for certain AJAX calls
App.sessionKeepAliveInterval = 60000;
App.bgOperationsUpdateInterval = 6000;
App.componentsUpdateInterval = 6000;
App.contentUpdateInterval = 15000;
App.hostStatusCountersUpdateInterval = 10000;
App.alertDefinitionsUpdateInterval = 10000;
App.alertInstancesUpdateInterval = 10000;
App.alertGroupsUpdateInterval = 10000;
App.clusterEnvUpdateInterval = 10000;
App.pageReloadTime = 3600000;
App.nnCheckpointAgeAlertThreshold = 12; // in hours
App.singleNodeInstall = false;
App.singleNodeAlias = document.location.hostname;
App.minDiskSpace = 2.0; // minimum disk space required for '/' for each host before install, unit GB
App.minDiskSpaceUsrLib = 1.0; // minimum disk space for '/usr/lib' for each host before install, unit GB
App.healthIconClassGreen = 'icon-ok-sign'; // bootstrap icon class for healthy/started service/host/host-component
App.healthIconClassRed = 'icon-warning-sign'; // bootstrap icon class for master down/stopped service/host/host-component
App.healthIconClassOrange = 'icon-minus-sign'; // bootstrap icon class for slave down/decommissioned host/host-component
App.healthIconClassYellow = 'icon-question-sign'; // bootstrap icon class for heartbeat lost service/host/host-component
App.isManagedMySQLForHiveEnabled = false;
App.isStormMetricsSupported = true;
App.healthStatusRed = '#ff0000';
App.healthStatusGreen = '#5AB400';
App.healthStatusOrange = '#FF8E00';
App.inactivityRemainTime = 60; // in seconds
App.enableLogger = true;
App.stackVersionsAvailable = true;
App.upgradeHistoryAvailable = false;
App.enableDigitalClock = false;
// experimental features are automatically enabled if running on brunch server
App.enableExperimental = false;
App.supports = {
disableHostCheckOnAddHostWizard: false,
preUpgradeCheck: true,
displayOlderVersions: false,
autoRollbackHA: false,
alwaysEnableManagedMySQLForHive: false,
preKerberizeCheck: false,
customizeAgentUserAccount: false,
installGanglia: false,
opsDuringRollingUpgrade: false,
customizedWidgetLayout: false,
showPageLoadTime: false,
skipComponentStartAfterInstall: false,
preInstallChecks: false,
serviceAutoStart: true,
logSearch: true,
redhatSatellite: false,
enableIpa: false,
addingNewRepository: false,
kerberosStackAdvisor: true,
logCountVizualization: false,
enabledWizardForHostOrderedUpgrade: true,
manageJournalNode: true,
enableToggleKerberos: true,
enableAddDeleteServices: true,
enableBulkDeleteHosts: false
if (App.enableExperimental) {
for (var support in App.supports) {
App.supports[support] = true;
// this is to make sure that IE does not cache data when making AJAX calls to the server
if (!$.mocho) {
cache: false,
headers: {"X-Requested-By": "X-Requested-By"}
* Test Mode values
App.test_hostname = 'hostname';