blob: 7cc81ceb036625317670bc44b78ee42402a8892f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.ambari.metrics.core.timeline.aggregators;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.PostProcessingUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.TimelineMetric;
public class AggregatorUtils {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AggregatorUtils.class);
public static double[] calculateAggregates(Map<Long, Double> metricValues) {
double[] values = new double[4];
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double sum = 0.0;
int metricCount = 0;
if (metricValues != null && !metricValues.isEmpty()) {
for (Double value : metricValues.values()) {
// TODO: Some nulls in data - need to investigate null values from host
if (value != null) {
if (value > max) {
max = value;
if (value < min) {
min = value;
sum += value;
metricCount = metricValues.values().size();
// BR: WHY ZERO is a good idea?
values[0] = sum;
values[1] = max != Double.MIN_VALUE ? max : 0.0;
values[2] = min != Double.MAX_VALUE ? min : 0.0;
values[3] = metricCount;
return values;
public static Map<TimelineClusterMetric, Double> sliceFromTimelineMetric(
TimelineMetric timelineMetric, List<Long[]> timeSlices, boolean interpolationEnabled) {
if (timelineMetric.getMetricValues().isEmpty()) {
return null;
Map<TimelineClusterMetric, Double> timelineClusterMetricMap =
new HashMap<>();
Long prevTimestamp = -1l;
TimelineClusterMetric prevMetric = null;
int count = 0;
double sum = 0.0;
Map<Long,Double> timeSliceValueMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Long, Double> metric : timelineMetric.getMetricValues().entrySet()) {
if (metric.getValue() == null) {
Long timestamp = getSliceTimeForMetric(timeSlices, Long.parseLong(metric.getKey().toString()));
if (timestamp != -1) {
// Metric is within desired time range
TimelineClusterMetric clusterMetric = new TimelineClusterMetric(
if (prevTimestamp < 0 || timestamp.equals(prevTimestamp)) {
Double newValue = metric.getValue();
if (newValue > 0.0) {
sum += newValue;
} else {
double metricValue = (count > 0) ? (sum / count) : 0.0;
timelineClusterMetricMap.put(prevMetric, metricValue);
timeSliceValueMap.put(prevMetric.getTimestamp(), metricValue);
sum = metric.getValue();
count = sum > 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
prevTimestamp = timestamp;
prevMetric = clusterMetric;
if (prevTimestamp > 0) {
double metricValue = (count > 0) ? (sum / count) : 0.0;
timelineClusterMetricMap.put(prevMetric, metricValue);
timeSliceValueMap.put(prevTimestamp, metricValue);
if (interpolationEnabled) {
Map<Long, Double> interpolatedValues = interpolateMissingPeriods(timelineMetric.getMetricValues(), timeSlices, timeSliceValueMap, timelineMetric.getType());
for (Map.Entry<Long, Double> entry : interpolatedValues.entrySet()) {
TimelineClusterMetric timelineClusterMetric = new TimelineClusterMetric(timelineMetric.getMetricName(), timelineMetric.getAppId(), timelineMetric.getInstanceId(), entry.getKey());
timelineClusterMetricMap.putIfAbsent(timelineClusterMetric, entry.getValue());
return timelineClusterMetricMap;
private static Map<Long, Double> interpolateMissingPeriods(TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues,
List<Long[]> timeSlices,
Map<Long, Double> timeSliceValueMap, String type) {
Map<Long, Double> resultClusterMetricMap = new HashMap<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(type) && "COUNTER".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
//For Counter Based metrics, ok to do interpolation and extrapolation
List<Long> requiredTimestamps = new ArrayList<>();
for (Long[] timeSlice : timeSlices) {
if (!timeSliceValueMap.containsKey(timeSlice[1])) {
Map<Long, Double> interpolatedValuesMap = PostProcessingUtil.interpolate(metricValues, requiredTimestamps);
if (interpolatedValuesMap != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Long, Double> entry : interpolatedValuesMap.entrySet()) {
Double interpolatedValue = entry.getValue();
if (interpolatedValue != null) {
resultClusterMetricMap.put( entry.getKey(), interpolatedValue);
} else {
LOG.debug("Cannot compute interpolated value, hence skipping.");
} else {
//For other metrics, ok to do only interpolation
Double defaultNextSeenValue = null;
if (MapUtils.isEmpty(timeSliceValueMap) && MapUtils.isNotEmpty(metricValues)) {
//If no value was found within the start_time based slices, but the metric has value in the server_time range,
// use that.
Map.Entry<Long,Double> firstEntry = metricValues.firstEntry();
defaultNextSeenValue = firstEntry.getValue();
LOG.debug("Found a data point outside timeslice range: " + new Date(firstEntry.getKey()) + ": " + defaultNextSeenValue);
for (int sliceNum = 0; sliceNum < timeSlices.size(); sliceNum++) {
Long[] timeSlice = timeSlices.get(sliceNum);
if (!timeSliceValueMap.containsKey(timeSlice[1])) {
LOG.debug("Found an empty slice : " + new Date(timeSlice[0]) + ", " + new Date(timeSlice[1]));
Double lastSeenValue = null;
int index = sliceNum - 1;
Long[] prevTimeSlice = null;
while (lastSeenValue == null && index >= 0) {
prevTimeSlice = timeSlices.get(index--);
lastSeenValue = timeSliceValueMap.get(prevTimeSlice[1]);
Double nextSeenValue = null;
index = sliceNum + 1;
Long[] nextTimeSlice = null;
while (nextSeenValue == null && index < timeSlices.size()) {
nextTimeSlice = timeSlices.get(index++);
nextSeenValue = timeSliceValueMap.get(nextTimeSlice[1]);
if (nextSeenValue == null) {
nextSeenValue = defaultNextSeenValue;
Double interpolatedValue = PostProcessingUtil.interpolate(timeSlice[1],
(prevTimeSlice != null ? prevTimeSlice[1] : null), lastSeenValue,
(nextTimeSlice != null ? nextTimeSlice[1] : null), nextSeenValue);
if (interpolatedValue != null) {
LOG.debug("Interpolated value : " + interpolatedValue);
resultClusterMetricMap.put(timeSlice[1], interpolatedValue);
} else {
LOG.debug("Cannot compute interpolated value, hence skipping.");
return resultClusterMetricMap;
* Return end of the time slice into which the metric fits.
public static Long getSliceTimeForMetric(List<Long[]> timeSlices, Long timestamp) {
for (Long[] timeSlice : timeSlices) {
if (timestamp >= timeSlice[0] && timestamp < timeSlice[1]) {
return timeSlice[1];
return -1l;
* Return time slices to normalize the timeseries data.
public static List<Long[]> getTimeSlices(long startTime, long endTime, long timeSliceIntervalMillis) {
List<Long[]> timeSlices = new ArrayList<Long[]>();
long sliceStartTime = startTime;
while (sliceStartTime < endTime) {
timeSlices.add(new Long[] { sliceStartTime, sliceStartTime + timeSliceIntervalMillis });
sliceStartTime += timeSliceIntervalMillis;
return timeSlices;
public static long getRoundedCheckPointTimeMillis(long referenceTime, long aggregatorPeriod) {
return referenceTime - (referenceTime % aggregatorPeriod);
public static long getRoundedAggregateTimeMillis(long aggregatorPeriod) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return currentTime - (currentTime % aggregatorPeriod);
public static String getJavaRegexFromSqlRegex(String sqlRegex) {
String javaRegEx;
if (sqlRegex.contains("*") || sqlRegex.contains("__%")) {
//Special case handling for metric name with * and __%.
//For example, dfs.NNTopUserOpCounts.windowMs=300000.op=*.user=%.count
// or dfs.NNTopUserOpCounts.windowMs=300000.op=__%.user=%.count
String metricNameWithEscSeq = sqlRegex.replace("*", "\\*").replace("__%", "..%");
javaRegEx = metricNameWithEscSeq.replace("%", ".*");
} else {
javaRegEx = sqlRegex.replace("%", ".*");
return javaRegEx;