blob: 22263469f4f7eb9ce3c0bb81141175ca8ff0fc7c [file] [log] [blame]
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import sys
import urllib2
import json
import base64
import optparse
CLUSTERS_URL = '/api/v1/clusters/{0}'
GET_HOSTS_COMPONENTS_URL = '/services/{0}/components/{1}?fields=host_components'
REQUESTS_API_URL = '/requests'
def api_accessor(host, username, password, protocol, port):
def do_request(api_url, request_type, request_body=''):
url = '{0}://{1}:{2}{3}'.format(protocol, host, port, api_url)
print 'Execute {0} {1}'.format(request_type, url)
if request_body:
print 'Request body: {0}'.format(request_body)
admin_auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '')
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % admin_auth)
request.add_header('X-Requested-By', 'ambari')
request.get_method = lambda: request_type
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
response_body =
except Exception as exc:
raise Exception('Problem with accessing api. Reason: {0}'.format(exc))
return response_body
return do_request
def format_json(dictionary, tab_level=0):
output = ''
tab = ' ' * 2 * tab_level
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
output += ',\n{0}"{1}": '.format(tab, key)
if isinstance(value, dict):
output += '{\n' + format_json(value, tab_level + 1) + tab + '}'
output += '"{0}"'.format(value)
output += '\n'
return output[2:]
def read_json(json_file):
with open(json_file) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
return data
def get_json(accessor, url):
response = accessor(url, 'GET')
print 'GET ' + url + ' response: '
print '----------------------------'
print response
json_resp = json.loads(response)
return json_resp
def post_json(accessor, url, request_body):
response = accessor(url, 'POST', json.dumps(request_body))
print 'POST ' + url + ' response: '
print '----------------------------'
print response
json_resp = json.loads(response)
return json_resp
def get_component_hosts(host_components_json):
hosts = []
if "host_components" in host_components_json and len(host_components_json['host_components']) > 0:
for host_component in host_components_json['host_components']:
if 'HostRoles' in host_component:
return hosts
def create_command_request(command, parameters, hosts, cluster, context):
request = {}
request_info = {}
request_info["context"] = context
request_info["command"] = command
request_info["parameters"] = parameters
operation_level = {}
operation_level["level"] = "HOST_COMPONENT"
operation_level["cluster_name"] = cluster
request_info["operation_level"] = operation_level
request["RequestInfo"] = request_info
resource_filter = {}
resource_filter["service_name"] = SOLR_SERVICE_NAME
resource_filter["component_name"] = SOLR_COMPONENT_NAME
resource_filter["hosts"] = ','.join(hosts)
resource_filters = []
request["Requests/resource_filters"] = resource_filters
return request
def fill_parameters(options):
params = {}
if options.collection:
params['solr_collection'] = options.collection
if options.index_location:
params['solr_index_location'] = options.index_location
if options.backup_name:
params['solr_backup_name'] = options.backup_name
if options.index_version:
params['solr_index_version'] = options.index_version
if options.force:
params['solr_index_upgrade_force'] = options.force
if options.async:
params['solr_request_async'] = options.async
if options.request_tries:
params['solr_request_tries'] = options.request_tries
if options.request_time_interval:
params['solr_request_time_interval'] = options.request_time_interval
if options.disable_solr_host_check:
params['solr_check_hosts'] = False
if options.core_filter:
params['solr_core_filter'] = options.core_filter
if options.core_filter:
params['solr_skip_cores'] = options.skip_cores
if options.solr_shards:
params['solr_shards'] = options.solr_shards
if options.solr_hdfs_path:
params['solr_hdfs_path'] = options.solr_hdfs_path
if options.solr_keep_backup:
params['solr_keep_backup'] = True
return params
def validte_common_options(options, parser):
if not options.index_location:
print 'index-location option is required'
if not options.collection:
print 'collection option is required'
def get_solr_hosts(options, accessor):
if options.solr_hosts:
component_hosts = options.solr_hosts.split(",")
host_components_json = get_json(accessor, CLUSTERS_URL.format(options.cluster) + GET_HOSTS_COMPONENTS_URL.format(SOLR_SERVICE_NAME, SOLR_COMPONENT_NAME))
component_hosts = get_component_hosts(host_components_json)
return component_hosts
def restore(options, accessor, parser):
Send restore solr collection custom command request to ambari-server
validte_common_options(options, parser)
if not options.backup_name:
print 'backup-name option is required'
component_hosts = get_solr_hosts(options, accessor)
parameters = fill_parameters(options)
cmd_request = create_command_request("RESTORE", parameters, component_hosts, options.cluster, 'Restore Solr Collection: ' + options.collection)
post_json(accessor, CLUSTERS_URL.format(options.cluster) + REQUESTS_API_URL, cmd_request)
def migrate(options, accessor, parser):
Send migrate lucene index custom command request to ambari-server
validte_common_options(options, parser)
component_hosts = get_solr_hosts(options, accessor)
parameters = fill_parameters(options)
cmd_request = create_command_request("MIGRATE", parameters, component_hosts, options.cluster, 'Migrating Solr Collection: ' + options.collection)
post_json(accessor, CLUSTERS_URL.format(options.cluster) + REQUESTS_API_URL, cmd_request)
def backup(options, accessor, parser):
Send backup solr collection custom command request to ambari-server
validte_common_options(options, parser)
if not options.backup_name:
print 'backup-name option is required'
component_hosts = get_solr_hosts(options, accessor)
parameters = fill_parameters(options)
cmd_request = create_command_request("BACKUP", parameters, component_hosts, options.cluster, 'Backup Solr Collection: ' + options.collection)
post_json(accessor, CLUSTERS_URL.format(options.cluster) + REQUESTS_API_URL, cmd_request)
if __name__=="__main__":
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", default="localhost", type="string", help="hostname for ambari server")
parser.add_option("-P", "--port", dest="port", default=8080, type="int", help="port number for ambari server")
parser.add_option("-c", "--cluster", dest="cluster", type="string", help="name cluster")
parser.add_option("-s", "--ssl", dest="ssl", action="store_true", help="use if ambari server using https")
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", default="admin", type="string", help="username for accessing ambari server")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default="admin", type="string", help="password for accessing ambari server")
parser.add_option("-a", "--action", dest="action", type="string", help="backup | restore | migrate ")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", default=False, action="store_true", help="force index upgrade even if it's the right version")
parser.add_option("--index-location", dest="index_location", type="string", help="location of the index backups")
parser.add_option("--backup-name", dest="backup_name", type="string", help="backup name of the index")
parser.add_option("--collection", dest="collection", type="string", help="solr collection")
parser.add_option("--version", dest="index_version", type="string", default="6.6.2", help="lucene index version for migration (6.6.2 or 7.3.1)")
parser.add_option("--request-tries", dest="request_tries", type="int", help="number of tries for BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls in the request")
parser.add_option("--request-time-interval", dest="request_time_interval", type="int", help="time interval between BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls in the request")
parser.add_option("--request-async", dest="async", action="store_true", default=False, help="skip BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls from the command")
parser.add_option("--shared-fs", dest="shared_fs", action="store_true", default=False, help="shared fs for storing backup (will create index location to <path><hostname>)")
parser.add_option("--solr-hosts", dest="solr_hosts", type="string", help="comma separated list of solr hosts")
parser.add_option("--disable-solr-host-check", dest="disable_solr_host_check", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable to check solr hosts are good for the collection backups")
parser.add_option("--core-filter", dest="core_filter", default=None, type="string", help="core filter for replica folders")
parser.add_option("--skip-cores", dest="skip_cores", default=None, type="string", help="specific cores to skip (comma separated)")
parser.add_option("--shards", dest="solr_shards", type="int", default=0, help="number of shards (required to set properly for restore)")
parser.add_option("--solr-hdfs-path", dest="solr_hdfs_path", type="string", default=None, help="Base path of Solr (where collections are located) if HDFS is used (like /user/infra-solr)")
parser.add_option("--solr-keep-backup", dest="solr_keep_backup", default=False, action="store_true", help="If it is turned on, Snapshot Solr data will not be deleted from the filesystem during restore.")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.action is None:
print 'action option is missing'
protocol = 'https' if options.ssl else 'http'
accessor = api_accessor(, options.username, options.password, protocol, options.port)
print 'Inputs: ' + str(options)
if options.action.lower() == 'backup':
backup(options, accessor, parser)
elif options.action.lower() == 'restore':
restore(options, accessor, parser)
elif options.action.lower() == 'migrate':
migrate(options, accessor, parser)
print 'action option is invalid (available actions: backup | restore | migrate)'