[#8339] allow multiple site notifications to be active at once
diff --git a/Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py b/Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py
index 00d6128..c95df68 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py
@@ -1480,33 +1480,55 @@
     def _get_site_notification(self, url='', user=None, tool_name='', site_notification_cookie_value=''):
         from allura.model.notification import SiteNotification
-        note = SiteNotification.current()
-        if note is None:
-            return None
-        if note.user_role and (not user or user.is_anonymous()):
-            return None
-        if note.user_role:
-            projects = user.my_projects_by_role_name(note.user_role)
-            if len(projects) == 0 or len(projects) == 1 and projects[0].is_user_project:
-                return None
+        existing_cookie_info = {}
+        try:
+            for existing_cookie_chunk in site_notification_cookie_value.split('_'):
+                note_id, views, closed = existing_cookie_chunk.split('-')
+                views = asint(views)
+                closed = asbool(closed)
+                existing_cookie_info[note_id] = (views, closed)
+        except ValueError:
+            # ignore any weird cookie data
+            pass
-        if note.page_regex and re.search(note.page_regex, url) is None:
-            return None
-        if note.page_tool_type and tool_name.lower() != note.page_tool_type.lower():
-            return None
+        set_cookie_chunks = []
+        notes = SiteNotification.actives()
+        note_to_show = None
+        for note in notes:
+            if note.user_role and (not user or user.is_anonymous()):
+                continue
+            if note.user_role:
+                projects = user.my_projects_by_role_name(note.user_role)
+                if len(projects) == 0 or len(projects) == 1 and projects[0].is_user_project:
+                    continue
-        cookie = site_notification_cookie_value.split('-')
-        if len(cookie) == 3 and cookie[0] == str(note._id):
-            views = asint(cookie[1]) + 1
-            closed = asbool(cookie[2])
-        else:
-            views = 1
-            closed = False
-        if closed or note.impressions > 0 and views > note.impressions:
-            return None
+            if note.page_regex and re.search(note.page_regex, url) is None:
+                continue
+            if note.page_tool_type and tool_name.lower() != note.page_tool_type.lower():
+                continue
-        set_cookie = '-'.join(map(str, [note._id, views, closed]))
-        return note, set_cookie
+            views_closed = existing_cookie_info.get(str(note._id))
+            if views_closed:
+                views, closed = views_closed
+            else:
+                views = 0
+                closed = False
+            if closed or note.impressions > 0 and views > note.impressions:
+                # preserve info about this in the cookie (so it won't be forgotten, and thus be displayed again)
+                set_cookie_chunks.append('-'.join(map(str, [note._id, views, closed])))
+                # but stop this loop iteration since the notification shouldn't be shown again
+                continue
+            # this notification is ok to show, so if there's not one picked already, this is the one.
+            if not note_to_show:
+                views += 1
+                note_to_show = note
+            set_cookie_chunks.append('-'.join(map(str, [note._id, views, closed])))
+        if note_to_show:
+            return note_to_show, '_'.join(set_cookie_chunks)
     def get_site_notification(self):
         from tg import request, response
diff --git a/Allura/allura/model/notification.py b/Allura/allura/model/notification.py
index 080ef05..410a71c 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/model/notification.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/notification.py
@@ -735,6 +735,5 @@
-    def current(cls):
-        note = cls.query.find({'active': True}).sort('_id', -1).limit(1).first()
-        return note
\ No newline at end of file
+    def actives(cls):
+        return cls.query.find({'active': True}).sort('_id', -1)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/public/nf/js/allura-base.js b/Allura/allura/public/nf/js/allura-base.js
index 21857b4..66600cd 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/public/nf/js/allura-base.js
+++ b/Allura/allura/public/nf/js/allura-base.js
@@ -208,13 +208,15 @@
-    var SN_ID=0, SN_VIEWS=1, SN_CLOSED=2;
     $('#site-notification .btn-close').click(function(e) {
         var $note = $(this).parent();
-        var status = $.cookie('site-notification').split('-');
-        status[SN_CLOSED] = 'true';
-        $.cookie('site-notification', status.join('-'), {
+        var note_id = $note.attr('data-notification-id');
+        var cookie = $.cookie('site-notification');
+        // change e.g. "5dc2f69f07ae3175c7c21972-5-False" to "5dc2f69f07ae3175c7c21972-5-True" to mark as closed
+        // cookie may have multiple id-num-bool sets in it
+        cookie = cookie.replace(new RegExp(note_id + '-([0-9]+)-False'), note_id + '-$1-True');
+        $.cookie('site-notification', cookie, {
             expires: 365,
             path: '/'
diff --git a/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin_site_notifications_list.html b/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin_site_notifications_list.html
index e795c94..b289c35 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin_site_notifications_list.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin_site_notifications_list.html
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
 {% block content %}
   <div class="grid-23"><a href="/nf/admin">Back to Site Admin Home</a></div>
   <div class="grid-23"><a href="new">Create a new notification</a></div>
+  <div class="grid-23">
+    If there are multiple active notifications whose criteria match for a visitor, the most recent one will be used.  After that notification has been closed explicitly or automatically reached its limit, the next one can appear.
+    <br><br>
+  </div>
   {{c.page_size.display(limit=limit, page=page_url, count=count)}}
   <table id="site_notifications">
diff --git a/Allura/allura/tests/functional/test_site_admin.py b/Allura/allura/tests/functional/test_site_admin.py
index 4d691f3..d7eebc6 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/tests/functional/test_site_admin.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/tests/functional/test_site_admin.py
@@ -170,6 +170,9 @@
         assert json.loads(r.body)['doc'] == 'test_task doc string'
+class TestSiteAdminNotifications(TestController):
     def test_site_notifications_access(self):
         self.app.get('/nf/admin/site_notifications', extra_environ=dict(
             username='test_user'), status=403)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/tests/model/test_notification.py b/Allura/allura/tests/model/test_notification.py
index 57eefd2..d154bd7 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/tests/model/test_notification.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/tests/model/test_notification.py
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@
 def _clear_subscriptions():
-        M.Mailbox.query.remove({})
+    M.Mailbox.query.remove({})
 def _clear_notifications():
-        M.Notification.query.remove({})
+    M.Notification.query.remove({})
diff --git a/Allura/allura/tests/test_plugin.py b/Allura/allura/tests/test_plugin.py
index 6c582b1..7d889d0 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/tests/test_plugin.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/tests/test_plugin.py
@@ -251,121 +251,6 @@
 class TestThemeProvider(object):
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_no_note(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        SiteNotification.current.return_value = None
-        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
-        assert not response.set_cookie.called
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_closed(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        SiteNotification.current.return_value._id = 'deadbeef'
-        SiteNotification.current.return_value.user_role = None
-        SiteNotification.current.return_value.page_regex = None
-        SiteNotification.current.return_value.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1-true'}
-        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
-        assert not response.set_cookie.called
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_over(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 2
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-3-false'}
-        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
-        assert not response.set_cookie.called
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_under(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 2
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1-false'}
-        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
-        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
-            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-2-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_persistent(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 0
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1000-false'}
-        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_new_notification(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 1
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': '0ddba11-1000-true'}
-        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
-        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
-            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_no_cookie(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 0
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {}
-        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
-        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
-            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
-    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
-    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
-    @patch('tg.response')
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notification_bad_cookie(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'deadbeef'
-        note.impressions = 0
-        note.user_role = None
-        note.page_regex = None
-        note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1000-true-bad'}
-        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
-        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
-            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
     def test_app_icon_str(self, plugin_g, app_g):
@@ -395,15 +280,142 @@
+class TestThemeProvider_notifications(object):
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_no_note(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = []
+        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
+        assert not response.set_cookie.called
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_closed(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1-true'}
+        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
+        assert not response.set_cookie.called
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_over(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 2
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-3-false'}
+        assert_is_none(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification())
+        assert not response.set_cookie.called
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_under(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 2
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1-false'}
+        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
+        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
+            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-2-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_impressions_persistent(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 0
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1000-false'}
+        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_new_notification(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 1
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': '0ddba11-1000-true'}
+        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
+        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
+            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_no_cookie(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 0
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {}
+        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
+        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
+            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
+    @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    @patch('tg.response')
+    @patch('tg.request')
+    def test_get_site_notification_bad_cookie(self, request, response, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'deadbeef'
+        note.impressions = 0
+        note.user_role = None
+        note.page_regex = None
+        note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        request.cookies = {'site-notification': 'deadbeef-1000-true-bad'}
+        assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
+        response.set_cookie.assert_called_once_with(
+            'site-notification', 'deadbeef-1-False', max_age=dt.timedelta(days=365))
     @patch('tg.response', MagicMock())
     @patch('tg.request', MagicMock())
     def test_get_site_notification_with_role(self, SiteNotification, c):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
+        note = MagicMock()
         note.user_role = 'Test'
         note.page_regex = None
         note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
         projects = c.user.my_projects_by_role_name
         c.user.is_anonymous.return_value = True
@@ -428,10 +440,11 @@
     @patch('tg.response', MagicMock())
     @patch('tg.request', MagicMock())
     def test_get_site_notification_without_role(self, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
+        note = MagicMock()
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = None
         note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
         assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
     @patch('allura.lib.plugin.c', MagicMock())
@@ -440,10 +453,11 @@
     @patch('tg.response', MagicMock())
     @patch('tg.request', MagicMock())
     def test_get_site_notification_with_page_regex(self, SiteNotification, search):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
+        note = MagicMock()
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = 'test'
         note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
         search.return_value = True
         assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
@@ -456,12 +470,12 @@
     @patch('tg.response', MagicMock())
     @patch('tg.request', MagicMock())
     def test_get_site_notification_with_page_tool_type(self, SiteNotification, c):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
+        note = MagicMock()
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = None
-        c.app = Mock()
         note.page_tool_type.lower.return_value = 'test1'
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        c.app = Mock()
         c.app.config.tool_name.lower.return_value = 'test1'
         assert_is(ThemeProvider().get_site_notification(), note)
@@ -476,11 +490,12 @@
     @patch('tg.response', MagicMock())
     def test_get_site_notification_with_page_tool_type_page_regex(self, SiteNotification, request, c):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
+        note = MagicMock()
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = 'test'
-        c.app = Mock()
         note.page_tool_type.lower.return_value = 'test1'
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
+        c.app = Mock()
         request.path_qs = 'ttt'
         c.app.config.tool_name.lower.return_value = 'test2'
@@ -504,33 +519,68 @@
     def test_get__site_notification(self, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'test_id'
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'testid'
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = None
         note.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
         get_note = ThemeProvider()._get_site_notification()
         assert isinstance(get_note, tuple)
         assert len(get_note) == 2
         assert get_note[0] is note
-        assert get_note[1] == 'test_id-1-False'
+        assert get_note[1] == 'testid-1-False'
-    @patch('tg.request')
-    def test_get_site_notifications_with_api_cookie(self, request, SiteNotification):
-        note = SiteNotification.current.return_value
-        note._id = 'test_id'
+    def test_get__site_notification_multiple(self, SiteNotification):
+        note1 = MagicMock()
+        note1._id = 'test1'
+        note1.user_role = None
+        note1.page_regex = 'this-will-not-match'
+        note1.page_tool_type = None
+        note2 = MagicMock()
+        note2._id = 'test2'
+        note2.user_role = None
+        note2.page_regex = None
+        note2.page_tool_type = None
+        note3 = MagicMock()
+        note3._id = 'test3'
+        note3.user_role = None
+        note3.page_regex = None
+        note3.page_tool_type = None
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note1, note2, note3]
+        get_note = ThemeProvider()._get_site_notification()
+        assert isinstance(get_note, tuple)
+        assert len(get_note) == 2
+        assert get_note[0] is note2
+        assert_equal(get_note[1], 'test2-1-False_test3-0-False')
+        # and with a cookie set
+        get_note = ThemeProvider()._get_site_notification(
+            site_notification_cookie_value='test2-3-True_test3-0-False'
+        )
+        assert isinstance(get_note, tuple)
+        assert len(get_note) == 2
+        assert get_note[0] is note3
+        assert_equal(get_note[1], 'test2-3-True_test3-1-False')
+    @patch('allura.model.notification.SiteNotification')
+    def test_get_site_notifications_with_api_cookie(self, SiteNotification):
+        note = MagicMock()
+        note._id = 'testid'
         note.user_role = None
         note.page_regex = None
         note.page_tool_type = None
-        request.cookies = {}
+        SiteNotification.actives.return_value = [note]
         get_note = ThemeProvider()._get_site_notification(
-            site_notification_cookie_value='test_id-1-False'
+            site_notification_cookie_value='testid-1-False'
         assert get_note[0] is note
-        assert get_note[1] == 'test_id-2-False'
+        assert get_note[1] == 'testid-2-False'
 class TestLocalAuthenticationProvider(object):
diff --git a/Allura/docs/getting_started/administration.rst b/Allura/docs/getting_started/administration.rst
index 6c35f6f..76469b7 100644
--- a/Allura/docs/getting_started/administration.rst
+++ b/Allura/docs/getting_started/administration.rst
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@
 the current page is matching regex :code:`(Home|browse_pages)` and app
 tool type is :code:`wiki`.  An "Impressions" value of 0 will show the
 notification indefinitely (until closed).  The notification content can contain
-HTML.  Only the most recent active notification will be shown.
-"User Role", "Page Regex" and "Page Type" are optional.
+HTML.  The most recent notification that is active and matches for the visitor
+will be shown.  "User Role", "Page Regex" and "Page Type" are optional.
 .. _delete-projects: