blob: be4dfe6c6fa18dad921473f2066d2304b13e3094 [file] [log] [blame]
{% set hide_left_bar = True %}
{% extends g.theme.master %}
{% block title %}{{c.user.username}} / Preferences{% endblock %}
{% block header %}User Preferences for {{c.user.username}}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<ul id="account-nav-menu" class="b-hornav droppy">
{% for item in menu -%}
<li id="{{ item.tabid }}">
<a href="{{ }}">
{{ item.title }}
<div class="marker{% if'/') == request.path.rstrip('/') %} current{% endif %}"></div>
{%- endfor %}
<div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
<h2>Personal Settings</h2>
{{g.theme.personal_data_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/change_personal_data", user=c.user)}}
<div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
<a name="Contacts"></a>
<h2>Personal Contacts</h2>
<h3>Skype account</h3>
{%if c.user.get_pref('socialnetworks') or c.user.get_pref('telnumbers') or c.user.get_pref('webpages') %}
<h3>Other existing contacts</h3>
{% for sn in c.user.get_pref('socialnetworks') %}
{{g.theme.remove_socialnetwork_form.display(account=sn.accounturl, socialnetwork=sn.socialnetwork)}}
{% endfor %}
{% for tn in c.user.get_pref('telnumbers') %}
{{g.theme.remove_textvalue_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/remove_telnumber", value=tn, label="Telephone number")}}
{% for ws in c.user.get_pref('webpages') %}
{{g.theme.remove_textvalue_form.display(action="/auth/prefs/remove_webpage", value=ws, label="Website url")}}
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a social network account</h3>
<h3>Add a telephone number</h3>
<h3>Add a personal website</h3>
<a name="Availability"></a>
<div style="clear:both" class="grid-20">
<div class="grid-18">
If you want, you can set the weekly timeslot during which you are usually available to support other users of the forge.
Please, set your time intervals choosing a weekday and entering the time interval according to the timezone specified in your
personal data, using the format HH:MM. If you didn't set any timezone, your timeslots could be meaningless to other users,
therefore they will be ignored.
<div class="grid-18">
You can also specify periods of time during which you won't be able to work on the forge, in orther to communicate other users
that they can't contact you during those days. Please, do it specifying date intervals in format DD/MM/YYYY.
<div class="grid-20">
{%if c.user.get_availability_timeslots() %}
<h3>Existing availability timeslots</h3>
<th>Start time</th>
<th>End time</th>
{% for ts in c.user.get_availability_timeslots() %}
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a new availability timeslot</h3>
<div class="grid-20">
{%if c.user.get_inactive_periods() %}
<h3>Existing periods of inactivity on the forge</h3>
<th>Start date</th>
<th>End date</th>
{% for ip in c.user.get_inactive_periods() %}
{% endif %}
<h3>Add a new period of inactivity on the forge</h3>
<div class="grid-20">
<h2>Skills list</h2>
<ul><li><a href="/auth/prefs/user_skills">Click here to check and change your skills list</a></li></ul>
{% if g.theme.password_change_form %}
<div class="grid-20">
<h2>Change Password</h2>
{{ g.theme.password_change_form.display() }}
{% endif %}
{% if g.theme.upload_key_form %}
<div class="grid-20">
<h2>Upload ssh public key</h2>
{{ g.theme.upload_key_form.display() }}
{% endif %}
{% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
<br style="clear:both"/>
<h2>API Token</h2>
{% if api_token %}
<b>API Key:</b><br/>
<b>Secret Key:</b><br/>
<form method="POST" action="del_api_token" class="grid-18">
<input type="submit" value="Delete API Token">
{% else %}
<p>No API token generated</p>
{% endif %}
<form method="POST" action="gen_api_token" class="grid-18">
<input type="submit" value="(Re)generate API Token">
{% endif %}
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<h2>Authorized Third-party Applications</h2>
{% for access_tok in authorized_applications %}
{{ c.revoke_access.display(value=access_tok) }}
<br style="clear:both"/>
{% endfor %}
{% if not authorized_applications %}<p>No authorized third-party applications</p>{% endif %}
{% if subscriptions %}
<p><em>Mark tools that you want to subscribe to. Unmark tools that you want to unsubscribe from. Press 'Save' button.</em></p>
{{c.form.display(action='update_subscriptions', value=dict(subscriptions=subscriptions))}}
{% else%}
<p>No subscriptions.</p>
{% endif %}
<div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
<form action="update" method="post">
{% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
<label class="grid-4">Display Name</label>
<div class="grid-18">
<input name="preferences.display_name" value="{{c.user.display_name}}" type="text">
{% endif %}
<label class="grid-4">Email Format</label>
<div class="grid-18">
<select name="preferences.email_format">
<option value="plain" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'plain' else ''}}>Plain Text</option>
<option value="html" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'html' else ''}}>HTML</option>
<option value="both" {{'selected' if c.user.preferences.email_format == 'both' else ''}}>Combined</option>
{% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
<label class="grid-4">Page Size</label>
<div class="grid-18">
<select name="preferences.results_per_page">
{% for per_page in [25, 50, 100, 250] %}
<option {% if per_page == c.user.preferences.results_per_page %}selected="selected"{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if tg.config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local' %}
{% for a in c.user.email_addresses %}
<input name="addr-{{loop.index0}}.ord" value="{{loop.index0}}" type="hidden"/>
{% endfor %}
{% if c.user.email_addresses %}
<h3 class="grid-18">Email Addresses</h3>
<table class="grid-18">
{% for a in c.user.email_addresses %}
{% set obj = c.user.address_object(a) %}
<td>{{lib.radio_button('primary_addr', None, a, c.user.preferences.email_address)}}</td>
{% if obj %}
{% if obj.confirmed %}
{% else %}
no (<a href="{{g.url('/auth/send_verification_link', a=a)}}">verify</a>)
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td>Unknown addr obj {{a}}</td>
{% endif %}
<td>{{lib.submit_button('Delete', 'addr-%s.delete' % i)}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid-18">
{{lib.text_field('new_addr.addr', 'New Email Address')}}
{{lib.submit_button('Claim Address', name='new_addr.claim')}}
{% if c.user.open_ids %}
<h3 class="grid-18">OpenIDs Claimed</h3>
<table class="grid-18">
{% for oid in c.user.open_ids %}
{% set obj = c.user.openid_object(oid) %}
<td>{{lib.submit_button('Delete', 'oid-%s.delete' % loop.index0)}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid-18">
<a href="/auth/claim_oid">Claim New OpenID</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="grid-18">
{{lib.submit_button('Save Changes')}}
{% endblock %}