blob: 6136268b48bec690eb29af26130da5a1512f12b9 [file] [log] [blame]
Version 1.2.0 (December 2014)
Upgrade Instructions
* Edit Allura/development.ini and set: activitystream.enabled = true
* Run: mongo allura scripts/migrations/030-email-address-_id-to-email--before-upgrade.js
* Run: mongo allura scripts/migrations/030-email-address-_id-to-email--after-upgrade.js
* Run (optional): mongo allura scripts/migrations/030-email-address-_id-to-email--cleanup.js
* Run: cd Allura; paster ensure_index development.ini
* Run: cd Allura; paster script development.ini ../scripts/migrations/
* Run: cd Allura; paster script development.ini allura/scripts/
New Features
* [#7097] New profile page design
* [#7156] Turn on activitystreams by default
* Admin page to search for projects
* Admin pages to search, view, and edit user details
* [#7524] User audit trail, for site admins
* [#7593] Allow site admins to add user audit entries
* LDAP improvements
* [#7409] Configurable max & min password lengths
* [#7432] Password expiration
* [#7451] Remember me option on login
* [#7372] Allow users to disable their own accounts
* [#2286] Ability to restrict tools per neighborhood
* [#4019] Add an easy way to filter ticket queries by open/closed without knowing Solr syntax
* [#4905] button to subscribe to a wiki
* [#7134] Added option to allow overriding repo clone URL
* [#7381] Google code importer should handle Apache-Extras/EclipseLabs projects
Removed functionality:
* [#1687] Remove pre-oauth API keys (use OAuth now)
* [#7013] Remove broken openid support
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements:
* [#4602] Artifact links to closed tickets should have strikethrough
* [#4987] Artifact links within a tool should match within tool first
* [#4703] "Related" artifacts should indicate project/tool if referencing other project
* [#6305] Merge email notifications when possible
* [#7213] Discussion edit/reply non-functional in IE11 (at least)
* [#7378] RSS feeds shouldn't include comments held for moderation
* [#7679] project admin listings should not include disabled users
Users & Authentication:
* [#6677] User profile's list of projects is slow to build
* [#5414] Typo on user prefs page
* [#3815] return_to field not created in LoginForm
* [#7085] error on activity rss feed for users
* [#7164] Make activity widgets show 5 items if possible
* [#7410] Show more info in password recovery flow
* [#7436] /auth/preferences cleanup
* [#7452] Require an email address be verified before it is set as primary
* [#7480] Track last session info
* [#7484] OAuth app names don't need to be globally unique NEEDS ENSURE_INDEX
* [#7492] Clean up incomplete sentence in activity feed
* [#7523] Better to go to /auth/preferences after email addr verification
* [#7526] Fix mail headers in email verification email
* [#7527] Email address associations need better user associations NEEDS MONGO MIGRATION
* [#7543] Password recovery should not confirm email addr existance
* [#7545] return_to param should be validated for relative URLs
* [#7585] Require password entry for changes to email settings
* [#7635] Add autofocus to login form
* [#7636] Fix forgotten pwd link on login overlay
* [#7688] Redirect to password expiration page after login
* [#7704] Option to require email for user registration NEEDS MIGRATION
* [#7715] Handle + in email address url params
* [#7717] Better existing email addr handling
* [#7732] Be able to use secure cookies and SSLMiddleware
* [#7756] Ensure user always go to pwd expired form, when expired
* [#7759] After resetting pwd and logging in, don't redir back to pwd reset form
* [#7761] Disabling a user does not remove/disable his primary email
* [#7787] Ldap error when logging in with unicode in username or password
* [#7794] "Page Size" preference must actually affect pagination
* [#7799] Changing password should invalidate other sessions
* [#5939] Missing icons on permission edit page
* [#6495] Screenshot admin UI improvements
* [#6834] Inconsistent display of new user in Permissions
* [#6949] Error on export: artifact ref and cleanup
* [#7014] Trove category editing improvements
* [#7075] Screenshot macro incorrectly includes text about sorting
* [#7275] Add users broken in IE11
* [#7293] Create Trove Category browse page
* [#7347] Add URL and comment fields to AwardGrant
* [#7351] When export control is True, it always records a change in the audit log
* [#7613] Integrate sortable.js to the new_projects page
* [#7675] Fix error when deleted permission group is still referenced
Code Repositories:
* [#5175] Merge requests should have a good <title>
* [#5176] Merge requests should show the date
* [#6164] Ability to edit merge requests
* [#6301] Track changes to merge requests
* [#6902] Merge request to branch list commits against master
* [#7295] Bigger text inputs for merge requests
* [#5472] JS spinner uses a lot of CPU
* [#5700] Replace "git branch --set-upstream" with "git branch --set-upstream-to"
* [#5769] Can't select code via double- or triple-click
* [#6764] Git test failures on 1.8.3
* [#7021] Handle pgp-signed git commits
* [#7051] 500 error with large number of repos
* [#7069] unable to view/process merge requests when fork is deleted
* [#7127] "Download snapshot" background too tall
* [#7207] git repos without master branch behave poorly
* [#7325] Uninitialized git repo allows forking.
* [#7333] svn web import tool breaks repos
* [#5948] Status on individual Milestone view always shows Open
* [#6019] List current user first in user-drop-downs
* [#4701] Add current ticket's milestone to email notification
* [#4981] Ticket voting buttons should only display if you have permission to vote
* [#7399] JS errors on ticket bulk edit prevent submission
* [#7495] 'url' missing on MovedTicket models
* [#7560] Avoid weird permissions when anonymous creates a private ticket
* [#7566] Milestone admin page can be very slow
* [#7528] XSS on wiki page and preview
* [#7107] Add confirmation to "Revert to Version" button
* [#7168] Markdown macro to load content from repository
* [#7202] Use https for youtube embed
* [#7353] Cannot delete wiki entries
* [#7294] "related" section header not aligned properly
* [#7647] Script to clean up, or code to handle, Dupe Key errors on wiki page_history
* [#6930] Email notification for a blog post rename stating the opposite
* [#7218] Feedburner doesn't like Blog RSS feed
URL Shortener:
* [#7324] Fix incorrect div width on URL shortening tool
* [#7208] DOAP API for projects
* [#7292] User profile API
* [#7267] Change TroveCategory event API
* [#7507] Project API errors on unicode screenshot name
* [#7508] Add project creation date to API
* [#7659] Allow tools to add fields to project json API
* [#7722] API for disabled users should 404
* [#7789] Return more fields in ticket API search results
* [#7114] Make imports work on user projects
* [#7124] Validate Trac URLs before importing
* [#7111] Refactor tool importers to use target_app for g.entry_points
* [#7160] Trac-Tickets Importer Rejects URL Containing IP Address
* [#7177] Trac ticket error: astimezone() cannot be applied to a naive datetime
* [#7580] Ticket attachments aren't imported in Allura importer
* [#7801] Issues import from GitHub is broken
* [#6561] Clean up setup-app output
* [#6701] Integrate allura authorization with Git/SVN (over HTTP)
* [#7128] Change SVN's browse commits graph to direct SCM access
* [#7163] Create read perms on ForgeActivity app - NEEDS MONGO CMD
* [#7214] Fix pytidylib install; admin page when tools not installed
* [#7224] Timermiddleware should measure mongo write ops too
* [#7277] Incubator graduation items
* [#7287] Update docs/scm_host.rst with info about
* [#7316] Review & update scm_host docs
* [#7309] add_project form lists all tools, including several that won't work
* [#7307] Broken handling of InvalidDocument: BSON document too large
* [#7513] Fixing imported wiki pages with slashes in titles
* [#7510] Test extracting Allura tickets for Apache move
* [#7582] Script to set up MovedTicket records for tickets we're moving to Apache
* [#7628] Clean up dupe trove categories / test_filtering fails occasionally NEEDS CMD
* [#7683] Make collection of birthdate configurable
* [#7800] Standardize IP addr lookup
* [#7027] Cache /nf/tool_icon_css better
* [#7181] users_with_named_role should query for the name role only
* [#7185] project list macro makes unnecessary queries
* [#7186] Need index on artifact_feed (project_id, pubdate) NEEDS ENSURE_INDEX
* [#7199] filter projects in
* [#7472] Thread view counts shouldn't trigger add_artifact tasks
* [#7562] Remove unnecessary monq_task 'args' index NEEDS ENSURE_INDEX
* [#7644] Make /nf/admin/new_projects faster
For developers:
* [#7802] Easier to make a custom theme based on main theme
* [#7401] Allow custom middleware
* [#7029] AuthProvider should be able to add routes to /auth/
* [#7154] Expand AdminExtension to support site-admin pages
* [#7130] Blob.next_commit and prev_commit should be removed
* [#7142] Better conditional around sending zarkov events
* [#7173] Improve auth docstrings
* [#7178] error with parallel tests: 'solr' is None
* [#7215] Test suite timing out
* [#7239] Update feedparser
* [#7260] Tests create trove categories unnecessarily
* [#7305] Document SCM code and merge into
* [#7329] Update ForeignIdProperty('User') for latest ming
* [#7579] Use sendsimplemail instead of sendmail in some cases
* [#7581] TestSVNRepo.test_log fails with svn 1.8
* [#7804] Use OAuth token for github project validation
* [#7805] Improve GitHubOAuthMixin
Version 1.1.0 (February 2014)
Upgrade Instructions
* Run ensure_index command
* 3rd party tools that do not use EasyWidgets will need {{lib.csrf_token()}} added to each <form>
New Features
* [#6777] Create a site-wide notification mechanism
* Improved activity stream display and events
* [#6694] Form to send message to a user
* [#6783] Create a process to reset forgotten passwords
* [#6804] API to install a tool
* [#6692] API for exports
* [#6692] Simpler oauth API via bearer tokens
* [#5475] Javascript not required for most forms any more
* [#5424] Provide instructions for running git/hg/svn services
* [#6896] Developer architecture docs
* [#4808] Factor out SourceForge-specific bits of Allura
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements:
* Many fixes and improvements for GitHub, Google Code, Trac and Allura importers
Code Tools:
* [#7006] hide misleading message on Browse Commits page
* [#6796] Render all (not just readme) markdown files in repos
* [#6801] Options to parallelize last_commit_ids
* [#6826] Mass edit emails have invalid To: address
* [#6821] Change hg browser to get "last commit" info from hg instead of mongo (if ForgeHg installed)
* [#6894] SVN/Git refresh hooks fail for redirects
* [#6905] better code snapshot status UX
* [#6938] AttributeError on fork listing page
* [#6982] SCM views should parse user/email pairs better
* [#7022] UnicodeDecodeError on side-by-side diff text
* [#6111] remove markdown rendering of commit messages, keep artifact linking
* [#4671] Delete old-style LastCommitDoc code
* [#6603] Certain code snapshots take forever even to queue up
* [#6686] Change git browser to get "last commit" info from git instead of mongo
* [#6743] unicode paths in code browser 500 error
* [#6852] Maximize view for ticket lists
* [#6803] Labels should be set without hitting enter
* [#6893] Former team member unassigned from ticket on metadata update
* [#2778] Tickets: milestone names are bound once they are equal
* [#4812] Title field for new tickets mistaken as search bar
* [#5749] setting to specify a default milestone
* [#6088] Ticket search help open in new window
* [#6328] Use In-Reply-To: and References: headers for outgoing ticket emails
* [#6381] Allura tickets system intermittently discards replies to comments
* [#7047] ticket bulk_edit task sometimes doesn't call add_artifacts
* [#4429] ticket bulk-edit forcibly always sets all custom boolean fields to True
* [#6646] bulk edit to add labels
* [#6752] bulk edit to change "private" field
* [#6979] Bulk edit on some milestones with ":" gives empty set
* [#6906] Fatal error when replying to tracker item
User profile:
* [#6833] Choice of social networks should be configurable
* [#7062] Set first email address as 'primary' automatically
* [#6676] User profile page should show date joined
* [#7063] Add last_edited field to discussion REST API
* [#7065] Slow post queries happening on invalid URLs
* [#6864] Add spam button for comments
* [#6910] Emails with empty or missing From: should be treated as anonymous
* [#6917] User block list not stopping posts-via-email
* [#5182] prevent out-of-office replies to allura notifications
* [#6249] Use a stable Sender: header in email notifications
* [#4373] wiki diff incorrectly shows a lot of changes
Project admin:
* [#6848] Coalesce scripts/migrations/*trove*.py into command/
* [#6865] Project admin for categories should be sorted
* [#6866] Audit trail adds fb & twitter values even if they don't change
* [#6795] TroveCategory.children is slow
* [#6889] possible XSS on /p/add_project/
* [#5502] Prevent adding certain tools multiple times
* Cache markdown rendering results
* [#6971] Task manager can't set c.project for user-projects
* [#7009] /nf/tool_icon_css doesn't preserve https for URLs
* improved smtp_server error handling
* [#4091] ensure_index takes for ever looping over every single project
* [#4723] Don't link to user-project when Anonymous
* [#5330] taskd leaves defunct git processes around
* [#6713] Slow /auth/bare_openid?url=/user/registration
* [#6484] Move ForgeWiki mediawiki importer (GPL dep) into standalone importer - NEEDS CONFIGTREE
* [#7005] allura.tasks.repo_tasks.clone clobbers Project record
For developers:
* [#7028] severely stunted landing page html after vagrant install
* [#6393] Allow plugins to register new markdown macros
* [#6994] Test improvements/speedups
* [#6942] Make custom tool icons work properly
* [#7119] Add config switch to disable template overriding
* [#6714] Rename & move User.project_role()
* [#6716] __json__ should return plain dicts
* [#6388] Tool to inspect performance, particularly between commits
Version 1.0.1 (October 2013)
Upgrade Instructions
* Run ensure_index command
* Add bulk export and importer_upload_path INI settings (see development.ini)
New Features
* [#6422] Added release script and DISCLAIMER, cleaned up NOTICE, LICENSE, and README files
* Added GitHub importers for Project, Code, Wiki, and Tickets
* Added Tickets importer for Google Code
* Added Allura exported Tickets importer
* [#3154] Allura data export
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements:
* Improvements to importer infrastructure
* Additions to Tracker API
* Fixes for Trac importer
* Performance improvements for code snapshots
* [#5561] Maximize view for wide code files
* [#5775] Allura Code Viewer: provide "copied from" link in history view
* [#6284] Allura Code Viewer: show SVN revision in commit browser
* [#6626] Regression: SVN urls don't default to HEAD revision
* [#6629] "list index out of range" error on git _iter_commits_with_refs
* [#6695] timeout & loop detection in LCD logic
* [#6529] Login overlay
* [#4595] Revisions to /nf/admin/new_projects
* [#5966] Script to move wiki
* [#6100] URL-Redirection for moved tickets
* [#6392] Per tool user bans
* [#6431] Upgrade to ming 0.4.x to avoid extraneous count() queries
* [#6539] Timeouts on approving moderated comments [ss4838]
* [#6545] Show forum stats graph
* [#6604] IE9 json parsing vulnerability
* [#6654] Tracker stats template error
* [#6685] add faulthandler to smtp_server
* [#6699] Provide a way to add additional Timers to AlluraTimerMiddleware
Version 1.0.0 (August 2013) (unreleased)
* Initial ASF Incubation release