blob: 8be2fb9728c8edc71b2bbe364e7989198c64ba40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var date = require('utils/date/date');
var dataUtils = require('utils/data_manipulation');
* Host information shown in the operations popup
* @typedef {Em.Object} wrappedHost
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} publicName
* @property {string} displayName
* @property {number} progress
* @property {boolean} isInProgress
* @property {string} serviceName
* @property {string} status
* @property {number} isVisible
* @property {string} icon
* @property {string} barColor
* @property {string} barWidth
* Task information shown in the operations popup
* @typedef {Em.Object} wrappedTask
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} hostName
* @property {string} command
* @property {string} commandDetail
* @property {string} status
* @property {string} role
* @property {string} stderr
* @property {string} stdout
* @property {number} request_id
* @property {boolean} isVisible
* @property {string} startTime
* @property {string} duration
* @property {string} icon
* Service information shown in the operations popup
* @typedef {Em.Object} wrappedService
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} displayName
* @property {string} progress
* @property {string} status
* @property {string} userName
* @property {boolean} isRunning
* @property {string} name
* @property {boolean} isVisible
* @property {string} startTime
* @property {string} duration
* @property {string} icon
* @property {string} barColor
* @property {boolean} isInProgress
* @property {string} barWidth
* @property {number} sourceRequestScheduleId
* @property {string} contextCommand
* App.HostPopup is for the popup that shows up upon clicking already-performed or currently-in-progress operations
* Allows to abort executing operations
* @type {Em.Object}
* @class {HostPopup}
App.HostPopup = Em.Object.create({
name: 'hostPopup',
* @type {object[]}
servicesInfo: [],
* @type {wrappedHost[]}
hosts: [],
* @type {?object[]}
inputData: null,
* @type {string}
serviceName: '',
* @type {?Number}
currentServiceId: null,
* @type {?Number}
previousServiceId: null,
* @type {string}
popupHeaderName: '',
//This is what the breadcrumbs will be reset to every time the modal is opened.
rootBreadcrumb: null,
* @type {object[]}
breadcrumbs: [],
operationInfo: null,
* @type {?App.Controller}
dataSourceController: null,
* @type {bool}
isBackgroundOperations: false,
* @type {?string}
currentHostName: null,
* @type {?App.ModalPopup}
isPopup: null,
* @type {object}
detailedProperties: {
stdout: 'stdout',
stderr: 'stderr',
outputLog: 'output_log',
errorLog: 'error_log'
* @type {object}
barColorMap: {
'FAILED': 'progress-bar-danger',
'ABORTED': 'progress-bar-warning',
'TIMEDOUT': 'progress-bar-warning',
'IN_PROGRESS': 'progress-bar-info',
'COMPLETED': 'progress-bar-success'
* map to get css class with styles by service status
* @type {object}
statusesStyleMap: {
'FAILED': ['FAILED', 'icon-exclamation-sign', 'progress-bar-danger', false],
'ABORTED': ['ABORTED', 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus', 'progress-bar-warning', false],
'TIMEDOUT': ['TIMEDOUT', 'glyphicon glyphicon-time', 'progress-bar-warning', false],
'IN_PROGRESS': ['IN_PROGRESS', 'icon-cogs', 'progress-bar-info', true],
'COMPLETED': ['SUCCESS', 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', 'progress-bar-success', false]
* View with "Abort Request"-button
* @type {Em.View}
abortIcon: Em.View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
classNames: ['abort-icon'],
template: Em.Handlebars.compile('<span class="icon icon-remove-circle"></span>'),
click: function () {
return false;
didInsertElement: function () {
App.tooltip($(this.get('element')), {
placement: "top",
title: Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.bgop.abortRequest.title')
willDestroyElement: function () {
* View with status icon (and tooltip on it)
* @type {Em.View}
statusIcon: Em.View.extend({
tagName: 'i',
classNames: ["service-status"],
classNameBindings: ['servicesInfo.status', 'servicesInfo.icon', 'additionalClass'],
attributeBindings: ['data-original-title'],
'data-original-title': function () {
return this.get('servicesInfo.status');
didInsertElement: function () {
willDestroyElement: function () {
* Determines if background operation can be aborted depending on its status
* @param status
* @returns {boolean}
isAbortableByStatus: function (status) {
var statuses = this.get('statusesStyleMap');
return !Em.keys(statuses).contains(status) || status === 'IN_PROGRESS';
* Send request to abort operation
* @method abortRequest
abortRequest: function (serviceInfo) {
var requestName = serviceInfo.get('name');
var self = this;
App.showConfirmationPopup(function () {
serviceInfo.set('isAbortable', false);
return App.ajax.send({
name: 'background_operations.abort_request',
sender: self,
data: {
requestId: serviceInfo.get('id'),
requestName: requestName,
serviceInfo: serviceInfo
success: 'abortRequestSuccessCallback',
error: 'abortRequestErrorCallback'
}, Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.bgop.abortRequest.confirmation.body').format(requestName));
return false;
* Method called on successful sending request to abort operation
* @return {App.ModalPopup}
* @method abortRequestSuccessCallback
abortRequestSuccessCallback: function (response, request, data) {
header: Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.bgop.abortRequest.modal.header'),
encodeBody: false,
body: Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.bgop.abortRequest.modal.body').format(data.requestName),
secondary: null
* Method called on unsuccessful sending request to abort operation
* @method abortRequestErrorCallback
abortRequestErrorCallback: function (xhr, textStatus, error, opt, data) {
data.serviceInfo.set('isAbortable', this.isAbortableByStatus(data.serviceInfo.status));
App.ajax.defaultErrorHandler(xhr, opt.url, 'PUT', xhr.status);
* Entering point of this component
* @param {String} serviceName
* @param {Object} controller
* @param {Boolean} isBackgroundOperations
* @param {Integer} requestId
* @method initPopup
initPopup: function (serviceName, controller, isBackgroundOperations, requestId) {
if (App.get('isClusterUser')) return;
if (!isBackgroundOperations) {
this.set("rootBreadcrumb", { label: serviceName });
} else {
this.set("rootBreadcrumb", { label: Em.I18n.t("common.backgroundOperations") });
breadcrumbs: [ this.get("rootBreadcrumb") ],
currentServiceId: requestId,
serviceName: serviceName,
dataSourceController: controller,
isBackgroundOperations: isBackgroundOperations,
inputData: controller.get("services"),
servicesInfo: []
if (isBackgroundOperations) {
} else {
return this.createPopup();
* clear info popup data
* @method clearHostPopup
clearHostPopup: function () {
servicesInfo: [],
host: null,
inputData: null,
serviceName: '',
currentServiceId: null,
previousServiceId: null,
popupHeaderName: '',
dataSourceController: null,
currentHostName: null
if(this.get('isPopup')) {
* Depending on tasks status
* @param {object[]} tasks
* @return {*[]} [Status, Icon type, Progressbar color, is IN_PROGRESS]
* @method getStatus
getStatus: function (tasks) {
var isCompleted = true;
var tasksLength = tasks.length;
for (var i = 0; i < tasksLength; i++) {
var taskStatus = tasks[i].Tasks.status;
if (taskStatus !== 'COMPLETED') {
isCompleted = false;
if (taskStatus === 'FAILED') {
return ['FAILED', 'icon-exclamation-sign', 'progress-bar-danger', false];
if (taskStatus === 'ABORTED') {
return ['ABORTED', 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus', 'progress-bar-warning', false];
if (taskStatus === 'TIMEDOUT') {
return ['TIMEDOUT', 'glyphicon glyphicon-time', 'progress-bar-warning', false];
if (taskStatus === 'IN_PROGRESS') {
return ['IN_PROGRESS', 'icon-cogs', 'progress-bar-info', true]
if (isCompleted) {
return ['SUCCESS', 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', 'progress-bar-success', false];
return ['PENDING', 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog', 'progress-bar-info', true];
* Progress of host or service depending on tasks status
* If no tasks, progress is 0
* @param {?object[]} tasks
* @return {Number} percent of completion
* @method getProgress
getProgress: function (tasks) {
if (!tasks || !tasks.length) {
return 0;
var groupedByStatus = dataUtils.groupPropertyValues(tasks, 'Tasks.status');
var completedActions = Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'COMPLETED.length', 0) +
Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'FAILED.length', 0) +
Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'ABORTED.length', 0) +
Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'TIMEDOUT.length', 0);
var queuedActions = Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'QUEUED.length', 0);
var inProgressActions = Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'IN_PROGRESS.length', 0);
return Math.ceil((queuedActions * 0.09 + inProgressActions * 0.35 + completedActions ) / tasks.length * 100);
* Count number of operations for select box options
* @param {?Object[]} obj
* @param {progressPopupCategoryObject[]} categories
* @method setSelectCount
setSelectCount: function (obj, categories) {
if (!obj) {
var groupedByStatus = dataUtils.groupPropertyValues(obj, 'status');
categories.findProperty("value", 'all').set("count", obj.length);
categories.findProperty("value", 'pending').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'pending.length', 0) + Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'queued.length', 0));
categories.findProperty("value", 'in_progress').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'in_progress.length', 0));
categories.findProperty("value", 'failed').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'failed.length', 0));
categories.findProperty("value", 'completed').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'success.length', 0) + Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'completed.length', 0));
categories.findProperty("value", 'aborted').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'aborted.length', 0));
categories.findProperty("value", 'timedout').set("count", Em.getWithDefault(groupedByStatus, 'timedout.length', 0));
* For Background operation popup calculate number of running Operations, and set popup header
* @param {bool} isServiceListHidden
* @method setBackgroundOperationHeader
setBackgroundOperationHeader: function (isServiceListHidden) {
if (this.get('isBackgroundOperations') && !isServiceListHidden) {
var numRunning = App.router.get('backgroundOperationsController.runningOperationsCount');
this.set("popupHeaderName", numRunning + Em.I18n.t('hostPopup.header.postFix').format(numRunning === 1 ? "" : "s"));
* Create services obj data structure for popup
* Set data for services
* @param {bool} isServiceListHidden
* @method onServiceUpdate
onServiceUpdate: function (isServiceListHidden) {
var servicesInfo = this.get("servicesInfo");
var currentServices = [];
var inputData = this.get("inputData");
if (inputData) {
inputData.forEach(function (service, index) {
var updatedService;
var id =;
var existedService = servicesInfo.findProperty('id', id);
updatedService = existedService;
if (existedService) {
updatedService = this.updateService(existedService, service);
else {
updatedService = this.createService(service);
servicesInfo.insertAt(index, updatedService);
updatedService.set('isAbortable', App.isAuthorized('SERVICE.START_STOP') && this.isAbortableByStatus(service.status));
}, this);
this.removeOldServices(servicesInfo, currentServices);
* Create service object from transmitted data
* @param {object} service
* @return {wrappedService}
* @method createService
createService: function (service) {
var statuses = this.get('statusesStyleMap');
var pendingStatus = ['PENDING', 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog', 'progress-bar-info', true];
var status = statuses[service.status] || pendingStatus;
return Em.Object.create({
displayName: service.displayName,
progress: service.progress,
status: App.format.taskStatus(status[0]),
userName: service.userName,
isRunning: service.isRunning,
isVisible: true,
startTime: date.startTime(service.startTime),
duration: date.durationSummary(service.startTime, service.endTime),
icon: status[1],
barColor: status[2],
isInProgress: status[3],
barWidth: "width:" + service.progress + "%;",
sourceRequestScheduleId: service.sourceRequestScheduleId,
contextCommand: service.contextCommand
* Update properties of existed service with new data
* @param {wrappedService} service
* @param {object} newData
* @returns {wrappedService}
* @method updateService
updateService: function (service, newData) {
var statuses = this.get('statusesStyleMap');
var pendingStatus = ['PENDING', 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog', 'progress-bar-info', true];
var status = statuses[newData.status] || pendingStatus;
return service.setProperties({
progress: newData.progress,
status: App.format.taskStatus(status[0]),
userName: newData.userName,
isRunning: newData.isRunning,
startTime: date.startTime(newData.startTime),
duration: date.durationSummary(newData.startTime, newData.endTime),
icon: status[1],
barColor: status[2],
isInProgress: status[3],
barWidth: "width:" + newData.progress + "%;",
sourceRequestScheduleId: newData.get && newData.get('sourceRequestScheduleId'),
contextCommand: newData.get && newData.get('contextCommand')
* remove old requests
* as API returns 10, or 20 , or 30 ...etc latest request, the requests that absent in response should be removed
* @param {wrappedService[]} services
* @param {number[]} currentServicesIds
* @method removeOldServices
removeOldServices: function (services, currentServicesIds) {
for (var i = 0, l = services.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!currentServicesIds.contains(services[i].id)) {
services.splice(i, 1);
* Wrap task as Ember-object
* @param {Object} _task
* @return {wrappedTask}
* @method createTask
createTask: function (_task) {
return Em.Object.create({
hostName: _task.Tasks.host_name,
command: _task.Tasks.command.toLowerCase() === 'service_check' ? '' : _task.Tasks.command.toLowerCase(),
commandDetail: App.format.commandDetail(_task.Tasks.command_detail, _task.Tasks.request_inputs, _task.Tasks.ops_display_name),
status: App.format.taskStatus(_task.Tasks.status),
role: App.format.role(_task.Tasks.role, false),
stderr: _task.Tasks.stderr,
stdout: _task.Tasks.stdout,
request_id: _task.Tasks.request_id,
isVisible: true,
startTime: date.startTime(_task.Tasks.start_time),
duration: date.durationSummary(_task.Tasks.start_time, _task.Tasks.end_time),
icon: function () {
var statusIconMap = {
'pending': 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog',
'queued': 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog',
'in_progress': 'icon-cogs',
'completed': 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
'failed': 'icon-exclamation-sign',
'aborted': 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus',
'timedout': 'glyphicon glyphicon-time'
return statusIconMap[this.get('status')] || 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog';
* Create hosts and tasks data structure for popup
* Set data for hosts and tasks
* @method onHostUpdate
onHostUpdate: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.get("inputData")) {
var hostsMap = this._getHostsMap();
var existedHosts = self.get('hosts');
if (existedHosts && existedHosts.length && this.get('currentServiceId') === this.get('previousServiceId')) {
} else {
var hostsArr = this._hostMapProcessing(hostsMap);
hostsArr = hostsArr.sortProperty('name');
hostsArr.setEach("serviceName", this.get("serviceName"));
self.set("hosts", hostsArr);
self.set('previousServiceId', this.get('currentServiceId'));
var operation = this.get('servicesInfo').findProperty('id', this.get('currentServiceId'));
this.set('operationInfo', !operation || operation && operation.get('progress') === 100 ? null : operation);
* Generate hosts map for further processing <code>inputData</code>
* @returns {object}
* @private
* @method _getHostsMap
_getHostsMap: function () {
var hostsData;
var hostsMap = {};
var inputData = this.get('inputData');
if (this.get('isBackgroundOperations') && this.get("currentServiceId")) {
//hosts popup for Background Operations
hostsData = inputData.findProperty("id", this.get("currentServiceId"));
} else {
if (this.get("serviceName")) {
//hosts popup for Wizards
hostsData = inputData.findProperty("name", this.get("serviceName"));
if (hostsData) {
if (hostsData.hostsMap) {
//hosts data come from Background Operations as object map
hostsMap = hostsData.hostsMap;
} else {
if (hostsData.hosts) {
//hosts data come from Wizard as array
hostsMap = hostsData.hosts.toMapByProperty('name');
return hostsMap;
* @param {object} hostsMap
* @returns {wrappedHost[]}
* @private
* @method _hostMapProcessing
_hostMapProcessing: function (hostsMap) {
var self = this;
var hostsArr = [];
for (var hostName in hostsMap) {
if (!hostsMap.hasOwnProperty(hostName)) {
var _host = hostsMap[hostName];
var tasks = _host.logTasks;
var hostInfo = Em.Object.create({
name: hostName,
publicName: _host.publicName,
displayName: Em.computed.truncate('name', 43, 40),
progress: 0,
status: App.format.taskStatus("PENDING"),
serviceName: _host.serviceName,
isVisible: true,
icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-cog",
barColor: "progress-bar-info",
barWidth: "width:0%;"
if (tasks.length) {
tasks = tasks.sortProperty('');
var hostStatus = self.getStatus(tasks);
var hostProgress = self.getProgress(tasks);
status: App.format.taskStatus(hostStatus[0]),
icon: hostStatus[1],
barColor: hostStatus[2],
isInProgress: hostStatus[3],
progress: hostProgress,
barWidth: "width:" + hostProgress + "%;"
hostInfo.set('logTasks', tasks);
return hostsArr;
* @param {object} hostsMap
* @private
* @method _processingExistingHostsWithSameService
_processingExistingHostsWithSameService: function (hostsMap) {
var self = this;
var existedHosts = self.get('hosts');
var detailedProperties = this.get('detailedProperties');
var detailedPropertiesKeys = Em.keys(detailedProperties);
existedHosts.forEach(function (host) {
var newHostInfo = hostsMap[host.get('name')];
//update only hosts with changed tasks or currently opened tasks of host
if (newHostInfo &&
(!this.get('isBackgroundOperations') ||
newHostInfo.isModified ||
this.get('currentHostName') === host.get('name'))) {
var hostStatus = self.getStatus(newHostInfo.logTasks);
var hostProgress = self.getProgress(newHostInfo.logTasks);
status: App.format.taskStatus(hostStatus[0]),
icon: hostStatus[1],
barColor: hostStatus[2],
isInProgress: hostStatus[3],
progress: hostProgress,
barWidth: "width:" + hostProgress + "%;",
logTasks: newHostInfo.logTasks
var existTasks = host.get('tasks');
if (existTasks) {
newHostInfo.logTasks.forEach(function (_task) {
var existTask = existTasks.findProperty('id',;
if (existTask) {
var status = _task.Tasks.status;
detailedPropertiesKeys.forEach(function (key) {
var name = detailedProperties[key];
var value = _task.Tasks[name];
if (!Em.isNone(value)) {
existTask.set(key, value);
}, this);
status: App.format.taskStatus(status),
startTime: date.startTime(_task.Tasks.start_time),
duration: date.durationSummary(_task.Tasks.start_time, _task.Tasks.end_time)
existTask = self._handleRebalanceHDFS(_task, existTask);
} else {
}, this);
}, this);
* Custom processing for "Rebalance HDFS"-task
* @param {object} task
* @param {object} existTask
* @returns {object}
* @private
* @method _handleRebalanceHDFS
_handleRebalanceHDFS: function (task, existTask) {
var barColorMap = this.get('barColorMap');
var isRebalanceHDFSTask = task.Tasks.command === 'CUSTOM_COMMAND' && task.Tasks.custom_command_name === 'REBALANCEHDFS';
existTask.set('isRebalanceHDFSTask', isRebalanceHDFSTask);
if (isRebalanceHDFSTask) {
var structuredOut = task.Tasks.structured_out || {};
var status = task.Tasks.status;
dataMoved: structuredOut.dataMoved || '0',
dataLeft: structuredOut.dataLeft || '0',
dataBeingMoved: structuredOut.dataBeingMoved || '0',
barColor: barColorMap[status],
isInProgress: status === 'IN_PROGRESS',
isNotComplete: ['QUEUED', 'IN_PROGRESS'].contains(status),
completionProgressStyle: 'width:' + (structuredOut.completePercent || 0) * 100 + '%;',
command: task.Tasks.command,
custom_command_name: task.Tasks.custom_command_name
return existTask;
* Show popup
* @return {App.ModalPopup} PopupObject For testing purposes
createPopup: function () {
var self = this;
var isBackgroundOperations = this.get('isBackgroundOperations');
* Controls visiblity of Task Details view.
* @type {boolean}
isLogWrapHidden: true,
* Controls visiblity of Tasks view.
* @type {boolean}
isTaskListHidden: true,
* Controls visiblity of Hosts view.
* @type {boolean}
isHostListHidden: true,
* Controls visiblity of Background Operations view.
* @type {boolean}
isServiceListHidden: false,
* Single function to handle changing the currently displayed view in the modal.
* Use this rather than setting the booleans above directly.
switchView: function(to) {
switch (to) {
case "OPS_LIST":
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", true);
this.set("isTaskListHidden", true);
this.set("isHostListHidden", true);
this.set("isServiceListHidden", false);
case "HOSTS_LIST":
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", true);
this.set("isTaskListHidden", true);
this.set("isHostListHidden", false);
this.set("isServiceListHidden", true);
case "TASKS_LIST":
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", true);
this.set("isTaskListHidden", false);
this.set("isHostListHidden", true);
this.set("isServiceListHidden", true);
this.set("isLogWrapHidden", false);
this.set("isTaskListHidden", true);
this.set("isHostListHidden", true);
this.set("isServiceListHidden", true);
* @type {boolean}
isHideBodyScroll: true,
* no need to track is it loaded when popup contain only list of hosts
* @type {bool}
isLoaded: !isBackgroundOperations,
* is BG-popup opened
* @type {bool}
isOpen: false,
* @type {object}
detailedProperties: self.get('detailedProperties'),
isVisible: function() {
return !(App.get('isClusterUser') && isBackgroundOperations);
didInsertElement: function () {
this.set('isOpen', true);
* @type {Em.View}
headerClass: App.BreadcrumbsView.extend({
controller: this,
items: function () {
let items = this.get('controller.breadcrumbs');
items = => App.BreadcrumbItem.extend(item).create());
if (items.length) {
disabled: true,
isLast: true
return items;
* @type {Em.View}
titleClass: Em.View.extend({
controller: this,
template: Em.Handlebars.compile('{{popupHeaderName}} ' +
'{{#unless view.parentView.isHostListHidden}}{{#if controller.operationInfo.isAbortable}}' +
'{{view controller.abortIcon servicesInfoBinding="controller.operationInfo"}}' +
* @type {Em.View}
footerClass: Em.View.extend({
classNames: ["modal-footer"],
templateName: require('templates/common/host_progress_popup_footer')
* @type {String[]}
classNames: ['common-modal-wrapper', 'host-progress-popup', 'full-height-modal'],
modalDialogClasses: ['modal-lg'],
* Auto-display BG-popup
* @type {bool}
isNotShowBgChecked: null,
* Save user pref about auto-display BG-popup
* @method updateNotShowBgChecked
updateNotShowBgChecked: function () {
var curVal = !this.get('isNotShowBgChecked');
if (!App.get('testMode')) {
App.router.get('userSettingsController').postUserPref('show_bg', curVal);
autoHeight: false,
* @method closeModelPopup
closeModelPopup: function () {
this.set('isOpen', false);
if (isBackgroundOperations) {
App.router.get('backgroundOperationsController').set('', 'OPS_LIST');
} else {
self.set('isPopup', null);
onPrimary: function () {
onClose: function () {
secondary: null,
bodyClass: App.HostProgressPopupBodyView.extend({
controller: self
return this.get('isPopup');