blob: c8356bb3978971be441394a53a216bd87273e606 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from pylons import request
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib.spam import SpamFilter
import Mollom
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MollomSpamFilter(SpamFilter):
"""Spam checking implementation via Mollom service.
To enable Mollom spam filtering in your Allura instance, first
enable the entry point in
mollom = allura.lib.spam.mollomfilter:MollomSpamFilter
Then include the following parameters in your .ini file::
spam.method = mollom
spam.public_key = <your Mollom public key here>
spam.private_key = <your Mollom private key here>
def __init__(self, config):
self.service = Mollom.MollomAPI(
if not self.service.verifyKey():
raise Mollom.MollomFault('Your MOLLOM credentials are invalid.')
def check(self, text, artifact=None, user=None, content_type='comment', **kw):
"""Basic content spam check via Mollom. For more options
log_msg = text
kw['postBody'] = text
if artifact:
# Should be able to send url, but can't right now due to a bug in
# the PyMollom lib
# kw['url'] = artifact.url()
log_msg = artifact.url()
user = user or c.user
if user:
kw['authorName'] = user.display_name or user.username
kw['authorMail'] = user.email_addresses[0] if user.email_addresses else ''
user_ip = request.headers.get('X_FORWARDED_FOR', request.remote_addr)
kw['authorIP'] = user_ip.split(',')[0].strip()
# kw will be urlencoded, need to utf8-encode
for k, v in kw.items():
kw[k] = h.really_unicode(v).encode('utf8')
cc = self.service.checkContent(**kw)
res = cc['spam'] == 2"spam=%s (mollom): %s" % (str(res), log_msg))
return res