blob: f5b4552e98a5c2a615cfdfd6951278a561aa4aca [file] [log] [blame]
To build an Allura vagrant box:
$ mkdir ~/vagrant_allura && cd ~/vagrant_allura
# Get the base box
$ vagrant box add ubuntu-1110-server-amd64
$ vagrant init ubuntu-1110-server-amd64
# Get a copy of the provisioning scripts
$ cp -R /var/local/allura/vagrant/* .
# At this point you can make whatever changes you want to the provisioning
# scripts
# Provision the box (this will take a while)
$ vagrant up
# If you get an error, you can run `vagrant destroy` to start over
# Package the Allura box
$ vagrant package --vagrantfile Vagrantfile.pkg
# Test your new box
$ mkdir ~/vagrant_allura_test && cd ~/vagrant_allura_test
$ vagrant box add allura ~/vagrant_allura/
$ vagrant init allura
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
# Do whatever testing you want...
# If everything checks out, you can rename your and upload it