tree: 61402902a7166408e36fa110230fdc9d1ce1553d [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Files View


This View provides a UI to browse HDFS, create directories and upload + download files.


  • Ambari 1.7.0 or later
  • HDFS with WebHDFS configured


The view can be built as a maven project.

mvn clean install

The build will produce the view archive.


Place the view archive on the Ambari Server and restart to deploy.

cp files-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/
ambari-server restart

Cluster Configuration

Configure HDFS for a proxy user. In core-site.xml, add the following properties:


Create Hadoop users and make members of the hdfs, hadoop and users groups. For example, to create a user “admin”:

useradd -G hdfs admin
usermod -a -G users admin
usermod -a -G hadoop admin

Check the “admin” user has the correct group membership.

id admin
uid=1002(admin) gid=1002(admin) groups=1002(admin),100(users),503(hadoop),498(hdfs)

Deploying the View

Use the Ambari Vagrant setup to create a cluster:

Deploy the Files view into Ambari.

cp files-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/
ambari-server restart

From the Ambari Administration interface, create a Files view instance.

Details: Instance NameFILES_1
Details: Display NameFiles
Details: DescriptionBrowse HDFS files and directories
Properties: WebHDFS FileSystem URIwebhdfs://

Login to Ambari as “admin” and browse to the view instance.

Optional: Development with Local Vagrant VM

After deploying the view into a Vagrant VM, if you want to perform view development from your local build, perform the following:

Browse to the work directory.

cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/work

Remove the FILES{0.1.0} directory.

rm FILES\{0.1.0\}

Create a link to your local build.

ln -s /vagrant/ambari/contrib/views/files/target/classes/ FILES\{0.1.0\}

Restart Ambari Server.

ambari-server restart