[#7406] documentation for LDAP config
diff --git a/Allura/docs/installation.rst b/Allura/docs/installation.rst
index ef41f15..558f9b8 100644
--- a/Allura/docs/installation.rst
+++ b/Allura/docs/installation.rst
@@ -49,6 +49,28 @@
 And if the port is in use, this command will fail.  You can check the log file for any errors.
 To change the port number, edit `development.ini` and change `forgemail.port` to the appropriate port number for your environment.
+Using LDAP
+Allura has a pluggable authentication system, and can use an existing LDAP system. In your config
+file (e.g. :file:`development.ini`), there are several "ldap" settings to set:
+* Change auth.method to: :samp:`auth.method = ldap`
+* Set all the :samp:`auth.ldap.{*}` settings to match your LDAP server configuration. (:samp:`auth.ldap.schroot_name` won't be
+  used, don't worry about it.)
+* Keep :samp:`auth.ldap.autoregister = true` This means Allura will use existing users from your LDAP
+  server.
+* Set :samp:`auth.allow_user_registration = false` since your users already are present in LDAP.
+* Change user_prefs_storage.method to :samp:`user_prefs_storage.method = ldap`
+* Change :samp:`user_prefs_storage.ldap.fields.display_name` if needed (e.g. if display names are stored
+  in a different LDAP attribute).
+Restart Allura and you should be all set.  Now users can log in with their LDAP credentials and their
+Allura records will be automatically created the first time they log in.
+Note: if you want users to register new accounts into your LDAP system via Allura, you should turn
+off :samp:`autoregister` and turn on :samp:`allow_user_registration`
 Enabling RabbitMQ