blob: 4d5a2296b3e979a8b9a52940ffda6f48d9bdd06d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.storm.Constants;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.IMetricsConsumer;
import org.apache.storm.task.IErrorReporter;
import org.apache.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.AbstractTimelineMetricsSink;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.TimelineMetric;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.TimelineMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.UnableToConnectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.cache.TimelineMetricsCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.configuration.Configuration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.cache.TimelineMetricsCache.MAX_EVICTION_TIME_MILLIS;
import static org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.timeline.cache.TimelineMetricsCache.MAX_RECS_PER_NAME_DEFAULT;
public class StormTimelineMetricsSink extends AbstractTimelineMetricsSink implements IMetricsConsumer {
// covers built-in metrics but still not beauty
private static final String[] METRIC_LOWERCASE_SUBSTRINGS_AGGREGATE_AVERAGE = { "-latency", "timems", "time_ms", "rate_secs", "timesecs" };
private static final String[] WARN_STRINGS_FOR_TOPOLOGY_OR_COMPONENT_NAME = { ".", "_" };
// create String manually in order to not rely on Guava Joiner or having our own
private static final String JOINED_WARN_STRINGS_FOR_MESSAGE = "\".\", \"_\"";
// it's safe since it doesn't exceed the boundary
public static final int SYSTEM_TASK_ID = (int) Constants.SYSTEM_TASK_ID;
public static final String CLUSTER_REPORTER_APP_ID = "clusterReporterAppId";
public static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_REPORTER_APP_ID = "storm";
public static final String METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_KAFKA_OFFSET = "kafkaOffset.";
private String collectorUri;
private TimelineMetricsCache metricsCache;
private String hostname;
private int timeoutSeconds;
private Collection<String> collectorHosts;
private String zkQuorum;
private String protocol;
private String port;
private String topologyName;
private String applicationId;
private String instanceId;
private boolean setInstanceId;
private boolean hostInMemoryAggregationEnabled;
private int hostInMemoryAggregationPort;
protected String getCollectorUri(String host) {
return constructTimelineMetricUri(protocol, host, port);
protected String getCollectorProtocol() {
return protocol;
protected int getTimeoutSeconds() {
return timeoutSeconds;
protected String getZookeeperQuorum() {
return zkQuorum;
protected Collection<String> getConfiguredCollectorHosts() {
return collectorHosts;
protected String getCollectorPort() {
return port;
protected String getHostname() {
return hostname;
protected boolean isHostInMemoryAggregationEnabled() {
return hostInMemoryAggregationEnabled;
protected int getHostInMemoryAggregationPort() {
return hostInMemoryAggregationPort;
public void prepare(Map map, Object o, TopologyContext topologyContext, IErrorReporter iErrorReporter) {"Preparing Storm Metrics Sink");
try {
hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
//If not FQDN , call DNS
if ((hostname == null) || (!hostname.contains("."))) {
hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
LOG.error("Could not identify hostname.");
throw new RuntimeException("Could not identify hostname.", e);
Configuration configuration = new Configuration("/");
timeoutSeconds = Integer.parseInt(configuration.getProperty(METRICS_POST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
int maxRowCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(configuration.getProperty(MAX_METRIC_ROW_CACHE_SIZE,
int metricsSendInterval = Integer.parseInt(configuration.getProperty(METRICS_SEND_INTERVAL,
applicationId = configuration.getProperty(CLUSTER_REPORTER_APP_ID, DEFAULT_CLUSTER_REPORTER_APP_ID);
metricsCache = new TimelineMetricsCache(maxRowCacheSize, metricsSendInterval);
collectorHosts = parseHostsStringIntoCollection(configuration.getProperty(COLLECTOR_HOSTS_PROPERTY));
zkQuorum = StringUtils.isEmpty(configuration.getProperty(COLLECTOR_ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM)) ?
configuration.getProperty("zookeeper.quorum") : configuration.getProperty(COLLECTOR_ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM);
protocol = configuration.getProperty(COLLECTOR_PROTOCOL, "http");
port = configuration.getProperty(COLLECTOR_PORT, "6188");
instanceId = configuration.getProperty(INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY, null);
setInstanceId = Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getProperty(SET_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY, "false"));
hostInMemoryAggregationEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getProperty(HOST_IN_MEMORY_AGGREGATION_ENABLED_PROPERTY));
hostInMemoryAggregationPort = Integer.valueOf(configuration.getProperty(HOST_IN_MEMORY_AGGREGATION_PORT_PROPERTY));
// Initialize the collector write strategy
if (protocol.contains("https")) {
String trustStorePath = configuration.getProperty(SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY).trim();
String trustStoreType = configuration.getProperty(SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY).trim();
String trustStorePwd = configuration.getProperty(SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY).trim();
loadTruststore(trustStorePath, trustStoreType, trustStorePwd);
this.topologyName = removeNonce(topologyContext.getStormId());
public void handleDataPoints(TaskInfo taskInfo, Collection<DataPoint> dataPoints) {
List<TimelineMetric> metricList = new ArrayList<TimelineMetric>();
for (DataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) {
LOG.debug( + " = " + dataPoint.value);
List<DataPoint> populatedDataPoints;
if (taskInfo.srcTaskId == SYSTEM_TASK_ID && dataPoint.value instanceof Collection) {
// worker level aggregated metrics - aggregation should be handled
List<DataPoint> populatedBeforeAggregationDataPoints = populateAllDataPointValues(dataPoint);
Map<String, List<Double>> metricNameKeyedValues = groupByMetricNameDataPoints(populatedBeforeAggregationDataPoints);
populatedDataPoints = applyAggregationToMetricNameKeyedDataPoints(metricNameKeyedValues);
} else {
populatedDataPoints = populateDataPoints(dataPoint);
for (DataPoint populatedDataPoint : populatedDataPoints) {
String metricName;
if ( {
metricName = createKafkaOffsetMetricName(;
} else {
metricName = createMetricName(taskInfo.srcComponentId, taskInfo.srcWorkerHost,
taskInfo.srcWorkerPort, taskInfo.srcTaskId,;
LOG.debug("populated datapoint: " + metricName + " = " + populatedDataPoint.value);
TimelineMetric timelineMetric = createTimelineMetric(taskInfo.timestamp * 1000,
taskInfo.srcWorkerHost, metricName, Double.valueOf(populatedDataPoint.value.toString()));
// Put intermediate values into the cache until it is time to send
TimelineMetric cachedMetric = metricsCache.getTimelineMetric(timelineMetric.getMetricName());
if (cachedMetric != null) {
if (!metricList.isEmpty()) {
TimelineMetrics timelineMetrics = new TimelineMetrics();
try {
} catch (UnableToConnectException uce) {
LOG.warn("Unable to send metrics to collector by address:" + uce.getConnectUrl());
public void cleanup() {"Stopping Storm Metrics Sink");
// purpose just for testing
void setTopologyName(String topologyName) {
this.topologyName = topologyName;
private String removeNonce(String topologyId) {
return topologyId.substring(0, topologyId.substring(0, topologyId.lastIndexOf("-")).lastIndexOf("-"));
private List<DataPoint> populateAllDataPointValues(DataPoint dataPoint) {
List<DataPoint> populatedDataPoints = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<Object> values = (Collection<Object>) dataPoint.value;
for (Object value : values) {
List<DataPoint> populated = populateDataPoints(new DataPoint(, value));
for (DataPoint point : populated) {
if (point.value == null) {
return populatedDataPoints;
private List<DataPoint> populateDataPoints(DataPoint dataPoint) {
List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new ArrayList<>();
if (dataPoint.value == null) {
LOG.warn("Data point with name " + + " is null. Discarding." +;
} else if (dataPoint.value instanceof Map) {
Map<String, Object> dataMap = (Map<String, Object>) dataPoint.value;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : dataMap.entrySet()) {
Double value = convertValueToDouble(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (value != null) {
dataPoints.add(new DataPoint( + "." + entry.getKey(), value));
} else {
Double value = convertValueToDouble(, dataPoint.value);
if (value != null) {
dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(, value));
return dataPoints;
private Double convertValueToDouble(String metricName, Object value) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) value).doubleValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
try {
return Double.parseDouble((String) value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
LOG.warn("Data point with name " + metricName + " doesn't have number format value " +
value + ". Discarding.");
return null;
} else {
LOG.warn("Data point with name " + metricName + " has value " + value +
" which is not supported. Discarding.");
return null;
private Map<String, List<Double>> groupByMetricNameDataPoints(List<DataPoint> populatedDataPoints) {
Map<String, List<Double>> metricNameKeyedValues = new HashMap<>();
for (DataPoint point : populatedDataPoints) {
List<Double> valuesOnMetric = metricNameKeyedValues.get(;
if (valuesOnMetric == null) {
valuesOnMetric = new ArrayList<>();
metricNameKeyedValues.put(, valuesOnMetric);
return metricNameKeyedValues;
private List<DataPoint> applyAggregationToMetricNameKeyedDataPoints(Map<String, List<Double>> metricNameKeyedValues) {
List<DataPoint> populatedDataPoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Double>> metricNameToValues : metricNameKeyedValues.entrySet()) {
String key = metricNameToValues.getKey();
List<Double> values = metricNameToValues.getValue();
populatedDataPoints.add(new DataPoint(key, applyAggregateFunction(key, values)));
return populatedDataPoints;
private Double applyAggregateFunction(String metricName, List<Double> values) {
String lowerCaseMetricName = metricName.toLowerCase();
if (lowerCaseMetricName.contains(aggregateMetricSubstring)) {
return calculateAverage(values);
return calculateSummation(values);
private Double calculateSummation(List<Double> values) {
Double sum = 0.0;
for (Double value : values) {
sum += value;
return sum;
private Double calculateAverage(List<Double> values) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
return 0.0d;
return calculateSummation(values) / values.size();
private TimelineMetric createTimelineMetric(long currentTimeMillis, String hostName,
String attributeName, Double attributeValue) {
TimelineMetric timelineMetric = new TimelineMetric();
if (setInstanceId) {
attributeValue, "Number"));
timelineMetric.getMetricValues().put(currentTimeMillis, attributeValue);
return timelineMetric;
private String createMetricName(String componentId, String workerHost, int workerPort, int taskId,
String attributeName) {
// <topology name>.<component name>.<worker host>.<worker port>.<task id>.<metric name>
String metricName = "topology." + topologyName + "." + componentId + "." + workerHost + "." + workerPort +
"." + taskId + "." + attributeName;
// since '._' is treat as special character (separator) so it should be replaced
return metricName.replace('_', '-');
private String createKafkaOffsetMetricName(String kafkaOffsetMetricName) {
// get rid of "kafkaOffset."
// <topic>/<metric name (starts with total)> or <topic>/partition_<partition_num>/<metricName>
String tempMetricName = kafkaOffsetMetricName.substring(METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_KAFKA_OFFSET.length());
String[] slashSplittedNames = tempMetricName.split("/");
if (slashSplittedNames.length == 1) {
// unknown metrics
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown metrics for kafka offset metric: " + kafkaOffsetMetricName);
String topic = slashSplittedNames[0];
String metricName = "topology." + topologyName + ".kafka-topic." + topic;
if (slashSplittedNames.length > 2) {
// partition level
metricName = metricName + "." + slashSplittedNames[1] + "." + slashSplittedNames[2];
} else {
// topic level
metricName = metricName + "." + slashSplittedNames[1];
// since '._' is treat as special character (separator) so it should be replaced
return metricName.replace('_', '-');
private void warnIfTopologyNameContainsWarnString(String name) {
if (name.contains(warn)) {
LOG.warn("Topology name \"" + name + "\" contains \"" + warn + "\" which can be problematic for AMS.");
LOG.warn("Encouraged to not using any of these strings: " + JOINED_WARN_STRINGS_FOR_MESSAGE);
LOG.warn("Same suggestion applies to component name.");
public void setMetricsCache(TimelineMetricsCache metricsCache) {
this.metricsCache = metricsCache;