blob: 035c8334fb0a0b6b0aab5ec02a8ed225c2c9778a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import logging
import operator
import os
import platform
import psutil
import re
import socket
import threading
import time
from collections import namedtuple
logger = logging.getLogger()
cached_hostname = None
def bytes2human(n):
bytes = float(n)
gigabytes = bytes / 1073741824
return '%.2f' % gigabytes
class HostInfo():
def __init__(self, config):
self.__last_network_io_time = 0
self.__last_network_data = {}
self.__last_network_lock = threading.Lock()
self.__last_disk_io_time = 0
self.__last_disk_data = {}
self.__host_static_info = self.get_host_static_info()
self.__config = config
def get_cpu_times(self):
Return cpu stats at current time
cpu_times = psutil.cpu_times_percent()
cpu_count = self.__host_static_info.get('cpu_num', 1)
# Since only boot time which is a part of static info is not sent with
# other payload sending it with cpu stats.
boot_time = self.__host_static_info.get('boottime')
result = {
'cpu_num': int(cpu_count),
'cpu_user': cpu_times.user if hasattr(cpu_times, 'user') else 0,
'cpu_system': cpu_times.system if hasattr(cpu_times, 'system') else 0,
'cpu_idle': cpu_times.idle if hasattr(cpu_times, 'idle') else 0,
'cpu_nice': cpu_times.nice if hasattr(cpu_times, 'nice') else 0,
'cpu_wio': cpu_times.iowait if hasattr(cpu_times, 'iowait') else 0,
'cpu_intr': cpu_times.irq if hasattr(cpu_times, 'irq') else 0,
'cpu_sintr': cpu_times.softirq if hasattr(cpu_times, 'softirq') else 0,
'cpu_steal': cpu_times.steal if hasattr(cpu_times, 'steal') else 0,
'boottime': long(boot_time) if boot_time else 0
if platform.system() != "Windows":
load_avg = os.getloadavg()
'load_one' : load_avg[0] if len(load_avg) > 0 else '',
'load_five' : load_avg[1] if len(load_avg) > 1 else '',
'load_fifteen' : load_avg[2] if len(load_avg) > 2 else ''
return result
def get_process_info(self):
Return processes statistics at current time
STATUS_RUNNING = "running"
proc_stats = psutil.process_iter()
proc_run = 0
proc_total = 0
for proc in proc_stats:
proc_total += 1
if STATUS_RUNNING == proc.status():
proc_run += 1
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied) as e:
return {
'proc_run': proc_run,
'proc_total': proc_total
def get_mem_info(self):
Return memory statistics at current time
mem_stats = psutil.virtual_memory()
swap_stats = psutil.swap_memory()
mem_total = self.__host_static_info.get('mem_total')
swap_total = self.__host_static_info.get('swap_total')
bytes2kilobytes = lambda x: x / 1024
return {
'mem_total': bytes2kilobytes(mem_total) if mem_total else 0,
'mem_used': bytes2kilobytes(mem_stats.used - mem_stats.cached) if hasattr(mem_stats, 'used') and hasattr(mem_stats, 'cached') else 0, # Used memory w/o cached
'mem_free': bytes2kilobytes(mem_stats.available) if hasattr(mem_stats, 'available') else 0, # the actual amount of available memory
'mem_shared': bytes2kilobytes(mem_stats.shared) if hasattr(mem_stats, 'shared') else 0,
'mem_buffered': bytes2kilobytes(mem_stats.buffers) if hasattr(mem_stats, 'buffers') else 0,
'mem_cached': bytes2kilobytes(mem_stats.cached) if hasattr(mem_stats, 'cached') else 0,
'swap_free': bytes2kilobytes( if hasattr(swap_stats, 'free') else 0,
'swap_used': bytes2kilobytes(swap_stats.used) if hasattr(swap_stats, 'used') else 0,
'swap_total': bytes2kilobytes(swap_total) if swap_total else 0,
'swap_in': bytes2kilobytes(swap_stats.sin) if hasattr(swap_stats, 'sin') else 0,
'swap_out': bytes2kilobytes(swap_stats.sout) if hasattr(swap_stats, 'sout') else 0,
# todo: cannot send string
#'part_max_used' : disk_usage.get("max_part_used")[0],
def get_network_info(self):
Return network counters
with self.__last_network_lock:
current_time = time.time()
delta = current_time - self.__last_network_io_time
self.__last_network_io_time = current_time
if delta <= 0:
delta = float("inf")
net_stats = psutil.net_io_counters(True)
new_net_stats = {}
skip_virtual_interfaces = self.get_virtual_network_interfaces() if self.__config.get_virtual_interfaces_skip() == 'True' else []
skip_network_patterns = self.__config.get_network_interfaces_skip_pattern()
skip_network_patterns_list = skip_network_patterns.split(',') if skip_network_patterns and skip_network_patterns != 'None' else []
for interface, values in net_stats.iteritems():
if interface != 'lo' and not interface in skip_virtual_interfaces:
ignore_network = False
for p in skip_network_patterns_list:
if re.match(p, interface):
ignore_network = True
if not ignore_network:
new_net_stats = {'bytes_out': new_net_stats.get('bytes_out', 0) + values.bytes_sent,
'bytes_in': new_net_stats.get('bytes_in', 0) + values.bytes_recv,
'pkts_out': new_net_stats.get('pkts_out', 0) + values.packets_sent,
'pkts_in': new_net_stats.get('pkts_in', 0) + values.packets_recv
with self.__last_network_lock:
result = dict((k, (v - self.__last_network_data.get(k, 0)) / delta) for k, v in new_net_stats.iteritems())
result = dict((k, 0 if v < 0 else v) for k, v in result.iteritems())
self.__last_network_data = new_net_stats
return result
# Faster version
def get_combined_disk_usage(self):
combined_disk_total = 0
combined_disk_used = 0
combined_disk_free = 0
combined_disk_percent = 0
max_percent_usage = ('', 0)
partition_count = 0
devices = set()
for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=False):
if == 'nt':
if 'cdrom' in part.opts or part.fstype == '':
# skip cd-rom drives with no disk in it; they may raise
# ENOENT, pop-up a Windows GUI error for a non-ready
# partition or just hang.
usage = psutil.disk_usage(part.mountpoint)
except Exception, e:
logger.debug('Failed to read disk_usage for a mountpoint : ' + str(e))
if part.device in devices: # Skip devices already seen.
combined_disk_total += if hasattr(usage, 'total') else 0
combined_disk_used += usage.used if hasattr(usage, 'used') else 0
combined_disk_free += if hasattr(usage, 'free') else 0
if hasattr(usage, 'percent'):
combined_disk_percent += usage.percent
partition_count += 1
if hasattr(usage, 'percent') and max_percent_usage[1] < int(usage.percent):
max_percent_usage = (part.mountpoint, usage.percent)
if partition_count > 0:
combined_disk_percent /= partition_count
return { "disk_total" : bytes2human(combined_disk_total),
"disk_used" : bytes2human(combined_disk_used),
"disk_free" : bytes2human(combined_disk_free),
"disk_percent" : combined_disk_percent
# todo: cannot send string
#"max_part_used" : max_percent_usage }
def get_host_static_info(self):
boot_time = psutil.boot_time()
cpu_count_logical = psutil.cpu_count()
swap_stats = psutil.swap_memory()
mem_info = psutil.virtual_memory()
# No ability to store strings
return {
'cpu_num' : cpu_count_logical,
'swap_total' :,
'boottime' : boot_time,
# 'machine_type' : platform.processor(),
# 'os_name' : platform.system(),
# 'os_release' : platform.release(),
'mem_total' :
def get_combined_disk_io_counters(self):
# read_count: number of reads
# write_count: number of writes
# read_bytes: number of bytes read
# write_bytes: number of bytes written
# read_time: time spent reading from disk (in milliseconds)
# write_time: time spent writing to disk (in milliseconds)
current_time = time.time()
delta = current_time - self.__last_disk_io_time
self.__last_disk_io_time = current_time
if delta <= 0:
delta = float("inf")
skip_disk_patterns = self.__config.get_disk_metrics_skip_pattern()
logger.debug('skip_disk_patterns: %s' % skip_disk_patterns)
print skip_disk_patterns
if not skip_disk_patterns or skip_disk_patterns == 'None':
io_counters = psutil.disk_io_counters()
print io_counters
sdiskio = namedtuple('sdiskio', ['read_count', 'write_count',
'read_bytes', 'write_bytes',
'read_time', 'write_time'])
skip_disk_pattern_list = skip_disk_patterns.split(',')
rawdict = psutil.disk_io_counters(True)
if not rawdict:
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find any physical disk")
trimmed_dict = {}
for disk, fields in rawdict.items():
ignore_disk = False
for p in skip_disk_pattern_list:
if re.match(p, disk):
ignore_disk = True
if not ignore_disk:
trimmed_dict[disk] = sdiskio(*fields)
io_counters = sdiskio(*[sum(x) for x in zip(*trimmed_dict.values())])
new_disk_stats = {
'read_count' : io_counters.read_count if hasattr(io_counters, 'read_count') else 0,
'write_count' : io_counters.write_count if hasattr(io_counters, 'write_count') else 0,
'read_bytes' : io_counters.read_bytes if hasattr(io_counters, 'read_bytes') else 0,
'write_bytes' : io_counters.write_bytes if hasattr(io_counters, 'write_bytes') else 0,
'read_time' : io_counters.read_time if hasattr(io_counters, 'read_time') else 0,
'write_time' : io_counters.write_time if hasattr(io_counters, 'write_time') else 0
if not self.__last_disk_data:
self.__last_disk_data = new_disk_stats
read_bps = (new_disk_stats['read_bytes'] - self.__last_disk_data['read_bytes']) / delta
write_bps = (new_disk_stats['write_bytes'] - self.__last_disk_data['write_bytes']) / delta
self.__last_disk_data = new_disk_stats
new_disk_stats['read_bps'] = read_bps
new_disk_stats['write_bps'] = write_bps
return new_disk_stats
def get_disk_io_counters_per_disk(self):
# Return a normalized disk name with the counters per disk
disk_io_counters = psutil.disk_io_counters(True)
per_disk_io_counters = {}
sortByKey = lambda x: sorted(x.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
disk_counter = 0
if disk_io_counters:
# Sort disks lexically, best chance for similar disk topologies getting
# aggregated correctly
disk_io_counters = sortByKey(disk_io_counters)
for item in disk_io_counters:
disk_counter += 1
disk = item[0]
logger.debug('Adding disk counters for %s' % str(disk))
sdiskio = item[1]
prefix = 'sdisk_{0}_'.format(disk)
counter_dict = {
prefix + 'read_count' : sdiskio.read_count if hasattr(sdiskio, 'read_count') else 0,
prefix + 'write_count' : sdiskio.write_count if hasattr(sdiskio, 'write_count') else 0,
prefix + 'read_bytes' : sdiskio.read_bytes if hasattr(sdiskio, 'read_bytes') else 0,
prefix + 'write_bytes' : sdiskio.write_bytes if hasattr(sdiskio, 'write_bytes') else 0,
prefix + 'read_time' : sdiskio.read_time if hasattr(sdiskio, 'read_time') else 0,
prefix + 'write_time' : sdiskio.write_time if hasattr(sdiskio, 'write_time') else 0
# Optional platform specific attributes
if hasattr(sdiskio, 'busy_time'):
counter_dict[ prefix + 'busy_time' ] = sdiskio.busy_time
if hasattr(sdiskio, 'read_merged_count'):
counter_dict[ prefix + 'read_merged_count' ] = sdiskio.read_merged_count
if hasattr(sdiskio, 'write_merged_count'):
counter_dict[ prefix + 'write_merged_count' ] = sdiskio.write_merged_count
# Send total disk count as a metric
per_disk_io_counters[ 'disk_num' ] = disk_counter
return per_disk_io_counters
def get_hostname(self):
global cached_hostname
if cached_hostname is not None:
return cached_hostname
cached_hostname = self.__config.get_hostname_config()
if not cached_hostname:
cached_hostname = socket.getfqdn().lower()
cached_hostname = socket.getfqdn().lower()'Cached hostname: %s' % cached_hostname)
return cached_hostname
def get_ip_address(self):
return socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())
def get_virtual_network_interfaces(self):
sys_net_path = "/sys/class/net"
net_devices = []
if os.path.isdir(sys_net_path):
links = [f for f in os.listdir(sys_net_path) if os.path.islink(os.path.join(sys_net_path, f))]
for link in links:
if "devices/virtual" in os.readlink(os.path.join(sys_net_path, link)):
return net_devices