blob: e1af4f71104e1b54e74406a5aa9161bbf52e46cc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from tg import expose, validate, flash, redirect, config
from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from formencode import validators as fev, schema
from allura.lib.decorators import require_post
from allura.lib.decorators import task
from import require_access
from allura.lib.plugin import ProjectRegistrationProvider
from allura.lib import exceptions
from paste.deploy.converters import aslist
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from allura.controllers import BaseController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ProjectImportForm(schema.Schema):
def __init__(self, source):
super(ProjectImportForm, self).__init__()
provider = ProjectRegistrationProvider.get()
self.add_field('tools', ToolsValidator(source))
self.add_field('project_shortname', provider.shortname_validator)
neighborhood = fev.PlainText(not_empty=True)
project_name = fev.UnicodeString(not_empty=True, max=40)
def import_tool(importer_name, project_name=None, mount_point=None, mount_label=None, **kw):
importer = ToolImporter.by_name(importer_name)
importer.import_tool(c.project, c.user, project_name=project_name,
mount_point=mount_point, mount_label=mount_label, **kw)
class ProjectImporter(BaseController):
Base class for project importers.
Subclasses are required to implement the :meth:`index()` and
:meth:`process()` views described below.
source = None
process_validator = None
index_template = None
def __init__(self, neighborhood, *a, **kw):
self.neighborhood = neighborhood
def _check_security(self):
require_access(self.neighborhood, 'register')
def tool_importers(self):
List of all tool importers that import from the same source
as this project importer.
tools = {}
for ep in iter_entry_points('allura.importers'):
epv = ep.load()
if epv.source == self.source:
tools[] = epv()
return tools
def index(self, **kw):
Override and expose this view to present the project import form.
The template used by this view should extend the base template in::
This will list the available tool importers. Other project fields
(e.g., project_name) should go in the project_fields block.
return {'importer': self, 'tg_template': self.index_template}
@validate(process_validator, error_handler=index)
def process(self, **kw):
Override and expose this to handle a project import.
This should at a minimum create the stub project with the appropriate
tools installed and redirect to the new project, presumably with a
message indicating that some data will not be available immediately.
c.project = self.neighborhood.register_project(kw['project_shortname'],
except exceptions.ProjectOverlimitError:
flash("You have exceeded the maximum number of projects you are allowed to create", 'error')
except exceptions.ProjectRatelimitError:
flash("Project creation rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.", 'error')
except Exception:
log.error('error registering project: %s', kw['project_shortname'], exc_info=True)
flash('Internal Error. Please try again later.', 'error')
self.after_project_create(c.project, **kw)
for importer_name in kw['tools']:, **kw)
flash('Welcome to the %s Project System! '
'Your project data will be imported and should show up here shortly.' % config['site_name'])
redirect(c.project.script_name + 'admin/overview')
def check_names(self, **kw):
Ajax form validation.
return c.form_errors
def after_project_create(self, project, **kw):
Called after project is created.
Useful for doing extra processing on the project before individual
tool imports happen.
:param project: The newly created project.
:param \*\*kw: The keyword arguments that were posted to the controller
method that created the project.
class ToolImporter(object):
Base class for tool importers.
Subclasses are required to implement :meth:`import_tool()` described
below and define the following attributes:
.. py:attribute:: target_app
A reference or list of references to the tool(s) that this imports
to. E.g.::
target_app = [forgegit.ForgeGitApp, forgehg.ForgeHgApp]
.. py:attribute:: source
A string indicating where this imports from. This must match the
`source` value of the :class:`ProjectImporter` for this importer to
be discovered during full-project imports. E.g.::
source = 'Google Code'
.. py:attribute:: controller
The controller for this importer, to handle single tool imports.
target_app = None # app or list of apps
source = None # string description of source, must match project importer
controller = None
def by_name(self, name):
Return a ToolImporter subclass instance given its entry-point name.
for ep in iter_entry_points('allura.importers', name):
return ep.load()()
def by_app(self, app):
Return a ToolImporter subclass instance given its target_app class.
importers = {}
for ep in iter_entry_points('allura.importers'):
importer = ep.load()
if app in aslist(importer.target_app):
importers[] = importer()
return importers
def import_tool(self, project, user, project_name=None,
mount_point=None, mount_label=None, **kw):
Override this method to perform the tool import.
:param project: the Allura project to import to
:param project_name: the name of the remote project to import from
:param mount_point: the mount point name, to override the default
:param mount_label: the mount label name, to override the default
raise NotImplementedError
def tool_label(self):
The label for this tool importer. Defaults to the `tool_label` from
the `target_app`.
return getattr(aslist(self.target_app)[0], 'tool_label', None)
def tool_description(self):
The description for this tool importer. Defaults to the `tool_description`
from the `target_app`.
return getattr(aslist(self.target_app)[0], 'tool_description', None)
def tool_icon(self, theme, size):
return theme.app_icon_url(aslist(self.target_app)[0], size)
class ToolsValidator(fev.Set):
Validates the list of tool importers during a project import.
This verifies that the tools selected are available and valid
for this source.
def __init__(self, source, *a, **kw):
super(ToolsValidator, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
self.source = source
def to_python(self, value, state=None):
value = super(ToolsValidator, self).to_python(value, state)
valid = []
invalid = []
for name in value:
importer = ToolImporter.by_name(name)
if importer is not None and importer.source == self.source:
if invalid:
pl = 's' if len(invalid) > 1 else ''
raise fev.Invalid('Invalid tool%s selected: %s' % (pl, ', '.join(invalid)), value, state)
return valid