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Testing in Allura
Writing Tests for Allura Tools
Testing the controllers and models of an Allura tool is fairly
straightforward. Generally, you should follow the example of tests in the
`allura/tests/functional` directory for controller tests and
`allura.tests.model` for model tests. For functional tests, the Allura platform
provides a convenient "test harness" :class:`allura.controllers.test.TestController` controller
class which is used as the application root for the
:class:`allura.tests.TestController` class.
In order to test your new tool controllers, you simply need to use the ``
and `` methods of your test controller. The test harness makes
all the tools available in the system available under the URL /*entry point
name*/. So to test the :mod:`allura.ext.project_home` tool, for instance, we
need only write the following::
from allura.tests import TestController
class TestProjectHome(TestController):
def test_home(self):
r ='/home/')
Whenever you use the :class:`allura.tests.TestController` app property, the
test harness sets up the context so that `c.project` is always the
`projects/test` project and whichever tool name you request is mounted at its
entry point (so the Wiki tool will be mounted at /Wiki/). `c.user` is always
set to the `test-admin` user to avoid authentication issues.
The framework used to generate the WSGI environment for testing your tools is
provided by the `WebTest <>`_ module, where you can
find further documentation for the `.get()` and `.post()` methods.
Testing Allura models is also straightforward, though you will often
need to setup pylons global objects before your test. If the code under test
uses pylons globals (like `g` and `c`), but your test doesn't require the
fully-loaded wsgi app, you can do something like this:
.. code-block:: python
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from alluratest.controller import setup_unit_test
from allura.lib import helpers a h
from allura import model as M
def setUp():
# set up pylons globals
# set c.project and
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
c.user = M.User.query.get(username='test-admin')
Testing the tasks and events is similar to testing models. Generally, you will
simply want to call your `@task` and `@event_handler` methods directly rather
than setting up a full mocking infrastructure, though it is possible to use the
MonQTask model in the allura model if you wish to do more functional/integration testing.