blob: 1df14fe60f6c2a560cacbfba3ae5c1e13bfd25c4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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Global configuration file for TG2-specific settings in allura.
This file complements development/deployment.ini.
Please note that **all the argument values are strings**. If you want to
convert them into boolean, for example, you should use the
:func:`paste.deploy.converters.asbool` function, as in::
from paste.deploy.converters import asbool
setting = asbool(global_conf.get('the_setting'))
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from functools import partial
import six
import sys
import tg
from tg import app_globals as g
from tg.renderers.jinja import JinjaRenderer
import jinja2
from tg.configuration import AppConfig, config
from markupsafe import Markup
import ew
from import asint
import allura
# needed for tg.configuration to work
from allura.lib import app_globals, helpers
from allura.lib.package_path_loader import PackagePathLoader
from six.moves import filter
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ForgeConfig(AppConfig):
def __init__(self, root_controller=None):
AppConfig.__init__(self, minimal=True, root_controller=root_controller)
self.package = allura
self.renderers = ['json', 'mako', 'jinja']
self.default_renderer = 'jinja'
self.use_sqlalchemy = False
self.use_toscawidgets = False
self.use_transaction_manager = False
self.handle_status_codes = [403, 404]
self.disable_request_extensions = True
# if left to True (default) would use crank.util.default_path_translator to convert all URL punctuation to "_"
# which is convenient for /foo-bar to execute a "def foo_bar" method, but is a pretty drastic change for us
# and makes many URLs be valid that we might not want like /foo*bar /foo@bar /foo:bar
self.dispatch_path_translator = None
class AlluraJinjaRenderer(JinjaRenderer):
def _setup_bytecode_cache(cls):
cache_type = config.get('jinja_bytecode_cache_type')
bcc = None
if cache_type == 'memcached' and config.get('memcached_host'):
import pylibmc
from jinja2 import MemcachedBytecodeCache
client = pylibmc.Client([config['memcached_host']])
bcc_prefix = 'jinja2/{}/'.format(jinja2.__version__)
if six.PY3:
bcc_prefix += 'py{}{}/'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
bcc = MemcachedBytecodeCache(client, prefix=bcc_prefix)
elif cache_type == 'filesystem':
from jinja2 import FileSystemBytecodeCache
bcc = FileSystemBytecodeCache(pattern='__jinja2_{}_%s.cache'.format(jinja2.__version__))
except Exception:
log.exception("Error encountered while setting up a" +
" %s-backed bytecode cache for Jinja" % cache_type)
return bcc
def create(cls, config, app_globals):
# this has evolved over the age of allura, and upgrades of TG
# the parent JinjaRenderer logic is different, some may be better and hasn't been incorporated into ours yet
bcc = cls._setup_bytecode_cache()
jinja2_env = jinja2.Environment(
cache_size=asint(config.get('jinja_cache_size', -1)),
extensions=['', 'jinja2.ext.i18n'])
jinja2_env.filters['datetimeformat'] = helpers.datetimeformat
jinja2_env.filters['filter'] = lambda s, t=None: list(filter(t and jinja2_env.tests[t], s))
jinja2_env.filters['nl2br'] = helpers.nl2br_jinja_filter
jinja2_env.filters['subrender'] = helpers.subrender_jinja_filter
jinja2_env.globals.update({'hasattr': hasattr})
config['tg.app_globals'].jinja2_env = jinja2_env # TG doesn't need this, but we use g.jinja2_env a lot
return {'jinja': cls(jinja2_env)}
class JinjaEngine(ew.TemplateEngine):
def _environ(self):
return config['tg.app_globals'].jinja2_env
def load(self, template_name):
return self._environ.get_template(template_name)
except jinja2.TemplateNotFound:
raise ew.errors.TemplateNotFound('%s not found' % template_name)
def parse(self, template_text, filepath=None):
return self._environ.from_string(template_text)
def render(self, template, context):
context = self.context(context)
with ew.utils.push_context(ew.widget_context, render_context=context):
text = template.render(**context)
return Markup(text)
base_config = ForgeConfig()