blob: 5a363dea843d3cda47c6583e406ce41bec2dc516 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var blueprintUtils = require('utils/blueprint');
* @typedef {object} ConfigsValidationRequestData
* @property {string} stackVersionUrl stack version url
* @property {string[]} hosts host names
* @property {string[]} services service names
* @property {string} validate validation type e.g. 'configurations'
* @property {object} recommendations blueprint object
* @typedef {object} ConfigsValidationOptions
* @property {string[]} hosts host names
* @property {string[]} services service names
* @property {object} blueprint service configurations blueprint
App.ServerValidatorMixin = Em.Mixin.create({
* defines if we use validation and recommendation on wizards
* depend on this flag some properties will be taken from different places
* @type {boolean}
isWizard: function() {
return this.get('wizardController') && ['addServiceController', 'installerController'].contains(this.get(''));
* recommendation configs loaded from server
* (used only during install)
* @type {Object}
recommendationsConfigs: null,
* Collection of all config validation errors
* @type {Object[]}
configErrorList: Em.Object.create({
issues: [],
criticalIssues: []
* Ajax request object to validation API
* @type {$.ajax}
validationRequest: null,
* Timer id returned by setTimeout for calling function to send validation request
requestTime: 0,
* Map with allowed error types
* @type {Object}
errorTypes: {
* by default loads data from model otherwise must be overridden as computed property
* refer to \assets\data\stacks\HDP-2.1\recommendations_configs.json to learn structure
* (shouldn't contain configurations filed)
* @type {Object}
hostNames: function() {
return this.get('isWizard')
? Object.keys(this.get('content.hosts'))
: App.get('allHostNames');
}.property('isWizard', 'content.hosts', 'App.allHostNames'),
* by default loads data from model otherwise must be overridden as computed property
* @type {Array} - of strings (serviceNames)
serviceNames: function() {
// When editing a service we validate only that service's configs.
// However, we should pass the IDs of services installed, or else,
// default value calculations will alter.
return this.get('isWizard') ? this.get('allSelectedServiceNames') : App.Service.find().mapProperty('serviceName');
}.property('isWizard', 'allSelectedServiceNames'),
* by default loads data from model otherwise must be overridden as computed property
* can be used for service|host configs pages
* @type {Array} of strings (hostNames)
hostGroups: function() {
return this.get('content.recommendationsHostGroups') || blueprintUtils.generateHostGroups(App.get('allHostNames'));
}.property('content.recommendationsHostGroups', 'App.allHostNames', 'App.componentToBeAdded', 'App.componentToBeDeleted'),
* controller that is child of this mixin has to contain stepConfigs
* @type {Array}
stepConfigs: null,
serverSideValidation: function () {
var deferred = $.Deferred(),
self = this,
primary = function() { deferred.resolve(); },
secondary = function() { deferred.reject('invalid_configs'); };
this.set('configErrorList', Em.Object.create({
issues: [],
criticalIssues: []
this.runServerSideValidation().done(function() {
if (self.get('configErrorList.issues.length') || self.get('configErrorList.criticalIssues.length')) {
App.showConfigValidationPopup(self.get('configErrorList'), primary, secondary, self);
} else {
}).fail(function() {
App.showConfigValidationFailedPopup(primary, secondary);
return deferred.promise();
* @method serverSideValidation
* send request to validate configs
* @returns {*}
runServerSideValidation: function () {
var self = this;
var recommendations = this.get('hostGroups');
var stepConfigs = this.get('stepConfigs');
var dfd = $.Deferred();
.done(function(blueprintConfigurations) {
recommendations.blueprint.configurations = blueprintConfigurations;
var request = self.validateSelectedConfigs({
hosts: self.get('hostNames'),
services: self.get('serviceNames'),
blueprint: recommendations
self.set('validationRequest', request);
return dfd.promise();
* Perform service config validation
* @param validateSelectedConfigs
* @param {ConfigsValidationOptions} options
* @returns {$.Deferred}
validateSelectedConfigs: function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({
services: [],
hosts: [],
blueprint: null
}, options || {});
return this.getServiceConfigsValidationRequest(this.getServiceConfigsValidationParams(opts));
* @method getServiceConfigsValidationRequest
* @param {ConfigsValidationRequestData} validationData
* @returns {$.Deferred}
getServiceConfigsValidationRequest: function(validationData) {
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'config.validations',
sender: this,
data: validationData,
success: 'validationSuccess'
* @method getServiceConfigsValidationParams
* @param {ConfigsValidationOptions} options
* @returns {ConfigsValidationRequestData}
getServiceConfigsValidationParams: function(options) {
return {
stackVersionUrl: App.get('stackVersionURL'),
hosts: options.hosts,
validate: 'configurations',
recommendations: options.blueprint
* Return JSON for blueprint configurations
* @param {App.ServiceConfigs[]} serviceConfigs
* @returns {*}
getBlueprintConfigurations: function (serviceConfigs) {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
// check if we have configs from 'cluster-env', if not, then load them, as they are mandatory for validation request
if (!serviceConfigs.findProperty('serviceName', 'MISC')) {
App.config.getConfigsByTypes([{site: 'cluster-env', serviceName: 'MISC'}]).done(function(configs) {
} else {
return dfd.promise();
* Creates config validation error object
* @param type - error type, see <code>errorTypes<code>
* @param property - config property object
* @param messages - array of messages
* @returns {{type: String, isError: boolean, isWarn: boolean, isGeneral: boolean, messages: Array}}
createErrorMessage: function (type, property, messages) {
const errorTypes = this.get('errorTypes');
let error = {
type: type,
isCriticalError: type === errorTypes.CRITICAL_ERROR,
isError: type === errorTypes.ERROR,
isWarn: type === errorTypes.WARN,
isGeneral: type === errorTypes.GENERAL,
cssClass: this.get('isInstallWizard') ? '' : (type === errorTypes.ERROR ? 'error' : 'warning'),
messages: Em.makeArray(messages)
Em.assert('Unknown config error type ' + type, error.isError || error.isWarn || error.isGeneral || error.isCriticalError);
if (property) {
const value = Em.get(property, 'value'); = Em.get(property, 'id');
error.serviceName = Em.get(property, 'serviceDisplayName') || App.StackService.find(Em.get(property, 'serviceName')).get('displayName');
error.propertyName = Em.get(property, 'name');
error.filename = Em.get(property, 'filename');
error.value = value && Em.get(property, 'displayType') === 'password' ? new Array(value.length + 1).join('*') : value;
error.description = Em.get(property, 'description');
return error;
* Parse data from server to
* <code>configErrorsMap<code> and
* <code>generalErrors<code>
* @param data
* @returns {{configErrorsMap: {}, generalErrors: Array}}
parseValidation: function(data) {
var configErrorsMap = {}, generalErrors = [];
data.resources.forEach(function(r) {
if (item.type == "configuration") {
var configId = (item['config-name'] && item['config-type']) && App.config.configId(item['config-name'], item['config-type']);
if (configId) {
if (configErrorsMap[configId]) {
} else {
configErrorsMap[configId] = {
type: item.level,
messages: [item.message],
name: item['config-name'],
filename: item['config-type']
} else {
type: this.get('errorTypes').GENERAL,
messages: [item.message]
}, this);
}, this);
return {
configErrorsMap: configErrorsMap,
generalErrors: generalErrors
* Generates list of all config errors that should be displayed in popup
* @param configErrorsMap
* @param generalErrors
* @returns {Array}
collectAllIssues: function(configErrorsMap, generalErrors) {
var errorTypes = this.get('errorTypes');
var configErrorList = {};
configErrorList[errorTypes.WARN] = [];
configErrorList[errorTypes.ERROR] = [];
configErrorList[errorTypes.CRITICAL_ERROR] = [];
configErrorList[errorTypes.GENERAL] = [];
this.get('stepConfigs').forEach(function(service) {
service.get('configs').forEach(function(property) {
if (property.get('isVisible') && !property.get('hiddenBySection')) {
var serverIssue = configErrorsMap[property.get('id')];
if (serverIssue) {
configErrorList[serverIssue.type].push(this.createErrorMessage(serverIssue.type, property, serverIssue.messages));
} else if (property.get('warnMessage')) {
configErrorList[errorTypes.WARN].push(this.createErrorMessage(errorTypes.WARN, property, [property.get('warnMessage')]));
}, this);
}, this);
generalErrors.forEach(function(serverIssue) {
configErrorList[errorTypes.GENERAL].push(this.createErrorMessage(errorTypes.GENERAL, null, serverIssue.messages));
}, this);
Em.keys(configErrorsMap).forEach(function (id) {
var serverIssue = configErrorsMap[id];
if (!configErrorList[serverIssue.type].someProperty('id', id)) {
var filename = Em.get(serverIssue, 'filename'),
service = App.config.get('serviceByConfigTypeMap')[filename],
property = {
id: id,
name: Em.get(serverIssue, 'name'),
filename: App.config.getOriginalFileName(filename),
serviceDisplayName: service && Em.get(service, 'displayName')
configErrorList[serverIssue.type].push(this.createErrorMessage(serverIssue.type, property, serverIssue.messages));
}, this);
return Em.Object.create({
criticalIssues: configErrorList[errorTypes.CRITICAL_ERROR],
issues: configErrorList[errorTypes.ERROR].concat(configErrorList[errorTypes.WARN], configErrorList[errorTypes.GENERAL])
* @method validationSuccess
* success callback after getting response from server
* go through the step configs and set warn and error messages
* @param data
validationSuccess: function(data) {
var parsed = this.parseValidation(data);
this.set('configErrorList', this.collectAllIssues(parsed.configErrorsMap, parsed.generalErrors));
valueObserver: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.get('isInstallWizard') && this.get('currentTabName') === 'all-configurations') {
if (this.get('requestTimer')) clearTimeout(this.get('requestTimer'));
self.set('requestTimer', setTimeout(function () {
if (self.get('validationRequest')) {
if (self.get('recommendationsInProgress')) {
} else {
self.runServerSideValidation().done(function () {
self.set('validationRequest', null);
self.set('requestTimer', 0);
}, 500));