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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.applicationhistoryservice.metrics.timeline.uuid;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.applicationhistoryservice.metrics.timeline.aggregators.TimelineClusterMetric;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class HashBasedUuidGenStrategy implements MetricUuidGenStrategy {
* Computes the UUID for a timelineClusterMetric.
* @param timelineClusterMetric
* @param maxLength
* @return byte array of length 'maxlength'
public byte[] computeUuid(TimelineClusterMetric timelineClusterMetric, int maxLength) {
int metricNameUuidLength = 12;
String metricName = timelineClusterMetric.getMetricName();
//Compute the individual splits.
String[] splits = getIndidivualSplits(metricName);
Compute the ascii sum of every split in the metric name. (asciiSum += (int) splits[s].charAt(i))
For the last split, use weighted sum instead of ascii sum. (asciiSum += ((i+1) * (int) splits[s].charAt(i)))
These weighted sums are 'appended' to get the unique ID for metric name.
StringBuilder splitSums = new StringBuilder();
if (splits.length > 0) {
for (int s = 0; s < splits.length; s++) {
int asciiSum = 0;
if ( s < splits.length -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < splits[s].length(); i++) {
asciiSum += (int) splits[s].charAt(i); // Get Ascii Sum.
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < splits[s].length(); i++) {
asciiSum += ((i+1) * (int) splits[s].charAt(i)); //weighted sum for last split.
splitSums.append(asciiSum); //Append the sum to the array of sums.
//Compute a unique metric seed for the stemmed metric name
String stemmedMetric = stem(metricName);
long metricSeed = 100123456789L;
for (int i = 0; i < stemmedMetric.length(); i++) {
metricSeed += stemmedMetric.charAt(i);
//Reverse the computed seed to get a metric UUID portion which is used optionally.
byte[] metricUuidPortion = StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(metricSeed)).getBytes();
String splitSumString = splitSums.toString();
int splitLength = splitSumString.length();
//If splitSums length > required metric UUID length, use only the required length suffix substring of the splitSums as metric UUID.
if (splitLength > metricNameUuidLength) {
metricUuidPortion = ArrayUtils.subarray(splitSumString.getBytes(), splitLength - metricNameUuidLength, splitLength);
} else {
//If splitSums is not enough for required metric UUID length, pad with the metric uuid portion.
int pad = metricNameUuidLength - splitLength;
metricUuidPortion = ArrayUtils.addAll(splitSumString.getBytes(), ArrayUtils.subarray(metricUuidPortion, 0, pad));
For appId and instanceId the logic is similar. Use a seed integer to start with and compute ascii sum.
Based on required length, use a suffix of the computed uuid.
String appId = timelineClusterMetric.getAppId();
int appidSeed = 11;
for (int i = 0; i < appId.length(); i++) {
appidSeed += appId.charAt(i);
String appIdSeedStr = String.valueOf(appidSeed);
byte[] appUuidPortion = ArrayUtils.subarray(appIdSeedStr.getBytes(), appIdSeedStr.length() - 2, appIdSeedStr.length());
String instanceId = timelineClusterMetric.getInstanceId();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
byte[] instanceUuidPortion = new byte[2];
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(instanceId)) {
int instanceIdSeed = 1489;
for (int i = 0; i < appId.length(); i++) {
instanceIdSeed += appId.charAt(i);
ArrayUtils.subarray(buffer.array(), 2, 4);
// Concatenate all UUIDs together (metric uuid + appId uuid + instanceId uuid)
return ArrayUtils.addAll(ArrayUtils.addAll(metricUuidPortion, appUuidPortion), instanceUuidPortion);
* Splits the metric name into individual tokens.
* For example,
* kafka.server.ReplicaManager.LeaderCount -> [kafka, server, ReplicaManager, LeaderCount]
* default.General.api_drop_table_15min_rate -> [default, General, api, drop, table, 15min, rate]
* @param metricName
* @return
private String[] getIndidivualSplits(String metricName) {
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();
String[] splits = new String[0];
if (metricName.contains("\\.")) {
splits = metricName.split("\\.");
for (String split : splits) {
if (split.contains("_")) {
} else {
if (splits.length <= 1) {
splits = metricName.split("\\_");
return splits;
if (splits.length <= 1) {
splits = metricName.split("\\=");
return splits;
return tokens.toArray(new String[tokens.size()]);
* Stem the metric name. Remove a set of usual suspects characters.
* @param metricName
* @return
private String stem(String metricName) {
String metric = metricName.toLowerCase();
String regex = "[\\.\\_\\%\\-\\=]";
String trimmedMetric = StringUtils.removePattern(metric, regex);
return trimmedMetric;
* Computes the UUID of a string. (hostname)
* Uses the ascii sum of the String. Numbers in the String are treated as actual numerical values rather than ascii values.
* @param value
* @param maxLength
* @return byte array of length 'maxlength'
public byte[] computeUuid(String value, int maxLength) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
int len = value.length();
int numericValue = 0;
int seed = 1489;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int ascii = value.charAt(i);
if (48 <= ascii && ascii <= 57) {
numericValue += numericValue * 10 + (ascii - 48);
} else {
if (numericValue > 0) {
seed += numericValue;
numericValue = 0;
seed+= value.charAt(i);
String seedStr = String.valueOf(seed);
if (seedStr.length() < maxLength) {
return null;
} else {
return seedStr.substring(seedStr.length() - maxLength, seedStr.length()).getBytes();