This View provides a UI to create, save and run pig scripts. You can browse the list of pig scripts you have created and saved. You can see the history of runs of the pig scripts, view the logs and download the results. You can also upload and use UDFs with your pig scripts.
The view can be built as a maven project.
mvn clean install
The build will produce the view archive.
Place the view archive on the Ambari Server and restart to deploy.
cp pig-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/ ambari-server restart
Configure HDFS for a proxy user. In core-site.xml, add the following properties:
hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts=* hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups=* hadoop.proxyuser.hcat.hosts=* hadoop.proxyuser.hcat.groups=*
Configure WebHCat for a proxy user. In webhcat-site.xml, add the following properties:
webhcat.proxyuser.hcat.hosts=* webhcat.proxyuser.hcat.groups=*
Create Hadoop users and make members of the hdfs, hadoop and users groups. For example, to create a user “admin”:
useradd -G hdfs admin usermod -a -G users admin usermod -a -G hadoop admin
Check the “admin” user has the correct group membership.
id admin uid=1002(admin) gid=1002(admin) groups=1002(admin),100(users),503(hadoop),498(hdfs)
The following section describes how to use the Ambari Vagrant setup to create a single-node cluster with the Pig View.
Install Ambari Server and Ambari Agent.
Manually register Ambari Agent with Server.
Setup and Start Ambari Server.
Create Blueprint using the provided blueprint.json file.
Create Cluster using the provided clustertemplate.json file
After the cluster is created, deploy the Pig View into Ambari.
cp pig-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/ ambari-server restart
From the Ambari Administration interface, create a Pig view instance.
Property | Value |
Details: Instance Name | PIG_1 |
Details: Display Name | Pig |
Details: Description | Save and execute Pig scripts |
Properties: WebHDFS FileSystem URI | webhdfs:// |
Properties: WebHCat URL | |
Properties: Scripts HDFS Directory | /tmp/${username}/scripts |
Properties: Jobs HDFS Directory | /tmp/${username}/jobs |
Login to Ambari as “admin” and browse to the view instance.