Remove user_preferences.html
diff --git a/Allura/allura/templates/user_preferences.html b/Allura/allura/templates/user_preferences.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 768cd2e..0000000
--- a/Allura/allura/templates/user_preferences.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-{% set hide_left_bar = True %}
-{% extends g.theme.master %}
-{% block title %}{{c.user.username}} / Preferences{% endblock %}
-{% block header %}User Preferences for {{c.user.username}}{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
-  <ul id="account-nav-menu" class="b-hornav droppy">
-      {% for item in menu -%}
-      <li id="{{ item.tabid }}">
-      <a href="{{ }}">
-          {{ item.title }}
-          <div class="marker{% if'/') == request.path.rstrip('/') %} current{% endif %}"></div>
-      </a>
-      </li>
-      {%- endfor %}
-   </ul>
-  <div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
-    <h2>Personal Settings</h2>
-    {{g.theme.personal_data_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/change_personal_data", user=c.user)}}
-  </div>
-  <div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
-    <a name="Contacts"></a>
-    <h2>Personal Contacts</h2>
-    <h3>Skype account</h3>
-    {{g.theme.skype_account_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/skype_account",
-          initial_value=c.user.get_pref('skypeaccount'))}}
-    {%if c.user.get_pref('socialnetworks') or c.user.get_pref('telnumbers') or c.user.get_pref('webpages') %}
-      <h3>Other existing contacts</h3>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <thead>
-              <th>Type</th>
-              <th>Contact</th>
-              <th>Actions</th>
-            </thead>
-          </tr>
-          {% for sn in c.user.get_pref('socialnetworks') %}
-             {{g.theme.remove_socialnetwork_form.display(account=sn.accounturl, socialnetwork=sn.socialnetwork)}}
-          {% endfor %}
-          {% for tn in c.user.get_pref('telnumbers') %}
-              {{g.theme.remove_textvalue_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/remove_telnumber", value=tn, label="Telephone number")}}
-          {%endfor%}
-          {% for ws in c.user.get_pref('webpages') %}
-              {{g.theme.remove_textvalue_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/remove_webpage", value=ws, label="Website url")}}
-          {%endfor%}
-        </table>
-    {% endif %}
-    <h3>Add a social network account</h3>
-    {{g.theme.add_socialnetwork_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/add_social_network")}}
-    <h3>Add a telephone number</h3>
-    {{g.theme.add_telnumber_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/add_telnumber")}}
-    <h3>Add a personal website</h3>
-    {{g.theme.add_website_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/add_webpage")}}
-  </div>
-  <a name="Availability"></a>
-  <div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
-    <h2>Availability</h2>
-    <div class="grid-18">
-      If you want, you can set the weekly timeslot during which you are usually available to support other users of the forge.
-      Please, set your time intervals choosing a weekday and entering the time interval according to the timezone specified in your
-      personal data, using the format HH:MM. If you didn't set any timezone, your timeslots could be meaningless to other users,
-      therefore they will be ignored.
-    </div>
-    <div class="grid-18">
-      You can also specify periods of time during which you won't be able to work on the forge, in orther to communicate other users
-      that they can't contact you during those days. Please, do it specifying date intervals in format DD/MM/YYYY.
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="grid-20">
-    {%if c.user.get_availability_timeslots() %}
-      <h3>Existing availability timeslots</h3>
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <thead>
-            <th>Weekday</th>
-            <th>Start time</th>
-            <th>End time</th>
-            <th>Actions</th>
-          </thead>
-        </tr>
-        {% for ts in c.user.get_availability_timeslots() %}
-          {{g.theme.remove_timeslot_form.display(
-                action="/auth/prefs/remove_timeslot",
-                weekday=ts.week_day,
-                starttime=ts.start_time,
-                endtime=ts.end_time)}}
-        {%endfor%}
-      </table>
-    {% endif %}
-    <h3>Add a new availability timeslot</h3>
-    {{g.theme.add_timeslot_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/add_timeslot")}}
-  </div>
-  <div class="grid-20">
-    {%if c.user.get_inactive_periods() %}
-      <h3>Existing periods of inactivity on the forge</h3>
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <thead>
-            <th>Start date</th>
-            <th>End date</th>
-            <th>Actions</th>
-          </thead>
-        </tr>
-        {% for ip in c.user.get_inactive_periods() %}
-          {{g.theme.remove_inactive_period_form.display(
-                action="/auth/prefs/remove_inactive_period",
-                startdate=ip.start_date,
-                enddate=ip.end_date)}}
-        {%endfor%}
-      </table>
-    {% endif %}
-    <h3>Add a new period of inactivity on the forge</h3>
-    {{g.theme.add_inactive_period_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/add_inactive_period")}}
-  </div>
-  <div class="grid-20">
-    <h2>Skills list</h2>
-    <ul><li><a href="/auth/prefs/user_skills">Click here to check and change your skills list</a></li></ul>
-  </div>
-  {% if g.theme.password_change_form %}
-  <div class="grid-20">
-    <h2>Change Password</h2>
-    {{ g.theme.password_change_form.display() }}
-  </div>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% if g.theme.upload_key_form %}
-  <div class="grid-20">
-    <h2>Upload ssh public key</h2>
-    {{ g.theme.upload_key_form.display() }}
-  </div>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
-      <br style="clear:both"/>
-      <h2>API Token</h2>
-      {% if api_token %}
-        <p>
-          <b>API Key:</b><br/>
-          {{api_token.api_key}}<br/>
-          <b>Secret Key:</b><br/>
-          {{api_token.secret_key}}<br/>
-        </p>
-        <form method="POST" action="del_api_token" class="grid-18">
-          <input type="submit" value="Delete API Token">
-        </form>
-      {% else %}
-        <p>No API token generated</p>
-      {% endif %}
-      <form method="POST" action="gen_api_token" class="grid-18">
-        <input type="submit" value="(Re)generate API Token">
-      </form>
-  {% endif %}
-  <div style="clear:both"></div>
-  <h2>Authorized Third-party Applications</h2>
-  {% for access_tok in authorized_applications %}
-    <div>
-      <h3>{{}}</h3>
-      {{access_tok.consumer_token.description_html}}
-      {{ c.revoke_access.display(value=access_tok) }}
-      <br style="clear:both"/>
-  </div>
- {% endfor %}
-    {% if not authorized_applications %}<p>No authorized third-party applications</p>{% endif %}
-  <h2>Subscriptions</h2>
-  {% if subscriptions %}
-    <p><em>Mark tools that you want to subscribe to. Unmark tools that you want to unsubscribe from. Press 'Save' button.</em></p>
-    {{c.form.display(action='update_subscriptions', value=dict(subscriptions=subscriptions))}}
-  {% else%}
-    <p>No subscriptions.</p>
-  {% endif %}
-  <hr/>
-  <div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
-  <form action="update" method="post">
-        {% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
-        <label class="grid-4">Display Name</label>
-        <div class="grid-18">
-          <input name="preferences.display_name" value="{{c.user.display_name}}" type="text">
-        </div>
-        {% endif %}
-        <label class="grid-4">Email Format</label>
-        <div class="grid-18">
-          <select name="preferences.email_format">
-            <option value="plain" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'plain' else ''}}>Plain Text</option>
-            <option value="html" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'html' else ''}}>HTML</option>
-            <option value="both" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'both' else ''}}>Combined</option>
-          </select>
-        </div>
-        {% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
-        <label class="grid-4">Page Size</label>
-        <div class="grid-18">
-          <select name="preferences.results_per_page">
-            {% for per_page in [25, 50, 100, 250] %}
-                <option {% if per_page == c.user.preferences.results_per_page %}selected="selected"{% endif %}
-                   value="{{per_page}}">{{per_page}}</option>
-            {% endfor %}
-          </select>
-        </div>
-        {% endif %}
-    {% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
-      {% for a in c.user.email_addresses %}
-        <input name="addr-{{loop.index0}}.ord" value="{{loop.index0}}" type="hidden"/>
-      {% endfor %}
-      {% if c.user.email_addresses %}
-        <h3 class="grid-18">Email Addresses</h3>
-        <table class="grid-18">
-          <tr>
-            <th>Primary?</th>
-            <th>Address</th>
-            <th>Confirmed</th>
-            <th></th>
-          </tr>
-          {% for a in c.user.email_addresses %}
-          <tr>
-            {% set obj = c.user.address_object(a) %}
-            <td>{{lib.radio_button('primary_addr', None, a, c.user.preferences.email_address)}}</td>
-            <td>{{a}}</td>
-            {% if obj %}
-            <td>
-              {% if obj.confirmed %}
-                yes
-              {% else %}
-                no (<a href="{{g.url('/auth/send_verification_link', a=a)}}">verify</a>)
-              {% endif %}
-            </td>
-            {% else %}
-              <td>Unknown addr obj {{a}}</td>
-            {% endif %}
-            <td>{{lib.submit_button('Delete', 'addr-%s.delete' % i)}}</td>
-          </tr>
-          {% endfor %}
-        </table>
-        {% endif %}
-        <div class="grid-18">
-        {{lib.text_field('new_addr.addr', 'New Email Address')}}
-        {{lib.submit_button('Claim Address', name='new_addr.claim')}}
-        </div>
-        {% if c.user.open_ids %}
-        <h3 class="grid-18">OpenIDs Claimed</h3>
-        <table class="grid-18">
-          <tr>
-            <th>OpenID</th>
-            <th></th>
-          </tr>
-          {% for oid in c.user.open_ids %}
-            {% set obj = c.user.openid_object(oid) %}
-          <tr>
-            <td>{{oid}}</td>
-            <td>{{lib.submit_button('Delete', 'oid-%s.delete' % loop.index0)}}</td>
-          </tr>
-          {% endfor %}
-        </table>
-        {% endif %}
-        <div class="grid-18">
-        <a href="/auth/claim_oid">Claim New OpenID</a>
-        </div>
-    {% endif %}
-    <div class="grid-18">
-    {{lib.submit_button('Save Changes')}}
-    </div>
-  </form>
-{% endblock %}