blob: aca2a57eb31b2d25f851b015e0f14823ed59d424 [file] [log] [blame]
{% set hide_left_bar = True %}
{% extends g.theme.master %}
{% block title %}Change organization data{% endblock %}
{% block header %}Change organization data{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<ul><li><a href="{{organization.url()}}organizationprofile">Click here</a> to check your public profile.</ul>
<div class="grid-20">
<h2>Data to be included in {{organization.fullname}}'s profile</h2>
{{forms.update_profile.display(organization=organization, action=organization.url()+'admin/organizationprofile/change_data') }}
<div class="grid-20" style="clear:both;">
<h2>Work Fields</h2>
{% if organization.workfields %}
<th>Work field</th>
{% for wf in organization.getWorkfields() %}
{{forms.remove_work_field.display(workfield=wf, action=organization.url()+'admin/organizationprofile/remove_work_field')}}
{% else %}
<p>At the moment, there are no working fields set for this organization.</p>
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a new work field</h3>
<div class="grid-20" style="margin:0;">
{{forms.add_work_field.display(organization=organization, action=organization.url()+'admin/organizationprofile/add_work_field') }}
<div class="grid-20">
{% if members %}
{% for membership in members %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>This organization doesn't have any enrolled member.</p>
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a new user</h3>
You can add a member of your organization to the above list by filling the following form with his or her
username and the user's role within the organization.
<div class="grid-20">
{% if collaborations %}
<h3>Edit existing collaborations</h3>
<th>Collaboration type</th>
{% for org in collaborations %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>At the moment, this organization doesn't collaborate in any project.</p>
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a new collaboration</h3>
If you want to include a new collaboration in your profile, you can look for the project and send an admission request.
Otherwise, you can add it using the following form.
{% endblock %}