blob: 5545cf05533bf261b2eb3d0e391778521a7430c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import logging
from itertools import chain
import pymongo
from ming import schema
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from ming.orm import FieldProperty, RelationProperty, ForeignIdProperty, Mapper
from allura import model as M
from allura.model.notification import MailFooter
from allura.lib import utils
from allura.lib import helpers as h
config = utils.ConfigProxy(
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Forum(M.Discussion):
class __mongometa__:
name = 'forum'
type_s = 'Discussion'
parent_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId, if_missing=None)
threads = RelationProperty('ForumThread', via='discussion_id')
posts = RelationProperty('ForumPost', via='discussion_id')
members_only = FieldProperty(bool, if_missing=False)
anon_posts = FieldProperty(bool, if_missing=False)
monitoring_email = FieldProperty(str, if_missing=None)
def attachment_class(cls):
return ForumAttachment
def thread_class(cls):
return ForumThread
def sorted_threads(self):
threads = self.thread_class().query.find(dict(discussion_id=self._id))
threads = threads.sort([('last_post_date', pymongo.DESCENDING)]).all()
sorted_threads = chain(
(t for t in threads if 'Announcement' in t.flags),
(t for t in threads if 'Sticky' in t.flags and 'Announcement' not in t.flags),
(t for t in threads if 'Sticky' not in t.flags and 'Announcement' not in t.flags))
return list(sorted_threads)
def parent(self):
return Forum.query.get(_id=self.parent_id)
def subforums(self):
return Forum.query.find(dict(parent_id=self._id)).all()
def email_address(self):
domain = '.'.join(
reversed([1:-1].split('/'))).replace('_', '-')
return '%s@%s%s' % (self.shortname.replace('/', '.'), domain, config.common_suffix)
def announcements(self):
return self.thread_class().query.find(dict(
def breadcrumbs(self):
if self.parent:
l = self.parent.breadcrumbs()
l = []
return l + [(, self.url())]
def url(self):
return h.urlquote( + self.shortname + '/')
def delete(self):
# Delete the subforums
for sf in self.subforums:
super(Forum, self).delete()
def get_discussion_thread(self, data=None):
# If the data is a reply, use the parent's thread
subject = '[no subject]'
parent_id = None
if data is not None:
in_reply_to = data.get('in_reply_to')
if in_reply_to:
parent_id = in_reply_to[0].split('/')[-1]
parent_id = None
message_id = data.get('message_id') or ''
subject = data['headers'].get('Subject', subject)
if parent_id is not None:
parent = self.post_class().query.get(_id=parent_id)
if parent:
return parent.thread, parent_id
if message_id:
post = self.post_class().query.get(_id=message_id)
if post:
return post.thread, None
# Otherwise it's a new thread
return self.thread_class()(discussion_id=self._id, subject=subject), None
def discussion_thread(self):
return None
def icon(self):
return ForumFile.query.get(forum_id=self._id)
def get_mail_footer(self, notification, toaddr):
if toaddr and toaddr == self.monitoring_email:
return MailFooter.monitored(
return super(Forum, self).get_mail_footer(notification, toaddr)
class ForumFile(M.File):
forum_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
class ForumThread(M.Thread):
class __mongometa__:
name = 'forum_thread'
indexes = [
'import_id', # may be used by external legacy systems
type_s = 'Thread'
discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Forum)
first_post_id = ForeignIdProperty('ForumPost')
flags = FieldProperty([str])
discussion = RelationProperty(Forum)
posts = RelationProperty('ForumPost', via='thread_id')
first_post = RelationProperty('ForumPost', via='first_post_id')
def status(self):
if len(self.posts) == 1:
return self.posts[0].status
return 'ok'
def attachment_class(cls):
return ForumAttachment
def email_address(self):
return self.discussion.email_address
def primary(self):
return self
def post(self, subject, text, message_id=None, parent_id=None, **kw):
post = super(ForumThread, self).post(
text, message_id=message_id, parent_id=parent_id, **kw)
if not self.first_post_id:
self.first_post_id = post._id
self.num_replies = 1
h.log_action(log, 'posted').info('')
return post
def set_forum(self, new_forum):
dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id),
{'$set': dict(discussion_id=new_forum._id)}, multi=True)
{'discussion_id': self.discussion_id, 'thread_id': self._id},
{'$set': dict(discussion_id=new_forum._id)})
self.discussion_id = new_forum._id
class ForumPostHistory(M.PostHistory):
class __mongometa__:
name = 'post_history'
artifact_id = ForeignIdProperty('ForumPost')
class ForumPost(M.Post):
class __mongometa__:
name = 'forum_post'
history_class = ForumPostHistory
indexes = [
'timestamp', # for the posts_24hr site_stats query
type_s = 'Post'
discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Forum)
thread_id = ForeignIdProperty(ForumThread)
discussion = RelationProperty(Forum)
thread = RelationProperty(ForumThread)
def attachment_class(cls):
return ForumAttachment
def email_address(self):
return self.discussion.email_address
def primary(self):
return self
class ForumAttachment(M.DiscussionAttachment):
DiscussionClass = Forum
ThreadClass = ForumThread
PostClass = ForumPost
class __mongometa__:
polymorphic_identity = 'ForumAttachment'
attachment_type = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='ForumAttachment')